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Child Porn On Sukhumvit Stirs Outrage

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I can't prove whether possessing child (or indeed adult) porn is illegal in Thailand. Maybe a lawyer can pipe in here, so if I am wrong about that, someone who is an expert, can you cite the actual law? In any case, I would still advise against foreign "civilians" to take such a risk. You can do what YOU want though, but taking such legal risks ain't for me.

Also this is clear, by all means, do not ever EMAIL your "evidence" in Thailand. That IS clearly against the law here.

To wit -- (note the higher punishment for underage images)

New Act could mean 5 years in prison for anyone sending porn by email

Ariyawat Nuamsawat

The government has warned that the Computer Crime Act BE 2550 came into effect on July 18, and that all internet users should be aware as it relates to the sending and receiving of emails.

The government sector is serious about the new internet law - sending pornography carries a heavy punishment.

Article 11 of the Act states that those who unlawfully damage information on another person’s computer or on a computer system that relates to national security, public security, national economic security or public service would be subject to a prison sentence of between three and five years and a fine of between 60,000 and 300,000 baht. If the crime injures someone and costs someone their life, then the person is subject to the death penalty, life imprisonment or 10-20 years in jail.

Article 13 states that those who distribute or send obscene data are subject to a maximum five years in jail, or a fine of no more than 100,000 baht, or both. If the obscene data is of a human being not older than 18 years of age, then the person is subject to two to five years imprisonment, or a 40,000 to 100,000 baht fine, or both.

The Act applies to both Thai citizens and non-Thais.


I can't prove whether possessing child (or indeed adult) porn is illegal in Thailand. Maybe a lawyer can pipe in here, so if I am wrong about that, someone who is an expert, can you cite the actual law? In any case, I would still advise against foreign "civilians" to take such a risk. You can do what YOU want though, but taking such legal risks ain't for me.

Also this is clear, by all means, do not ever EMAIL your "evidence" in Thailand. That IS clearly against the law here.

To wit -- (note the higher punishment for underage images)

New Act could mean 5 years in prison for anyone sending porn by email

Ariyawat Nuamsawat

The government has warned that the Computer Crime Act BE 2550 came into effect on July 18, and that all internet users should be aware as it relates to the sending and receiving of emails.

The government sector is serious about the new internet law - sending pornography carries a heavy punishment.

Article 11 of the Act states that those who unlawfully damage information on another person’s computer or on a computer system that relates to national security, public security, national economic security or public service would be subject to a prison sentence of between three and five years and a fine of between 60,000 and 300,000 baht. If the crime injures someone and costs someone their life, then the person is subject to the death penalty, life imprisonment or 10-20 years in jail.

Article 13 states that those who distribute or send obscene data are subject to a maximum five years in jail, or a fine of no more than 100,000 baht, or both. If the obscene data is of a human being not older than 18 years of age, then the person is subject to two to five years imprisonment, or a 40,000 to 100,000 baht fine, or both.

The Act applies to both Thai citizens and non-Thais.


Article 13 states that those who distribute or send obscene data are subject to a maximum five years in jail, or a fine of no more than 100,000 baht, or both. If the obscene data is of a human being not older than 18 years of age, then the person is subject to two to five years imprisonment, or a 40,000 to 100,000 baht fine, or both.

Sounds like the law is written in a way to possibly allow for a lower penalty for those who "send" or "distribute" child porn as opposed to obscene material with consulting adults / actors.


I can't prove whether possessing child (or indeed adult) porn is illegal in Thailand. Maybe a lawyer can pipe in here, so if I am wrong about that, someone who is an expert, can you cite the actual law? In any case, I would still advise against foreign "civilians" to take such a risk. You can do what YOU want though, but taking such legal risks ain't for me.

Was just checking the net in regards to child porn possession being legal in Thailand and ran across the below article that indicates it is also legal in Japan .. in fact the government there refused to enact a law banning such possession this year,


Edit: From the International Centre for Missing & Exploited Children as compiled from the US State Department regarding countries and their laws against Child Porn ... http://www.icmec.org/en_X1/English__5th_Edition_.pdf

As noted on page 36, It shows there are no laws regarding simple possession and in fact it states there are no laws specific to Child Porn. I'm assuming this was done prior to the laws you mentioned that shows Child Porn can be handled in a less severe manner than normal porn when it comes to distributing over the internet.


