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Thai Woman Trashes Husband's Member


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Trash reporting is exactly what it is but the saddest thing is seeing how readily it gets lapped up and how much fun people get from all this.

Even as a kid i never got why it was that tragedy brought about comedy. At the time i was in secondary school there was the Ethiopian famine disaster and almost every kid in school had a joke at the expense of those poor souls dying of malnutrition. I never got it. All i could do was imagine how it would be to have been born in the baking sun like them with not a drop of water to drink and only dirt to eat. It made me want to cry, not laugh.

Excusing getting titillated and amused by the suffering of others because of it being a way of dealing with fear is a lame cover-up for being immature and insensitive.

You mean you do not remember shows like "Tom and Jerry", The Roadrunner show", and the like? All these shows we watched as impressionable kids; learning that abuse and pain and violence is funny? Look at the crap in the TV guide now. All the morals and ethics we ever had are being twisted into a big joke and made out to be redundant and silly. It is sickening. Look in the Video Game stores. Wait till the kids at present "mature" and become voters. You haven't seen anything yet, regarding the devaluation of human life.

The very thing you are broaching upon now is what most people never stop and ask themselves. Additionally, can you name any person or place in our societies (outside of church) where we are taught compassion, consideration, and conscientiousness towards our fellow man? I can not think of any that resembles a major institution that people admire and seek out. The future of man seems destined for cheapening human life. Sometimes I think a joke is a coward's way of avoiding responsibility to one's self, and others.

That's a very good post and i completely agree with your conclusions.

The one point i would make regarding TV shows like Tom and Jerry is that although they do teach kids that pain and violence is funny, even kids are aware that the things playing out on the screen are completely detached from the real world, and in the real world, we don't laugh when we see someone upset or in pain. What we do is try to help them. At least that's what a good parent teaches their child.

Respectfully, I believe that it would be foolhardy to think that children (say, ages Birth through 10 years) have the moral development to engage on a level that you or I am at. Science and law supports this view, in that practically all children up to the age of 10 have not developed past the conventional level. This is further demonstrated in the laws of most countries, where the topic of consent, ability to operate machinery, ability to multi-task, the ability to vote, or sit with the elders, and so on, do not allow for children to participate. On what basis can you say that?

What I just typed only takes into consideration children of what we could classify as developed countries. That statistic drops even lower in undeveloped countries. Undeveloped country translates into undeveloped minds. I know of no other definition per se.

Edited by cup-O-coffee
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This story is about two illiterate creatures, whom I'll wager haven't the faintest clue what it means to be dedicated, loyal, and committed to a cause that keeps the family unit intact. This is nothing more than animistic, bestial, adolescent behavior that pervades and clouds their limited ability to reason, and excludes them from the evolving race of enlightened human beings, who aren't burdened with cultural chains.

Now that is only my view and my opinion.

When were you last back in the western world? the family unit is dead back there, killed by female empowerment.

Men are seen as dirty, dangerous brutes, likely to harm their own women and children, good for only paying child support to women who had children (while being considered too dangerous to ever see their own children), women who can choose to never work again.

God help those men who refuse to pay, even if not their biological children or even if they played no part in choosing to father those children.

Of course the western attitude that only women count, gives rise to women and SNAGs laughing at the mutilation of men. If anyone had dared post a joke about the mutilation of a woman on ThaiVisa, that post would have been deleted and the poster banned PDQ.

You are preaching to the choir here. I have gone back and forth on this, and still do, when I turn on the tube to see if there is a movie that is edifying enough to watch, without some political message or agenda that rolls over the morals and ethics I was brought up with. The only change I can directly affect is that which is in me.

The generation that taught me is either dead, or in nursing homes now. They are conveniently tucked away, so that children nowadays can be raised to goose step to the very things our forefathers fought against in the last war, and the ones before it. What exists in the USA now is the reason I am here. At least I get to live here with the respect I earn through my behavior, and not because some law demands that a quota to be filled, or that I am evil if I have pride in my ancestry, but everyone else can have that same pride in theirs, or their behavior, or religion- and get rewarded for it; if you get my meaning. Simply type "______" (one of the top 5 words on your mind) and then type "pride" into GOOGLE and you'll get the point with the top hits. Only one single word of color gets the bad press because of the idiots out there whom the media focus on, and not the good hearts out there, who qualify to be proud. We are not newsworthy; moreover, we upset the agenda. The agenda; get daddy, the last protector of foreign enemies, out of the home. That is not an issue here in this country. It is a given.

The thing I learned, and appreciate about Thailand, is that sometimes giving or receiving a good poke in the snout can resolve what mountains of stupid laws and legal attorneys back home have turned into a money making industry. People who live here for long, learn to behave and respect, or they go back home where their laws protect them from scowls, bad smells, and words. Yes, I have been poked in the snout, and have poked a bit myself. At the end of the day, this method really leaves an impression on a fellow regarding his behavior. I am not describing the bar crawling lout who can not remember the next day, and goes it again. I am describing a person who is striving to better themselves, and when they get that poke on the snout, they use it as a lesson, and try to see the truth in why it happened.

