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Hey all!

Having an awful time with my skin at the moment - normally it's flawless. In the past haven't spent much time in the fresh bangkok air, so have never given my skin time to react to it :o . I'm amazed at the amount of dirt that comes of my face when I cleanse and tone - the london tube air has met its match :D . Anyway, used to use sk-ll, absolutely amazing stuff but impossible to get, so started using clinique as it's everywhere. Now I'm not too sure whether my skin is just reacting to using a new product, the air or both! Anyone have any ideas, as my beautician in oz is just impossible to reach B)

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I'm with you Nat, the longest I have ever spent in bangkok is one week. I would think with all the "extras" your skin is getting right now your best bet would be to minimize anything extra on your face. avoid anything too rich or moisturizing 'cause with all that extra "protection" your face is getting now it's probably retaining lots of moisture!

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Nat, carry some mild wet wipes around with you & cleanse your face several times a day, when you get home wash your face with a mild cleansing wash (nothing with gritty bits in it) & try to drink lots of water to hydrate! Theres not a lot you can do about your face coming into contact with the dirt & grime in Bangkok but a good moisturiser (I use vasalene intensive care with aloe vera) will keep the most of it off you skin & on the moisturiser instead.

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My skin is getting quite a belting :D , however always drink plenty of water, apart from being great for the skin it's the next best thing to cranberry juice :o (you girls will understand the significance of that B) ). I've been using pets-quick the face blotters and they seem to be helping. I did discover something new today which I'm very excited about, it's johnson's pure essentials shine-free face powder - my skin feels great! However, am a bit worried that it won't allow my skin to breathe (but I am living in bangkok B) ). Will keep you posted on the development of my skin - it's a bit like the process of getting a visa B)

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It's funny, when I was 16 and spotty I dreamed about the day when I would be an "adult" (I use that term loosely because I never really have grown up!) and no longer have pimples and skin problems. Now, I take it as a sign of nice, youthful skin. :o

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I believe we need a Miss Manners or Agony Aunt on this board who could answer pressing questions to do with etiquette, make-up, hair...all that stuff.

Here's my pressing issue. I have noticed Thais seldom blow their nose. Without getting into too much detail, this can present a problem during the cold season (we are in that now), when the problem of boogers (nasal passage obstructions - I'm trying to put this delicately) becomes worse, perhaps because the air is drier.

What do polite girls do in a public place like the bus or on the street when presented with this problem? You know, the itchy nose, the sensation of a foreign body being up there when it is not wanted. And what do girls do when they are just being themselves?

Girls are more polite than boys, which is why I ask. I know what boys would do, but in a public place it may not be convenient or even desirable.

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guess it depends on where you are, in the city I have seen girls politely blow their noses into hankies, out in the country, (esp the older ladies) blow their noses same as the men, all over the ground! :o me, I use a hankie but then I am not thai so perhaps I just don't have the knack to get enough pressure built up to blow far enough away to miss my shoes. ick!

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I was raised (or had the notion drilled into my head) that a lady never blows her nose in public - however, she must always carry a handkerchief :DB) . Must admit, even though we're humans and can't help biology, still do not think it's polite to blow one's nose in public, especially those big honker ones. I know that sounds awful and admit have had to blow my nose in public, but always feel uncomfortable. Personally when confronted with the itchy nose, foreign bodies, etc, think it's best to grin and bare it until you reach home, toilet (pref empty) or secluded place where you can blow your rhino until your heart's content B) .

Would have to agree that little girls are more polite than little boys (aren't they made of snips and snails, and puppy dog tails?) B) well at least in regards to my students. The girls are always perfect ladies (feel very proud :o ), but the boys are something else. On the whole they aren't too bad, but just today I was speaking to one who had no problem sticking his finger up his nose and giving it a good pick (I just handed him a tissue and told him to continue with his work).

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hi Nat, must admit it doesn't look cute to blow your nose in public...

but what advice do you have when sitting in a restaurant and eating very hot food and the nose is running constantly? :D

I always feel like I want to stuff tissue in both my nostrils :o

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(I just handed him a tissue and told him to continue with his work).

His work being picking his nose, or his school studies? You can do both while holding a tissue, of course.

