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What Do Farang Get Out Of The Farang Bar Scene?


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Chunky's troll....

You go into a bar geared towards the farang and the first thing that happens is an unattractive woman attempts to converse with you in order to size you up as a potential mark asking you a series of questions in order to gauge your naivety and desperation. And you are supposed to be paying for this experience? You would have to pay me to sit in one of these bars, yet somehow it is the thriving lifeblood of Thailand's tourist industry?

How would Chunky know what goes on in a Thai bar unless he actually frequents bars? I've been in Canadian bars where people have been shot to death, knifed and beaten up. That doesn't mean it happens all the time. Likewise, I've been in fancy restaurants where fights have broken out, but it hasn't stopped me from eating in restaurants. I've been propositioned by acquaintence's wives in house parties, but that doesn't mean that always happens at house parties. I get stopped on the street by beggers, but it hasn't stopped me from visiting Thailand.

It's easy enough to thwart the advances of someone you are not interested in. I do it all the time when I frequent the Thai bars. A simple "Mai ow Krap" spoken with a smile is all that is needed. Nobody's feelings have been hurt and nobody is offended.

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Why not go somewhere that has women who aren't hideous, if you are going for the women?

As a married man, I don't go in bars looking for a women, so it doesn't matter what the women in the bars look like!

I do mostly go into Thai bars staffed by university girls, a bit too young to take home though (even if I did that sort of thing).

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Why not go somewhere that has women who aren't hideous, if you are going for the women?

I've never quite understood it myself. Blokes walking home with a chick who's been hit by the ugly stick.... If you are paying for it, you'd expect you'd be able to get a better looker?? Mai Khow Jai.

On the other hand, these bars are great people watching opportunities - living in Thailand it is inevitable you get dragged along to these places once in a while. Fresh off the boat - and fresh meat to the predators, ur, sorry, hostesses.

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what do i get out of the ferang bar scene.

a better view / more fun than i ever did in any bar in england : )

enjoy pic ... dave2

So you DO know my friend do you Dave? Nice view of View. :) We've been friends for 5 years.


Of course, I think Chunky is referring to this...


But the option is more often like THIS back home.


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Why not go somewhere that has women who aren't hideous, if you are going for the women?

All I can ask is from what planet are you? "Hideous?" First, that is rather subjective and more than a little arrogant. Second, I have been in a number of bars over the last few months, and while not every woman dancing there would be reigning Miss Thailands, more than enough are downright hot by just about any person's judgment (unless Asian women are not your thing, and in that case, why are you in a Thai forum instead of a Finnish, Columbian, or Kenyan forum?)

I am too much of a posting newbie to call troll, so I wouldn't dream of doing that.

Although I wouldn't call them hideous, I do think that the majority of thai birds aren't particularly attractive. For example, I was reading Biff's blog yesterday and he has a picture of three of them in one of the photos he posted on it. My first reaction when I saw it was "three dogs on a bike" (sorry, Biff). Personally, I wouldn't be seen dead with any of them, but there you go. But then, I have a thing about faces and if a bird hasn't got an attractive dial, I'm just not interested regardless of what other attributes she might have. I think Chunky may be the same.

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Although I wouldn't call them hideous, I do think that the majority of Thai birds aren't particularly attractive.

My opinion is that, percentage wise, Thai women are more attractive than most other nationalities on the planet. There are a lot more pretty girls here than anywhere that I have been and they are more flirty and friendly as well, but the truth is that there are pretty ladies in every country..


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Why not go somewhere that has women who aren't hideous, if you are going for the women?

I've never quite understood it myself. Blokes walking home with a chick who's been hit by the ugly stick.... If you are paying for it, you'd expect you'd be able to get a better looker?? Mai Khow Jai.

On the other hand, these bars are great people watching opportunities - living in Thailand it is inevitable you get dragged along to these places once in a while. Fresh off the boat - and fresh meat to the predators, ur, sorry, hostesses.

Aint that the truth brother! By GOD I watch men go hand in hand with the fugliest hookers Ive ever seen and they are happy as can be, if youre going to pay for it why the hel_l wouldnt you be more discriminating. Sometimes I think my fellow man is blind... or retarded... or perhaps both.

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Aint that the truth brother! By GOD I watch men go hand in hand with the fugliest hookers Ive ever seen and they are happy as can be, if youre going to pay for it why the hel_l wouldnt you be more discriminating. Sometimes I think my fellow man is blind... or retarded... or perhaps both.

You have been here a while, you understand what is on offer.

In the UK my former fat, 50 YO wife was the best I could get for 20 years.

When I came here, every lady in a bar (well nearly every lady) looked better than her.

Every girl I dated since the UK ex-wife, has been an upgrade over the previous.

Tourists and short-timers are just doing the same as I once did, a upgrade from the woman back home.

But the option is more often like THIS back home.


I'm pretty sure that she turned me down. :crying:

I'm pretty sure this one divorced me!

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Aint that the truth brother! By GOD I watch men go hand in hand with the fugliest hookers Ive ever seen and they are happy as can be, if youre going to pay for it why the hel_l wouldnt you be more discriminating. Sometimes I think my fellow man is blind... or retarded... or perhaps both.

You have been here a while, you understand what is on offer.

In the UK my former fat, 50 YO wife was the best I could get for 20 years.

When I came here, every lady in a bar (well nearly every lady) looked better than her.

Every girl I dated since the UK ex-wife, has been an upgrade over the previous.

Tourists and short-timers are just doing the same as I once did, a upgrade from the woman back home.

But the option is more often like THIS back home.


