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Child Porn On Sukhumvit Stirs Outrage

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Jing, I believe once again you are being dishonest ... please show me where I accused you of supporting Child Porn. I have made it clear that I believe responsibility should be accepted by those who claim to find child porn horrible that see it being sold openly and take no action. Accountability is certainly much different than supporting,

Anyone reading this thread knows you have just lied. You have indeed made such personal insinuations, they are in your posts, don't make me do the work for you. They are there for all to read the thread.


Oh come on children, please!

Jingthing - it's your choice whether you report it to police or the public prosecutor or whoever. I personally would and would suggest that you should (as I think that jcbangkok suggests a little more strongly).

jcbangkok - there are many reasons to report or not report a crime. I would report this, others wouldn't for fear of reprisals from systems that they don't fully understand and might not be watertight... that's understandable.

You are very reasonable. Thank you. But as long as we have a live wire troll on the loose, the insinuations will continue, so what I'm not supposed to refute them?


Oh come on children, please!

Jingthing - it's your choice whether you report it to police or the public prosecutor or whoever. I personally would and would suggest that you should (as I think that jcbangkok suggests a little more strongly).

jcbangkok - there are many reasons to report or not report a crime. I would report this, others wouldn't for fear of reprisals from systems that they don't fully understand and might not be watertight... that's understandable.

Agree Pi but I have posted and posted again that they don't have to report it to the police and can report it to their embassy or the numerous Thai and international child protection agencies and groups as well as doing things like complain to the major hotels/businesses in the areas. And have stated numerous times they can do this by email or phone and risk nothing.

But if somebody was really serious, I like your suggestion regarding police / prosecutor. I too have even suggested calling the police and speaking to a higher up there as clearly not everybody is will to let child porn be openly sold for a couple dollars. And to be clear, I question all together it being openly sold, I have bought too many DVD/VCDs from the folks on Sukimvet to have never seen it if it was openly on display... I have spent years there buying bootleg Hollywood movies and just have NEVER seen it ... though I am told it can be asked for.


Jing, I believe once again you are being dishonest ... please show me where I accused you of supporting Child Porn. I have made it clear that I believe responsibility should be accepted by those who claim to find child porn horrible that see it being sold openly and take no action. Accountability is certainly much different than supporting,

Anyone reading this thread knows you have just lied. You have indeed made such personal insinuations, they are in your posts, don't make me do the work for you. They are there for all to read the thread.

I think they are there in your mind for whatever reason and I will provide you a big apology if you show me one post where I said you supported child porn.


Jing, I believe once again you are being dishonest ... please show me where I accused you of supporting Child Porn. I have made it clear that I believe responsibility should be accepted by those who claim to find child porn horrible that see it being sold openly and take no action. Accountability is certainly much different than supporting,

Anyone reading this thread knows you have just lied. You have indeed made such personal insinuations, they are in your posts, don't make me do the work for you. They are there for all to read the thread.

I think they are there in your mind for whatever reason and I will provide you a big apology if you show me one post where I said you supported child porn.

OK, what were you insinuating here? I took it to be a direct personal attack and insinuation about me. So if it wasn't, please SPELL OUT in plain English exactly what you meant.


2nd, you can make all the excuses in the world why you will not do anything to help, even though there have been vast suggestions of what you can easily do with zero risk to yourself to help stop or slow the the open display/sales of CHILD porn on main tourist streets and why this would be a good thing but in my mind and I believe a number of others, we have come to our own conclusions of why you are taking this strong stance,.

ALSO, from you, more to the point --

"But I am thrilled you support these folks ... what does that make you?" (Quote block usage limit reached so formatted it myself.)

Bad reading comprehension, indeed.

No, I do not support these folks, and I do not tolerate blatant liars and posters tossing out unfounded personal insults either. Apology not accepted.


Yes Jing bad reading comprehension as well as taking something way out of context as I was clearly talking about you supporting those who do nothing when see child porn being sold openly.

