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The Have And Have Not'S


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More and more I think that being in Thailand is all about what you have got or what you have not got, I have not got a lot and not envious of anyone, I am happy with what I have got which as I said is not a lot lol

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It really doesn't matter, when I was in my 20's I had 2 houses, exotic cars, the newest and best of everything and in the end I wasn't very happy and I don't think anyone was really that impressed. Yes i still have nice things, but things that I enjoy and not for others to look at.

When I first got here I was paying 75,000/mo for a house in which I was the only one living, bought a nice car but all of it was more of a hassle than anything. Unless you want to become a target for all sorts of nonsense it is best to keep whatever money you have in the bank and not on display.

Edited by BillR
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It really doesn't matter, when I was in my 20's I had 2 houses, exotic cars, the newest and best of everything and in the end I wasn't very happy and I don't think anyone was really that impressed. Yes i still have nice things, but things that I enjoy and not for others to look at.

When I first got here I was paying 75,000/mo for a house in which I was the only one living, bought a nice car but all of it was more of a hassle than anything. Unless you want to become a target for all sorts of nonsense it is best to keep whatever money you have in the bank and not on display.

I agree with you 100%. I am of the same mind keep the money in the bank purchase what you want when you want and see everything you puchase as something that could be gone tommorrow. Money only gives a person security. Possessing lots or expensive things only gives headaches. When i left Canada i sold ocean view property ,sailboat ,powerboat new car etc got on the plane for Thailand with a smile that is still there. You are right on about owning things you enjoy. The less you have the less you have to worry about.

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Don't agree at all, i like a nice house, i like a nice car or 2, i like a nice bike or 2 or even 3, i like going out and eat big nice steaks in nice places, i like everything there was so expensive where i lived before but cheap here if you compare, also a lot say they don't care, i think its more that a lot cant afford to live like "Kings" here, i know that i couldn't if i was on a 40K, 80K 100K or 200K, but i am not and that's why i can afford to have everything i want and don't care what other people think about me or my toys, believe me i am also smiling every day when i wake up, except the day i have to go to work :angry:

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I first read this post on my phone and couldn't see who posted it. I assumed it was 'KaronBravo' talking about his yacht again :)

It's actually a very interesting post. I believe that if you did a survey, 95% of all the moaners and groaners, slagging Phuket off on this forum, are either people who don't live here because they can't afford to or live here, but on a very low budget and resent others who have more.

When I first lived in Phuket I was on the lowest budget possible and I loved every minute of it. I lived in one room apartments, had no car, and couldn't afford to even buy Farang food such as cheese and ham, yet I repeat, I loved every second. These days things are different and I live comfortably, and love the place just the same.

It makes me laugh all the people out there who have plenty of money, yet all they do is moan about the place, I get the feeling they wouldn't be happy anywhere.

As HDRIDER said though, there's absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying your money and possessions. When you see some one flying around in a flash sports car there's a huge chance the bloke is an insecure, obnoxious tw-t who needs that car to feel better about himself. There is also a very big chance that he's a nice decent bloke who happens to have a few quid and enjoys sports cars. Unless you know which he is, you're highlighting your own insecurities by judging him.

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No one is the same. There's plenty of "haves" that aren't happy, yet there are plenty that are. On the reverse side, plenty of people trying to live on the cheap cheap are not happy at all and are scraping by, envious of those who are the "haves", whatever that definition is.

Personally, I enjoy having a nice life which includes a nice house, nice family, nice vehicles, nice amount of leisure time, nice variety of toys/hobbies etc. Of course everyone's definition of nice is different, so whatever your (perceived) status is in life, better enjoy it as I don't remember my past life and I'm not sure what my next life will be.

