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Zone 2 Parking Lot At Suvarnabhumi Airport Closed Off By Armed Men


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If this happened in a western country it would have been handled very differently.

1-The airport would have been evacuated, closed and cordoned off regardless of how far away the car park was.

2-All incoming flights would be diverted.

3-All outgoing flights would be cancelled.

4-Massive numbers of specially trained police officers would be called in backed by the military with APC's and tanks on standby.

5-Negociations would commence and would probably continue for days or weeks.

6-If there was no resolve after a prolonged period of time the police would move in with guns blazing to end the siege resulting in loss of life.

All of this would result in loss of life, a huge loss of revenue and effects would be felt for a long time after.


It could be handled the way it was. A bit of a chat because somebody realized there was no real danger to the public as it was just a pissing contest knowing that t's can be crossed and i's can be dotted after everyone has gone home.

I for one prefer the latter.

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Is it not illegal to carry firearms in Thailand?

not if the big boss wear yellow shirt i think

Yellow shirts are out-gunned by red shirts by a very wide margin. Additionally, the men in black are associated with the crimson movement and not the amber movement.

I will show my ar5e in Harrods window if your not a septic or a person currently employed by the incumbent government. You appear to know 'now't about n'owt'

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Has anyone anywhere seen any other report about this?

I've even tried to look for the original report and can't get to the TAN website.

Did it really happen?

NO it didnt. After the 40 men in black finished of the parking lot they went straight to the TAN Network office and DELETED all members wich made the story popular :rolleyes:

does it really matter? was a funny story on a funny day in paradise TiT :jap:

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Around 40 armed men dressed in black

The men in black are now backing up the Thaksinista taxi service?

The only bright spot in all of this is that they remain employed after May Mayhem 2010, thus keeping unemployment figures lower.

You could link a turd smelling to thaksin

awwww.... c'mon...that one's too easy, try to come up with something more difficult

Turd leads to toilet. Toilet leads to Mr. Happy Toilet, AKA Chalerm Yoobamrung's son Wanchalerm


Mr. Happy Toilet meeting Thaksin in London with the other Yoobamrung gang members


ergo... turd smelling linked to Thaksin

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If this happened in a western country it would have been handled very differently.

1-The airport would have been evacuated, closed and cordoned off regardless of how far away the car park was.

2-All incoming flights would be diverted.

3-All outgoing flights would be cancelled.

4-Massive numbers of specially trained police officers would be called in backed by the military with APC's and tanks on standby.

5-Negociations would commence and would probably continue for days or weeks.

6-If there was no resolve after a prolonged period of time the police would move in with guns blazing to end the siege resulting in loss of life.

All of this would result in loss of life, a huge loss of revenue and effects would be felt for a long time after.


It could be handled the way it was. A bit of a chat because somebody realized there was no real danger to the public as it was just a pissing contest knowing that t's can be crossed and i's can be dotted after everyone has gone home.

I for one prefer the latter.

You know what? I think I agree with that. :) But then there's no "Health and Safety" in Thailand - nobody to treat us all as if we were still 5 years old! :(:ermm:

Isn't that one of the (many) things we like about it?

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Has anyone anywhere seen any other report about this?

I've even tried to look for the original report and can't get to the TAN website.

Did it really happen?

NO it didnt. After the 40 men in black finished of the parking lot they went straight to the TAN Network office and DELETED all members wich made the story popular :rolleyes:

does it really matter? was a funny story on a funny day in paradise TiT :jap:

A lot of people seem to suggest this was an unsurprising, 'funny' report. I saw the headline and was freaking out... definitely not funny. Business is finally picking up a bit now... the last thing I want to see is "armed men closing off an airport parking zone".

It wasn't on any notable Thai media except for TAN network either. I was also wondering if it actually happened.

Still, phosphorescent's post makes great sense and I am also happy that, if it did happen (which I suspect it did, otherwise TAN will be in for some serious criticism), it was resolved without too much hullaballoo rather than making an international incident out of it - as should have been the case!

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Is it not illegal to carry firearms in Thailand?

not if the big boss wear yellow shirt i think

Yellow shirts are out-gunned by red shirts by a very wide margin. Additionally, the men in black are associated with the crimson movement and not the amber movement.

I will show my ar5e in Harrods window if your not a septic or a person currently employed by the incumbent government. You appear to know 'now't about n'owt'

My goodness you struggle to maintain a civil discourse with fellow posters, don't you?

What part of my post is inaccurate? Any of the points not true?

Sorry if honest posting offends you so much.

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Many of you guys crack me up no matter how long you stay in Thailand you still want it to be like home. If this happened in the west we would have killed them all. When ar you guys going to grow up.

This system has been working for the Thais for a lot longer than we have been alive, so stop trying to make Thailand the USA, UK, Germany,or France.