Now since you are forcing me to speak in more detail about what I believe and what I have tried to say nicely ,,,,, As for why I believe you are taking this stance is because I believe you have been dishonest from the start of this thread and that is why your positions, feelings and excuses don't add up but that is my opinion and only expressing it now because for some reason you are paranoid your being viewed as a child predator or supporter of child porn and believing my words are saying such. As for the conclusions others have come to .. I imagine some may think you like child porn but I have no idea what they are thing but like me are probably thinking your statements, views and reasonings just don't jive together. What are you being dishonest about in my opinion? I really am not sure it could be going back to your statements of seeing it openly displayed regularly on the sidewalk or it could be something more but I have a good sense for when people are not being honest .... But like the things we use to poop from, we all have them just as we all have opinions and I could be way off.

And back to reading comprehension ... I never apologized as I have yet to been shown I have done anything wrong but I am certainly open to the fact I may have.


What a load of backtracking revisionist BS! Now he is back to his charge that we have imagined what he saw. I am getting quite close to committing his sin and calling him a worthless piece of trash. But of course I wouldn't go that far, troll, yes, snake-like, certainly.

As far as being honest. What could be more honest than openly speaking for the silent masses of witnesses to say yes, we saw this, but no, we aren't going to the authorities with the information. That isn't exactly very flattering information to share, I grant you, why would I (and others) do that if I wasn't being totally honest?

As far as making up my original report, that is an outrageous accusation, WHY would I do that? Realizing the controversy of it, why would I ask a mod for permission if it was a false witness? If it was a false witness and I was the troll here, I would have just posted it anyway without approval to provoke controversy if that was my intent. But it was true, there is no need to imagine or fabricate shocking things to report in Thailand. Rude, absurd, accusations though par from the course from JC though.


What to do about Child Porn being openly sold in the street???

For the umpteenth time ... call or email your embassy, call or email the MANY MANY child advocate agencies located both in Thailand and internationally, "call" the police Sgt or Captain (they all are not pro-child porn for the sake of the dollar) and let them know if it is still there in a day you are taking this to the next level, call or email the many newspapers and news outlets both local and international, call the large businesses such as hotel's corporate office located near where the porn is being sold, talk to your Thai friends about how they and their friends can help . .. use your own head to come up with other ideas if you care 1/10th as much as the folks here claim who say they will do nothing ... write a letter to Abhisit ... DO SOMETHING

I'm sure after they put a stop human trafficking, slave labor, underage prostitution, the drug trade, gang activity, and political / police corruption, they will get right on it.

You have a lot of energy for this. Seriously, come to Pattaya, I'll show you everything I know. I will help you track down every single vendor who is selling this stuff. I'll even show you a few bars that are notorious for employing minors. The more vendors and villains we find, the bigger your case will be. No violence.Then you can call people and write letters until Team America "liberates" this place.

Just be warned, we are going to do all of that and whatever comes of the results of your actions from calling the United Nations or Black Water or whoever you're going to call, even if you get it all removed, it will be back up and business as usual within 1 week, and that is being conservative.


What a load of backtracking revisionist BS! Now he is back to his charge that we have imagined what he saw. I am getting quite close to committing his sin and calling him a worthless piece of trash. But of course I wouldn't go that far, troll, yes, snake, certainly.

Stay cool, go out in the rain for a moment. Contemplate the universe and your place in it. After five minutes come back in and write that masterful reply I know you're capable of. Next year the Nobel Prise for Literature, think big.

Having said this I must admit the discussion seems to go nowhere, or in circles. Almost typically Thai with foreign actors. Must be a rainy weekend ;)


What a load of backtracking revisionist BS! Now he is back to his charge that we have imagined what he saw. I am getting quite close to committing his sin and calling him a worthless piece of trash. But of course I wouldn't go that far, troll, yes, snake, certainly.