What I cannot understand about all this is how anyone can walk by a vendor selling child porn and not react immediately with violence. I would punch anyone in the throat who waved child porn in my face. Or rather, I would throw a clumsy punch and then likely be utterly destroyed by the scum and his buddies. But still, how could anyone, out of the huge numbers of people walking by, not have this reaction?


What I cannot understand about all this is how anyone can walk by a vendor selling child porn and not react immediately with violence. I would punch anyone in the throat who waved child porn in my face. Or rather, I would throw a clumsy punch and then likely be utterly destroyed by the scum and his buddies. But still, how could anyone, out of the huge numbers of people walking by, not have this reaction?

Nobody said the porn was waved in faces in Sukhumwit and Pattaya beach road. We said it was openly displayed on tables. I am sure they DESERVE to be punched but being a vigilante is insane for a foreigner to try in this country; but chances are if you did, you'd end up either in jail or mauled by his buddies. Such as it is, I see your post as yet another case of a Keyboard Rambo.


What I cannot understand about all this is how anyone can walk by a vendor selling child porn and not react immediately with violence. I would punch anyone in the throat who waved child porn in my face. Or rather, I would throw a clumsy punch and then likely be utterly destroyed by the scum and his buddies. But still, how could anyone, out of the huge numbers of people walking by, not have this reaction?

Nobody said the porn was waved in faces in Sukhumwit and Pattaya beach road. We said it was openly displayed on tables. I am sure they DESERVE to be punched but being a vigilante is insane for a foreigner to try in this country; but chances are if you did, you'd end up either in jail or mauled by his buddies. Such as it is, I see your post as yet another case of a Keyboard Rambo.

Well yea. That's exactly what I said would happen. I have no illusions of my actual ability. I'm just talking about an emotional response here. I'm no internet tough guy.


What I cannot understand about all this is how anyone can walk by a vendor selling child porn and not react immediately with violence. I would punch anyone in the throat who waved child porn in my face. Or rather, I would throw a clumsy punch and then likely be utterly destroyed by the scum and his buddies. But still, how could anyone, out of the huge numbers of people walking by, not have this reaction?

Nobody said the porn was waved in faces in Sukhumwit and Pattaya beach road. We said it was openly displayed on tables. I am sure they DESERVE to be punched but being a vigilante is insane for a foreigner to try in this country; but chances are if you did, you'd end up either in jail or mauled by his buddies. Such as it is, I see your post as yet another case of a Keyboard Rambo.

Well yea. That's exactly what I said would happen. I have no illusions of my actual ability. I'm just talking about an emotional response here. I'm no internet tough guy.

Actually if you go back through the posts here, it has been clearly stated it is waived in the faces of passing tourists.


Judging from the below posts, I think it is unfair to blame Thai society on this since it seems it is the tourists who don't care enough to take any actions (no calls to police, child rights groups, embassy, local or Int'l Press) that it is happening to them or being seen often by them.

Post #52 “Some even hold it up to show you as you walk by. One of the child porn vendors sits right there where thepolice sit and ticket scooter riders…”

Post #60 ‘Child porn is sold by all those creepy pornpeddlers in Pantip and no one seems to care.”

Post # 64 “… kiddie porn is sometimes sold VERY OPENLY onbeach road, Pattaya. The porn picture labels (last time I noticed, they wereblond Euro looking girls) are totally open for viewing on the front desk by thepassing hordes of all kinds of people, including many families, as well asfully veiled Muslim women

Post 66 “What I saw was sex act porn with adult menand young girls (not art photos), openly shown on the street.

Post #73 “Itis openly available in HadYai as well. Theyeven shove it in my face when I am walking with my wife

Post #79 ‘They have been selling it for years in the same places.”

Post #84 “I was in Pantip once looking to buy hardwarewhen some Thai man approached me and asked if i wanted a young girl and showedme a picture of a little girl of about 10 years.”

Post #85 “I was down in Pattaya yesterday sitting onthe beach, when some Thai came up to me and started to flash some DVD's withchildren having sex and some with western men having sex with children as youngas 2 or 3.”

Post #106 “In pattaya the first one I noticed was out the front of the police station on thebeach road, they were having a free community show on at the time and I couldn't believe the vendor was set up selling child pornography RIGHT THERE.“

Post#131 “Just the same as when thepolice do their random busts for selling bootleg DVDs, they never hit thestalls with child porn.”

Post# 186 “… I have been approached by aggressive individual vendors trying to sell them. WhatI personally noticed on Pattaya Beach Road OPENLY DISPLAYED on tables forthousands to see … ”

Post #192 “Therehave in the past been aggressive individual vendors of Thai gay kiddie porn working Dongtan beach in Jomtien though.”