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Maybe "zone 2 carpark has declared a UDI?

I wonder who the new head of state will be?

what should we cll the new country?



"Thailand Mai"?


"USA" ? "United Suvarnabhumi Airport"

maybe they'll apply to join the EU? They could do with a foothold in Asia now that it looks as if Turkey won't join.

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I love it .Only here can 40 armed men take over a parking lot. The cops are ;probably;just having a;coffee;and a cigarette and working out who is going to pay what to who,what % they are going to get,then off to the;karaoke bar in soi bumfuc_k and crack the black label.so civilised

Edited by lee68
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Is it not illegal to carry firearms in Thailand?

not if the big boss wear yellow shirt i think

Yellow shirts are out-gunned by red shirts by a very wide margin. Additionally, the men in black are associated with the crimson movement and not the amber movement.

I will show my ar5e in Harrods window if your not a septic or a person currently employed by the incumbent government. You appear to know 'now't about n'owt" - appen?

I'm sure that should be "owt about nowt" or "nowt about owt" - otherwise it's a double negative and means "all about owt?

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Still, phosphorescent's post makes great sense and I am also happy that, if it did happen (which I suspect it did, otherwise TAN will be in for some serious criticism), it was resolved without too much hullaballoo rather than making an international incident out of it - as should have been the case!

Pi Sek - do you not mean "as COULD have been the case" Surely you wouldn't wish these individuals (whoever they may or may not have been!) to be given the "oxygen of publicity"?

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If the IATA Commisioners get a whiff of this ,Suvarnabhumi will plummet in the rankings .

Likewise ,the "Advice to Travellers " on Government Web Sites ,will go into overdrive.

Tourism figures going up ,I' don't think so : too many bombs in Bangkok,possible Reds on the March & continued bloodshed in the South.

Surely ,this problem could have been contained faster and more rationally.

Thank Goodness,no one was injured or dead .

Wiley Coyote

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i wonder if this is realy true.if this happend at a airport in the uk or europe it would be on the worldwide networks.nothing on thai news tonight?

Many of you guys crack me up no matter how long you stay in Thailand you still want it to be like home. If this happened in the west we would have killed them all. When ar you guys going to grow up.

This system has been working for the Thais for a lot longer than we have been alive, so stop trying to make Thailand the USA, UK, Germany,or France.

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SO SHOOT THEM. Where the hel_l is AIRPORT SECURITY? Wasn't there supposed to be a PLAN to prevent future takeovers of the airport? Honestly the level of incompetence just boggles the mind, somebody please fire the lot of them.

On second thoughts, maybe the men in black should be asked to take over airport security. At least they seem to have some sort of competence in that regard.

Chances are the hired guns are police officers and police don't shoot on police...usually.

Even if they commit crimes...as long as it is against others.

A carry-license is very hard to obtain in Bangkok for normal people, so this is *not* some random guards.

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Without knowing the full facts its difficult to argue the rights and wrongs of this incident.

If the former owners of the Contract are refusing to give up their concession? then its yet more bad news for the Thai Tourist Industry.

On the other hand if the new owners of the Contract,are making sure that they are taking over the Contract(with the legalities in place) and no if or buts,then that puts a different light on the matter.

The news that the disputed Car Park is now open again,would possibly indicate the latter,albeit with the 40 armed men in Black, still present.

Either way,its a strange intensive way to do business.

do you have a better idea

Think about the damage this may do to Thailands Tourist Industry first and formost,and do your business in Private,without the Theatricals.

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The frightening thing is, business owners in this country see this and interpret as an example of "permissable" behavior; business disputes (which normally occur in the event of typical business dealings) are often settled in Thailand at the end of a gun. I used to work for a Thai automobile manufacturer a long time ago, and it was no secret (he even showed us one day) the general manager sat with a .38 in his desk drawer. Lack of law, combined with machismo and stilted development, make a scary recipie.

and foreign businessmen, think it's okay too; according to head of Sunbelt Asia, Topic of another TV Thread. Of course, these corps would send their dirty suits into N Korea or Burma, if there was a crack open in the door.

What are countries are going to do about Travel Warnings, now?

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It will all boil down to the root of all evil. Money!

There is nothing evil about money. How would we manage our lives without it? How would you pay for you food, clothes, etc?

To say "Money is the root of all evil" is very different from saying "Money is evil". The first expression is saying that if you examine evil you will find money at its root. It doesn't mean that all money and its uses are evil, but simply that evil is fuelled by money. If you say for example that "matches are at the root of most forest fires" it doesn't negate the value of matches.

The correct quote is " The love of money is the root of all evil" Frequently misquoted, it is from the BIble -- 1 Timothy 6:10 . Love of money -- in other words lust for money, to the point of obsession, is very much the root of all evil here in Thailand. Money itself is not evil -- merely a useful commodiity.

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