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Child Porn On Sukhumvit Stirs Outrage

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Ok we have here an article that says they are selling child porn in those stalls on n Sukhumvit.I've been living here for the past 16 years and have never seen something like this.Porn movies yes but child porn never,not on Sukhumvit or anywhere else in public places.Included in the OP is a picture from a stall selling copy movies.If they have prove then why isn't there a picture from a child porn cover included or some other evidence?

In my opinion this is just another newspaper selling article with no hard evidence.

Agree. I have NEVER seen it being sold ANYWHERE. I've read and heard that these guys selling the standard porn often sell other stuff but you have to ask and be taken somewhere else or they go get it or something. But NEVER have I seen or heard of anybody displaying child porn openly. Even with being able to pay off police in Bangkok ... I just don't see this as being a line even a very corrupt policeman would cross.

I also doubt that child porn would be openly displayed, just because a lot of customers would take one look and walk away so the vendor would lose business. Also, if some righteous tourists saw some guy putting child porn in his bag and walking away they would probably take the law into their own hands and beat the crap out of him.


Ok we have here an article that says they are selling child porn in those stalls on n Sukhumvit.I've been living here for the past 16 years and have never seen something like this.Porn movies yes but child porn never,not on Sukhumvit or anywhere else in public places.Included in the OP is a picture from a stall selling copy movies.If they have prove then why isn't there a picture from a child porn cover included or some other evidence?

In my opinion this is just another newspaper selling article with no hard evidence.

Agree. I have NEVER seen it being sold ANYWHERE. I've read and heard that these guys selling the standard porn often sell other stuff but you have to ask and be taken somewhere else or they go get it or something. But NEVER have I seen or heard of anybody displaying child porn openly. Even with being able to pay off police in Bangkok ... I just don't see this as being a line even a very corrupt policeman would cross.

I also doubt that child porn would be openly displayed, just because a lot of customers would take one look and walk away so the vendor would lose business. Also, if some righteous tourists saw some guy putting child porn in his bag and walking away they would probably take the law into their own hands and beat the crap out of him.

Even those looking to buy child porn would probably walk away thinking it was some kind of trap. Be it drugs or other illegal activities that are highly taboo in society ... the buyers know it is all done in an underground world ... not out in the open.


Ok we have here an article that says they are selling child porn in those stalls on n Sukhumvit.I've been living here for the past 16 years and have never seen something like this.Porn movies yes but child porn never,not on Sukhumvit or anywhere else in public places.Included in the OP is a picture from a stall selling copy movies.If they have prove then why isn't there a picture from a child porn cover included or some other evidence?

In my opinion this is just another newspaper selling article with no hard evidence.

Agree. I have NEVER seen it being sold ANYWHERE. I've read and heard that these guys selling the standard porn often sell other stuff but you have to ask and be taken somewhere else or they go get it or something. But NEVER have I seen or heard of anybody displaying child porn openly. Even with being able to pay off police in Bangkok ... I just don't see this as being a line even a very corrupt policeman would cross.

Don't know about Bangkok, but kiddie porn is sometimes sold VERY OPENLY on beach road, Pattaya. The porn picture labels (last time I noticed, they were blond Euro looking girls) are totally open for viewing on the front desk by the passing hordes of all kinds of people, including many families, as well as fully veiled Muslim women. It is quite obvious the police already know. I reckon there are periodic crackdowns of everything in Thailand, including this, but after all even the non-porn copy DVDs are illegal.

As far as the child victims being Europeans, I do wonder if that was tolerated more by the police than openly displaying Thai child victims. I never examined the merch to see if they also had Thai kiddie porn, I am only reporting on what the victims looked like that were OPENLY displayed for any passerby who moved their eye to their DVD table.

A while back I wanted to start a thread about the public kiddie porn vendors on beach road on the Pattaya forum, but I asked a mod if it was OK, and was told not to start it, too inflammatory. So I am glad to hear this issue is finally out in the open in the news and on the forum. Yes of course it is bad enough is such material is hard to get and hidden, but when it is openly displayed on busy streets to catch the eye of all those walking by, it crosses a line of corruption and depravity that is beyond the pale.

Caveat on my Pattaya report. This is something I have seen more than once in the past, on multiple beach road DVD tables. However, it is not a recent report as these days I tend to walk on the beach side of the road.


Ok we have here an article that says they are selling child porn in those stalls on n Sukhumvit.I've been living here for the past 16 years and have never seen something like this.Porn movies yes but child porn never,not on Sukhumvit or anywhere else in public places.Included in the OP is a picture from a stall selling copy movies.If they have prove then why isn't there a picture from a child porn cover included or some other evidence?