By the way, Miss Manners, I think your advice on this and other troubling issues raised in this thread is excellent.

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elfe Posted on Tue 2003-12-02, 12:25:06

  hi Nat, must admit it doesn't look cute to blow your nose in public...

but what advice do you have when sitting in a restaurant and eating very hot food and the nose is running constantly? 

I always feel like I want to stuff tissue in both my nostrils  

Elfie, I think this problem can be sorted by politely raising the tissue to your nose whilst covering most of it with your hand (similar to the way thais use a tooth pick after a meal) & having a good wipe. Don't blow, not if there are others eating in the same place as you. :D

Nat, people blowing their nose really loudly in public is one of my pet hates too, but whats even worse is when they then examine the contents of their tissue or hankie afterwards! Urgh :o

btw, mrrentoul, where you been lately, the BKK post keeping you too busy these days?

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Don't blow, not if there are others eating in the same place as you. 

quite right, nose blowing is considered a filthy habit especially when performed in a public place and will only serve to reinforce among thais the opinion that the falang is a blot on the human landscape.

such behaviour is best left to taxi drivers (who excel in the one handed blow manoeuvre) and the police.

when faced with a "curry nose " situation, the judiciously timed backsniff is the manoeuvre of choice. with practice this can be executed almost silently and has the added benefit of retaining the nasal waste internally for natural recycling.

if all else fails, one should only eat at one of those tin table type cafes where people chuck the bones on the floor and table manners are left out in the street.

then one can concentrate on enjoying the meal.

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when faced with a "curry nose " situation, the judiciously timed backsniff is the manoeuvre of choice. with practice this can be executed almost silently and has the added benefit of retaining the nasal waste internally for natural recycling.
Oh my God, now I've read it all!
then examine the contents of their tissue or hankie afterwards! Urgh

Yes...disgusting. I was in the bus the other day and forced to watch as the guy in front kept picking, scouring, then examining. Went on like this for 20 minutes. Thankfully the light was dim so I could not see the contents...

btw, mrrentoul, where you been lately, the BKK post keeping you too busy these days?

I was waiting for the seafarer to leave, and for Dave to get bored. Dave's now been banned and the seafarer has moved on to other shores (I guess), so it's safe to come back.

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(I just handed him a tissue and told him to continue with his work).

His work being picking his nose, or his school studies? You can do both while holding a tissue, of course.

By the way, Miss Manners, I think your advice on this and other troubling issues raised in this thread is excellent.

I believe in encouraging problem solving skills in my class, so let him decide for himself - thankfully for me his spare hand was gripped round a pencil, rather than up his nose :D . Also mrentoul thank you for the kind words - it's very sweet of you.

elfe, think there are a few possibilities when encountered with the runny nose from hot food. Once the nose starts to run, discretely cover your nose with a tissue or handkerchief (as ladies we always carry these :o ), politely excuse yourself and retreat to the ladies where you can blow your nose and give it a chance to stop running. Ones eyes may be a little red and puffy (depending on the hotness of the food and individual reaction), so one can splash a bit of water on them and let them settle (also allows one to retouch their make-up if need be). Once one has returned to their seat (and apologised for taking their time) it's probably best to avoid continuing to eat the hot food. This however all depends on the company one is with and the restaurant. For instance, if one is on a date or with people they want to impress, best to avoid all hot food (it's a bit like spaghetti) - don't want them to be focusing on your eating abilities B). Also, have to agree with Boo one should never blow their nose around people eating. If one is aware they are susceptible to the "curry nose" probably best to reserve eating this delicacy at home.

taxexile, think it would take great skill to master the backsniffing you so eloquently described B)

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one can splash a bit of water on them and let them settle

Some Thais look very tidy, even when their drinking and behaviour would suggest they are past their best. Last night I was drinking with a friend at a local outdoors shop when a middle-aged guy at the table next to us stood up suddenly to vomit. He threw up a few times, then did the nose thing (one finger over nostril, blow), straightened his shirt and that was that...as good as new!

