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Attempted Bag Snatch On A Female Cyclist This Morning In Nai Harn


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HI just want to let you know this story as was relayed to me by my friend who is friend with the woman and saw her after she was attacked.

She was riding her bicycle and had a small bag tied on the bike! Would be on Sai Yuan close to the mosque I think, (past Don's and the bend if you are coming from Kata)

A guy on a motorbike pulled up to her tried to grab the bag, dragged her and the bike

& gave up & rode off.

She was screaming NO ONe came to help. She got back on her bike he was

waiting at the top of the soi.

She rode away & managed to get to a friends house very near by. The police came and then people came out of the woodwork and said they had seen it and or heard here.

This is a fit 58 year women on a bike. She rides this route nearly daily.

The cops said they will check the CCTV. I hope she will go to the press just to make others aware.

In the meantime I have posted this. As she is friends with my friend who saw her after it happened I can say I believe the story.. and this is one of many instances of women being attacked in some way in the morning time (and not the dark morning time) in Nai Harn.

Be safe!

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This story reminds everyone - hide anything that others may think has any value.

Its unfortunate, but the Sai Yuan area is known to be a 'bad' area for thieves, muggers etc. Therefore it pays to exercise a little caution and hide your belongings.

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The location you describe is no where near Nai Harn ,as sad as it is for your friend your Title to this post is misleading and is not related to the location of the previous attacks in Nai Harn . Please check before posting as this type of post will scare many women who enjoy the Nai Harn hill and lake walks..... as for your friend i am glad she was not seriously injured and that the cops catch the attacker.

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Phuket........ hardly paradise is it !!!!!

As for the person who said that location is "No-where near Nai Harn" ???? So a few hundred meters is "No-where near" !!! :cheesy:

Nai Harn and Rawai are both notorious areas where muggings, bag snatching, house break ins etc goes off, hence why i choose not to live there even though i have to travel to Rawai 6 times/week...

Edited by Rickster
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The location you describe is no where near Nai Harn ,as sad as it is for your friend your Title to this post is misleading and is not related to the location of the previous attacks in Nai Harn . Please check before posting as this type of post will scare many women who enjoy the Nai Harn hill and lake walks..... as for your friend i am glad she was not seriously injured and that the cops catch the attacker.

Yes it is IN Nai Harn by my definition.. do YOu happen to know the exact boundary of Nai Harn?


G00d Girl I do remember your story very well. It stuck with me. I think you were grabbed at the lake in the morning YOu had the license plate number of the creep and when you reported it to the police they did nothing. Subsequently a report was made in a local news blog months after about the police tracing a license plate number. I do believe you even posted a reply to that report.

CDMTDM obviously you are NOT aware of what has happened in the past year or 2.

1. about a year ago a woman was jogging on the hill in the morning by the lake and there was a violent attack and attempted rape on her at about 730 in the morning

2. Another woman was attacked in her home in Nai Harn near Soi Kokmakam at 730 in the morning

3. The same women who was jogging was also pulled off her motoribke less then a year before, by Banana Corner. This was about 3 in the afternoon

4. G00dgirl also had the incident at the lake

5. Never mind my friends who have been home and had a stranger try to come in their house in the middle of the night - 2 that I know personally

This bicycle incident happened about 8am- 9am I think. Will try to get mroe details from my friend today as yesterday the woman was in shock.

It should be noted that these women are 40 ish, and 50ish and not naive girls on holiday. They were all living here.

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I could be wrong here, but, I don't think there is such a place as Nai Harn.

There is a Nai Harn beach which is administered by Rawai Or Bor Tor.

It's all Tambon Rawai.

Then there must be no place called Kata only Kata Beach.

Yes, correct. It's all administered by Karon Or Bor Tor.

I believe there are a collection of villages that are called Kata, but, as far as I know, there is no place, or, village called Nai Harn.

Twenty five years ago, the whole "Nai Harn" area was called Rawai which had a beach called Nai Harn which is named after something to do with soldiers.

Nai Harn beach was and is in Rawai.

The area that people call Nai Harn has only been called that since the housing boom.

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That is not always feasible... would be nice if just once they would catch someone.... as EVERYONE who is doing it seems to get away with it..