As far as being honest. What could be more honest than openly speaking for the silent masses of witnesses to say yes, we saw this, but no, we aren't going to the authorities with the information. That isn't exactly very flattering information to share, I grant you, why would I do that if I wasn't being totally honest? As far as making up my original report, that is an outrageous accusation, WHY would I do that? Realizing the controversy of it, why would I ask a mod for permission if it was a false witness? Sickening accusations though par from the course from JC though.

Again Jing you are being far from honest ... Below is the actual full paragraph you keep referring to but only use the last sentence/question in terms of supporting people and pretending I am speaking about supporting child porn sellers when clearly it is meant about supporting the do nothing people such as yourself admittedly.

You might want to check your comprehension skills since I have NEVER said anyone should or that there is a need to confront anybody. I have made clear in MANY MANY posts what actions can and should be taken as have other people in this thread who have actually provided contact information for agencies but it is clear there are many here who only want to shout how upset they are but who aren't upset enough to contact the appropriate agencies or entities. . But I am thrilled you support these folks ... what does that make you?


The Op is talking about Sukhumvit Rd.

From Nana to Asoke on the Ambassador Hotel side, it's a complete and utter sh*t hole. An absolute disgrace. I'm an not suprised child porn is on sale.

Loads of prostitutes openly working outside Tony Roma's at 9am in the morning!! A few of them from Africa!! Right by the bus stop. Wouldn't like my mum or sister catching a bus there.

Ladyboys plying their trade, Stalls selling everything from weapons to viagra, sex aids, graphic displays of sex DVDs

Practically everything sold is knock-offs. Clothes are not even cheap anymore. It's getting impossible to walk down the street. Every bit of available space taken over by people selling all kinds of sh*t.

At night the street turns into a zoo and the largest bar in the world, open till it gets light. Licensed bar/pub owners have to shut by 2am.

Something serious needs doing down there.


Was just checking the net in regards to child porn possession being legal in Thailand and ran across the below article that indicates it is also legal in Japan .. in fact the government there refused to enact a law banning such possession this year,


No, child-porn isn't legal in Japan.

What you are referring to is the overly broad definition that some social-fascists are trying to push onto several countries legislation and that in part has been implemented in some US states etc, for example that images of naked kids with no sexual action nor purpose suddenly should be labeled as child-porn, which is absurd. Running the agenda as the extremists that think nudity is 'bad' and 'immoral' is NOT helping children in any way. It just further sexualize them and pushes the background of naked or semi-naked kids on a beach into the spotlight as some perverted childporn-action by sick parents -- thereby removing any innocence of childhood.

I am not refering to anything except the article which states in its first sentence ..."London, May 15 (ANI): The Japanese government has dismissed legislation criminalizing possession of child pornography, claiming that it violates individuals' freedom of expression."

It doesn't say pictures of nud_e kids but states CHILD PORN ... of course this article could be wrong but it and similar ones reported the same thing.

Another line reads: "We consider child pornography to be the worst of all evils and we find it hard to understand how images of naked children tied up with ropes can be considered acceptable."

This doesn't sound at all like what you are describing and advocating.

Since you have trouble reading, here I will state it again:

The article states something that THEY claim is childporn, but that in most parts is NOT.

If I were to include pictures of children hugging an adult, while fully clothed, as childporn and then work for a newspaper with an agenda - and you correctly pointed out that the assumption of the laws in Japan is wrong, does that make you a pedophile?

This is the kind of argument technique you are doing. It is despicable and you are doing your 'side' a big disservice.

And you are still wrong, 'real' childporn is still illegal in Japan.

To Quote WP:

Production, distribution and possessing for sale or distribution of child pornography depicting real children is illegal and strictly enforced.


Child pornography is banned in Japan by the Act on Punishment of Activities Relating to Child Prostitution and Child Pornography. It was passed in the Diet of Japan in 1998, and enforcement started in 1999. It was amended in 2003.