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Don't agree at all, i like a nice house, i like a nice car or 2, i like a nice bike or 2 or even 3, i like going out and eat big nice steaks in nice places, i like everything there was so expensive where i lived before but cheap here if you compare, also a lot say they don't care, i think its more that a lot cant afford to live like "Kings" here, i know that i couldn't if i was on a 40K, 80K 100K or 200K, but i am not and that's why i can afford to have everything i want and don't care what other people think about me or my toys, believe me i am also smiling every day when i wake up, except the day i have to go to work :angry:

You'll probably get bashed by jealous people.

Basically everything poor people do and have, people with money also do and have.. they just got more material stuff than those who are poors.

It's like the idiots who think all muscleheads are dumb.. its just jealousy because they envy the musclehead as clever(or more) than them with a nice physique.

People who say they are happy with nothing are lying very hard. Fact is, if they had more stuff, they'd be more happy than they are. The more you have (love and have's) the more happy you are. Doesn't matter if you'Re happy with almost nothing, you'd still be happier with more even though you were already very happy with nothing.

i can be very happy without a bentley, but put a bentley in my driveway, ill be the happiest man in the world for the next 6months.

Edited by ilyelol
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I first read this post on my phone and couldn't see who posted it. I assumed it was 'KaronBravo' talking about his yacht again :)

I don't own a yacht.

I work at sea, so, I'm buggered if I'm going to spend my off time on the sea.

My happiest days was when I was a long-haired hippy traveller.

Don't know if that was because I was free (no possesions), or, whether it was just because I was young.

I do know that money can't buy happiness, but, I'd rather be unhappy with money than unhappy without.

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This post was started because I recently attended a cocktail reception in aid of the official Queens birthday which was held at the Blue Elephant(Phuket) Still not sure why I was invited think it was because I go to the British Consul for my retirement visa, anyway while I was there amongst lots of people with obviously lots of money I was observing and there were without a shadow of a doubt some people who I can only desribe as berks with to much money and no common sense, in fact one hoo rey Henry with a deep voice was talking to the British ambassador I was ear wigging, Henry, where do you live, Ambassador, Bangkok, Henry, what do you do there, Ambassador, I am the British ambassador, Henry, oh and beat a hasty retreat so did the British ambassador, well I nearly went to the toilet there and then.

This night out just made me think about the people that have so much and put it on show, there are plenty of these people about.

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I believe that if you did a survey, 95% of all the moaners and groaners, slagging Phuket off on this forum, are either people who don't live here because they can't afford to or live here

It makes me laugh all the people out there who have plenty of money, yet all they do is moan about the place
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This night out just made me think about the people that have so much and put it on show, there are plenty of these people about.

Are they expected to hide their success ?? Is it some form of reverse snobbery to pretend you havent done well ??

Anyone that says that moneys no big advantage has never had a loved one seriously ill in need of high end private medical care.

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I was brought up in a country what was called i i believe still is THE LAND OF OPERTUNITYS.

I left school as soon as i could although my parents did not agree with my decision because of the amount

of jobs available, in those days it was not degrees or diplomas what where important but the ability to do a job

and do a job properly.

Once you have the necessary skills in what field/fields you require you look for a subcontract job or set up your

own business or buy a run down business which you can run properly and purchase at the right price.

Once you have a successful business you still work on a budget and invest the extra money as a nest-egg for

the future , some people rush out and buy cars,boats etc usually on credit not realising because they are new

at running there own business, for every good time there usually ends up a bad time and because of there

excessive spending lose there business or go bankrupt.

I am not rich BILL GATES is rich but i can afford to do what i want to do when i want to do it, if i cannot afford to

pay cash for something i never nowadays use credit, using a credit card i pay it of in full every month.

Some people are happy working for the local council/government because of security of employment and a

guaranteed weekly wage and knowing they will have a pension to retire on, if that's what you are happy with

fair enough, but unless you are prepared to work for it don't expect the better things in life.

I have found in life most people who brag in life about what they have are talking a load of CODSWALLOP

They can say what they want especially on the Internet using an anonymous name and feel secure they

will never be caught out, so do not believe all you read.