Sure many Thai girls probably do not even report it.

Were most of these attacks on farang women? My GF likes to run in the mornings around the lake, she says there are many people running there in the morning. But of course she doesn't take a bag with her to go running. She's Thai ex military though, might be the wrong woman to mess with...

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The location you describe is no where near Nai Harn ,as sad as it is for your friend your Title to this post is misleading and is not related to the location of the previous attacks in Nai Harn . Please check before posting as this type of post will scare many women who enjoy the Nai Harn hill and lake walks..... as for your friend i am glad she was not seriously injured and that the cops catch the attacker.

Yes it is IN Nai Harn by my definition.. do YOu happen to know the exact boundary of Nai Harn?


G00d Girl I do remember your story very well. It stuck with me. I think you were grabbed at the lake in the morning YOu had the license plate number of the creep and when you reported it to the police they did nothing. Subsequently a report was made in a local news blog months after about the police tracing a license plate number. I do believe you even posted a reply to that report.

CDMTDM obviously you are NOT aware of what has happened in the past year or 2.

1. about a year ago a woman was jogging on the hill in the morning by the lake and there was a violent attack and attempted rape on her at about 730 in the morning

2. Another woman was attacked in her home in Nai Harn near Soi Kokmakam at 730 in the morning

3. The same women who was jogging was also pulled off her motoribke less then a year before, by Banana Corner. This was about 3 in the afternoon

4. G00dgirl also had the incident at the lake

5. Never mind my friends who have been home and had a stranger try to come in their house in the middle of the night - 2 that I know personally

This bicycle incident happened about 8am- 9am I think. Will try to get mroe details from my friend today as yesterday the woman was in shock.

It should be noted that these women are 40 ish, and 50ish and not naive girls on holiday. They were all living here.

Yes i am very very aware as my wife walks the hill everyday , but your location of the attack is 3km away from Nai Harn Beach ....... not trying to ridicule just making it factual so we all know where and what is going on is accurate.......

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Anyway, back on topic.

Seems these daylight attacks have become more frequent over tha last couple of years. I think the answer is as Steelepulse stated. Women should have someone with them.

Or a stun gun. Christ, this place turning into Saudi or what?!

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i'm going to add this as another heads up...

i walk the nai harn lake frequently. during the week, usually between 6:30-7:30 in the evening, and weekend mornings between 7:30-9:00. last saturday morning, i was followed around the lake by an older thai man on a motorbike. he tried to talk to me, the typical "what's your name? you have boyfriend? where you go?" i ignored him and jogged away. make the second lap around the lake and he is waiting for me, so i turn back in the direction i came.

a few months ago, a thai man in a black truck grabbed a thai friend who was jogging late afternoon and tried to push her into his truck.

and, lastly, ladies beware..."the masturbator" is back. he comes out of the trees near the hill to ya nui beach. it doesn't matter what time of the day it is. he stands there, jerks off and tries to throw his semen on you. in the last month, i have seen him 4-5 times. he's an older guy who is often only wearing a t-shirt. and if you see him at night, chances are he will be standing underneath one of the lights doing his business.

an alternative to nai harn lake, which i have been checking out lately, is the rawai pier (or the chalong pier) as they both have lights and there are always people around.

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i'm going to add this as another heads up...

i walk the nai harn lake frequently. during the week, usually between 6:30-7:30 in the evening, and weekend mornings between 7:30-9:00. last saturday morning, i was followed around the lake by an older thai man on a motorbike. he tried to talk to me, the typical "what's your name? you have boyfriend? where you go?" i ignored him and jogged away. make the second lap around the lake and he is waiting for me, so i turn back in the direction i came.

a few months ago, a thai man in a black truck grabbed a thai friend who was jogging late afternoon and tried to push her into his truck.

and, lastly, ladies beware..."the masturbator" is back. he comes out of the trees near the hill to ya nui beach. it doesn't matter what time of the day it is. he stands there, jerks off and tries to throw his semen on you. in the last month, i have seen him 4-5 times. he's an older guy who is often only wearing a t-shirt. and if you see him at night, chances are he will be standing underneath one of the lights doing his business.

an alternative to nai harn lake, which i have been checking out lately, is the rawai pier (or the chalong pier) as they both have lights and there are always people around.