Post #196 “You couldn't help but see this walking by if you eyed the tables. More than onepile of it, again, openly displayed to the public. This was on more than onenight on multiple tables.“

Post#238 “If they are in town and they don't know that was going on, on the main street in town with thousands oftourists walking by every night, and that is their so called purpose, I thinkthey must be blind or corrupt.’

Post #246 “ I've seen them and now can't take my kids shopping there

Post #287 ‘This garbage has been selling here for YEARS, right in the open for all the tourists, and right next to the police.”

Post #293 ‘ Ican not speak for Bangkok, but in Pattaya, it most certainly is open for all tosee at some (not all) vending tables.”

Post #293 re: Pattaya .. ‘I only see it being sold during daylight hours.”

Post #295 re Pattaya (different poster) “The times Isaw the kiddie porn stuff openly displayed were at night ..”

Post #298 It's there 95% of the time sitting right in the open.”

Post # 315 “there is child sex dvds, this is in open view to all people passing the stall

But like so many posters here who have for years lived, worked and purchased DVD's from numerous street vendors in these spots have seen I have no seen or experienced these things. No doubt that it is out there but I don't believe it being openly displayed is the real issue or an issue really at all. According to these posts and others it would seem almost impossible to miss when visiting these stalls many many times to buy non-child porn. Had the Post done a story on how it is really sold, then it really might have made a difference and allowed people that care and take action against such things to do so.


Yes, the hundreds of thousands of tourists and expats who are witnesses to all kinds of vileness in Thailand perpetuated by Thais are fully responsible for it. That's the ticket ... In Insanelandia ...

post-37101-004287200 1286566585_thumb.jp


Judging from the below posts, I think it is unfair to blame Thai society on this since it seems it is the tourists who don't care enough to take any actions (no calls to police, child rights groups, embassy, local or Int'l Press) that it is happening to them or being seen often by them.

My browser locked up before I finished editing this. I should have said "fully blame Thai society..."

But yes, I do believe 100% that is you take no action to such vial and open sickness then you are a worthless piece of trash. This is not a situation where these folks are needing to investigate anything or get involved. They claim to be outraged by it is being pushed upon them and their senses as they walk the street but refuse to even make a call or send an email to the numerous agencies that could do something. And you wonder why I doubt their credibility.


The original article is a joke folks. It is all unnamed people from a reporter who has been caught lying in the past. He talks to Ambassadors but mentions no names. Same with police officials. He also does a count of all the porn vendors and what they are selling but leaves out the count of who is selling child porn openly even though this is what the story is about.

It is well known it is not hard to get and one simply has to ask for it from many of these folks selling standard porn titles but it is not sold in the same manner as adult porn titles and is not displayed along with standard adult porn titles.

This is no different than a news story of a UFO. All of a sudden after a reporting their are a group of folks who come out in full force saying they now have seen one too. Add to this kind of mentality a very emotional and hot topic such as porn and especially child porn ... you get flooded with folks who say they have seen it to. But in this case it shocks the sentences to have people here report what they have seen but have NEVER taken ANY action to do anything about it. Nothing even as simple as contacting an embassy, or child protection groups anonymously.

Considering not too long ago, Thailand was one of the child sex capitols of the world, and it still has a lot of it. Just about daily they arrest some pedophile in Pattaya having sex with someone under the age of 15, usually boys. What is so hard to believe about someone selling child porn in the open? You can also get videos of Japanese and European girls screwing dogs and horses, in case you didn't know.

Please, come to Pattaya. I'll take you right to it and watch you do whatever it is you're going to do from across the street. I'll even film it so everyone here and see what you do. Should be a hoot. PM me a few days before you come and I'll make plans. We can even do some covert stakeouts before you swoop down on them. Will be good times for all.


Please, come to Pattaya. I'll take you right to it and watch you do whatever it is you're going to do from across the street. I'll even film it so everyone here and see what you do. Should be a hoot. PM me a few days before you come and I'll make plans. We can even do some covert stakeouts before you swoop down on them. Will be good times for all.

To JC -- The silence is deafening. I reckon its a bit unsettling when a "worthless piece of trash" (your words) has got your number.


Please, come to Pattaya. I'll take you right to it and watch you do whatever it is you're going to do from across the street. I'll even film it so everyone here and see what you do. Should be a hoot. PM me a few days before you come and I'll make plans. We can even do some covert stakeouts before you swoop down on them. Will be good times for all.