What a load of backtracking revisionist BS! Now he is back to his charge that we have imagined what he saw. I am getting quite close to committing his sin and calling him a worthless piece of trash. But of course I wouldn't go that far, troll, yes, snake, certainly.

Stay cool, go out in the rain for a moment. Contemplate the universe and your place in it. After five minutes come back in and write that masterful reply I know you're capable of. Next year the Nobel Prise for Literature, think big.

Having said this I must admit the discussion seems to go nowhere, or in circles. Almost typically Thai with foreign actors. Must be a rainy weekend ;)

That was very funny. Kudos.


And Jing, you came here going on and on about the Child Porn being openly displayed and "may" have been one of the folks who said it is waived in people's faces when they walk the sidewalk. Since I believed many of these statements to be either untrue, imagined or exaggerated based on my experience, I then ask folks why they did nothing. As I suspected most stopped posting it was so widely and openly sold but you and one or two others just kept going and going and going and coming up with all sorts of reasons nothing can be done, or being scared to do anything or refusing to acknowledge safe action can be taken ... all illogical responses which usually indicate an untruth.


And Jing, you came here going on and on about the Child Porn being openly displayed and "may" have been one of the folks who said it is waived in people's faces when they walk the sidewalk. Since I believed many of these statements to be either untrue, imagined or exaggerated based on my experience, I then ask folks why they did nothing. As I suspected most stopped posting it was so widely and openly sold but you and one or two others just kept going and going and going and coming up with all sorts of reasons nothing can be done, or being scared to do anything or refusing to acknowledge safe action can be taken ... all illogical responses which usually indicate an untruth.

My reports about what I witnessed which are in the text reflect the truth as I know it. Don't you think we have done this personal exchange enough? I find your vendetta here very offensive, is that clear enough? Why talk to me anymore on this topic. I don't want to hear anymore from you anything that is directed at me, can you help me with that?

Next ...


No, child-porn isn't legal in Japan.

What you are referring to is the overly broad definition that some social-fascists are trying to push onto several countries legislation and that in part has been implemented in some US states etc, for example that images of naked kids with no sexual action nor purpose suddenly should be labeled as child-porn, which is absurd. Running the agenda as the extremists that think nudity is 'bad' and 'immoral' is NOT helping children in any way. It just further sexualize them and pushes the background of naked or semi-naked kids on a beach into the spotlight as some perverted childporn-action by sick parents -- thereby removing any innocence of childhood.

I am not refering to anything except the article which states in its first sentence ..."London, May 15 (ANI): The Japanese government has dismissed legislation criminalizing possession of child pornography, claiming that it violates individuals' freedom of expression."

It doesn't say pictures of nud_e kids but states CHILD PORN ... of course this article could be wrong but it and similar ones reported the same thing.

Another line reads: ""We consider child pornography to be the worst of all evils and we find it hard to understand how images of naked children tied up with ropes can be considered acceptable."

This doesn't sound at all like what you are describing and advocating.

Since you have trouble reading, here I will state it again:

The article states something that THEY claim is childporn, but that in most parts is NOT.

If I were to include pictures of children hugging an adult, while fully clothed, as childporn and then work for a newspaper with an agenda - and you correctly pointed out that the assumption of the laws in Japan is wrong, does that make you a pedophile?

This is the kind of argument technique you are doing. It is despicable and you are doing your 'side' a big disservice.

And you are still wrong, 'real' childporn is still illegal in Japan.

To Quote WP:

Production, distribution and possessing for sale or distribution of child pornography depicting real children is illegal and strictly enforced.


Child pornography is banned in Japan by the Act on Punishment of Activities Relating to Child Prostitution and Child Pornography. It was passed in the Diet of Japan in 1998, and enforcement started in 1999. It was amended in 2003.