A young guy at the same table rubbed his back but really didn't need to straighten him out, as he looked fine. Oh, and water: he washed out his mouth and rinsed his face. Thirty seconds later, they were off. He did not appear to be staggering and could have walked into a business meeing or whatever and passed himself off as perfectly sane and sober (I reckon, judging by his dress and appearance).

Why can't I be that smooth?

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mrentoul I'm sure you have plenty of smoothness :o .

I have some male friends who during a drinking session will go and heave and then continue drinking. However, they always look rough as guts and there's no way they could sit through a meeting let alone pronounce a single word without slurring it. Think one must be born with the talent to look coherent and presentable after one too many drinks.

Actually the other night went out for a few drinks with some friends (males as don't really know females in bangkok). Anyway, I paced myself and they ended up drinking more than me. By the end of the night I was the one who had to make sure they got home ok (even had to drag one into the cab and attempt to explain to the driver where to drop him off). At that moment wished splashing some water on their face would've been the magic cure :D

I've got to that point now (well I hope I have) that when things start spinning and feel the need to hug the porcelain bowl, I stop drinking, jump in the first cab and get home asap. Think we've all got our disaster stories (I know I have) - my goal now is for damage control to kick in straight away, so I can at least save some dignity B)

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Think we've all got our disaster stories (I know I have) - my goal now is for damage control to kick in straight away, so I can at least save some dignity
I have two work friends who are both soaks. I am sure they won't mind me calling them that.

Anyway, when they drink it's for keeps. One in particular won't go home before 6. By that time I have had more than enouigh, but on it goes.

When we have these marathon drinking sessions I usually do silly things that make me feel embarrassed the next day.

I think I drink to excess and behave like a child because my life is stressful. That's today's excuse, anyway.

At that moment wished splashing some water on their face would've been the magic cure

I suspect all sensible girls carry a bottle of water for emergencies just such as that one.

have some male friends who during a drinking session will go and heave and then continue drinking.

Can't imagine that. Just too awful.

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I think I drink to excess and behave like a child because my life is stressful.

That's my excuse also :D . However, most people would argue that I'm too young to know what real stress is (which in a way makes it ok to act like a child B) ). The way I see it, being a female I'm automatically disadvantaged in a male dominated society therefore constantly experiencing stress which is relieved by the odd drink or two (thereby justifying my excuse B) ).

By the way, my skin is looking great. A kind forum member informed me that I could find sk-ll at emporium, which I did and was over the moon. I've tried most products on the market (bit too much spare time on my hands) but have to say sk-ll is amazing. I know all skin types are different and what works for one person may not work for another - am glad and content with my product :o .

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You could ask one of the Thai guys who lives with me - or just about any Thai guy, for that matter, regardless of sexual preference - what he does for skincare.

My guy spends about 30mins in front of the mirror, probably longer than the girls in my building.

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Gotta say I must have married the least vain thai guy in the history of thailand. His beauty regime consists of trimming his beard (more of a thai style goatee) & clipping his finger nails on a sunday only (something to do with buddha) & thats about it! Obviously he showers regulary but if I should have, shock horror, run out of soap, & he has to use my shower gel, he has a big grumble about smelling like a girl, I once bought him DKNY underarm deoderant & he looked at me as if I had 2 heads, & the pair of real levis I bought him on my last trip to the UK only got saved from having the bottoms cut off by my threatening him with a slap if he did it. Saying that, I can't complain cause it means I get the bathroom/mirror to myself & if i time it properly, we can be ready at exactly the same time for going out, so no arguments about either one of us having to wait!

Back to the drinks bit though, I had a female friend in the Uk who used to drink so much that she would (social vomit) in a bar, she would be in the middle of a sentance & all of a sudden retch & put her head under the table & vomit, she would then sit back up & carry on the conversation where she left off, after a while this got too much so that no one wanted to go out with her anymore. yuk! :o

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Some Thais don't do the deoderant thing, because they are naturally beautiful and lovely and don't need to wear it.

As for the nails, something similar applies to hair cuts...some Thais won't get the hair cut on a Monday, for example. I can't remember the day now, and it probably applies to older folk only, but there it is. Thought to bring bad luck.

the pair of real levis I bought him on my last trip to the UK only got saved from having the bottoms cut off by my threatening him with a slap if he did it.
Your guy sounds interesting...minimalist. Minimal fuss, attention, clothing...