Here, we have another problem; the vindication of women who cut off body parts, sell children for sex and hard labor, and it never seems to get the attention it deserves. The media simply fans right over the heads of women who clearly are participants in a criminal web of human misery. An agenda, or thousands of years of altruism towards the mother figure? Perhaps one day, this card will be played out enough to where people will begin to wake up and realize that one gender is not a factor in the misery of human life on this planet, and to direct the focus on one gender will allow the other gender to be played like an ace up the sleeve.

Edited by cup-O-coffee
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If anyone had dared post a joke about the mutilation of a woman on ThaiVisa, that post would have been deleted and the poster banned PDQ.

Ain't that the truth.


It isn't the truth. Just look a few comments up. something like this is still there and don't get deleted.

But if you point out some religious bigot on a superiority trip who looks down on Thai people - yeah, then your entry gets deleted.

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You are preaching to the choir here. I have gone back and forth on this, and still do, when I turn on the tube to see if there is a movie that is edifying enough to watch, without some political message or agenda that rolls over the morals and ethics I was brought up with. The only change I can directly affect is that which is in me.

The generation that taught me is either dead, or in nursing homes now. They are conveniently tucked away, so that children nowadays can be raised to goose step to the very things our forefathers fought against in the last war, and the ones before it. What exists in the USA now is the reason I am here. At least I get to live here with the respect I earn through my behavior, and not because some law demands that a quota to be filled, or that I am evil if I have pride in my ancestry, but everyone else can have that same pride in theirs, or their behavior, or religion- and get rewarded for it; if you get my meaning. Simply type "______" (one of the top 5 words on your mind) and then type "pride" into GOOGLE and you'll get the point with the top hits. Only one single word of color gets the bad press because of the idiots out there whom the media focus on, and not the good hearts out there, who qualify to be proud. We are not newsworthy; moreover, we upset the agenda. The agenda; get daddy, the last protector of foreign enemies, out of the home. That is not an issue here in this country. It is a given.


Blue pride, pink pride, green pride, purple pride?

I don't get it, what colour are you pride of?

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Whenever you mix booze with sex there are bound to be problems. Roderick Haig-Brown was a well known British/Canadian writer who once wrote a short paragraph that summed it all up neatly. Haig-Brown was elected as a Justice of the Peace, and his time on the bench as Judge taught him many things. If I can remember the passage it went something like this....

"Most family problems are caused by too much booze and too little sex, and both of poor quality."

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All joking aside, this raises an interesting, legitimate question ... .... ..... ....

But what about penis transplants??? They can do it with kidneys and other bodily parts...so... ... ... ...

can the docs transplant from the one guy who doesn't want it to the one guy who really needs it???

I can't recall ever hearing any news about that... Maybe the Tourism Authority of Thailand should set up a penis donor waiting list....

Could that be a reason for the mysterious killings of so many farangs ?

Edited by HereIAm
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If anyone had dared post a joke about the mutilation of a woman on ThaiVisa, that post would have been deleted and the poster banned PDQ.

It isn't the truth. Just look a few comments up. something like this is still there and don't get deleted.

Did you mean this post?

One inflammatory post removed from view


Edited by sarahsbloke
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If anyone had dared post a joke about the mutilation of a woman on ThaiVisa, that post would have been deleted and the poster banned PDQ.

It isn't the truth. Just look a few comments up. something like this is still there and don't get deleted.

Did you mean this post?

One inflammatory post removed from view


No, there are still comments about mutilating woman that don't got deleted.just look a few posts up.

"Inflammatory" was a reply to a comment by a member who finds compassion, consideration, and conscientiousness only in church and spoke of inferiority of the 'males and females of the Thai race'. some pretty strange stuff he wrote (it still here). The 'I am not allowed to be pride in the USA anymore thats why i came here' guy.

And a reply to it got deleted.

Anyway. These jokes a males jokes that men make about other men. These jokes are not a sign for it that in the modern western world men are less respected then women. That is a completely other issue and have nothing to to with the nature of these cut dick jokes.

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No, there are still comments about mutilating woman that don't got deleted.just look a few posts up.

"Inflammatory" was a reply to a comment by a member who finds compassion, consideration, and conscientiousness only in church and spoke of inferiority of the 'males and females of the Thai race'. some pretty strange stuff he wrote (it still here). The 'I am not allowed to be pride in the USA anymore thats why i came here' guy.

And a reply to it got deleted.

Anyway. These jokes a males jokes that men make about other men. These jokes are not a sign for it that in the modern western world men are less respected then women. That is a completely other issue and have nothing to to with the nature of these cut dick jokes.

Where do you come from?

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Police escorted her back to Phetchaboon Town to point out the trash receptacle where she discarded her man’s member.

It's very important that someone is seen to be pointing at something else in a photo in any news story these days. I love it when they do that.

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