Note the words "possession for sale" ... Thailand has Child Porn laws too but they don't have one to cover simple possession. Selling, Distrubiting and displaying yes but not possession. From what I have reads and the law you have just posted, it would seem Japan is the same but I certainly could be wrong. I only came across this in my search about Thai laws today..


And Jing, you came here going on and on about the Child Porn being openly displayed and "may" have been one of the folks who said it is waived in people's faces when they walk the sidewalk. Since I believed many of these statements to be either untrue, imagined or exaggerated based on my experience, I then ask folks why they did nothing. As I suspected most stopped posting it was so widely and openly sold but you and one or two others just kept going and going and going and coming up with all sorts of reasons nothing can be done, or being scared to do anything or refusing to acknowledge safe action can be taken ... all illogical responses which usually indicate an untruth.

My reports about what I witnessed which are in the text reflect the truth as I know it. Don't you think we have done this personal exchange enough? I find your vendetta here very offensive, is that clear enough? Why talk to me anymore on this topic. I don't want to hear anymore from you that is directed at me, can you help me with that?

Next ...

Trust me when I say you could not be more offended at me than I am at the attitude that you will do "absolutely NOTHING" if you see CHILD PORN openly being sold by vendors except for talking about it here.


Trust me when I say you could not be more offended at me than I am at the attitude that you will do "absolutely NOTHING" if you see CHILD PORN openly being sold by vendors except for talking about it here.

One more final note, if this is so very important to you personally, come to Pattaya, get the offered help from the other poster to locate some offenders, and make the report YOURSELF instead of lecturing others on their moral flaws. If you did that, I would applaud you and openly say you are a better man than I (rather than a bag of hot air).

OK now, you are clear. I am clear. Are we settled up now? Finished the endless loop? Time to move on? Good!

Signed, the silent thousands of "worthless pieces of trash"

post-37101-023498400 1286620831_thumb.jp


Trust me when I say you could not be more offended at me than I am at the attitude that you will do "absolutely NOTHING" if you see CHILD PORN openly being sold by vendors except for talking about it here.

One more final note, if this is important to you, come to Pattaya, get the offered help from the other poster, and make the report YOURSELF instead of lecturing others on their moral flaws.

OK now, you are clear. I am clear. Are we settled up now? Finished the endless loop? Time to move on? Good!

Signed, the silent thousands of "worthless pieces of trash"

Already been there and lived on Sukimvit a number of years and I certainly wouldn't need any help finding it because it is right out in the open at the video tables I buy from ,,, but I have't seen it. Seen lots of things but never child porn being openly sold and displayed/


Note the words "possession for sale" ... Thailand has Child Porn laws too but they don't have one to cover simple possession. Selling, Distrubiting and displaying yes but not possession. From what I have reads and the law you have just posted, it would seem Japan is the same but I certainly could be wrong. I only came across this in my search about Thai laws today..

As long as you understand that the not passed law wasn't in regards of criminalizing child porn in general, as it already is illegal, but an attempt by some to widen to definition. To a dangerously wide level. As is done in some parts of the western world too, when the agenda is driven by religious* or 'purpose' fanatics.

(It is a well known fact that the best way to get normal porn illegalized, stigmatized and 'voluntarily' removed from hotels etc is to already have the foot in the ban-door, already over-scoping the original aim.)


Back to the topic, they do sell the kiddie porn sometimes on these streets (many witnesses including me), so WHO is buying it? Thais? I don't think so. Local expats? Probably some and they can probably be sort of safe keeping it in their homes unless they are arrested for something else in their homes and of course any and all porn will be at least reported on in the police report, still not clear on the legality of possession of even adult porn here.

But these areas in Bangkok and Pattaya are mostly for TOURISTS. Tourists are buying that stuff in enough volume to make it a good business? That's a little surprising. What tourist in their right mind would travel back to their home country carrying kiddie porn? I guess it depends on the countries but wouldn't that be a huge legal risk to do in most countries? Obviously, some people who want this stuff are that crazy, but enough of them to make this a good business? Or maybe they just watch them on their holiday and then trash the disks. In any case, it is surprising the huge risks people take to satisfy their illicit desires.