I don't pay a high rent here i pay 12000 baht a month, rent is money down the drain as far as i am concerned

and i would not rent a expensive villa to try and impress people

I would not buy a expensive car to impress people that is really money down the drain check the value of a

10 year old one compared to new.

I still fly economy class to Australia, its not a long flight and there is not way i will pay 4 times the price for

a business seat.

We do not select our friends because of what they have, but people we like, although i must admit most

new ones will be people who can afford to do what we do and you do not have to be rich to do that just


In my opinion anyone anyone from a developed country can have a comfortable life if they put in the effort.

especially in Thailand.

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This night out just made me think about the people that have so much and put it on show, there are plenty of these people about.

Are they expected to hide their success ?? Is it some form of reverse snobbery to pretend you havent done well ??

Anyone that says that moneys no big advantage has never had a loved one seriously ill in need of high end private medical care.

What on earth is all that about, I said it made me think about the people that have a lot and put it on show, it's up to them and good luck to them, bloody hel_l calm down!!!!!!!

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I was brought up in a country what was called i i believe still is THE LAND OF OPERTUNITYS.

I left school as soon as i could although my parents did not agree with my decision because of the amount

of jobs available, in those days it was not degrees or diplomas what where important but the ability to do a job

and do a job properly.

Once you have the necessary skills in what field/fields you require you look for a subcontract job or set up your

own business or buy a run down business which you can run properly and purchase at the right price.

Once you have a successful business you still work on a budget and invest the extra money as a nest-egg for

the future , some people rush out and buy cars,boats etc usually on credit not realising because they are new

at running there own business, for every good time there usually ends up a bad time and because of there

excessive spending lose there business or go bankrupt.

I am not rich BILL GATES is rich but i can afford to do what i want to do when i want to do it, if i cannot afford to

pay cash for something i never nowadays use credit, using a credit card i pay it of in full every month.

Some people are happy working for the local council/government because of security of employment and a

guaranteed weekly wage and knowing they will have a pension to retire on, if that's what you are happy with

fair enough, but unless you are prepared to work for it don't expect the better things in life.

I have found in life most people who brag in life about what they have are talking a load of CODSWALLOP

They can say what they want especially on the Internet using an anonymous name and feel secure they

will never be caught out, so do not believe all you read.

I don't pay a high rent here i pay 12000 baht a month, rent is money down the drain as far as i am concerned

and i would not rent a expensive villa to try and impress people

I would not buy a expensive car to impress people that is really money down the drain check the value of a

10 year old one compared to new.

I still fly economy class to Australia, its not a long flight and there is not way i will pay 4 times the price for

a business seat.

We do not select our friends because of what they have, but people we like, although i must admit most

new ones will be people who can afford to do what we do and you do not have to be rich to do that just


In my opinion anyone anyone from a developed country can have a comfortable life if they put in the effort.

especially in Thailand.

Very good post, I was in the Fire Brigade for over 21 yrs and have always helped people all my life I enjoy helping people it makes me happy, I am envious of people that have a lot but not jealous because maybe they worked hard for what they have, my life here is good and yes I can afford to buy what I want with in reason, not a house or flash car but simple thing's so I am content.

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Very good post, I was in the Fire Brigade for over 21 yrs and have always helped people all my life I enjoy helping people it makes me happy, I am envious of people that have a lot but not jealous because maybe they worked hard for what they have, my life here is good and yes I can afford to buy what I want with in reason, not a house or flash car but simple thing's so I am content.

Yes i agree with what you say but you seem like a normal down to earth peron, not like some people who post on this forum

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Yes i agree with what you say but you seem like a normal down to earth peron, not like some people who post on this forum

Thank you Peter, here is an example yesterday I was driving towards Central on my little bike, a big white flash car zipped passed me I think it was a Nissan GT very expensive, I just thought to myself wonder where he lives, what does he do yes I was envious because I love car's but not jealous.

