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One-year-old Thai babies required to have ID card


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where does it say they have to carry it? they just need to have one for identification.

if thats what the govt wants to do, who cares? i think i can afford 500baht to get my kid a card.

there's bigger sh!t to worry about.

Wow! I'm glad you can afford it! I guess it's all about you! Brilliant!

If there are bigger issues to worry about, why isn't the House addressing those issues instead of this load of rubbish?

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Hey - you all are just grousing on this. My twins are 23 days old and I'm beginning the process of registering them - 1st hurdle was my US Veterans benefits where everything stalled when I got to the part that asked for their Social Security numbers. OK so I'd better complete that US Consular Report of Birth Abroad , where for one thing I have to prove I've lived in the US for a certain amount of time after I was 14 [my passports which I have going back to 1978 seem to prove the opposite but even with my meager US earnings over the last 35 years my Social Security report looks like it will do the trick]. Before I do the US Consular Report of Birth Abroad I have to register the babes here in Mexico. I thought I'd call ahead to the registry office to see if I had to bring the kids with me and it turns out I'll need to bring a lot more than that.: original and copy of my wife's and my Mexican Immigration cards, each parent's birth certificate with apostilles and officially translated, vacination cards for the kids, marraige certificate [also apostille and translated by the official translator (would there be one here in Guanajuato that can do Thai? or does that mean a dreaded trip to the D.F. and all the mordidas one has to pay to travese its byways?)] and my water bill [oh sh*t need to get the name on that changed - something I've put off for the past 11 years] Do you think our kids will be better off just paying an over stay fine when we come to visit in the summer?

And once we make them Thai my wife's status of being 2% of the Thai population of Mexico gets diluted.

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Hey - you all are just grousing on this. My twins are 23 days old and I'm beginning the process of registering them - 1st hurdle was my US Veterans benefits where everything stalled when I got to the part that asked for their Social Security numbers. OK so I'd better complete that US Consular Report of Birth Abroad , where for one thing I have to prove I've lived in the US for a certain amount of time after I was 14 [my passports which I have going back to 1978 seem to prove the opposite but even with my meager US earnings over the last 35 years my Social Security report looks like it will do the trick]. Before I do the US Consular Report of Birth Abroad I have to register the babes here in Mexico. I thought I'd call ahead to the registry office to see if I had to bring the kids with me and it turns out I'll need to bring a lot more than that.: original and copy of my wife's and my Mexican Immigration cards, each parent's birth certificate with apostilles and officially translated, vacination cards for the kids, marraige certificate [also apostille and translated by the official translator (would there be one here in Guanajuato that can do Thai? or does that mean a dreaded trip to the D.F. and all the mordidas one has to pay to travese its byways?)] and my water bill [oh sh*t need to get the name on that changed - something I've put off for the past 11 years] Do you think our kids will be better off just paying an over stay fine when we come to visit in the summer?

And once we make them Thai my wife's status of being 2% of the Thai population of Mexico gets diluted.

So, what does that have to do with a Thai ID card being required at one year old instead of fifteen? If your twins were born in Thailand you would have to make an appointment at the US Embassy and go through all the same paperwork. But at least they would be Thai nationals already, as they would have been born here. Now you'll have to do more paperwork with the Thai Embassy in Mexico as well to register their birth here as your wife is still a Thai national, I take it. All part of living abroad I suppose. The Thai Embassy in Mexico should be able to do the Thai translation, one would think, but you never know! It's never easy... Good luck!

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There are some well-travelled people on here so does anyone know of another country where kids as young as one have to carry their ID?

I do not know about ID but I do know in Australia theyneed a birth certificate or other entitlement document to register to be put on their parents Medicaire card to receive medical treatment. And they need the birth certificate and vacination certificates to register for school. The Thai ID card is also the document which replaces the Gold card for hospital treatment. It could be just a part of giving services in a computer age.

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By golly...how does one distinguish a toddler from another at such early age? Secondly, their alphabetic names are incorrectly spelled when they apply for a passport, then have to redo their ID card. Thirdly, ID cards are insufficient..