I'm pretty sure that she turned me down. :crying:

I'm pretty sure this one divorced me!

You must be proud :rolleyes:. The (presumably) attractive woman you married at 30 was no longer attractive at 50 - so you went looking for something better.

Fortunately the farang bars have lots of women who are happy to tell you that you are 'so hansum' - unlike the women in the country you came from.

Have to agree though that men who haven't been here long find all the women in farang bars exotic, and therefore attractive. Its only a few years later they can tell the difference between the attractive and unattractive.

Edited by F1fanatic
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^attractive is a matter of opinion F1, nothing well ever change that. Besides looks fade and if you are ugly inside then you will have nowt going for you.

Couldn't agree more, unless you are in Thailand where old, unattractive males are amazingly incredibly attractive again....

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Some of us have friends Chunks and we end up down some of the bar areas for a few beers and a laugh after leaving a more respectable place.

I have never met anyone selling drugs in Thailand because I do not hang out in the areas where that would happen!

But you said you never went to these bar areas, you're a bit of a story teller it seems.

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Why not go somewhere that has women who aren't hideous, if you are going for the women?

I've never quite understood it myself. Blokes walking home with a chick who's been hit by the ugly stick.... If you are paying for it, you'd expect you'd be able to get a better looker?? Mai Khow Jai.

On the other hand, these bars are great people watching opportunities - living in Thailand it is inevitable you get dragged along to these places once in a while. Fresh off the boat - and fresh meat to the predators, ur, sorry, hostesses.

Aint that the truth brother! By GOD I watch men go hand in hand with the fugliest hookers Ive ever seen and they are happy as can be, if youre going to pay for it why the hel_l wouldnt you be more discriminating. Sometimes I think my fellow man is blind... or retarded... or perhaps both.

Spot on, if you have to pay for it at least get a pretty one, they are the same price.

Take a look at some of the morons walking around lower Suk with that inane grin on their face as if they have some looker on their arm.

Desperate would be how I would describe them, mind you if you have been off shore or stuck in some country inhabited by religious fanatics for 4 months these horrors start to look attractive, they tell me 6 large changs help.

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You must be proud :rolleyes:. The (presumably) attractive woman you married at 30 was no longer attractive at 50 - so you went looking for something better.

Fortunately the farang bars have lots of women who are happy to tell you that you are 'so hansum' - unlike the women in the country you came from.

Have to agree though that men who haven't been here long find all the women in farang bars exotic, and therefore attractive. Its only a few years later they can tell the difference between the attractive and unattractive.

Top Generalisations!

I perefer to think of the go go bars and beer bars different from the farang bitter-and-footie bars, but I accept that to split a generalisation into three would suggest that one's broad, sweeping generalisations could not be universally applied, and might open the way for detailed consideration of specifics.

For F1 and Chunky, you might care to group the first two categories of bars as "girlie" bars, if that helps.

Now I admit that the three categories I've described are not clearly defined and universally separable - for example, Gullivers - clearly a Bitter-sports bar, though I think being of Australian or American inspiration it might not sell bitter... has a few girls who are willing to carry on for a carry on after a game of pool (what a great pun!), and similarly the Office is a good place for the sport. Oh no! more evidence that we may not be able to live our lives by simple prejudice and stereotype!

Ha! of course we can... but it can lead to misclassification, misunderstanding and error....


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Some of us have friends Chunks and we end up down some of the bar areas for a few beers and a laugh after leaving a more respectable place.

I have never met anyone selling drugs in Thailand because I do not hang out in the areas where that would happen!


But you said you never went to these bar areas, you're a bit of a story teller it seems.

OH dear! I have got myself a stalker now. isnt the internet an amazing place to meet weirdos! :blink:

Yes you are right, I did say I never go to those bar areas. I have never been to a bar area where there are drugs for sale, and if there are drugs for sale I have never seen it or been offered drugs. there are a few good bars at the arse end of Pat Pong, after we have met in Mollys I will take you over to buy me some more beers. :lol:

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Some of us have friends Chunks and we end up down some of the bar areas for a few beers and a laugh after leaving a more respectable place.

Another Troll form Chunky - but it says a lot about himself if this is how he views the bar scene. As you have mentioned there a number of bars where people go to have a few beers and a laugh and there are no hookers.

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Have to agree though that men who haven't been here long find all the women in farang bars exotic, and therefore attractive. Its only a few years later they can tell the difference between the attractive and unattractive.

Why do many posters seem to think that they have the end word on what is attractive or not? Ever since high school, I have always noticed that what one person thinks is attractive is not necessarily what another thinks is attractive. When I was in the military, I met guys who liked fat (not overweight, but FAT) women, tiny women, studly women, black women, Asian women, white women, older women, and so on. Women who I thought were hot would not float the boat of some of my friends and vice versa.

And you know what? This is a good thing. It makes it far more likely that all of us can find someone who thinks we are attractive enough to spark an interest.

F1, I think from your posts that you are a woman. So do you really think that you are the expert on what guys find attractive? Tell me what you find attractive in guys, and I will listen. But I don' t need anyone, especially a straight woman, telling me who I should find attractive and who I shouldn't.

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My wife, a Thai lady, has no problems telling me who is, and who isn't attractive.

First consideration

Lady with white skin = attractive

Lady with dark skin = ugly

Second consideration

Lady under 24 = attractive

Lady over 28 = no comment, cos they aren't in the game any more

They can be as fat as a football, or as thin as a rake, that is not a feature my wife takes into consideration when judging. When she wants to introduce one of her 'attractive friends' (looking for a husband), my friends now insist on seeing a recent photo first :D

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