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I would not buy a expensive car to impress people that is really money down the drain

If i buy a nice car i dont do it to impress people i do it because i love nice car

Yes i agree with what you say but you seem like a normal down to earth peron, not like some people who post on this forum

I have to say that some of your post dont show a down to earth person, you know, thats why we have TV if people dont like to hear what other people think, dont ask, easy i would think, why should we all be the same??????? if i like something i will buy it, not ask you or anybody else, i might ask what you think about it here on TV but i would also expect to hear some not so nice things, again thats we have TV.

Go back and see what you tell some people when they ask, then you will see what i mean. :)

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I would not buy a expensive car to impress people that is really money down the drain

If i buy a nice car i dont do it to impress people i do it because i love nice car

Yes i agree with what you say but you seem like a normal down to earth peron, not like some people who post on this forum

I have to say that some of your post dont show a down to earth person, you know, thats why we have TV if people dont like to hear what other people think, dont ask, easy i would think, why should we all be the same??????? if i like something i will buy it, not ask you or anybody else, i might ask what you think about it here on TV but i would also expect to hear some not so nice things, again thats we have TV.

Go back and see what you tell some people when they ask, then you will see what i mean. :)

Sorry mate you have completely lost me there, tv whats that all about?

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I have noticed since posting on these forum's that no matter how simple the post is or how innocent it is there are allways people that post sarcasm can anyone tell me why? is it a past time for some people or are they as someone said a while ago keyboard hero's.

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I have noticed since posting on these forum's that no matter how simple the post is or how innocent it is there are allways people that post sarcasm can anyone tell me why? is it a past time for some people or are they as someone said a while ago keyboard hero's.

It's certainly "past Time" for some of the twaddle that's appearing on this page recently.

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Too bad, another good thread turning into a pissing match.

Back on topic, a line I always laugh at is a line from the movie "Boiler Room" where the guy is pitching the new recruits. I believe it was Ben Afflect and he says" You know they say that money can't buy happiness, that's BS, they say that because they don't have any".

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Too bad, another good thread turning into a pissing match.

Back on topic, a line I always laugh at is a line from the movie "Boiler Room" where the guy is pitching the new recruits. I believe it was Ben Afflect and he says" You know they say that money can't buy happiness, that's BS, they say that because they don't have any".

Very true but not in all cases, and money certainly cant buy happiness but it can buy security which I suppose is another form of happiness.

I think in future when posting it is important to make the object of the post very clear so all the sarcasm and the key board hero's that post sarcasm find it difficult to do so,

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Too bad, another good thread turning into a pissing match.

Back on topic, a line I always laugh at is a line from the movie "Boiler Room" where the guy is pitching the new recruits. I believe it was Ben Afflect and he says" You know they say that money can't buy happiness, that's BS, they say that because they don't have any".

Very true but not in all cases, and money certainly cant buy happiness but it can buy security which I suppose is another form of happiness.

I think in future when posting it is important to make the object of the post very clear so all the sarcasm and the key board hero's that post sarcasm find it difficult to do so,

Yes you can do that or just ignore them.As i have found out that upsets them a lot more.

Of coarse if they annoy you to much just check some peoples posts on different subjects

and see how they regularly contradict themselves.

The point is as long as you are happy with your life who cares and who wants to keep up with the so called Joneses

I am not picking on anyone called Jones its just an old expression.

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Yes you can do that or just ignore them.As i have found out that upsets them a lot more.

Of coarse if they annoy you to much just check some peoples posts on different subjects

and see how they regularly contradict themselves.

The point is as long as you are happy with your life who cares and who wants to keep up with the so called Joneses

I am not picking on anyone called Jones its just an old expression.

Yes agree ignoring them will annoy them, bloody raining in Japan for the Grand Prix qualifying, come on Hamilton!!! have a good day Peter..

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