According to member reports the Thai Govt has run out of ID cards and next batch is expected by January 2011. - posted by George

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Finally a solution to the problem "lady or ladyboy" or sometimes called "was my wife once a man".

I would like to see your current ID card and the ID card you had 20 years ago!

A lady boy’s ID card will never change irrespective of age as they are forever classed as ‘male’ on their ID cards.

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So all the little Somchais and Alunwans will be carrying their id cards to school and wherever else they go.

I think alot of mums and dads are going to be paying out for lost cards somehow.

I wonder what the thinking is behind making young kids carry id?

Are the people in charge really that paranoid?

where does it say they have to carry it? they just need to have one for identification.

if thats what the govt wants to do, who cares? i think i can afford 500baht to get my kid a card.

there's bigger sh!t to worry about.

Earth calling planet Zarg, your missing airhead is here on thaivisa

You don't quite get it mate do you!

Edited by thaieagle67
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This is nothing more than a money grab by some minister who sells the ID cards to the government. They got caught with the out of spec card scam, and now they need a way to generate more profit in order to recover.

This will be implemented, the Thai people will be forced to fork over millions just like they always have, and then there will be no enforcement of the legislation. Can you really see a Thai cop hauling a 3 year old down to the station because he can't show his ID? Heck, the parents would probably leave him there and thank the government for the free baby sitting.

There is nothing sinister here. It is money pure and simple.

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So all the little Somchais and Alunwans will be carrying their id cards to school and wherever else they go.

I think alot of mums and dads are going to be paying out for lost cards somehow.

I wonder what the thinking is behind making young kids carry id?

Are the people in charge really that paranoid?

where does it say they have to carry it? they just need to have one for identification.

if thats what the govt wants to do, who cares? i think i can afford 500baht to get my kid a card.

there's bigger sh!t to worry about.

Maybe you can afford it but as already clearly stated in the poorer sectors - the majority of Thailand - they can't. And they are the ones who are the breeders. Don't rub their noses in it by stating your social status and apparent wealth. A little understanding and empathy goes a long way! dry.gif

i'm hiso because i can afford 500 baht for an id card for my kid? give me a break hippie.

if parents (or the parents parents) can't afford 500 baht for an id card then they shouldn't be banging cuz they won't be able to afford school, clothing or food for the kid. thats probably the govt's idea behind this anyway. it would happen in farangland too if there weren't so many bleeding heart hippie scumbags.

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A number of countries, such as France, require ID cards at 12 and I would think that would be as low as you want to go. Child ID card photos need to be updated often to be of use. They will be lost or damaged often and what is the point of a one year old carrying an ID card around?

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Next they will be required to tattoo their ID number on their forehead because they little suckers can't carry the bloody things. Krung Thai.... what stupidity.

Have a look at the shelves of Tesco Lotus. I think Mamapoko pampers come with a little pocket for the ID.


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Finally a solution to the problem "lady or ladyboy" or sometimes called "was my wife once a man".

I would like to see your current ID card and the ID card you had 20 years ago!

I thought that it was a well known fact that they have their original ID cards anyway stating they are a man and this cannot be changed For all BB goers it is a better check than the "Adams Apple" big hands and feet, voice and finally the thai arms for ladies bending beyond the 180 degree point! Check the ID card if "I no have ID card" :redcard2: for him/her it whatever.

sorry :jap: but could not resist answering walterego's post

Edited by maprao
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So all the little Somchais and Alunwans will be carrying their id cards to school and wherever else they go.

I think alot of mums and dads are going to be paying out for lost cards somehow.

I wonder what the thinking is behind making young kids carry id?

Are the people in charge really that paranoid?

Next... the little Somchais will be require to have their passport ready :D

Anyway my little 8 months girl already got her passport since she was 2 months old, time for some traveling for her.....:lol:

Thai govt is expecting economy boom and prepare all Thais to have passport to travel in 2011 :rolleyes:

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The ID is for the government - People already know who they are without it.

Why are they not given the cards free, they have no use for them its the government that requires them.

In fact I bet down in the law books some were it states the card is the property of the government and it is not even legal to destroy it.

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So all the little Somchais and Alunwans will be carrying their id cards to school and wherever else they go.

I think alot of mums and dads are going to be paying out for lost cards somehow.

