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If there are any Mix88.5 Pattaya radio (administrative) folks out there.......well here's some feedback...Your website doesn't provide any links so am posting it here.

EXCELLENT tunes about 95% of the time, so thumbs up there.

Virtually zero annoying DJ's that think people give a dam_n about their glib comments.

I REALLY like this. Ergo - no annoying DJ's talking all over the music.

One complaint though......every time I hear an Air Asia commercial it comes out at about 3 times as loud as everything else.

Air Asia ads are played a LOT.....Fair enough. You make money from ads, but I find myself reaching for the volume knob so often, then get into doing something else, or just change the channel, that I completely forget about going back to where I was on my dial prior to AIR ASIA BLASTING MY SOCKS OFF AT FULL VOLUME.

You are effectively reducing my listening time by playing these ads so much louder than the normal volume.

I can barely hear the music (or other ads) that come on after the Air Asia ads because I have (had to) cranked my volume way down, or just gone to another station.

Just some constructive criticism.

I really like your station overall and I hope you continue to broadcast at a profit.


Hey Chickenlegs,

Have to agree on reception anywhere North of Pattaya Klang for 88.5

My guess is government regulations limiting the power (watts?) they are allowed to use/broadcast at.

I usually can get them waaay south of Jomtien, as far as Sattahip & a bit beyond at times.

That 105 station is pretty decent also but once south of Soi Chayapruek in Jomtien, forget it.

**********MUST DO RANT about Pattaya105 FM**********

No matter what services are being offered by the Brit presenter, it will always be this, this, that and the other, and much moooooooore.

"Are you looking for a well known Filipino band, where the singer has a club foot, the guitar player has no fingers and the drummer has only one arm? If so, there's only one place for you! They offer all this and much moooooore"


I listen to mix in work (in Sattahip) - it's the only one I can get down here I think.

Enjoying the predominantly 80s tunes

I think they like Level 42 a bit too much down there

(If one could possibly like Level 42 too much that it is)


I think that mix 88.5 is by far the best radio station in Pattaya.

Good music from my era but also Top of Pops from the bbc to keep me up-to-date.

Proper bbc world news (better then the news on bbc world tv) always up to date and well reported.


My station of choice is 105.

It has the best signal around town, especially on the darkside.

No boring amateur DJ's. I just like to hear music.

Excellent selection of music.

I do listen to 88.5 when I am in the Jomtien area sometimes, but I find the music to be a bit obscure. I like to know what songs I am listening to. Also their signal after Jomtien is very poor, especially in North Pattaya.

I am sorry but 96 is pure rubbish. Same songs over and over again and the DJ's are really bad and talk nonsense. Their signal is very bad on the darkside,

Others will have their own preferences but I thought I would share mine:rolleyes:



I wonder when the day will come when they will have "talkback" radio in Pattaya,where listeners ring in ,no music station just someone like a DJ who is a redneck,stirs up trouble ,a bit like Mr Stern ,or Zemanek,

I think Pattaya is big enough to have a morning 9am to midday talkback radio show.

Imagine them all ringing to complain about the Zebra crossings or taxi overcharged etc.

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