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Thai Court Removes Hurdle To Extradition Of Viktor Bout


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Thai court removes hurdle to extradition of Viktor Bout

by Thanaporn Promyamyai

BANGKOK, October 5, 2010 (AFP) - A Thai court on Tuesday dismissed money-laundering and fraud charges against alleged Russian arms dealer Viktor Bout, removing a major obstacle to his extradition to the United States.

A Thai appeals court in August ordered the so-called "Merchant of Death" be handed over to Washington on terrorism charges, angering Russia, but the process has been held up by technicalities over the new accusations.

Thailand's Criminal Court, citing insufficient evidence, on Tuesday dismissed proceedings surrounding the new charges against Bout, who is said to have inspired the Hollywood film "Lord of War" starring Nicolas Cage.

"State prosecutors will not appeal and will work on the extradition process," said Sirisak Tiyapan, director of International Affairs at the Attorney General's Office.

But the long-running extradition battle may not be over yet because Bout's defence lawyer has said he plans a last-ditch legal challenge against the extradition order issued in August.

Bout, a 43-year-old former Soviet air force pilot, was arrested in 2008 after a sting operation in Bangkok involving undercover US agents posing as rebels from Colombia's FARC rebels, considered a terrorist group by Washington.

He has repeatedly denied suggestions that he was a former KGB agent and maintains that he ran a legitimate air cargo business.

Wearing a bullet-proof vest and shackles, he was escorted to court from a high-security Bangkok prison by a team of police commandos for a second straight day of hearings Tuesday.

The Russian appeared dejected as he left court, reiterating to reporters that he could not expect a fair trial in the United States.

His wife Alla Bout said the United States was trying to use her husband "as a scapegoat to undermine Russian influence".

"The United States wants to stage a big show trial and hang on him everything that they don't know who committed anywhere in the world."

He faces a maximum sentence of life in prison if convicted in the United States on charges including conspiracy to kill US nationals and providing material support or resources to a foreign terrorist organisation.

The case has put Thailand in a difficult diplomatic spot between key ally the United States and Russia, which has strongly opposed extradition.

A furious Moscow previously said the extradition attempt was politically motivated and vowed "to do everything necessary" to bring Bout home, sparking speculation that Bout may have knowledge of sensitive information.

The final decision on whether to send him to the US could rest with Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva.

"In accordance with the law, ultimately the executive has the power to decide, but I would rather wait for the court ruling," Abhisit told reporters last week.

A US indictment accuses Bout of using a fleet of cargo planes to transport weapons and military equipment to parts of the world including Africa, South America and the Middle East.

Washington, which has described Bout as "one of the world's most prolific arms traffickers," has lobbied hard for his extradition, and sent a private jet to pick him up in August that was left waiting on the tarmac.

US prosecutors claim he agreed to the sale with the understanding that the weapons were to be used to attack US helicopters.

Bout has maintained his innocence from the day he was detained in the Thai capital after allegedly agreeing to supply surface-to-air missiles in a series of covert meetings that also took him to Denmark and Romania.


-- (c) Copyright AFP 2010-10-05

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Thailand are in a no win situation here. If they extradite him to the US, they piss off the Russians. If they don't they piss of the US. Tuf call!

Cheers, Rick

It's tough, but not that tough. The relationship with the USA is much more important. They needed to give the appearance that they have processed this objectively, but to many there has been little doubt he is headed to Yankee Doodle Dandyland. And good riddance!

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Court dismiss money laundering charges against Bout

A court has ruled to dismiss charges of money laundering and wire fraud against alleged Russian arms smuggler Viktor Bout.

The ruling would remove the legal obstacle to his long-awaited extradition to the United States.

A Thai court cleared the way for his extradition Aug. 20 but a legal hitch over extra charges leveled by the US had delayed the process.

The Bangkok Criminal Court said Tuesday it was dismissing the case due to lack of evidence and other technicalities.

It was not immediately clear if the decision could be appealed.


-- The Nation 2010-10-05

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Thailand are in a no win situation here. If they extradite him to the US, they piss off the Russians. If they don't they piss of the US. Tuf call!

Cheers, Rick

It's tough, but not that tough. The relationship with the USA is much more important. They needed to give the appearance that they have processed this objectively, but to many there has been little doubt he is headed to Yankee Doodle Dandyland. And good riddance!

Russia's no country to piss off either though. Thailand might have fared better if they just let him "escape" one night.

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Thailand are in a no win situation here. If they extradite him to the US, they piss off the Russians. If they don't they piss of the US. Tuf call!

Cheers, Rick

It's tough, but not that tough. The relationship with the USA is much more important. They needed to give the appearance that they have processed this objectively, but to many there has been little doubt he is headed to Yankee Doodle Dandyland. And good riddance!

I think that you are correct in saying that he will go to the States to stand trial, but I am also sure that this will sour relations with the Russians. Another factor that might affect the decision is, who supplies the arms to the Thai military?

Cheers, Rick

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Thailand are in a no win situation here. If they extradite him to the US, they piss off the Russians. If they don't they piss of the US. Tuf call!

Cheers, Rick

It's tough, but not that tough. The relationship with the USA is much more important. They needed to give the appearance that they have processed this objectively, but to many there has been little doubt he is headed to Yankee Doodle Dandyland. And good riddance!