One other curious comment/question -- WHY is this thread even still open? Does this mean a change in policy here towards more discussion (and the inevitable flame fests) for super hot button topics?


But yes, I do believe 100% that is you take no action to such vial and open sickness then you are a worthless piece of trash. This is not a situation where these folks are needing to investigate anything or get involved. They claim to be outraged by it is being pushed upon them and their senses as they walk the street but refuse to even make a call or send an email to the numerous agencies that could do something. And you wonder why I doubt their credibility.

I think you're way off base here. I personally have never seen kiddie porn in Thailand, but then again I wasn't looking for it.

On the other hand, I have been actively offered adult porn in Pantip Plaza. Now that is, as you know, illegal. Do you think I should have reported it to the police? Before you say yes, I have to tell you that a couple of times police officers were socializing and laughing with the men who were pushing the porn dvds in peoples faces.

Actually, if you have read my posts you will see I am solely speaking about CHILD PORN BEING SOLD OPENLY and those who do nothing about it. I have never seen it in my years buying DVDs from these vendors but if you look back a few posts you will see where I have pointed out the MANY posts here of people who claim to not only see it regularly being sold openly on display but also having it waived in their's and their family's faces as they walk the main tourist areas and saying they won't attempt to do anything about it but that it is highly upsetting to them. It just shocks the senses.

And to answer your question more directly, that is completely up to you what you do in terms of reporting illegal activities. Personally I could care less about adult porn being sold to adults... my statements have to do with the claim of very PUBLIC exploitation and abuse of innocent children and people refusing to take any reasonable action against to even try help stop or slow it down.

again I ask you that you write so bold like some super hero thats going to stop it. you admit there is child porn out there so again I ask you. WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT? Are you saying you won't do anything about it because you don't believe its displayed openly? So as long, in your mind, its not openly displayed you won't, as you assure us you can, actually stop it?


The original article is a joke folks. It is all unnamed people from a reporter who has been caught lying in the past. He talks to Ambassadors but mentions no names. Same with police officials. He also does a count of all the porn vendors and what they are selling but leaves out the count of who is selling child porn openly even though this is what the story is about.

It is well known it is not hard to get and one simply has to ask for it from many of these folks selling standard porn titles but it is not sold in the same manner as adult porn titles and is not displayed along with standard adult porn titles.

This is no different than a news story of a UFO. All of a sudden after a reporting their are a group of folks who come out in full force saying they now have seen one too. Add to this kind of mentality a very emotional and hot topic such as porn and especially child porn ... you get flooded with folks who say they have seen it to. But in this case it shocks the sentences to have people here report what they have seen but have NEVER taken ANY action to do anything about it. Nothing even as simple as contacting an embassy, or child protection groups anonymously.

Considering not too long ago, Thailand was one of the child sex capitols of the world, and it still has a lot of it. Just about daily they arrest some pedophile in Pattaya having sex with someone under the age of 15, usually boys. What is so hard to believe about someone selling child porn in the open? You can also get videos of Japanese and European girls screwing dogs and horses, in case you didn't know.

Please, come to Pattaya. I'll take you right to it and watch you do whatever it is you're going to do from across the street. I'll even film it so everyone here and see what you do. Should be a hoot. PM me a few days before you come and I'll make plans. We can even do some covert stakeouts before you swoop down on them. Will be good times for all.

jcbangkok now has the chance to prove that as he assured us, he can stop it in a week. if Pattaya is too far then freaking cats video is of a vendor between Nana BTS and soi 11, he was still there today. easily to spot as he has a screen playing movies. or is as suggested just a troll. to troll on a subject like this has got to be lowest of low. Or as I've asked you with no reply yet; are you saying you won't do anything about it because you don't believe its displayed openly? So as long, in your mind, its not openly displayed you won't, as you assure us you can, actually stop it?