I wonder what the thinking is behind making young kids carry id?

Are the people in charge really that paranoid?

maybe the point is to help combat people smuggling and kidnap and such.

Good idea I say.

If any one has a kid with them and can not produce their ID. Then they should be checked out.

Could also help combat tuancey and things aswell;

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So all the little Somchais and Alunwans will be carrying their id cards to school and wherever else they go.

I think alot of mums and dads are going to be paying out for lost cards somehow.

I wonder what the thinking is behind making young kids carry id?

Are the people in charge really that paranoid?

where does it say they have to carry it? they just need to have one for identification.

if thats what the govt wants to do, who cares? i think i can afford 500baht to get my kid a card.

there's bigger sh!t to worry about.

Maybe you can afford it but as already clearly stated in the poorer sectors - the majority of Thailand - they can't. And they are the ones who are the breeders. Don't rub their noses in it by stating your social status and apparent wealth. A little understanding and empathy goes a long way! dry.gif

i'm hiso because i can afford 500 baht for an id card for my kid? give me a break hippie.

if parents (or the parents parents) can't afford 500 baht for an id card then they shouldn't be banging cuz they won't be able to afford school, clothing or food for the kid. thats probably the govt's idea behind this anyway. it would happen in farangland too if there weren't so many bleeding heart hippie scumbags.

Did you just tell 70% of the population to stop having sex?

So you are hi-so by virtue of moving and not through education or being smart... :whistling:

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Well I hope the government is clever enough to ensure the cards are waterproof (for nappy pocket) and gnaw proof as well (little buggers chew on everything at that age) Besides giving immunity to these people, they also must be giving out dumb and dumber pills.

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If it will help prevent baby-snatching, then I'm all for it. Many kids are taken from schools and villages and never seen again. Occasional random check-points would ensure who the kids belong to.

As for the 500bt a card, spare a thought for the downtrodden Isaan worker (or more often loafer) who has many many kids! Sell your lao kao shares quickly - they will go down rapidly!

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Why the surprise. There are 8 year olds running around on motor bikes so this is just another piece of insanity. 

Can we please have IQ and sanity checks for those standing for election to Parliament? All to be charged for at the appropriate rate of course.

LOS -Land of Stupidity

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According to member reports the Thai Govt has run out of ID cards and next batch is expected by January 2011.

LOL. So the national ID card scheme has the same basic structure as the bulsh!t red-plate system for new cars, 'Sorry, we don't have any more plates this year because we sell so many cars, we have none left.'

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So all the little Somchais and Alunwans will be carrying their id cards to school and wherever else they go.

I think alot of mums and dads are going to be paying out for lost cards somehow.

I wonder what the thinking is behind making young kids carry id?

Are the people in charge really that paranoid?

Where does it say they have to CARRY them? In our house, the adults ID cards sit in a basket on the shelf and only get taken out when going on 'official business'.

Now, if you are going to jump in and say "but the law says...", don't waste your breath.

What country are we talking about here?

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So all the little Somchais and Alunwans will be carrying their id cards to school and wherever else they go.

I think alot of mums and dads are going to be paying out for lost cards somehow.

I wonder what the thinking is behind making young kids carry id?

Are the people in charge really that paranoid?

where does it say they have to carry it? they just need to have one for identification.

if thats what the govt wants to do, who cares? i think i can afford 500baht to get my kid a card.

there's bigger sh!t to worry about.

Sure, there are bigger issues here. It is common in most countries that a new born is registered with the government by way of the births and deaths registrar. The Thai ID card is just the next step. At home the general public rejected the ID card idea, so the government said OK. They just linked all of your numbers, like drivers licence, tax file number, birth date ECT and used those to track your life movements. Theres nothing different here! (Except maybe the paranoia (Some times deserved) that the government will do harm with your identity)

There have been many cases reported where a child here has assumed someone else's identity, without the child actually knowing it. This is a way for people to cover up their suspected immoral actions and dealings concerning children. The issue of the ID card can be seen as a way of stopping this kind of thing, do you understand what I am saying here???????

I for one support the Id card, and it should be applied for at birth, and for every child, simply for the protection of the child.

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