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Outcome Of Thai Democrats' Legal Drama Still Uncertain

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A Thai media source and one usually liked by team red has reported that judges have been threatened now if they dont disolve. Reminiscent of the EC making the decision just after having their names and addresses and phone numebrs read on the red stage and then havin it stated that their safety couldnt be guaranteed if the case wasnt submitted before red desired date. Add that to the interesting tape 2 (the others are irrelevent except in falsely creating a grand anti-red conspiracy that will maybe cause violence if n disolution occurs). Thaksin and his allies are determined to force a disolution through or a coup both of whihc give them an opportunity to power grab which they currently dont have

Anyonew who thinks any of this is about such things as democracy, justice, law is severely deranged. The pwoer games are geting close to out of control right now and nobody without exception is thinking of the people.

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^^ well, the requisite has occurred.

Pheu Thai Party Spokesman Prompong Nopparit has filed the seemingly mandatory defamation lawsuit today against Democrat Party and its MP Wirat Romyen and said that no Puea Thai Party member had anything to do with the videos.

He went to say how the words of the Democrats had soiled the grand and glorious reputation of the Pheu Thai Party (or words to that effect) and that it could jeopardize the October 30 by-election in Surat Thani by attempting to taint his unsoiled Party with accusations of duplicity and thus improperly influence voters.

No amount was given on the news of the lawsuit, but I'm verifying that the PTP are seeking 80 quadzillion British pound sterling as suitable compensation for the egregious effort to sully their good name.

How does this intellectual midget Prompong think he is going to convince any court that the use of tape 1 the picture show) is not PTP manipualtion. That is now obvious. He is likely playing to build red shirt anger and foment violence or the threat of it so the dems get disolved on weak evidnce to say the least which creates an opportunity for Thaksin to power play or even forces a coup that will fire up the reds again. Pure power politics


^^ well, the requisite has occurred.

Pheu Thai Party Spokesman Prompong Nopparit has filed the seemingly mandatory defamation lawsuit today against Democrat Party and its MP Wirat Romyen and said that no Puea Thai Party member had anything to do with the videos.

He went to say how the words of the Democrats had soiled the grand and glorious reputation of the Pheu Thai Party (or words to that effect) and that it could jeopardize the October 30 by-election in Surat Thani by attempting to taint his unsoiled Party with accusations of duplicity and thus improperly influence voters.

No amount was given on the news of the lawsuit, but I'm verifying that the PTP are seeking 80 quadzillion British pound sterling as suitable compensation for the egregious effort to sully their good name.

How does this intellectual midget Prompong think he is going to convince any court that the use of tape 1 the picture show) is not PTP manipualtion. That is now obvious. He is likely playing to build red shirt anger and foment violence or the threat of it so the dems get disolved on weak evidnce to say the least which creates an opportunity for Thaksin to power play or even forces a coup that will fire up the reds again. Pure power politics

And according to the Nation;


Democrats pondering legal action against Pheu Thai: Chuan

By The Nation

Published on October 22, 2010

Chuan Leekpai, who is leading the Democrat Party's defence in the two dissolution cases, said yesterday that his party was thinking about taking legal action against other parties that are resorting to unlawful methods against the Democrats.

He said the party's legal team was considering action that could lead to the dissolution of the Pheu Thai Party or any others involved.

"The law exists and people who violate this law must be held responsible for their actions. If the [Democrat] party is the damaged party, we have the right to file a complaint," Chuan said. "As for seeking the disbandment of Pheu Thai or other parties because their members are violating the law, we have a legal team looking into the matter separately from the team dealing with dissolution cases."

I think I'll retrain as a Thai Lawyer, there doesn't seem to be any shortage of work these days


'Buchholz' timestamp='1287559877' post='3967348'

^^ well, the requisite has occurred.