In my opinion this is just another newspaper selling article with no hard evidence.

Agree. I have NEVER seen it being sold ANYWHERE. I've read and heard that these guys selling the standard porn often sell other stuff but you have to ask and be taken somewhere else or they go get it or something. But NEVER have I seen or heard of anybody displaying child porn openly. Even with being able to pay off police in Bangkok ... I just don't see this as being a line even a very corrupt policeman would cross.

Don't know about Bangkok, but kiddie porn is sometimes sold VERY OPENLY on beach road, Pattaya. The porn picture labels (last time I noticed, they were blond Euro looking girls) are totally open for viewing on the front desk by the passing hordes of all kinds of people, including many families, as well as fully veiled Muslim women. It is quite obvious the police already know. I reckon there are periodic crackdowns of everything in Thailand, including this, but after all even the non-porn copy DVDs are illegal.

As far as the child victims being Europeans, I do wonder if that was tolerated more by the police than openly displaying Thai child victims. I never examined the merch to see if they also had Thai kiddie porn, I am only reporting on what the victims looked like that were OPENLY displayed for any passerby who moved their eye to their DVD table.

A while back I wanted to start a thread about the public kiddie porn vendors on beach road on the Pattaya forum, but I asked a mod if it was OK, and was told not to start it, too inflammatory. So I am glad to hear this issue is finally out in the open in the news and on the forum. Yes of course it is bad enough is such material is hard to get and hidden, but when it is openly displayed on busy streets to catch the eye of all those walking by, it crossing a line of corruption and depravity that is beyond the pale.

Okay, you sound rational and I don't spend a great deal of time in Pattaya. BUT logic tells me what you are seeing is not child porn but simply very young looking girls. In Thailand child sex issues is currently a big issue. It costs the Thai government a great deal of money international because of its past dealing with such issues. Logically it makes no sense to display this stuff in open view. And from the view of the buyer ... they don't want everyone seeing them buy child porn. So ... although I have no doubt you believe what you saw is child porn ... I have to wonder if it really is. It just makes little sense to display openly due to risk of prison and the fact that child predators tend to not want to advertise what they are.

Keep in mind too that there are countless child advocate groups both Thailand based and International that would swoop in if they knew such things were being sold openly. They tend not to be well funded and go after the easiest predators to show the world children being victimized. A simple video camera showing this stuff being sold openly would make the news across the globe since news stations in the West love to run with these stories for ratings.

But then again this is Thailand and logic doesn't often play a role in things.

Edit: You make a very interesting point in terms of your seeing only European's on these covers. This does make me wonder. I always assumed the child porn would be home grown (Thais) but we all know the prevalent attitude in Thailand of what is good for Thais and as opposed to non-Thais.


Okay, you sound rational and I don't spend a great deal of time in Pattaya. BUT logic tells me what you are seeing is not child porn but simply very young looking girls.


You're wrong. What I saw was sex act porn with adult men and young girls (not art photos), openly shown on the street. XXX stuff out on the open for the passing families. I was shocked too, and it isn't easy to be shocked in Pattaya. The girls probably Eastern European or Scandanavian in origin. I am not talking young ladies, I am talking girls who looked under 10 years old. Is that explicit enough for you? As I told the mod here when I wanted to start a thread about it, in a normal country I would have just called the police, but here, if it is in the open, the police are making money from it, so no point.


Okay, you sound rational and I don't spend a great deal of time in Pattaya. BUT logic tells me what you are seeing is not child porn but simply very young looking girls.


You're wrong. What I saw was sex act porn with adult men and young girls (not art photos), openly shown on the street. XXX stuff out on the open for the passing families. I was shocked too, and it isn't easy to be shocked in Pattaya. The girls probably Eastern European or Scandanavian in origin. I am not talking young ladies, I am talking girls who looked under 10 years old. Is that explicit enough for you?

Again coming from a pure logic point of view, I have to ask .... What would be the point of this? What would they have to gain by selling so openly vs.what they have to lose?

Pattaya may be full of sex hungry men and women willing to trade sex for money but many of these people have kids are are STRONGLY against child porn. Maybe you can pay off 1 or 2 cops but what of all the others with kids who also STRONGLY are against child porn and would beat the hel_l out of anybody involved in it? What about the tourist police who would certainly drop a dime to a child protection group? What of the hundreds of thousands of tourists who are STRONGLY against child porn ... do they all just look the other way? There are too many people in society who would not hesitate to beat the hel_l out of somebody selling this stuff .. especially openly. Some of these people who would do the most violence to such a seller are criminals themselves ... just like in the rest of the world, you don't want to be in a Thai prison for child sex related crimes. You say they show this stuff to passing families but none have ever complained to a human rights or child group let alone the police?

