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Suvarnabhumi Urged To Be A Smoke-Free Airport


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Suvarnabhumi urged to be a smoke-free airport

BANGKOK (NNT) -- The Thai Health Promotion Institute (THPI) indicates that nicotine content inside the Suvarnabhumi International Airport is still high, asking the Airport of Thailand (AOT) to make Suvarnabhumi 100% smoke-free.

The Institute is currently asking the Public Health Ministry to set up rules to make the airport completely free from smoke. It suggests that nicotine content in the air around smoking room is too high. Although a separate smoking room is provided; the door is open very often.

The THPI cites that 23 out of 30 biggest airports in the United States are completely smoke-free. In Thailand, many small airports have done so as well, leaving only the biggest airport in the Kingdom. The reason, cited by the AOT, that some long haul passengers need to smoke and Suvarnabhumi is a big airport with many passengers on connecting flights, is untenable by the Institute as many bigger airports can also make themselves smoke-free.

In addition, the THPI also suggests that if Suvarnabhumi adopt the strategy, it could climb up the ranking in the Skytrax World Airport Awards, which survey 9.8 million passengers from all over the world. Currently the airport is at number 10th spot.


-- NNT 2010-10-04 footer_n.gif

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kind of funny,never seen a place to smoke in swampy.not like its cold outside :rolleyes:

there are loads of smoking rooms there, they even used to have an outside smoking part in domestic, but covered it over to make more retail units,

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Odd piece , they have smoking rooms at the airport , oh wait , I have got it now.  With all the publicity about the Cigarette Police in town they need to shift them somewhere until the heat cools down , so make Swampy smoke free but don't tell the tourists and ping them everywhere. Kind of makes up a bit for the lost gross from the Stolen Trolleys, reduced cash flow from the cut back with the taxi scams and worst of all the loss of revenue from cancellation of the long term car park conversion into a food stall and massage parlour.

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There are smoking rooms downstairs at the terminal end of each "arm". Are they still open?

Farking anti-smoking nazis, they need a slap.

This is just the sort of crap we have come to expect from such lobby groups. Ban everything and treat us all like children. How about an outside area after immigration with a proper bar area so we can all sit outside enjoying ourselves while these morons sit indoors shaking their heads and dreaming about living ling enough to need to piss into a bag and be fed with a spoon.

Choice please and reasonable solution found to this issue. The same COULD have been done with Heathrow's Terminal 5 but the lobbying donuts in the UK want us all to stop....ohno they DEMAND it.

Time for the morris dancing classes again.

:realangry: :realangry: :realangry:

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I'm happy to see that Thailand finally understand that smoking should be banned from airports and other public areas.

I just arrived from Hong Kong and they have a big problem there , its allowed to smoke almost everywhere, of course at the airport they have smoking rooms wherever you look .

I tried to enjoy a cup of coffee at Starbucks downtown Hong Kong but the place was filled with cigarette smoke. :bah:

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I quit smoking cigarettes in 1983, since then, I can't understand why people like to burn money (by spending money to pay for cigarettes,,,,)?

And before then????

Well, when I quit, I sat down with the ol' calculator and figured out how much money I was burning then and how much more money I was going to burn if I continued smoking.

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They could also just make better smoking rooms with a REAL smoke removal system or an open air smoking area.

But yeah, the area around the smoking rooms do stink.

Open air smoking areas at every airport worldwide.......end of discussion. ;)

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the BKK smoking rooms are some of the best I've experienced in that they are easy enough to sit in if you're just a softcore occasional smoker, yet very little smoke escapes the rooms into the main terminal.

some of the other airport smoking rooms I've seen are absolutely disgusting.

AMS for example - I am shocked that a major european airport A. allows smoking indoors and B. forces smokers into those terrible little smoking booths - I'd say they are big enough for 5 people yet there's always about 10 60-a-dayer's when I'm there. I suppose on a positive note, they are guaranteed to make smokers think twice about lighting up!

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the BKK smoking rooms are some of the best I've experienced in that they are easy enough to sit in if you're just a softcore occasional smoker, yet very little smoke escapes the rooms into the main terminal.

some of the other airport smoking rooms I've seen are absolutely disgusting.

AMS for example - I am shocked that a major european airport A. allows smoking indoors and B. forces smokers into those terrible little smoking booths - I'd say they are big enough for 5 people yet there's always about 10 60-a-dayer's when I'm there. I suppose on a positive note, they are guaranteed to make smokers think twice about lighting up!

Agree on the Amsterdam smoking rooms needing better ventilation. Handily placed inside the faux Irish bar though!

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I'm happy to see that Thailand finally understand that smoking should be banned from airports and other public areas.

I just arrived from Hong Kong and they have a big problem there , its allowed to smoke almost everywhere, of course at the airport they have smoking rooms wherever you look .

I tried to enjoy a cup of coffee at Starbucks downtown Hong Kong but the place was filled with cigarette smoke. :bah:

Ummm. since when did Starbucks become a public place?

Airports, & government buildings are run by governments = public place.

Starbucks is run by a private company. Why should the government dictate what a private company can or cannot do on their own private property?

Just because you happen to agree with " some" government policies, then why think they are all proper and good?

I'll tell you why they allow smoking at the Starbucks you mentioned.

It;s because it makes sense to the OWNER of the PRIVATE PROPERTY. He sees that banning smoking in HIS PLACE will hurt business.

If he were losing business due to smoking, he would ban smoking.