Pheu Thai Party Spokesman Prompong Nopparit has filed the seemingly mandatory defamation lawsuit today against Democrat Party and its MP Wirat Romyen and said that no Puea Thai Party member had anything to do with the videos.

He went to say how the words of the Democrats had soiled the grand and glorious reputation of the Pheu Thai Party (or words to that effect) and that it could jeopardize the October 30 by-election in Surat Thani by attempting to taint his unsoiled Party with accusations of duplicity and thus improperly influence voters.

No amount was given on the news of the lawsuit, but I'm verifying that the PTP are seeking 80 quadzillion British pound sterling as suitable compensation for the egregious effort to sully their good name.

The only thing tainting the Surat Thani vote is the ludicrously addled looking head shot of Yongyuth's son that is plastered all around the province.

The young lad doesn't look, in this picture, as if he can think his way out of a 7/11 sack. Couldn't they do better, both candidate, and more so, PICTURE choice? {Handsome lad though, perfect for job on the tele}. But I guess a sacrificial lamb was needed, and to get him some press for some future date with destiny.

Drove by a PTP campaign meeting two days ago, with several trucks and poster placers there. It is clearly a shoestring effort, and not by the best and brightest. I wonder if they will take another beating when they have the temerity to ask to get reimbursed after losing so badly, as they no doubt will?

I couldn't let the inaccurate inference to nepotism regarding Yongyuth go uncorrected.

It is not his son running in the Surat Thani by-election.

Pheu Thai spokesman Prompong Nopparit said the party's executive board resolved in a unanimous vote to select Worawuth, who was nominated by southern region chief Chavalit Yongchyiyudh, as its candidate.


Will Red Shirt Leader Worawuth (right) be taking electioneering tips from his fellow Red Shirt Leader, and failed Bangkok election candidate, Korkaew Pikulthong (left)?

and IF he is somehow elected, will try to resign from the position as many times (four) as his uncle, Yongyuth Wichadit, has from his position as Pheu Thai Party Leader?

Ah, thanks Pitcher.

Uncle Yongyuth. My bad... sort of.

Still doesn't make his look of general befuddlement in the campaign poster seem less real. Lord knows, as viewed first hand, the campaign looks pretty moribund both on and off island.

So "The Great Brain" nominates the "barely brained", why does this not surprise. Sacrificial lamb none the less. Public face time, and not much else.


Ah, thanks Pitcher.

Uncle Yongyuth. My bad... sort of.

Still doesn't make his look of general befuddlement in the campaign poster seem less real. Lord knows, as viewed first hand, the campaign looks pretty moribund both on and off island.

So "The Great Brain" nominates the "barely brained", why does this not surprise. Sacrificial lamb none the less. Public face time, and not much else.

No problem. It's tough to keep the nepotistic play cards properly shuffled.

I just hope the Surat Thani campaigning doesn't become too stressful for the nephew as he's prone to swooning during difficult times.

Red Shirt Leader Wichaidit Worawuth after passing out while delivering a speech on the Red Stage on April 16 (the tumultuous day when Arisaman was doing his Mission Impossible escape from TRT hotel balcony):


Khao Sod newspaper



Smear on the high court needs to be cleared

By Avudh Panananda

The Nation

Unless doubts are satisfactorily dispelled in a timely manner, the looming verdict will lack credibility - regardless of whether it favours or does not favour the Democrats - as it is likely to inflame the red-shirt movement.

(The judges) also owe the public an explanation why Pasit could manage to "strike a deal" with Democrat MP Wiruch Romyen.

Has Pravit started writing under a pseudonym now? What is this ridiculous nonsense? This Avudh joker is smearing the Court and demanding - at the same time - the Court clear themselves of his smear? This is ludicrous.

I was unaware that the credibility of any judicial decision...was dependant on Red Shirt approval. What a ridiculous and contemptuous statement! It's tantamount to a claim that, without the Red Shirts conferring legitimacy onto Constitutional Court rulings - the Court simply has zero credibility.