There are many petite 18, 19 and 20 year old girls with no breasts to speak of who make a living in the porn industry by looking young. If your outside Thailand just do a search on the internet. These movies they are in are produced by large companies who keep all the actors info on file by law to prove their age.

If a guy is into child porn and in Pattaya then he likely has access to underage working girls and is going to be a bit careful about not being caught or being seen as a predator. The last thing this person is going to do is buy his illegal porn out in the open in front of families and police even if it was sold openly... they would know the rules are not the same for them as a farang and police would be keeping an eye on him.

The only thing that would make sense for a vendor to sell child porn openly is if he was working with the police to nab stupid and sick Farangs. Why would a vendor want to turn off 90% of his customers by standard porn stuff??? Who would buy a standard porn title from him when he is holding up child porn to everyone walking by??? OK, maybe he limits himself to only selling child porn to the very few people who buy it and the even fewer who buy it out in the open for the police and everyone to see ... again makes absolutely no sense ... especially when I've heard many of these people selling standard porn titles also sell child porn but you have to ask and they don't keep it right there at their stand. In fact this is often how they sell fake copies of Windows and other software now so they don't get busted with the stuff in their possession.

Sorry, I just don't buy this ... there is not one motivating reason a vendor would openly display this stuff to passing families as you state.


Okay, you sound rational and I don't spend a great deal of time in Pattaya. BUT logic tells me what you are seeing is not child porn but simply very young looking girls.


You're wrong. What I saw was sex act porn with adult men and young girls (not art photos), openly shown on the street. XXX stuff out on the open for the passing families. I was shocked too, and it isn't easy to be shocked in Pattaya. The girls probably Eastern European or Scandanavian in origin. I am not talking young ladies, I am talking girls who looked under 10 years old. Is that explicit enough for you? As I told the mod here when I wanted to start a thread about it, in a normal country I would have just called the police, but here, if it is in the open, the police are making money from it, so no point.

No, you take pics [undercover] and send it to the news or websites.


Sorry, I just don't buy this ... there is not one motivating reason a vendor would openly display this stuff to passing families as you state.

My vision is fine. Believe it or not. I am not saying you would find this today though.


Okay, you sound rational and I don't spend a great deal of time in Pattaya. BUT logic tells me what you are seeing is not child porn but simply very young looking girls.


You're wrong. What I saw was sex act porn with adult men and young girls (not art photos), openly shown on the street. XXX stuff out on the open for the passing families. I was shocked too, and it isn't easy to be shocked in Pattaya. The girls probably Eastern European or Scandanavian in origin. I am not talking young ladies, I am talking girls who looked under 10 years old. Is that explicit enough for you? As I told the mod here when I wanted to start a thread about it, in a normal country I would have just called the police, but here, if it is in the open, the police are making money from it, so no point.

No, you take pics [undercover] and send it to the news or websites.

You do that. I won't be taking any pictures of kiddie porn on the streets here. That would be a crazy thing to do actually unless you are a journalist with credential.


I've never been to Pattaya, but I was visiting Bangkok's Chinatown about 2 months ago and there were many, many sellers selling porn, but the most interesting part was seeing how popular those stands were (all Thai, didn't see any farang). I also saw dildos on sale.

We just can't know if what is being sold is child porn or not. Surely some porn producers, because they know there is a demand, are actively looking for 18 yo who look much younger than their age? Due to an illness or something, I don't see how it's impossible than a 18 y.o. girl looks like she is 9. Not only that, with a certain haircut, clothes (if there are any) and Photoshop, it's entirely possible to make a girl looks very young, at least on the DVD cover.


It is openly available in HadYai as well. They even shove it in my face when I am walking with my wife I angrily say Mai chob, Mai chob but they just smile. I'm talking young girls 10 and under. I would take pics of the stalls and vendors and show them on utube or call some watch group if I knew a number or if I knew it would make a difference.


Unfortunately Thailand is still one of the countries where certain individuals and groups can be above the law.

For those who are able to pay to fed their sick desires, there are and always will be industries out there willing to supply them with a sick fix for their habit. They say good always triumphs over evil, but I’m not so sure.


