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More Aussies + Canadians In Cmai..


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Anyone noticed many more Aussies and Canadians around CMai? Nearly everyone I been talking to lately is from there.I guess these resource based countries are not hurting as much as the rest I guess. When truck drivers in Aussie are making 100K US pa then they are doing well.Looking up XE.com I noticed that AUD, CAD are now basically on a par with US. Plus far better than the past against EU.All about the resources I guess...

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I over heard some bar owners talking of putting on extra sheep and moose.:whistling:

And FREE Wellies for all Aussies :lol:


Reminds me of the quip by Piggy Muldoon whilst Prime Minister of New Zealand when asked to comment about the movement of New Zealanders to Australia, he suggested that this was no bad thing as the movement "raised the average IQ of both countries".

Edited by mamborobert
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I over heard some bar owners talking of putting on extra sheep and moose.:whistling:

And FREE Wellies for all Aussies :lol:


Reminds me of the quip by Piggy Muldoon whilst Prime Minister of New Zealand when asked to comment about the movement of New Zealanders to Australia, he suggested that this was no bad thing as the movement "raised the average IQ of both countries".

Mamborobert - perhaps this is the correct Aussie response B):

A Kiwi farmer is staggering home extremely drunk.

Under his right arm is an unusually attractive sheep.

As he lurches towards the door of his house --- it is flung open by his enraged wife.

He stares at her through bloodshot eyes and he says "Honey.... I want you to meet the pig I sleep with when you have a headache"

Further enraged his wife yells "You drunken fool --- can't you even see ... that is a sheep??"

Looking at her with dismay he replies "Wasn't talking to you!!"

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I over heard some bar owners talking of putting on extra sheep and moose.:whistling:

And FREE Wellies for all Aussies :lol:


Reminds me of the quip by Piggy Muldoon whilst Prime Minister of New Zealand when asked to comment about the movement of New Zealanders to Australia, he suggested that this was no bad thing as the movement "raised the average IQ of both countries".

Mamborobert - perhaps this is the correct Aussie response B):

A Kiwi farmer is staggering home extremely drunk.

Under his right arm is an unusually attractive sheep.

As he lurches towards the door of his house --- it is flung open by his enraged wife.

He stares at her through bloodshot eyes and he says "Honey.... I want you to meet the pig I sleep with when you have a headache"

Further enraged his wife yells "You drunken fool --- can't you even see ... that is a sheep??"

Looking at her with dismay he replies "Wasn't talking to you!!"

Only an Aussie could refer to a sheep as attractive lo :D

Edited by DiamondKing
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I reckon Canada and Oz are seeing many fewer American tourists though. I used to go to Canada often to have fun with their "play money" (just joking, that makes Canucks go nutsoid) but now it is more expensive than the USA.

Edited by Jingthing
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One of the reasons you are seeing more Australians in Thailand, and I would suggest they are mainly retirees, is the dramatic increase in the cost of living in Australia. Wages are up,mineral exports are up, employment is down to 5% but with it are escalating increases in basic items,food , fruit , vegetables. If you don't own real estate, and are at the mercy of landlords, there is very little disposable income left.A simple example is a bottle of water I purchased at a service station was priced at the equivalent of 120 baht ,the same bottle of water here would not exceed 10 baht. A walk around the meat section of any supermarket would blow you away. Its not until you leave the country and then return that it really hits you. For better or worse expect more Australians to settle in Asian countries, on retiring, unless they are the beneficiaries of attractive retirement packages.

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One of the reasons you are seeing more Australians in Thailand, and I would suggest they are mainly retirees, is the dramatic increase in the cost of living in Australia. Wages are up,mineral exports are up, employment is down to 5% but with it are escalating increases in basic items,food , fruit , vegetables. If you don't own real estate, and are at the mercy of landlords, there is very little disposable income left.A simple example is a bottle of water I purchased at a service station was priced at the equivalent of 120 baht ,the same bottle of water here would not exceed 10 baht. A walk around the meat section of any supermarket would blow you away. Its not until you leave the country and then return that it really hits you. For better or worse expect more Australians to settle in Asian countries, on retiring, unless they are the beneficiaries of attractive retirement packages.

yes you are correct,in western oz there is 2 economies the high paid mining workers and the regular people alas is seems that everything is priced to the miners and there is a lot of struggle going on.

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With immaculate timing a friend emailed me this morning to say his electricity unit costs are up 34 % and water 47% in 6 months and he lives on a small boat !!! Electicity is reportedly up 60 % in some aresas due to no major infractuture improvements in decades.If that was to happen in Thailand the screams would be long and loud.

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Yes the lucky country is no longer lucky for some- the miners are in the lead in this economy. I doubt it will change will the emerging economies wanting all the resources.

Many SE Asians naturally trying to get to Aussie mining companies for the HUGE pay. As a truck driver gets as much as a good level executive in SME Coy. Now that will damin the mood in Aussie for miners, is if they ship out SE Asians to take their jobs for a fraction of the price. :lol:

I suspect more Aussies to arrive- whilst US & Eu drop off due to currency issues.

On the topic of currency- this Aussie guy was working in Zimbawe doing hel_l knows what- he saved up over 3 million dollars then died. Leaving his Thai wife all the funds- she transferred the funds to Thai baht totalling a whopping 3400bt from over 3 million ZWE $$$. True story- she thought she was rick forever and borrowed big money from the bank based on a money slip that was transferred to her name with ZWE bank. It never mentioned ZWE $ in Bank Manager letters or on the money slip. So everyone presumes USA $- so to the bank. :huh:

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And FREE Wellies for all Aussies :lol:


DK, what the bloody hel_l are Wellies? You wouldn't be referring to gumboots now, would you?

I do believe you Aussies refer to them as Gumboots :D


The trouble with some people is they have never had the full fillment of running up the mountian after your four legged girl friend (and suffer from ' wellie slap ') and that she has a boy friend with a 'big horn'.

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