I like Thai guys with long hair. I like Thai girls with long hair. I imagine long hair could be a pain for the wearer, though, because it gets so hot here.

I met a guy last night who changes his hair style every six months, when he goes to the hairdresser. I need to go every three weeks or so, he goes every six months! Anyway, last time he got a hairstyle like the lead singer in Clash, with the middle part spiked up.

This time around he has let it go natural. He is parted in the middle and it is very long and floppy in front. He says it is almost time for his next six-monthly visit.

she would be in the middle of a sentance & all of a sudden retch & put her head under the table & vomit, she would then sit back up & carry on the conversation where she left off, after a while this got too much so that no one wanted to go out with her anymore

How bizarre. I think you should at least try to finish your sentence first, and if you have to be sick on the spot you should have the decency to start a new topic when you resume upright posture. Vomiting under the table is not the most natural thing in the world, even if some girls think it is, so such behaviour is likely to shock.

I hardly ever get to the stage of vomiting, but as I said below I do do stupid stuff. Even when I am sober I do stupid stuff. I agreed to see a friend the other day, someone I have not seen outside work. I should have asked where she lives first - it's miles away! A two-hour trek at least. She's drawn me a map, so I won't get lost, but I also can't really say no...

By the way, when girls are drinking, and the toilets are dirty and/or wet, do you complain? Guys can always stand, so it's not the same for them. Girls prefer to sit, so if the toilet is unclean then that could be awkward.

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By the way, when girls are drinking, and the toilets are dirty and/or wet, do you complain? Guys can always stand, so it's not the same for them. Girls prefer to sit, so if the toilet is unclean then that could be awkward.

We're all mates no secrets between us so will divulge my lavatory habits :o - unless it is my toilet or one which I know has been given a good scrub I will never make contact with the seat. Yes, this can be very uncomfortable, but it does give the thighs a great workout :D .

Speaking of guys and skincare, my ex was never into it but he was fascinated by my regime. I must admit the best skincare advice I used to receive was from a gay friend in london - if it wasn't for him I wouldn't have a clue about sk-ll.

I always do silly things, with or without alcohol. Would have to say one of my greatest accomplishments, when I was completely smashed, was getting a cab from Bromley (Kent) to Fulham (London) for 16 quid (without attempting to bargain). The thing is I had no idea I was in Bromely - think the cab driver realised this and took pity on the drunk aussie B)

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We're all mates no secrets between us so will divulge my lavatory habits  - unless it is my toilet or one which I know has been given a good scrub I will never make contact with the seat.

You must have strong thighs! Like the woman who crushed people to death between her legs in that James Bond film, powerful thighs could come in useful for little emergencies.

The funny thing is, even though I am a guy and can stand, I don't like doing so, because I miss or get wet from splash-back (new word). Like girls, I get irritated when guys leave the seat up, and even more irritated when someone puts the lid down.

The only time the lid should come down is when a photographer from Home and Garden is in your toilet taking pictures, and then I would grab someone and ask him to sit on the lid (clothed) or stick a large pot plant on top rather than leaving a lid exposed.

Maybe I am getting too close to the bowl. Going in your pants is another option but not high on the comfort scale.

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mrentoul, just as an fyi, its one of those 'unknown to guys' female things. most of us have had much practice not sitting on a seat. too many bars, nightclubs and even very busy shopping centers. its something most of us girls learn from a very early age, i guess like most guys learn to miss their shoes. :o

nat, what exactly is sk-II? I live out in the boonies and have for years. all the latest beauty innovations have passed me by. and are generally unavailable anyway! :D

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as I said below I do do stupid stuff. Even when I am sober I do stupid stuff

I think I'll start a thread or side-topic on embarrassing confessions, related to risky and stupid behaviour, especially when drunk.

I drink at little outdoor shops, mainly, because they are fun and cheap. I drink close to Khao San Rd. We get lots of traffic - girls turning up in samlors looking for customers.

Girls see prospect, most attractive one hops out, others wait. If she is successful everyone goes off together. If not, the girl hops back in and they move off somewhere else.