Following up to my previous post asking WHO is buying that kiddie stuff and is it really that big a business here for disk sales on the street, is this possibly all a POLICE extortion scam? Another poster mentioned this I think, but worth talking about perhaps. There have been reports of police working with drug stores and then the drug stores sell viagra to the customer and then inform on the buyer, and then there is either an arrest or more interesting to the police a BIG MONEY extortion scheme.

Doesn't this kiddie porn thing sound like it may be the same kind of money gambit, potentially even more effective for the police? We can assume the local police know about it when it is happening, are they perhaps making big money off it? For example, buyer buys kiddie porn disk, seller informs police, buyer must pay massive bribe to clear charges? This sound VERY possible to me. Do you agree? If this is happening, it wouldn't be any wonder that those caught up in the scam would never tell anyone about it, as of course they are still quite guilty.

It is of course a much bigger stigma to be caught buying kiddie porn than buying viagra so the motivation to pay up and pay bigger would be quite high for most people. I think actually most people have a good bit of sympathy for men who want to obtain viagra.

This is of course only speculation. It's slippery out there.


But yes, I do believe 100% that is you take no action to such vial and open sickness then you are a worthless piece of trash. This is not a situation where these folks are needing to investigate anything or get involved. They claim to be outraged by it is being pushed upon them and their senses as they walk the street but refuse to even make a call or send an email to the numerous agencies that could do something. And you wonder why I doubt their credibility.

I think you're way off base here. I personally have never seen kiddie porn in Thailand, but then again I wasn't looking for it.

On the other hand, I have been actively offered adult porn in Pantip Plaza. Now that is, as you know, illegal. Do you think I should have reported it to the police? Before you say yes, I have to tell you that a couple of times police officers were socializing and laughing with the men who were pushing the porn dvds in peoples faces.

Actually, if you have read my posts you will see I am solely speaking about CHILD PORN BEING SOLD OPENLY and those who do nothing about it. I have never seen it in my years buying DVDs from these vendors but if you look back a few posts you will see where I have pointed out the MANY posts here of people who claim to not only see it regularly being sold openly on display but also having it waived in their's and their family's faces as they walk the main tourist areas and saying they won't attempt to do anything about it but that it is highly upsetting to them. It just shocks the senses.

And to answer your question more directly, that is completely up to you what you do in terms of reporting illegal activities. Personally I could care less about adult porn being sold to adults... my statements have to do with the claim of very PUBLIC exploitation and abuse of innocent children and people refusing to take any reasonable action against to even try help stop or slow it down.

Are you saying you won't doanything about it because you don't believe it’s displayed openly? So as long,in your mind, its not openly displayed you won't try to actually stop it?


Jing clearly you cannot read or cannot comprehend the meaning of the word "or"

2nd, you can make all the excuses in the world why you will not do anything to help, even though there have been vast suggestions of what you can easily do with little risk to stop or slow the the open display of CHILD porn and why this would be a good thing but in my mind and I believe a number of others, we have come to our own conclusions of why you are taking this strong stance,.

What strong stand is that? Your posts are such trolls, you won't quit in your outrageous personal attack implications. For non-trolls, why would I have tried to make this a PUBLIC ISSUE many months ago here on this board if I thought anything to do with kiddie porn was a good thing? By that logic, all the other many thousands of people who have seen this and not reported are also supporters of kiddie porn. This JC guy has reached a new low in filthy accusations, and I don't understand why the mods allow him to continue in this line of unfounded, irrational personal attacks. I had thought calling other members names like PIECES OF TRASH was against forum rules, not to mention making outrageous and totally unfounded personal insinuations, but apparently not.

with you all the way. to troll on a subject as child porn is sickening. puts this with the lowest of the lowest


I tuned out on this thread when it was hijacked by one who has seen the subject matter but (correctly) considers reporting it as futile and the respondent who is is enraged that the former chooses to take this path of inaction while saying that since he hasn't personally seen it, then it doesn't exist despite at least a couple of others confirming that it's out there on the tables, regardless of exactly where these tables are geographically located.

