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Zone 2 Parking Lot At Suvarnabhumi Airport Closed Off By Armed Men


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The parking garage has been reopened AND the armed men are still there.....! ! !

Then the important question must be asked..... " Who gets the Parking Fees ?????


The man with the biggest gun?

More likely, both of them.

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Who are the old and the new concessionaire?

"Passengers are advised to avoid the Zone 2 parking lot." Dooooh.


Who are the old and the new concessionaire?

I googled and found nothing much about parking, but did find duty free king power

Is this Newin on the lose here.

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So does anyone actually know why 40 black shirted armed men closed the airport car park?

Because nobody stopped them

The BadBoyzInBlack were obviously paid to play by the losers in the award of the new CON-cession....lotsa loss of dosh for some boyz on high = AK47 outta the cupboard = standard practice in SmileyLand, yes?

HollyWood finds it hard to match this reality and they have Fiction down to a fine art.

Any updates?

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Without knowing the full facts its difficult to argue the rights and wrongs of this incident.

If the former owners of the Contract are refusing to give up their concession? then its yet more bad news for the Thai Tourist Industry.

On the other hand if the new owners of the Contract,are making sure that they are taking over the Contract(with the legalities in place) and no if or buts,then that puts a different light on the matter.

The news that the disputed Car Park is now open again,would possibly indicate the latter,albeit with the 40 armed men in Black, still present.

Either way,its a strange intensive way to do business.

Edited by MAJIC
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This airport is on its way to be the WORLD's BEST AIRPORT. It was in the news recently.

I guess you believe everything that's said or printed in the news?

It will never be the Worlds best airport, only in the wet dreams of delusional TAT, TOT / Government people. :ermm::rolleyes::wacko:

:cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy:

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Without knowing the full facts its difficult to argue the rights and wrongs of this incident.

If the former owners of the Contract are refusing to give up their concession? then its yet more bad news for the Thai Tourist Industry.

On the other hand if the new owners of the Contract,are making sure that they are taking over the Contract(with the legalities in place) and no if or buts,then that puts a different light on the matter.

The news that the disputed Car Park is now open again,would possibly indicate the latter,albeit with the 40 armed men in Black, still present.

Either way,its a strange intensive way to do business.

do you have a better idea

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This incident just highlights the complete lack of any type of security at the airport. I've read a dozen or so articles that talk about how the government wants to make Swampy a "hub" for Southeast Asia air traffic, but that's never going to happen as long as things like this happen. Nor will it happen until they actually clean up and clean out all the scams and touts from the airport itself, which includes every cop and "airport security" personnel there.

Name me just one civilized country where this could happen without an IMMEDIATE reaction from local police, not to mention airport security.

Ahhhh yes, Amazing Thailand.

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Now the reasoning behind TAT lowering thier guestimate of arrivals to 8% , they had been prewarned of this incident , who is scratching whos back I wonder . As has already been said , had the army moved in swiftly to show the new boss means buisiness , maybe it would have set a president for any future actions of this nature , make sure they all fell down a few steps or twelve on the way out , would have impressed even more future terrorists about what NOT to do .

.... but isn't it the job of the police?

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Foreign media has not pick up this story yet a very good reason... they are still rolling on the floor with laughter :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy: they have not yet stopped long enough to type up the story.

Right. But there's nothing on The Nation's web page nor The Post's or anything else - anywhere - for that matter.

There's been no news up-date - from any news agency - since before noon.

Self-censorship in action?

Edited by bulmercke
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Don't cha just luv em, tha Thai allowance, is alive and well, what a wounderfull script , the movie will follow shortly.:D

Wasn't there a "Die Hard 2: Die Harder" movie about this type of thing??

Someone call Bruce or Somchai....

Yeah Bruce Somchai , he sang backing vocals on a Beatles album " Back Back in Thai again".

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Just a simple question. How secure is the international airport of Bangkok? Maybe as secure as the rest of the country.

I don't think there would be anyone stopping 40 armed people from taking over an airport CARPARK in Australia or the UK.

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I feel like I'm living in the wild west rather than the far east!

You didn't know Thailand was like the wild west? Behind those polite smiles and wais there are people who would do anything to get your wealth.

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The original quote, from the Christian New Testament, 1 Timothy 6:10, is,"For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil." In general I notice that religious teachers do not greatly admire worldly wealth. Jesus taught that rich people will not go to heaven. Unfortunately his teachings were soon corrupted, and in the 15th Century Jean Calvin taught that worldly wealth in fact shows that God loves you. He also taught that only 4,000 people are going to heaven and they've already been chosen, so it doesn't matter whether you believe or not, nor whether you live a righteous life, if you are of the elect you're going to heaven and the rest of us are not. Sorry, this has nothing to do with the price of rice or armed men taking over a concession.

This is sooo TOTALLY OFF TOPIC Acharn. To mention the bible in Thailand is blasphemie already. God said also, not to pray to tin gods. OFF Topic too.

BTW, what means RICH? may be I have not as much money some of you guys have but I wont call me poor. I got TIME so I am rich too!

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Is it not illegal to carry firearms in Thailand?

Not if you have the proper connections B)

My thoughts as well. Brings to mind, a few years ago, the thug-turned-politician who employed several truckloads of fellow thugs (underthugs?) - armed them and proceeded to destroy an entire city block of downtown Bkk. Police didn't raise an eyebrow.

State of emergency ? Wouldn't you expect a fairly well trained armed response unit to be on hand close to all international airports? The mind boggles - if they can take a car park, they could certainly take a few planes full of people.

If a few armed men can do as they please at the airport, then taking over a nuclear power plant shouldn't be too tough.

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Foreign media has not pick up this story yet a very good reason... they are still rolling on the floor with laughter :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy: they have not yet stopped long enough to type up the story.

Right. But there's nothing on The Nation's web page nor The Post's or anything else - anywhere - for that matter.

There's been no news up-date - from any news agency - since before noon.

Self-censorship in action?

The lack of any type of report from either of the 2 English Language papers here in Thailand really puts into question, their independence, their credibility, and/or thier professionalism. Its now been over 14 hrs since the start and nothing from the 2 big boys.

Well back to the fish wrap use.

Talk about loss of face for these 2 major puppet papers.

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Hardly suprising that businesses act like criminals since most of them are run by criminals. The outgoing company probably paid a heavy price to "win" the concession and are now being ousted by another company who have offered a higher "price" to win it from them. So when the surplus cash runs out they resort to guns. As soon as someone starts to deal with corruption someone will simply bribe enough people to block their action

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Only in Thailand.... While 40 armed men showing up and blocking the parking lot at the airport could happen in any country... Only in Thailand would the police come negotiate with them, then declare its reopened, while letting the armed gunmen stay.... Amazing...

Also agree with Pedro01, with the "state of emergency" shouldn't they are have forces on the ground ready for situations like this?

Its only a union dispute over labor contract - no problem.

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Just a simple question. How secure is the international airport of Bangkok? Maybe as secure as the rest of the country.

Well right now Suvarnabhumi is probably the safest place to park your car overnight as there's 40 guys with guns guarding it.

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Around 40 armed men dressed in black

The men in black are now backing up the Thaksinista taxi service?

The only bright spot in all of this is that they remain employed after May Mayhem 2010, thus keeping unemployment figures lower.

You could link a turd smelling to thaksin...jog on you mong

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