To JC -- The silence is deafening. I reckon its a bit unsettling when a "worthless piece of trash" (your words) has got your number.

You might want to check your comprehension skills since I have NEVER said anyone should or that there is a need to confront anybody. I have made clear in MANY MANY posts what actions can and should be taken as have other people in this thread who have actually provided contact information for agencies but it is clear there are many here who only want to shout how upset they are but who aren't upset enough to contact the appropriate agencies or entities. . But I am thrilled you support these folks ... what does that make you?

And to be clear, you might want to read what kind of people are a "piece of trash" because you just seemed to have called Tokay one. I dare anyone to read what kind of people I called a "piece of trash" and disagree with me.

My words:

But yes, I do believe 100% that is you take no action to such vial and open sickness then you are a worthless piece of trash. This is not a situation where these folks are needing to investigate anything or get involved. They claim to be outraged by it is being pushed upon them and their senses as they walk the street but refuse to even make a call or send an email to the numerous agencies that could do something. And you wonder why I doubt their credibility.

What person who is against child abuse and is a rational person could disagree with this .. but for some reason you appear to be.


But I am thrilled you support these folks ... what does that make you?

Support them, eh?

You lie.

It makes me someone who is being baited by a grade a troll.


But I am thrilled you support these folks ... what does that make you?

Support them, eh?

You lie.

It makes me someone who is being baited by a grade a troll.

Unless I am mistaking you for somebody else, you seem to have been a vocal supporter on this thread of the do nothing attitude towards vendors selling child porn out in the open. If I am wrong I apologize but from what I recall you have done little but criticize me for stating folks need to take action (actions that I and others have stated here numerous times that doesn't involved confronting vendors). If I am wrong, let me know and I will go back through the posts.

PS. I am a troll? You begged for me to respond to your post!?!?!?


If I do see it openly displayed in Pattaya, I plan to do absolutely NOTHING except to report here


Excuse me for reducing your post to one sentence but you have showed me that is best when trying to make a point.


If I do see it openly displayed in Pattaya, I plan to do absolutely NOTHING except to report here


Excuse me for reducing your post to one sentence but you have showed me that is best when trying to make a point.

You call people who do nothing "a piece of worthless trash". Firstly what would you have them do? for the 100th time. This is why we are discussing it here, to see if there is something we can do about it. Your solution to not being "a piece of worthless trash" is to deny it exists and anyone who see's it is irrational. This denying it and trollish name calling really is a distraction to the good people who are looking for answers. I shouldnt really be acknowleging your BS but if you know of a way to stop it feel free to share the wisdom. Anyone who knows how to stop it and doesnt share this info is a piece of....


If I do see it openly displayed in Pattaya, I plan to do absolutely NOTHING except to report here


Excuse me for reducing your post to one sentence but you have showed me that is best when trying to make a point.

You call people who do nothing "a piece of worthless trash". Firstly what would you have them do? for the 100th time. This is why we are discussing it here, to see if there is something we can do about it. Your solution to not being "a piece of worthless trash" is to deny it exists and anyone who see's it is irrational. This denying it and trollish name calling really is a distraction to the good people who are looking for answers. I shouldnt really be acknowleging your BS but if you know of a way to stop it feel free to share the wisdom. Anyone who knows how to stop it and doesnt share this info is a piece of....

What to do about Child Porn being openly sold in the street???

For the umpteenth time ... call or email your embassy, call or email the MANY MANY child advocate agencies located both in Thailand and internationally, "call" the police Sgt or Captain (they all are not pro-child porn for the sake of the dollar) and let them know if it is still there in a day you are taking this to the next level, call or email the many newspapers and news outlets both local and international, call the large businesses such as hotel's corporate office located near where the porn is being sold, talk to your Thai friends about how they and their friends can help . .. use your own head to come up with other ideas if you care 1/10th as much as the folks here claim who say they will do nothing ... write a letter to Abhisit ... DO SOMETHING

MY GOD, are you people so ignorant and inept in being able to take any kind of action against something 95+% of the people on this planet hate and believe is terribly wrong?!?!?!? What is worse is numerous posts here (including my own) have stated what can be done but none of you seem to read those.

For Christ Sakes people, use your head about what you can even just "try" to do if this offends you half as much as you claim.