I have bought DVD of first run movies that appeared to be legit. I do so because the Thai subtitles help my wife understand the movie. Often I have brought these movies and not viewed them until I got home in the USA, taking them through customs and not afraid for them to be found but I now will make sure to scan them fully to be sure what I think is on the disc is on the disc. If I later found out the disc was pirated yes that would be negative but I do not want to be caught with some heinous porn on me.

It would not surprise me in the least to see child porn being sold by these street vendors. If they think it will excite someone and make them a buck they will most certainly try to sell it. I find the touts aggressively blocking foot traffic on Suk and other roads disgusting and anyone selling this kind of material the lowest of the low.


This thread is very disturbing. I can't believe a bunch of people are claiming that this stuff is sold out in the open everywhere in Thailand. I have never seen it and I find it pretty shocking. I don't see how you guys can just shrug your shoulders about it and compare it to other forms of BIB corruption. :o


There is another, more sinister, side to this. These vendors are trying to make a living selling what people want to buy. If people weren't buying the vendors wouldn't be selling. The people making these movies would still be making them even if people weren't selling and buying them.

It is the nastier side of the human condition.

I have just noticed that there are 172 people viewing this topic and wonder why.

I am bothered by this immensely on several levels.

First, where is the accompanying outrage (the title of the thread) that Thailand is in the top 5 countries where child trafficking occurs...it sounds as if the outrage is because it has suddenly become obvious?

Second, why is it that a little bribery is about all it takes to get away with it?

Third, why is it that everyday people see it, but the cops are blind to it?

Fourth, and yes...why is it that people think it's easy to find in Thailand? Because it is?


I also doubt that child porn would be openly displayed, just because a lot of customers would take one look and walk away so the vendor would lose business. Also, if some righteous tourists saw some guy putting child porn in his bag and walking away they would probably take the law into their own hands and beat the crap out of him.

Take a trip to Pattaya and check pretty much any of the DVD tables on Beach Road. You will vomit on yourself.


You're wrong. What I saw was sex act porn with adult men and young girls (not art photos), openly shown on the street. XXX stuff out on the open for the passing families. I was shocked too, and it isn't easy to be shocked in Pattaya. The girls probably Eastern European or Scandanavian in origin. I am not talking young ladies, I am talking girls who looked under 10 years old. Is that explicit enough for you? As I told the mod here when I wanted to start a thread about it, in a normal country I would have just called the police, but here, if it is in the open, the police are making money from it, so no point.

I confirm Jingthing's comments on this and saw it again just 1 week ago. These are not 18 or 19 year old girls with small breasts, these are children, probably under 10 years of age. It sells right in the open and in one place in-particular, right where the police sit and give people tickets for not wearing helmets.

No, you take pics [undercover] and send it to the news or websites.

No thanks. I would not want that to blow up in my face. The tides can quickly turn on you here and I don't want to have so much as a single photo of that stuff on my phone or camera.

Sorry, I just don't buy this ... there is not one motivating reason a vendor would openly display this stuff to passing families as you state.

Sadly, it's true. They have been selling it for years in the same places. The sad truth is, it wouldn't be there if people were not buying it. :(

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Thanks for the confirmation, Tokay, and the more recent report.

Maybe this publicity will put some pressure on the "authorities" in Pattaya to do something about this. On second thought, maybe not. This has been going on for a long time (the Pattaya beach road openly on the tables kiddie porn) and I don't recall word one about it in the local so called press. Too busy photographing elderly naked dead foreigners who had heart attacks, I suppose.


There was certainly a vendor in Tukcom Khon Kaen selling it before the place was revamped about 6 or 7 years ago. It wasn't a case of an 18 year old girl looking like a 14 year old lolita. These kids were obviously below the age of 12. About 2 folders full of them in plain view next to the regular hardcore. These were not professionally produced productions judging by the covers. No titles just dodgy photos. Very amateurish. Loads of bestiality stuff as well. My wife talked to her old school friend at KK police station. When I went back there a few weeks later all the guys porn was gone. Just standard pirated movies and software. I don't know if somebody had had a word or plain coincidence.


How can people on this forum claim this to be such a terrible thing but claim to see it on a daily basis and do nothing about it. Please don't plead ignorant as if you don't know what to do. There are NUMEROUS things that can be done to stop this without worrying about yourself since a number of your claim such outrage but are willing to risk nothing to stop it.

Something sounds awful fishy. But if this story has truth and these posters are credible ... the reason this is happening is because of the people who pretend to be outraged but do nothing ... same folks we see posting here.


Where's the proof?

