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Sorry to disappoint Nat, but there is absolutely no self-discipline involved, none of those things appeal. NOW if you asked me to give up chocolate I would probably have to kill you :o . But then, I justify myself by saying, I don't smoke, don't drink, don't sunbathe and am not overweight so I can have my chocolate!. Got really excited yesterday when I found Reese's peanut butter cups in the local supermarket. Couldn't believe my eyes! I have never seen them in Asia before. They got a little melty on the way home but after popping them in the fridge to re-form, MMMMM! :D Amazing how great the little things can be here.

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NOW if you asked me to give up chocolate I would probably have to kill you :o .

Now chocolate is something I could easily give up :D . Only crave it at that time of the month, besides it also triggers my migraines (esp dark chocolate). Only discovered this after being given a bag of chocolate from the Cadbury's factory - apart from the headaches was also throwing up for about a week. :D

Apparently chocolate releases the same endorphins as sex (understand why you like it sbk :D ) - guess I have to stick to the real thing seeings one gives me a headache :D

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  • 3 months later...
Hey Nat, you really got me wanting to try the SK II now! :D And how did you find Johnson's pure essentials shine-free face powder ?

I should be their sales rep :D

The face powder does the trick of eliminating the shine, however it dries up my skin and accentuates the fine lines :o (then again, I could just be paranoid :D). Don't use it often as my skin is looking great at the mo :D

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Yeah maybe you should, Nat! :D I checked their website the other day, took the little test they offer so I got an idea of products I should be using for my skin type (dry, wrinkling, aging, sagging, freckling, spotting... :D:o:D Anyway, the next time I'm in Bkk, I'll go check at the Emporium cosmetic counters...

Just avoid using the powder nearby the eye zone :D

note: I had to resend this post a few times because it kept saying: "You have posted a message with more emoticons that this board allows. Please reduce the number of emoticons you've added to the message". Must try to control my emotions a bit, huh?...

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Apparently chocolate releases the same endorphins as sex (understand why you like it sbk :D )

What do you mean, Nat?

Sbk likes it because she likes the alternative way of releasing those endorphins


Sbk likes it because she can not get enough of the alternative...


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Just avoid using the powder nearby the eye zone

Funny you should mention that due to my irrational fear of crows feet :D

Have to admit you're not the only convert :D - a good friend used to be a professional dancer so here skin is quite damaged from all the stage makeup and swears by the stuff (along with everyone else who tries it :D).

Bluecat - one can't get enough of a good thing :o as sbk has confirmed :D

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Nat, we share the same fear, that's why! :D  Except that you still have great skin while I am already drying and wrinkling and sagging and drying...  :o

According to Vogue it won't be so great if I continue drinking :D.

Actually it's the uv I'm worried about, have an aversion to putting on sunscreen - think it’s due to a childhood of my mum basting me in it and zinc before being allowed to go and have fun (I’m unconsciously rebelling :D).

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No wonder your skin is great!! I hope you thank your mom over and over!!! What sunblock do you use? I used to use Shiseido's Anessa (great because it's not oily) but now I am using something less fancy which works as well (I think... I hope!)

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What sunblock do you use?

(I’m hanging my head in shame as I write this :o) apart from my facial moisturiser (with spf) I rarely ever wear sunscreen. However, on the odd occasion I do worry about getting burnt to a crisp I wear Aveda’s sunscreen – not greasy and smells lovely.

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I finally discovered how to prevent my extremely fair skin from burning on my last trip to LOS. I carefully observed the local ladies, on the streets and in a couple of drugstores. I looked at how much of what was available on drugstore shelves.

So I quit wearing my SPF 30 sunscreen, which got into my eyes and burned when I perspired. I did wear Oil of Olay whitening UVA/B sunblock lotion and a cream/powder foundation with titanium dioxide as the one of the first two ingredients. It wasn't really the right shade, too yellow, really, but it worked. I used moisturizing whitening lotion with UVA/B sunblock under my sunscreen on my non-facial exposed skin. I have since replaced the foundation with one purchased here that is a better match for my skin. I'm trying to train myself to always put it on before I set foot out of my door.

I want to add that I have Clinique type 1 skin. I am 51, but I look more like late thirties. I sometimes wonder what my skin would look like if I hadn't spent so many years in the Philippines, California, and Florida without using sunscreen regularly . I would sunburn in 15 minutes flat on a bright day in the Philippines.

I did make my daughter wear sunscreen every time she left the house in the Philippines. It took her a couple of minor sunburns to truly understand that even with sunscreen she just couldn't stay out as long as her friends. She was good about it after that.

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In oz I was raised on “slip, slop, slap” (slip on a shirt, slop on some sunscreen and slap on a hat) – still the best protection.

Cathy your skin must be very sensitive if you’re Type 1. I’m 2 and my sister is 3 (she’s got olive skin like my mother – I’m the milkman’s kid :o). Boo also recommended wearing foundation and totally believe her as she’s got great skin :D.

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