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Overstay! Pattaya One Strongly Stands By Immigration Story


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Overstay! Pattaya One strongly stands by Immigration story

- Pattaya One Subforum launched

- Issue #1 ready for download here!

Pattaya One’s interactive forum has opened in the Pattaya section of ThaiVisa.com’s website http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/forum/157-pattayaone/'>http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/forum/157-pattayaone/

Intended to host each copy of Pattaya One in a downloadable PDF format here, with the ability for online readers to comment on the publication and its content, the forum is expected to be an extremely popular addition to what is already Thailand’s most popular website.

Says Howard Miller of Pattaya One: “We are very excited to be going live with our first edition today, and for it to be hosted by ThaiVisa.com.”

“Through our joint venture, we have already made a significant impact online with the exclusive release of our headline immigration story to ThaiVisa last week. To date this has received 47,000 individual hits worldwide, confirming the reasons we wanted to partner with ThaiVisa, for its national and international reach.

“We 100% stand by the veracity of that news story, even though we have seen uninformed and erroneous comments elsewhere in Thailand’s English language news media”.

“We hope that readers of the hard copy publication and its online version will enjoy what we have worked hard to produce, and that our advertisers will also be pleased with Pattaya One”.

Barry Main, marketing manager for ThaiVisa said “the fresh new look and excellent content of Pattaya One marks a dramatic change in Pattaya publications”. He added: “We are very excited to be partnering with Pattaya One for this venture. We see it as a great addition to the expanding news and entertainment platform of ThaiVisa”.

Featuring the best columnists and writers in Pattaya and Bangkok, Pattaya One is the latest addition to Pattaya One News’s growing media presence. It will represent a dynamic addition to the print media market in Pattaya.

ThaiVisa.com owns Asia’s largest expatriate-oriented community website, with over 100,000 registered members. Launched in 2002, the ThaiVisa Expat Forum today boasts more than 35,000 unique visitors per day and serves more than four and half million pages per month. In addition to its very active forum, ThaiVisa also operates hotel booking services, insurance services and online classified ads.

ThaiVisa.com has similar news and content arrangements in place with The Nation, Associated Press and Phuket Gazette.

Pattaya One


Howard Miller



Barry Main,

Marketing Director

Issue 1 is out now, Download it in PDF format here:


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Partial Quote From the Pattaya One story:

Nonetheless, it is being stated quite unequivocally that anyone on overstay exceeding 42 days (six weeks) will be arrested. They will then spend at the very least one or two days behind bars while waiting for the necessary paperwork to be processed. Most will eventually spend some time inspecting the stripy sunlight at the Immigration Detention Centre (IDC) in Bangkok.

End Quote

But what immigration official(s) is making the statement...the article don't say. Wonder if the source (which Pattaya One does not identify) is a valid source.

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Partial Quote From the Pattaya One story:

Nonetheless, it is being stated quite unequivocally that anyone on overstay exceeding 42 days (six weeks) will be arrested. They will then spend at the very least one or two days behind bars while waiting for the necessary paperwork to be processed. Most will eventually spend some time inspecting the stripy sunlight at the Immigration Detention Centre (IDC) in Bangkok.

End Quote

But what immigration official(s) is making the statement...the article don't say. Wonder if the source (which Pattaya One does not identify) is a valid source.

Yes that is the point. Many 'officials' say many things only to find it isn't uniform across the board in their service.

So no doubt someone said this to Pattaya One, but if it wasn't Thailand Head Of Immigration, and he has pushed this definitively down stream, then it's like a wildcat strike, some areas will have service others may not.

Edited by animatic
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Haven't we just had this viral marketing a week ago?

Only this time we get the Pattaya One to download directly into Outlook...

Seriously this is getting worse week on week...:jerk:

BTW, since Chiang Mai has some of its own visa issues at the moment, the question above has been posed at the local immigration and was denied on several occasions.

Off to cancel my TV subscription...:spamsign::redcard1:

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Have there been any reports of people attempting to leave with long overstays lately? Are people really going to jail?

I think this is just shameless fear mongering by Pattaya One and ThaiVisa to bring interest to their publication.

<deleted> the 'news' today was nothing more than an advertisement for Pattaya One, it said basically nothing about Immigration or Overstaying.

Yes, people are going to jail for overstay when attempting to leave.

Did you download the PDF version with the full story?

Here it is:


George, you must have a different copy than the version published on the link. I don't see anything new here or actual jail sentences being handed down.

Short jail stays for overstays are handed down every day.

Please post your editorial questions direct to Pattaya One team here:


OK, I'll put it here! Where is this article any different to the one issue last week, they have NOT proven to me that anything has changed!
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He said...she said!

Rule number one of journalism is Who What When Where Why and How.

Tell us the story with facts and details or dont bother.

Are you a News-paper or just selling ads?

BTW... How about some dam_n follow up on stories.

Like the Italian...no...Russian lady who had a home invasion?

Who was she really?

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Are you a News-paper or just selling ads?

This is the reply i got to an earlier query.

Hi Farma,

Your comment that the writing style:

" ...suggests the information contained in the article was overheard in a pub."

knowing who wrote it, you may be right.

However, the article was written in our house style, and we weren't prepared to change it. We aren't a "newspaper" as such, and certainly not a serious one, but we are happy for other publications to take our stories and to write them more seriously, as we focus on entertaining our readers and primarily reflecting life in Pattaya.

Although we agree it may look a bit odd put up as a (surprisingly popular) Thai Visa news item, if you read the paper, you will see it in context.

