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What Do You Miss About Your Home Country


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For me having been in Thailand for 14 months it is a good police force with tough laws on everything especially driving, also my late Mum's Sunday roasts andmy 2 son's but cant think of anything else, this country has many faults but for me it is a better life once you except everything that goes on here.

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A bit fat juicy doner kebab washed down with a pint of finest real ale

Driving on roads where people know how to drive and are thinking the same way

Traditional English pub environment watching sport with the lads

Customer service and attentive staff who don't follow you around like a shadow

Seeing well kept healthy animals

Not sure how long the lists potentially could be had the question being "What you don't miss............"

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I miss sailing my boat and hanging around the club. Racing boats on the weekend and cruising in the summer, Catching salmon and crabs and eating them fresh. I miss the Beautiful scenery from my sailboat as I sail the west coast of Canada. And I miss the beautiful ocean view from my livingroom. I quess I miss the beautiful pacific northwest and all it offers to sailboaters, or as some would say yachties.

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It's interesting that most everything I see listed so far we have here in Phuket. Good beef, wine, traditional pubs...ish, ocean views, yachting/sailing, clean air. Not many healthy looking well kept animals yet though. I miss the relatively sane driving habits. And I really need to source some Mountain Dew. ;)

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My family especially my grandchildren.

One of my granddaughters lost her first tooth recently, her tooth fairy wish was that we would come to visit

We are going next month so she has got her wish.

i am quite happy spending the majority of my time in Thailand.

When we travel overseas i am always happy to be back here.

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I miss logic. Thailand is fairly illogical in my view.

I miss the variety of fashion and hair styles.

CHEAP and good wine (yeah we have wine in Phuket but not cheap AND good ! )

I miss customer service from staff in stores who are empowered to look after a customer..........(try returning stuff for a refund here........sorry mister, have to send to Bkk, you wait 3 months......that's not service)

I miss the cops. Yeah, i do. Cops here, and the whole judicial system scare me.

I miss girls who you can have an intellectual conversation with.

I miss long-term friends. I have close friends here - for sure - but the expat community is always fluid - and someone or other leaves. That can leave a painful hole. It doesn't seem to be like that back 'home'. People put roots down more back home.

I miss decent beer. I really do. Beer back home on my last recent visit worked out at 100baht a pint - for real ale. You just can't do that in Phuket.

To try to balance this, so as not to sound whingey.

I could go 'home' anytime i feel. If life becomes unbearable here, i have a passport and can work in ANY EU country. If you don't like it here, then sod off somewhere else!

I like the fact seven/11's are open 24 hours a day, with no security, and i can generally buy booze when i feel thirsty.

I love the good, cheap food which also is generally available 24 hours a day from many places close to my house.

I love the sunshine.

I love the preeeeety girls.

I love the prices for 'home maintenance/service ' etc. Having my house cleaned/painted/repaired etc is cheap. Sooooo cheap !

I kinda like the anarchic roads. Notice how hardly anyone honks here? Very little road rage, which is quite staggering really !

I like being able to afford to eat out for every single meal of every single day. I bet even Mick Jagger doesn;t do that !

Edited by markg
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Good beer (seems to be a recurring theme), good friends and quality live sport and entertainment. I'm from London and so have been spoilt with regard to the last of these. You can see a decent live band every night, top comedians in local pubs, theatre, the arts etc. Probably the world's best city for choice of live entertainment (cue natives of other great cities citing their cases).

In Phuket we are limited to the annual blues festival and a few local bands. Even Bangkok has very few top class gigs. Though I do often attend the Punchline Comedy Club evenings.

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Not much i miss, here i think the cops is OK, when I do something wrong that is, just pay and walk away, most stuff you can buy here, some of you guys have not been around much if you cant find what you ask for, and yes it cost a bit extra here so what its Thailand and you can afford to pay a little extra as i am sure not all of you guys pay tax here, well, i can fell it coming now :o

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i miss affordable and tasty wine and cheese.. i'm from australia.

i used to miss being able to converse with random people, but slowly my thai is getting to the point i can almost do that.

i also miss my car, even tho it is really crap, driving it is one of my fave things to do when i'm at home.

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-i miss 47% income tax

-i miss 19% tax on goods and services

-i miss paying taxes enabling my government to send soldiers in far away countries to fight "insurgents"

-i miss sorting the garbage into 5 different containers

-i miss buying heating oil

-i miss paying 480 Baht per hour to our housekeeper

-i miss paying 50% of our housekeeper's social insurance and health insurance

-i miss the muttering of my wife when the housekeeper goes on 6 weeks paid vacation

-i miss icy roads in winter

-i miss changing the tires of my cars twice a year

-i miss that shops close at 18.30 hrs sharp

-i miss that in Thailand nobody tells me when i can water my garden and when i can't

-i miss the bureaucracy and months long fights with the building department when i want to build on my land or add

-i miss the honesty of policemen who will arrest me if i offer them 200 Baht because of a traffic offense

-i miss the exorbitant prices when i take my cars to the workshop for service or repairs

-i miss paying 25 times the road tax and 10 times insurance premium for a car

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Breakfast at the Dorchester

My daily strolls from Hyde Park to Portobello - Westbourne Grove

London black cabs

Fast internet

Good Gyms

Good looking men in suits

the 4 seasons (not the hotel)

Shopping in Harvey Nicks and Selfridges... and Harrods too!


ps I am heading back home in May.. for good!!!!

Edited by babsy65
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Breakfast at the Dorchester

My daily strolls from Hyde Park to Portobello - Westbourne Grove

London black cabs

Fast internet

Good Gyms

Good looking men in suits

the 4 seasons (not the hotel)

Shopping in Harvey Nicks and Selfridges... and Harrods too!


ps I am heading back home in May.. for good!!!!

I guess the better your life was in your home country the more you will miss it and the less appealing Phuket will be. It sounds like you had a pretty cool life before so I guess it makes sense for you to miss it. A swim in the Thames in November will soon make me miss Bang Tao beach though. Good luck.

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1. Potable tap water. What a luxury to turn on a tap and not worry about what comes out.

2. Clean restrooms/toilet facilities. To be able to pee without needing a portable air supply.

3. Environmental standards and public sanitation. So many potentially beautiful beaches on Phuket and yet raw sewage runoff fouls the water. There is no concern for the disposal of dangerous and toxic goods. Plastic bags everywhere, paint, chemicals petrol dumped into the storm sewers to flow into the ocean or to taint people's well water. The tossing of garbage wherever and whenever.

4. The lack of public trash bins. Why oh why can there not be trashbins placed around the beach areas to encourage visitors not to leave trash behind?

5. Safe pedestrian crosswalks in the major tourist areas. There isn't one safe crosswalk in Patong. Would it be so hard to put up a stop sign along the beach road? How is it they can spend millions on a billboard but getting a crosswalk is an impossibility?

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