OK can you give me some examples of the child advocate agengies? Someone said Unicef, OK not bad are their any others? Newspapers? OK what was it you said about the news article that started this thread? (The original article is a joke folks. It is all unnamed people from a reporter who has been caught lying in the past. He talks to Ambassadors but mentions no names. Same with police officials. He also does a count of all the porn vendors and what they are selling but leaves out the count of who is selling child porn openly even though this is what the story is about.) Do you not wonder why there are no names. Calling the police would be like hanging a target on your back. The first thing they ask is what is your name, you cant be sure they arnt in on it. They dont like trouble makers and they have their ways of getting rid of trouble makers. Embassy Hotels and businesses. No silver bullets. Perhaps worth a try though. By the way, calling people ignorant and inept isn't really a positive contribution to the discussion.


But yes, I do believe 100% that is you take no action to such vial and open sickness then you are a worthless piece of trash. This is not a situation where these folks are needing to investigate anything or get involved. They claim to be outraged by it is being pushed upon them and their senses as they walk the street but refuse to even make a call or send an email to the numerous agencies that could do something. And you wonder why I doubt their credibility.

I think you're way off base here. I personally have never seen kiddie porn in Thailand, but then again I wasn't looking for it.

On the other hand, I have been actively offered adult porn in Pantip Plaza. Now that is, as you know, illegal. Do you think I should have reported it to the police? Before you say yes, I have to tell you that a couple of times police officers were socializing and laughing with the men who were pushing the porn dvds in peoples faces.


If I do see it openly displayed in Pattaya, I plan to do absolutely NOTHING except to report here


Excuse me for reducing your post to one sentence but you have showed me that is best when trying to make a point.

You call people who do nothing "a piece of worthless trash". Firstly what would you have them do? for the 100th time. This is why we are discussing it here, to see if there is something we can do about it. Your solution to not being "a piece of worthless trash" is to deny it exists and anyone who see's it is irrational. This denying it and trollish name calling really is a distraction to the good people who are looking for answers. I shouldnt really be acknowleging your BS but if you know of a way to stop it feel free to share the wisdom. Anyone who knows how to stop it and doesnt share this info is a piece of....

And below is my post which was stated twice and the second time in Bold that relate to my rant about being a piece if trash for doing nothing ...

But yes, I do believe 100% that is you take no action to such vial and open sickness then you are a worthless piece of trash. This is not a situation where these folks are needing to investigate anything or get involved. They claim to be outraged by it is being pushed upon them and their senses as they walk the street but refuse to even make a call or send an email to the numerous agencies that could do something. And you wonder why I doubt their credibility.

After reading this, I have to wonder why you need to claim to ask "what to do" for the 100th time???? It states it right there where I talk about "piece of trash" in regards to doing nothing about seeing porn openly sold by vendors. How could you miss this and the many more detailed posts about what to do if you say you are searching for answers on what to do?

The responses and posts here are just baffling.


But yes, I do believe 100% that is you take no action to such vial and open sickness then you are a worthless piece of trash. This is not a situation where these folks are needing to investigate anything or get involved. They claim to be outraged by it is being pushed upon them and their senses as they walk the street but refuse to even make a call or send an email to the numerous agencies that could do something. And you wonder why I doubt their credibility.

I think you're way off base here. I personally have never seen kiddie porn in Thailand, but then again I wasn't looking for it.

On the other hand, I have been actively offered adult porn in Pantip Plaza. Now that is, as you know, illegal. Do you think I should have reported it to the police? Before you say yes, I have to tell you that a couple of times police officers were socializing and laughing with the men who were pushing the porn dvds in peoples faces.

Actually, if you have read my posts you will see I am solely speaking about CHILD PORN BEING SOLD OPENLY and those who do nothing about it. I have never seen it in my years buying DVDs from these vendors but if you look back a few posts you will see where I have pointed out the MANY posts here of people who claim to not only see it regularly being sold openly on display but also having it waived in their's and their family's faces as they walk the main tourist areas and saying they won't attempt to do anything about it but that it is highly upsetting to them. It just shocks the senses.

And to answer your question more directly, that is completely up to you what you do in terms of reporting illegal activities. Personally I could care less about adult porn being sold to adults... my statements have to do with the claim of very PUBLIC exploitation and abuse of innocent children and people refusing to take any reasonable action against to even try help stop or slow it down.