We hope our readers will enjoy the paper as much as we have enjoyed compiling it. We are lucky to have the best writers and columnists in Thailand writing for us.

Best wishes,

Pattaya One Team

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I think most of the posts on this topic are missing the point entirely. The main takeaway for me is that many foreigners seem to think they can overstay as long as they like, fork over some cash and board a plane home. Overstaying a few days or so is one thing; but weeks/months, even a year??? What arrogance on the part visitors to Thailand who think such behavior is OK and that the Thai authorities should accomodate their flagrant intransigence. Such behavior is an insult to the Thai people, and foreigners who actually comply with the law. Personally, those who overstay beyond a few weeks should have the book thrown at them; jail time and a hefty fine. And perhaps being banned from being allowed to return to the Kingdom.

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I think most of the posts on this topic are missing the point entirely.

IMO that's incorrect. Debate on the overstay issue has been beaten to death elsewhere. What we are on about here is the validity of the headline and creditability of the subject matter.
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I think most of the posts on this topic are missing the point entirely. The main takeaway for me is that many foreigners seem to think they can overstay as long as they like, fork over some cash and board a plane home. Overstaying a few days or so is one thing; but weeks/months, even a year??? What arrogance on the part visitors to Thailand who think such behavior is OK and that the Thai authorities should accomodate their flagrant intransigence. Such behavior is an insult to the Thai people, and foreigners who actually comply with the law. Personally, those who overstay beyond a few weeks should have the book thrown at them; jail time and a hefty fine. And perhaps being banned from being allowed to return to the Kingdom.

the insult, is the joke on us of the whole visa run business in the first place. it has nothing to do with following the rules and law and everything to do with making us jump through hoops and drumming up money. if you don't see that, you're blind.

also, i highly question your skills of interpretation of the story as that was NOT the point of the story by pattaya one. it was that immigration had a change of heads and now they'll be putting farang in jail who overstay past 42 days. nothing more, nothing less.

and it turns out to be completely false, though hopefully this doesn't end up being a self fulfilling prophecy. i.e. farang make a stink about it or start placing calls and then all of a sudden immigration says, 'hey. that's not a bad idea', let's start puttin' them buggers in jail. biggrin.gif

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This story/thread started out about the NEWSPAPER standing by its story 100 percent.

This is what people who can read are posting about.

WE want True Facts...quotes with a name and follow up to stories. Please give us some credit for intelligence Pattaya One.

BTW Who voted your writers as the best?

I never knew their was an award or contest.

Maybe you invented this tidbit also.

Keep It Real...we are watching!

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Are you a News-paper or just selling ads?

This is the reply i got to an earlier query.

" ...suggests the information contained in the article was overheard in a pub."

knowing who wrote it, you may be right.

However, the article was written in our house style, and we weren't prepared to change it. We aren't a "newspaper" as such, and certainly not a serious one

Pattaya One Team

Perhaps a re-tooling of the name is needed, perhaps Pattaya Bar Talk One?

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Jail has always been an option; in the 90's I went to CM's immig for the umpteenth extension , and that time they gave me just a few days and a hand written note stamped loudly; So I asked what it meant "it means "said the jaidee PO " you must go for new visa before next week" "What if I stay?'" ( with bright smile) " You go to jail" . Then In Penang the Consul misunderstood the writing and didn't want to give me the visa ! good thing I was with my ex who knows about legal docs and wrote a strapping letter ; I got the visa the day after. "sorry" said the young clerk"he's a new consul, he had never seen this case before!"

Edited by souvenirdeparis
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OMFG, another ridiculous marketing ploy, i for one will now be boycotting anything to do with this media outlet. It seems like even the expatiates have succumbed to the philosophy of do and say anything to make money.

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I agree that Thaivisa making partnerships with reputable local content providers can be a good thing. Partnering with The Nation benefitted both sides. You can even argue that the Phuket Gazette has something to offer.

But I'm afraid I can't agree with this one. PattayaOne, in their own words, aren't a "newspaper" as such, and certainly not a serious one. Thaivisa made a big mistake with this one.

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Are you a News-paper or just selling ads?

This is the reply i got to an earlier query.

Hi Farma,

Your comment that the writing style:

" ...suggests the information contained in the article was overheard in a pub."

knowing who wrote it, you may be right.

However, the article was written in our house style, and we weren't prepared to change it. We aren't a "newspaper" as such, and certainly not a serious one, but we are happy for other publications to take our stories and to write them more seriously, as we focus on entertaining our readers and primarily reflecting life in Pattaya.

Although we agree it may look a bit odd put up as a (surprisingly popular) Thai Visa news item, if you read the paper, you will see it in context.

We hope our readers will enjoy the paper as much as we have enjoyed compiling it. We are lucky to have the best writers and columnists in Thailand writing for us.

Best wishes,

Pattaya One Team

Sorry richard barrow work for pattaya one? :whistling:

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He said...she said!

Rule number one of journalism is Who What When Where Why and How.

Tell us the story with facts and details or dont bother.

Are you a News-paper or just selling ads?

BTW... How about some dam_n follow up on stories.

Like the Italian...no...Russian lady who had a home invasion?

Who was she really?

hahaha all of this is getting really weird.

Great collaboration starting. Hey Pattaya guys, why you don't write cambodia invaded thailand or you've spotted jim morrison alive in walking street to get even more audience?


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of course theyre gonna state the law will be enforced to a T or they'll be fired.. what public official would ever do otherwise?

In practice though, well, you have to hear from people who've been through it. From what I've read this was the same law that's been around for ages and it will be enforced (guessing like it hasn-not been for ages).

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