Go read Orwell's 1984.

See http://gutenberg.net.au/ebooks01/0100021.txt

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  • 2 months later...

I'm happy to see that Thailand finally understand that smoking should be banned from airports and other public areas.

I just arrived from Hong Kong and they have a big problem there , its allowed to smoke almost everywhere, of course at the airport they have smoking rooms wherever you look .

I tried to enjoy a cup of coffee at Starbucks downtown Hong Kong but the place was filled with cigarette smoke. :bah:


Smoking is NOT allowed inside the Starbucks in Hong Kong...

There used to be ashtrays on the tables outside (only some branches) but not anymore...

Smoking was banned in 2007 in most areas in Hong Kong, for details you can check the HK Tobacco Control Office website:


Btw, there's only handful of smoking rooms at HKIA (less than 10 for such a big airport and only in Terminal 1) and you actually have to look for it...

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  • 2 weeks later...

For info, I reckon they're talking <deleted> anyway. You probably wouldn't know there are smoking rooms in Swampy if you didn't know where to look.

They're just stupid little clones following the advice of the Western health nazis because they don't know any better.

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Can't see the point of closing the smoking rooms - what difference do a few smoking rooms make to the overall atmosphere of the airport? A negligible amount I'm sure. And it wouldn't kill anyone to walk past a smoky room every now and again, unless they're every 50 yards or so with smoke billowing out, which they're not.

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I can't remember seeing a smoking room at Suvvie. At some other airports they are more obvious because as you walk past them (which is often unavoidable) it's like the door to the room isn't even closed.

They are at the 1a gates.

And you can smell them from 30 meters away.

When it comes to the smoking rooms at AMS, the one inside the fake Irish place is not too bad actually.

The new ones at AMS a WAY better than the old ones.

There was a small one at T9. That was rank. Changed now to something better.

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I quit smoking cigarettes in 1983, since then, I can't understand why people like to burn money (by spending money to pay for cigarettes,,,,)?

Cigarettes were 10 to 20 cents a pack when I quit smoking in 1961. The issue wasn't money. It was my health. After quitting my chest pains went away. So it was not a matter of living longer, but a choice of smoking or not being miserable.

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I can't remember seeing a smoking room at Suvvie. At some other airports they are more obvious because as you walk past them (which is often unavoidable) it's like the door to the room isn't even closed.

Thats because the "Koff-Koffin" dodgers inside dont really like the smell themselves...

You should see the looks that you get when you walk by and politely close the door....if reactions could kill :bah::D

Still I would accept that "fumigars" do have human rights and suitable arrangements should be made for them and suggest..... near the end of the runways. :o:sick:

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  • 3 weeks later...

The main issue here really is, freedom of choice and if they have supplied good faclities all around so why not let smokers smoke.

I live in the U.K. and I know 5 yes 5 of the local historical pubs I used to go to, have actually been knocked down. They went bust simply as the office and

estate works liked a few beers, puff a cigar or cigarette before heading home. All they had to do was have a separate Smoking room and that

would have been that.

Dont tell me this aint true as I know the pub managers in person and it was the final straw. Even I dont bother going to the pub anymore as I used to, as

to have a couple of ciggies or a puff on a nice castella added to that one night out a week, enjoying a local pub band and relax. - GONE - Thanks non smokers.

But as usual its the billy do gooders and evengelical in your face brigade that wins the day. Now my community has more of those horrible multi

story condos/flats, less space as the Pub Gardens are gone, and more traffic congestion due to extra people moving into the small village.


Next on the list....

Ban Alcohol... bad for liver, heart, stomach, mental illness

Ban Red meat.... makes one agreessive, gives high blood preasure, chrones, bowl cancer.

Ban Milk.... Can cause brittle bones in adults, high levels of fat, bad for heart with cholestreral, high content of Vitiam B.

Ban Rice... Rice famers die young growing the stuff, tractors put out polution into the environment, water mosquito riden.

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The main issue here really is, freedom of choice and if they have supplied good faclities all around so why not let smokers smoke.

I live in the U.K. and I know 5 yes 5 of the local historical pubs I used to go to, have actually been knocked down. They went bust simply as the office and

estate works liked a few beers, puff a cigar or cigarette before heading home. All they had to do was have a separate Smoking room and that

would have been that.

Dont tell me this aint true as I know the pub managers in person and it was the final straw. Even I dont bother going to the pub anymore as I used to, as

to have a couple of ciggies or a puff on a nice castella added to that one night out a week, enjoying a local pub band and relax. - GONE - Thanks non smokers.

But as usual its the billy do gooders and evengelical in your face brigade that wins the day. Now my community has more of those horrible multi

story condos/flats, less space as the Pub Gardens are gone, and more traffic congestion due to extra people moving into the small village.


Next on the list....

Ban Alcohol... bad for liver, heart, stomach, mental illness

Ban Red meat.... makes one agreessive, gives high blood preasure, chrones, bowl cancer.

Ban Milk.... Can cause brittle bones in adults, high levels of fat, bad for heart with cholestreral, high content of Vitiam B.

Ban Rice... Rice famers die young growing the stuff, tractors put out polution into the environment, water mosquito riden.

I would have allowed smoking bars and pubs. A simple sign outside saying whether it was smoking or not. All staff would be paid a higher wage and would have to go on a course where they would be taught the dangers of second hand smoke and they would have to sign their rights to sue away, even 40 years down the path. Either they want to work there or they do not.

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