Because of the strident and self righteous, outrageously insulting, NAME CALLING behavior of one poster, this thread has indeed turned into a WORTHLESS PIECE OF TRASH. Time to close? Now I REALLY do appreciate the mod who originally told me NOT to post a report about this problem on Pattaya Beach Road many months ago. (Just for the record and restate, I certainly was not looking for it, it was just there open on TOP of the tables for many thousands of passersby to see.) The mod knew what would happen on the board inevitably when this topic is discussed, FLAME CITY. That's a shame because the more light on this, the better. But some topics may indeed be too hot for this board, thanks to a MINORITY that ruins it for others who want to talk about things rationally.

Let wiser heads prevail.

:mfr_closed1: :mfr_closed1: :mfr_closed1:


Was just checking the net in regards to child porn possession being legal in Thailand and ran across the below article that indicates it is also legal in Japan .. in fact the government there refused to enact a law banning such possession this year,


No, child-porn isn't legal in Japan.

What you are referring to is the overly broad definition that some social-fascists are trying to push onto several countries legislation and that in part has been implemented in some US states etc, for example that images of naked kids with no sexual action nor purpose suddenly should be labeled as child-porn, which is absurd. Running the agenda as the extremists that think nudity is 'bad' and 'immoral' is NOT helping children in any way. It just further sexualize them and pushes the background of naked or semi-naked kids on a beach into the spotlight as some perverted childporn-action by sick parents -- thereby removing any innocence of childhood.


If I do see it openly displayed in Pattaya, I plan to do absolutely NOTHING except to report here


Excuse me for reducing your post to one sentence but you have showed me that is best when trying to make a point.

You are spot on.

On other words. "Hey brothers. i know where to get child porn and i don't mind. (feel free to send me a PM if you wanna know more)"

In an previous post he gave also a detailed description of what kind of stuff is available.


If I do see it openly displayed in Pattaya, I plan to do absolutely NOTHING except to report here


Excuse me for reducing your post to one sentence but you have showed me that is best when trying to make a point.

You are spot on.

On other words. "Hey brothers. i know where to get child porn and i don't mind. (feel free to send me a PM if you wanna know more)"

In an previous post he gave also a detailed description of what kind of stuff is available.

I did no such thing (list the kinds of stuff available other than to mention that kidie porn was openly displayed). Stop the lying and distortion. Do you imagine when I tried to post about this long ago about Pattaya Beach Road, the reason was to tell customers where to buy the stuff? In case you are very dense, the answer is NO! It was to shed light on the problem, public light, in the EXACT same way as the press report in the OP. Do you imagine the reporter reported to help customers find the stuff? This is getting disgusting and truly offensive. It is one thing to say that people who see this and don't report to the "authorities" are not doing enough, that has been rebutted here many times so we don't need to go into an endless loop of the same arguments, but that was a legitimate line of reasonable discussion.

But it is absolutely disgusting to say we are SUPPORTING and PROMOTING the thing by not reporting it and to call us worthless pieces of trash, those are entirely different kinds of accusations. We didn't commit any crimes mate, by having EYES in our head while we were walking down the road. Maybe I should throw out my glasses, who needs this aggravation?


Was just checking the net in regards to child porn possession being legal in Thailand and ran across the below article that indicates it is also legal in Japan .. in fact the government there refused to enact a law banning such possession this year,


No, child-porn isn't legal in Japan.

What you are referring to is the overly broad definition that some social-fascists are trying to push onto several countries legislation and that in part has been implemented in some US states etc, for example that images of naked kids with no sexual action nor purpose suddenly should be labeled as child-porn, which is absurd. Running the agenda as the extremists that think nudity is 'bad' and 'immoral' is NOT helping children in any way. It just further sexualize them and pushes the background of naked or semi-naked kids on a beach into the spotlight as some perverted childporn-action by sick parents -- thereby removing any innocence of childhood.

I am not refering to anything except the article which states in its first sentence ..."London, May 15 (ANI): The Japanese government has dismissed legislation criminalizing possession of child pornography, claiming that it violates individuals' freedom of expression."

It doesn't say pictures of nud_e kids but states CHILD PORN ... of course this article could be wrong but it and similar ones reported the same thing.

Another line reads: "We consider child pornography to be the worst of all evils and we find it hard to understand how images of naked children tied up with ropes can be considered acceptable."

This doesn't sound at all like what you are describing and advocating.


Goes to show that anything goes in Thailand as long as there isn't a serious and looong overdue police reform. In the meantime, criminals are still allowed to join or remain on the police force all over the country and wear the cockroach brown uniform which a very few deserve to wear. :bah: It's more of a crime syndicate than a police force.

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