I met someone here, who lived nearby. Had to climb on back of a motorbike to get to his soi, and somewhere along the way lost my cellphone. Next day realise phone is missing and call number. Someone answers and hangs up.

Find out about a week later that you can cancel SIM cards even in card phones like this one. Way too late, it turns out, as the young man who picked up my phone and refused to return it had burned his way through the B600 stored in the phone. You have the top up the credit in these phones, B300 every month, and if you don't use it the credit just keeps building until it is as big as your mortgage.

I am getting sidetracked. Find out a week later I can cancel SIM card. A Thai friend who was with me tries number again and the young thief answers. My friend says politely that the phone belongs to a westerner and would he like to return it. ''Pii...dtalok!''

Needless to say he wasn't going to return the phone. So, cancelled card, by which time all of about three baht is left in phone, and transferred to my new cellphone my old number, which my Thai friends say is a lucky one (so lucky I lost the phone).

Latest incident happened last night when I was walking close to my drinking spot and a dog bit me.

I have never been bitten by a dog before. I thought dogs liked me...seems not. Drew blood. Hobbled back to shop, friend suggests I drink problem away. I decide hospital a better bet, head there instead, and of course they ask if I have been drinking. Yes...so no sympathy there.

Head home. Thai friend has bought me drugs and spent five minutes patiently explaining which one to take before a meal and which one after. I think I just took the wrong one.

Thai friend thinks dog bit me because I was walking funny (ie drunk). Another Thai friend suggests unkindly that I must have kicked dog (untrue - I like...er, liked - dogs).

Back at shop, when I am ready to start off again, tin-soldier style, battery recharged, owner kindly points me in opposite direction towards waiting cab.

Actually, I hobbled. It hurt.

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Thais have this webboard thing sorted out - heaps of sites, and they get thousands of posts a week. Pantip.com, mthai.com, sanook.com and so on it goes.

We were talking here a while ago about Miss Manners-style advice. Plenty on these Thai boards. Here's a sample from one board:

Are men who use the toilet rather than stand by the urinal effeminate?

Why will a woman always look at a man's groin before his face (obviously from a man)?

We were friends for ages and then suddenly he started going out with ladyboys. What should I do?

Why is the pale Chinese look popular these days (presumably from someone who hasn't got one)?

Do girls prefer men cute, or handsome?

And so on. Wish we could get some of that here.

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nat, what exactly is sk-II?

The sk-ll story:

Once upon a time (1970's :o ) there lived a Japanese scientist. One day he noticed an elderly lady working in a sake brewery, in particular her wrinkled faced. However, the thing that caught his attention was that she had delicate, baby smooth hands (these same hands were daily absorbed in the yeast used in the brewing process). This is when it struck the scientist......the secret to beautiful complexion was in the hands :D . Anyway over the following 5 years he conducted testing and created Pitera. This stuff helps restore the skin's natural rhythm to its 28 day metabolic cycle. Basically, it restores your natural glow (bit like pregnancy B) ) and leaves your complexion crystal clear.

I first heard about this product through a gay friend while living in london. He was obsessed with Sophie Ellis-Bextor (actually with her skin) so asked her what she used and first heard the words sk-ll. I've only seen it a few times in mags, but is a product widely used by celebraties and completely understand why B).

As I've mentioned before, everyone's skin is different but if you do come across it just test it out - I've never been more satisfied in my life (well, skincare wise anyway B) )

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I think I'll start a thread or side-topic on embarrassing confessions, related to risky and stupid behaviour, especially when drunk.

I wouldn't even know where to start! Seriously have lost count - won't even reveal my nickname in soho, esp old cromptom B)

All I can say is that I'm lucky I've never broken any bones (knock on wood), just some serious bruises. Believe last time I was on samet (and quite bored) decided to see whether I could pole dance (didn't have an audience, well hope I didn't :o ) using the wooden pole which held up the roof. Sang som makes one feel invincible and was actually quite successful B) . Anyway in the morning woke up with my arms black and blue - not quite bright sometimes :D

mrentoul I like those questions, for some scary reason can relate to them - think I've watched one too many episodes of sex and the city. I'll try and think of some that I've heard friends mention B)

ps hope the dog bite is better

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