Russia's no country to piss off either though. Thailand might have fared better if they just let him "escape" one night.

Agreed and they can still do that!

Cheers, Rick

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Thailand are in a no win situation here. If they extradite him to the US, they piss off the Russians. If they don't they piss of the US. Tuf call!

Cheers, Rick

It's tough, but not that tough. The relationship with the USA is much more important. They needed to give the appearance that they have processed this objectively, but to many there has been little doubt he is headed to Yankee Doodle Dandyland. And good riddance!

Russia's no country to piss off either though. Thailand might have fared better if they just let him "escape" one night.

They could still move him to Chiang Mai....

Key Drug Smuggler Escapes From Police While In Police Custody In Chiang Mai

Largest haul of heroin in 5 years seized

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For a man that is so innocent and who keeps saying its all a mistake 3 countries have spent a fortune in legal fees.

Russia didnt do this for any other "citizen" ever.

They are scared of what Bout says not scared about his life.

He is ex KGB and speaks tons of languages.

When arrested he pretended not to understand English.

He sure speaks it well to reporters.

Russia says they will do whatever it takes... lets see how far they take that threat!

Edited by IAMSOBAD
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Well Russia has said it will do everything to make sure he does not get to the US, so I guess the fun starts here

That would explain his new Kevlar wardrobe and Balaclava-clad friends:


Noted a different facial expression above going INTO court than when he LEFT court as he doesn't look like a happy camper after today's turn of events:


Suspected Russian arms dealer Viktor Bout is escorted by members of a special police unit after a hearing at a criminal court in Bangkok October 5, 2010. A Thai court on Tuesday dismissed charges of money-laundering and wire fraud against Bout, bringing him a step closer to extradition to the United States.


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Hope you enjoy the US courtroom Victor.

I have no time whatsoever for international arms dealers. But I'm sure I am not the only one sickened by the hypocrisy and hubris of the USA, the world's largest and most incorrigible arms dealer. Yes, it's wrong to arm FARC. It's also wrong to arm, indiscriminately, the Israeli regime with - for example - millions of anti-personnel bobmblets to use against Lebanese civilians, or white phosphorus to use against Palestinian children. I'd like to see Cheney and his cohorts from Blackwater in court with Mr Bout. Meanwhile a little less self-satisfaction from The Empire and its denizens would be seemly.

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Their are reasons for taking sides, sometimes not so obvious, but explaining it to the brainwashed is a waste of time. Example - The French underground - or is that another US war crime? Victor helps himself and kicks back to Putin - who is nothing more then a crime boss like his friend in North Korea.

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IMHO Anybody willing to supply S-A missiles to a terrorist organization should be hung, drawn and quartered. That is exactly what Mr Bout thought he was doing.

Moral equivalence is a useless, circular argument. I couldn't give a rodent's anus what X , Y or Z did or did not do, I want to be able to fly without having to worry about money-grubbing moral-less vermin selling advanced weapons to mental midgets justifying their bronze-age beliefs and trying to prove some obscure point by blowing me out of the sky.

If I havn't made my point clearly enough, contact me and I will explain in words of one syllable or less.

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Well Russia has said it will do everything to make sure he does not get to the US, so I guess the fun starts here

That would explain his new Kevlar wardrobe and Balaclava-clad friends:


Noted a different facial expression above going INTO court than when he LEFT court as he doesn't look like a happy camper after today's turn of events:


Suspected Russian arms dealer Viktor Bout is escorted by members of a special police unit after a hearing at a criminal court in Bangkok October 5, 2010. A Thai court on Tuesday dismissed charges of money-laundering and wire fraud against Bout, bringing him a step closer to extradition to the United States.


Are those the men in black we hear so much about lately?

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In every tragedy and natural disaster the US has been the first to provide aid all over the world. What did Victor ever do to help.

Stop comparing Bout with America.

Meanwhile a little less self-satisfaction from The Empire and its denizens would be seemly.

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In every tragedy and natural disaster the US has been the first to provide aid all over the world. What did Victor ever do to help.

Stop comparing Bout with America.

Meanwhile a little less self-satisfaction from The Empire and its denizens would be seemly.

Following the tsunami, the Aceh Muslim separatist movement collapsed because of the aid supplied by the "Great Satan." After the Pakistan earthquake, an Al Jazeera commentator asked "Are the Americans doing enough?" when the oil-rich arab countries were doing SFA.

I will let the yanks have their self-satisfaction, what will you do about your countries apathy?

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And the US has never supplied arms to guerrillas and rogue governments? Ask Oliver North and the CIA about that.

I agree. Mega Hypocrisy (and I'm an American). What about the weapons sold to Mujahadeen during the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan which are now used against US and their allies? Using the same yardstick, all the US arms brokers involved with that should be hauled to federal court.


For a man that is so innocent and who keeps saying its all a mistake 3 countries have spent a fortune in legal fees.

Russia didnt do this for any other "citizen" ever. They are scared of what Bout says not scared about his life.

He is ex KGB and speaks tons of languages. When arrested he pretended not to understand English.

He sure speaks it well to reporters. Russia says they will do whatever it takes... lets see how far they take that threat!

I've been saying the same (even had a letter published in the major newspapers on this) but you say it better. It's quite obvious; Ruskie bosses don't want Bout to go the States because of what he might say to implicate all sorts of nefarious people in Russia and their former satelite states.

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