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Foreign Tourists' Arrivals Expected To Increase By 20-30 Per Cent

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Foreign tourists' arrivals expected to increase by 20-30 per cent

BANGKOK: -- International arrivals are expected to soar by 20-30 per cent in the approaching high season, assuming no political tensions get in the way, the Association of Thai Travel Agents said Thursday.

"If there is no further political turmoil, operators hope this year's high season will be a good one for tourism," ATTA president Surapol Sritrakul said.


-- The Nation 2010-09-30

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International arrivals are expected to soar by 2030 per cent in the approaching high season

Bloody hel_l. That'll be a battle royal for the sunbeds then.

BANGKOK: -- International arrivals are expected to soar by 2030

You sure something didn't get lost in translation and they really meant by the year 2030... :whistling:


Did not TAT just come out and said less than 8%.:whistling:

Thanks for that confirmation,I was thinking about seeing a Doctor,to check me out for Altzeimers.


Did not TAT just come out and said less than 8%.:whistling:

TAT said 8% over five years. The Association of Thai Travel Agents are saying 20% to 30% in the forthcoming high season. Presumably they think nobody's going to take any notice of plunging exchange rates worldwide. :sick:


Am I the only person here thinking <deleted> , they release a statement before saying it was up , then release another statement saying it was down from there original figures then revert to saying it is higher then there first report !!! Can someone please sack and slap the pr officer at TAT


Am I the only person here thinking <deleted> , they release a statement before saying it was up , then release another statement saying it was down from there original figures then revert to saying it is higher then there first report !!! Can someone please sack and slap the pr officer at TAT

What possible reason could the Thai Assoc. of Travel Agents have for taking any notice of anything said by the TAT ??

"Amusing Thailand " one of the key tasks of the TAT


Did not TAT just come out and said less than 8%.:whistling:

That's old news. In today's fast moving, twitter-tastic world projections change in a blink of an eye. What was true 12 hours ago no longer applies.

But it's all cyclic and by tomorrow morning they'll be a story on arrivals predicted to be down 10%.

( The sole purpose of TAT and ATTA seems to be to keep The Nation's journalists in jobs. )


It doesn't say what the 20=30% increase is based on. Last year's high season figures? It could be the last three months' figures in which case the increase could be as significant as they have suggested.


What do Thais think of farang intelligence?

Do they think they can always just say anything and we fall for it?

Example...tourists wil blah blah blah and the next day its...tourists will halb halb halb!!!

They do not think we can read...do math...use reasoning!

Example...we found DNA of politicians on the bomb evidence!

Maybe these bombers could visit TAT and leave some DNA. Just a thought for the people who invented...

Amazing Thailand


Confused :huh:

International arrivals or tourist arrivals?

Is every passenger arriving in the Kingdom automatically counted a tourist?

If one arrives in Thailand, does it mean that he or she is a tourist, does he or she stay in the Kingdom,

or does he or she catch the next transport to a another destination in the region after being counted as tourist arrival?

And or course counted again when returning to their home country.


Rather confusing to me. The hub of information seems to be spinning around in every direction except the right one! :lol:


Did not TAT just come out and said less than 8%.:whistling:

LOL, Yeah it was up by 8 or 13 then down by about the same amount and now up by 20-30, amazingly enough all in the same week.

To be honest Amazing Thailand may find this high season NOT as amazing as they planning or hoping for, mainly due to exchange rate, and almost weekly bombs around BKK, BUT then again if in 1 week the % changed 3 times, the arrivals may go up by 100%;)


Why don't they just save all the pratting about and have a standard press handout "Tourist arrivals are expected to be up from between -25% and +100%".

Trot it out four times a yer.

It will be just as meaningful and probably a darn sight more accurate.


I wish it were true      :welcomeani:




I did read it before I was asked to register and then leave myself open to receiving lorry loads of spam. The bit about ''lonely US servicemen with pockets full of money' made my heart bleed. Were they all emotional basket cases? My experience of service life was that I was surrounded by shipmates, friends and buddies. Lonely? Never. At times it was a relief to get away and have my own unshared space for a while. Friendships made then have endured for nearly 60 years. 

If anybody takes heart from this BS article I conclude that sadly you are consumed with  false optimism. Trying to turn Sodom and Gomarrah into the Garden of Eden is doomed to failure. As the TAT official said "Pattaya makes money" - ask any politician or cop. All other considerations are secondary.


The usual Thai Visa response of assuming that Thai tourism is dead in the water. Yes 20% is a bit ridiculous, but lift your heads out of your beers guys - this is a boom tourist economy, just not the type of tourism that you recognise. Just because your mate owning a bar or hotel in Pattaya is having a hard time or because falang resorts are not attracting Europeans or Yanks doth not a tourist disaster make.

Look around you next time you go to Swampy - I reckon it is at least twice as busy as it was 4 years ago (I pass through it at least monthly). They are mostly Asian (Korean, Chinese, Japanese particularly) or Indian tourists and I am betting that the TV response to that is that they don't count as they don't spend the kind of money that falangs do - another piece of TV falang stupidity - wake up to where the real money is now people! We old economy types are not as important to the world as we once were - get used to it.

Rant over:lol:


The usual Thai Visa response of assuming that Thai tourism is dead in the water. Yes 20% is a bit ridiculous, but lift your heads out of your beers guys - this is a boom tourist economy, just not the type of tourism that you recognise. Just because your mate owning a bar or hotel in Pattaya is having a hard time or because falang resorts are not attracting Europeans or Yanks doth not a tourist disaster make.

Look around you next time you go to Swampy - I reckon it is at least twice as busy as it was 4 years ago (I pass through it at least monthly). They are mostly Asian (Korean, Chinese, Japanese particularly) or Indian tourists and I am betting that the TV response to that is that they don't count as they don't spend the kind of money that falangs do - another piece of TV falang stupidity - wake up to where the real money is now people! We old economy types are not as important to the world as we once were - get used to it.

Rant over:lol:

Are you applying for a job with TAT? I think with your post, you should have no problem getting it.

Looking forward to your forecasts from your new job at TAT

PS. All those Korean, Chinese, Japanese particularly or Indian tourists that you mentioned, their money would count if it actually left airport and they were not there waiting for a connecting flight or a stop over on a flight to/from Europe or USA.

Personally i have hardly seen any Japanese in particular groups walking around BKK or Pattaya or Phuket unless of course they all go for a holiday in Isaan and Indian tourists are huge spenders, especially when some buy a small bottle of water for 7 baht to share between 6 people

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What do Thais think of farang intelligence?

Do they think they can always just say anything and we fall for it?

Example...tourists wil blah blah blah and the next day its...tourists will halb halb halb!!!

They do not think we can read...do math...use reasoning!

Example...we found DNA of politicians on the bomb evidence!

Maybe these bombers could visit TAT and leave some DNA. Just a thought for the people who invented...

Amazing Thailand

Well ... they instinctively presume that it's exactly the same as their own perception and awareness.

People who aren't very clever usually think they're smart because they're not clever enough to realise different.


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