OMG:lol: How long does this jerk (pun intended) have 'to do his business' before there's enough 'stuff' to fling at you/any passerby? Just pop yourself up to Patong, get yourself a stun gun and take aim and fire, before this sad sack does. Jeez :huh:

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i'm going to add this as another heads up...

i walk the nai harn lake frequently. during the week, usually between 6:30-7:30 in the evening, and weekend mornings between 7:30-9:00. last saturday morning, i was followed around the lake by an older thai man on a motorbike. he tried to talk to me, the typical "what's your name? you have boyfriend? where you go?" i ignored him and jogged away. make the second lap around the lake and he is waiting for me, so i turn back in the direction i came.

a few months ago, a thai man in a black truck grabbed a thai friend who was jogging late afternoon and tried to push her into his truck.

and, lastly, ladies beware..."the masturbator" is back. he comes out of the trees near the hill to ya nui beach. it doesn't matter what time of the day it is. he stands there, jerks off and tries to throw his semen on you. in the last month, i have seen him 4-5 times. he's an older guy who is often only wearing a t-shirt. and if you see him at night, chances are he will be standing underneath one of the lights doing his business.

an alternative to nai harn lake, which i have been checking out lately, is the rawai pier (or the chalong pier) as they both have lights and there are always people around.

Jesus wept..

Thats crazy...

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it's crazy, but unfortunately, he's there. he's never thrown his "business" at me, but he has attempted to throw it at a friend. he's been reported to the chalong police for whatever it is worth. thought i'd add in my two cents so ladies continuously remember to be aware!

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it's crazy, but unfortunately, he's there. he's never thrown his "business" at me, but he has attempted to throw it at a friend. he's been reported to the chalong police for whatever it is worth. thought i'd add in my two cents so ladies continuously remember to be aware!

Really crazy, I'm very tempted to pass by one of these days/evenings and check this out myself.
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when i walk in the evenings when i get home from work, the sun has usually set. i often park my bike near the reggae bar and tell the boys to "look out for me"...they have all told me they have not seen him, but at least they are aware. he's often there around the hill to ya nui beach in the early mornings--between 5:30 and 6:30--and other friends have seen him late, late at night (like after midnight) standing underneath the street lights doing his business. and to be honest, it's not just this one thai guy. due to the fact that i am around the lake quite early or just a bit too late, i feel like i am a magnet for the crazies---i've seen more than one guy masturbating around nai harn lake (foreigner included), been followed by more than one creepy thai man and have also been told, by a foreigner, that the UFO's were coming. it takes all types, i guess. :rolleyes:

in all sincerity, i think it's really important for this sort of stuff to be posted so that all of us are aware and take care.

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in all sincerity, i think it's really important for this sort of stuff to be posted so that all of us are aware and take care.

Agreed.. That kind of warning far important than the usual griping..

I have to say I am a bit shocked.. I always pictured Nai Harn lake as a safe walkers kind of locale.

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i'm going to add this as another heads up...

i walk the nai harn lake frequently. during the week, usually between 6:30-7:30 in the evening, and weekend mornings between 7:30-9:00. last saturday morning, i was followed around the lake by an older thai man on a motorbike. he tried to talk to me, the typical "what's your name? you have boyfriend? where you go?" i ignored him and jogged away. make the second lap around the lake and he is waiting for me, so i turn back in the direction i came.

a few months ago, a thai man in a black truck grabbed a thai friend who was jogging late afternoon and tried to push her into his truck.

and, lastly, ladies beware..."the masturbator" is back. he comes out of the trees near the hill to ya nui beach. it doesn't matter what time of the day it is. he stands there, jerks off and tries to throw his semen on you. in the last month, i have seen him 4-5 times. he's an older guy who is often only wearing a t-shirt. and if you see him at night, chances are he will be standing underneath one of the lights doing his business.

an alternative to nai harn lake, which i have been checking out lately, is the rawai pier (or the chalong pier) as they both have lights and there are always people around.

Pretty brazen. Can't you just laugh at the size of it?

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