One post notably identifies one of the Pattaya kiddie porn sales locations as on the steps outside The Pizza Company on Beach Road. That's all part of Royal Garden Plaza and Bill Heinecke's hugely high-profile Minor Group business empire. Now, if the most successful foreign* businessman in Thailand was made aware of this....?

* OK, he's a Thai citizen now with gongs from the palace but shouldn't that make it MORE of his social responsibility?


Then DO NOT REPORT IT TO THE TOURIST POLICE (for the third time!). Report it to people who care, and who can and will do something. This means the public prosecutor, which needs a documented statement to police before they are mandated to kick up a problem. And they most definitely will.

I am afraid you are speaking to somebody who has made it clear they don't want the child porn gone or at the very least will not lift a finger to do anything to help --- he only want to talk non stop about it.

so jcbangkok, what are you doing about it? and please give a direct answer to the question, it's not a hard one. I've asked you many times now


At night the street turns into a zoo and the largest bar in the world, open till it gets light. Licensed bar/pub owners have to shut by 2am.

Something serious needs doing down there.

When pigs fly..... :lol:

Anyways the lower suk is a fun and interesting place to be, and it has character. :) If you do not like it then stay away. BTW Tony Romas/Tops are gone now as well as Starbucks. ;)

As for the topic at hand...obviously it's being sold in the open or people would not have stated as much. If this is the case by all means report it, but like most everything here it falls on death ears unless there is dosh to be made. So reporting to NGO(s), embassies and whatever you desire won't change the fact that it will be still there.


Then DO NOT REPORT IT TO THE TOURIST POLICE (for the third time!). Report it to people who care, and who can and will do something. This means the public prosecutor, which needs a documented statement to police before they are mandated to kick up a problem. And they most definitely will.

I am afraid you are speaking to somebody who has made it clear they don't want the child porn gone or at the very least will not lift a finger to do anything to help --- he only want to talk non stop about it.

so jcbangkok, what are you doing about it? and please give a direct answer to the question, it's not a hard one. I've asked you many times now

I have answered you numerous of times in this forum and have stated to you this directly numerous times. And I stand by my statement that if people wanted to stop a vendor from selling & displaying child porn OPENLY can fairly easily make this happen. Seems the BK Post article was proof of this. There are just too many agencies involved in protecting Child rights both in Thailand and Internationally to be contacted if one sees this .. not to mention calling local and international press, not to mention calling a higher ranking officer at the police station, not to mention contacting your embassy for help, contacting Thai government officials, contacting local businesses in the area (especially the big hotels) ... I can go on and on about what you can safely do but there have been numerous posts on this topic too that you refuse to read. Obviously for whatever reasons, you don't want to see these posts and you don't want to make any kind of safe attempt to stop child porn from openly being displayed on main tourists drags and waived in families & people's' faces as they walk the sidewalk as has been claimed has been done numerous times in this forum.

It is a same for whatever reason beyond your claimed inadequacies that your claimed view of seeing children abused in such a way don't match your actions of refusing to even spend 5-minutes to do something about it. Yet, you can spend so much time in this forum making a stand of why you won't even try to do anything about it.

Of course child porn can easily be stopped from being openly sold and displayed OPENLY on the main tourists walkways if the majority of people if just a small percentage of tourists seeing it made these calls, sent letter or emails to various agencies about their outrage.

But I will admit I was wrong in thinking that people spouting outrage about it actually meant what they said and would be willing to do things as simple as pick up the phone or send an email. I really had no idea so many people really didn't give a poop enough to even do such little things to even TRY to make a difference.

Your attitude and others like it sickens me because it flies in the face of any kind of logic if you truly are very strongly against the abuse of children.

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