There's one article by a writer with a very dodgy background - a former paid Australian government spy who later went public about his infiltration of the Australian Communist Party - a photo of a DVD sales booth and lots of unnamed diplomats and police making supposedly making comments. Where's a photo (suitably edited of course) showing these supposedly openly displayed kiddie porn and bestiality DVDs?

This is a beat up of the first degree and the quality of journalism ranks at the same level as a certain Scottish hack who only bothers to pound a keyboard when a foreigner is arrested on child sex offenses or the like.

There's plenty of information on the internet, including this credible report about Maxmilian Wechsler and many others can be found by Googling Maxmilian Wechsler + ASIO.

Before people start getting emotive as the result of any newspaper story published by either of the two English language newspapers and launching into a war of words with others, it would pay to first ensure the story is factual.


How can people on this forum claim this to be such a terrible thing but claim to see it on a daily basis and do nothing about it. Please don't plead ignorant as if you don't know what to do. There are NUMEROUS things that can be done to stop this without worrying about yourself since a number of your claim such outrage but are willing to risk nothing to stop it.

Something sounds awful fishy. But if this story has truth and these posters are credible ... the reason this is happening is because of the people who pretend to be outraged but do nothing ... same folks we see posting here.

So what are the "numerous" things one can do?

The most obvious is to report to the police but the Thai cops just turn a blind eye. I can't understand why, when the International police forces all work together to stamp out child porn. Someone very big must be behind the scenes here.

Maybe the International press should be informed.

Some Thai people don't seem to have any feelings regarding child porno and only care about money.

I was in Pantip once looking to buy hardware when some Thai man approached me and asked if i wanted a young girl and showed me a picture of a little girl of about 10 years. I just told him no and walked away. He followed me and grabbed my arm showing me a photo of a young boy and asked if I wanted a boy instead. I think I was more annoyed than shocked and i just shrugged it off. I didn't bother to report him or anything because i am pretty sure nothing would have happened to him.


allowing this kind of stuff to be openly sold is pretty vile.

You can find it anywhere in Thailand where there is a huge foreign tourist population. I was down in Pattaya yesterday sitting on the beach, when some Thai came up to me and started to flash some DVD's with children having sex and some with western men having sex with children as young as 2 or 3. People do buy it and it keeps that segment of foreign population satisfied. I told the boy or several of them to get out of where I was at and told the staff. The staff refused to interfere with their job, seen the police doing his rounds and he did nothing about it. After the Thai boys left me, they turned their attention to a German man and he went through their collect and bought 10 of them.

So, as with Child porn, this society is so wasted and gone to the point where they would sell their own mother into slavery for a dollar.

In Silom, you get hit up by the boys trying to sell you the crap with police standing nearby. Do the police do anything about it? No, why should they. It’s not the police who control Silom or Sukhumvit, it’s the Thai mafias. Thai love them.

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OK some ideas on what to do when faced with this situation?? Call the police? Make a scene? Bash the vendor? What would you do? How about some constuctive ideas. I would love to Bash the pri*ks but I also need to live in the area,


How can people on this forum claim this to be such a terrible thing but claim to see it on a daily basis and do nothing about it. Please don't plead ignorant as if you don't know what to do. There are NUMEROUS things that can be done to stop this without worrying about yourself since a number of your claim such outrage but are willing to risk nothing to stop it.

Something sounds awful fishy. But if this story has truth and these posters are credible ... the reason this is happening is because of the people who pretend to be outraged but do nothing ... same folks we see posting here.

Don't believe it? go visit vendors on Sukhumvit between soi 7 and 11 and then between 11 and 19. Then go report it to police and report back to us if you are willing to risk it.

I also doubt that child porn would be openly displayed, just because a lot of customers would take one look and walk away so the vendor would lose business. Also, if some righteous tourists saw some guy putting child porn in his bag and walking away they would probably take the law into their own hands and beat the crap out of him.

Take a trip to Pattaya and check pretty much any of the DVD tables on Beach Road. You will vomit on yourself.


If you have seen this I have posted a link to Unicef in Bangkok..Please at at least take the time to report it...

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"All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing"

There appears to be many good men posting and probably more reading this thread, so let's do something. IMO there can be virtually nothing worse than child abuse, picking on those with neither power nor the experience to make sensible decisions.

Please contact the international media and give those that performed poorly during the recent unrest a chance to get it right this time. An undercover operation by these agencies would put pressure on the government and seriously threaten the tourist industry forcing these vendors underground, not a perfect solution but a solution to part of the problem. I will be taking this action immediately.

As others have said: whilst sick people are willing to buy this affront to decent humanity other money driven people will provide at any cost to the children used!

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