Avudh: "The looming verdict will lack credibility...as it is likely to inflame the red-shirt movement."

That statement is gross contempt of court. Who's the editor responsible for these faux journalists over at The Nation?

Avudh: "(The judges) also owe the public an explanation why Pasit could manage to "strike a deal" with Democrat MP Wiruch Romyen."

What they owe the public, is a quick-fire lesson on the definition of contempt of court. As well as a summary example of associated penalties as prescribed for tabloid purveyors of invested agenda; who have the arrogance / stupidity / sheer nerve to smear the highest court in the land with their idiotic Op-Eds; in a transparent attempt to thereby prejudice any (unfavourable) rulings about to be handed down by that court.

A Thai media source and one usually liked by team red has reported that judges have been threatened now if they dont disolve. Reminiscent of the EC making the decision just after having their names and addresses and phone numebrs read on the red stage and then havin it stated that their safety couldnt be guaranteed if the case wasnt submitted before red desired date.

It's high time Thailand stopped shooting itself in the foot and got tough, in a way the international community can respect and understand.

I'm referring - of course - to the suboptimal (and that's putting it very diplomatically) strategy of silencing the Red Propaganda Machine with pointlessly redundant censorship and charges of lese majeste. It's no longer relevant to discuss issues of validity; the offensive nature of the content (and I assure Thais that the content is as offensive to Western cultural ideals of ethics and decency as malicious attacks on the King are offensive to Thai cultural values) must be assessed with considerations to the extensive and long-lasting damage being sustained by Thailand's reputation and image in the global arena. Blocking websites and charging their criminal owners with lese majeste is a grossly suboptimal line to pursue. Why can't the government understand that these tabloids want to be censored; so that they can appeal for the world's sympathy. Those poor, victimised, terrorists! It's infuriating. Giving them what they want in that regard would be akin to soldiers massacring violent protesters who are desperately attempting to provoke that exact reaction.

I'm not suggesting that Thailand shouldn't react. They dam_n well should react; in brutal and ruthless and merciless fashion. It's democracy that is under attack here; not just this specific government, or the monarchy, or the Constitutional Court. The world recognises and respects those who crack the Whip of Justice in defence of Democracy. There is no more recognisable emotion to Westerners than righteous indignation at those who would attack democratic ideals by pursuing a strategy of promoting terror and anarchy.

Thailand needs to start cracking that Whip on broadcasters and publishers of anarchist vitriol. Haul them in on charges of contempt of court, conspiring to pervert judicial process by threatening violence, prejudicing verdicts with baseless allegations of misconduct, etc. Slap prohibitive fines on editors and journalists who promote anarchy by attacking the pillars on which democracy is precariously balanced. Lock them up if they persist.

And - of course - I'm not just talking about idiotic tabloid portals like Prachatai. I have a fair idea as to why editors at The Nation are publishing columns which damage the integrity of Thailand's high court. I'm quite sure they can submit their reasons to the sentencing judges in their frantic pleas for mitigation.

Avudh: "The looming verdict will lack credibility...as it is likely to inflame the red-shirt movement."

Avudh: "(The judges) also owe the public an explanation why Pasit could manage to "strike a deal" with Democrat MP Wiruch Romyen."

The above statements are criminal offences. In every first world (and even in almost all third world) nations. US judges sentence guys that yawn whilst court is in session to 6-month prison terms. It's ridiculous that a mainstream media source would publish that contemptible article. It's ridiculous that a high court of a democratic nation would allow them to publish it, without proportional response (or any? response). Ridiculous.

You want to attack the high court? Go for it. But when directly accusing high court judges of outright corruption by claiming Pasit is a "fall-guy" and alleging his dismissal is a conspiracy to "sweep [corruption] away", you should probably have something a little bit more substantial to back up such damaging allegations than mere innuendo and loose references to lingering doubts and perceptions held by the authors (who claim to speak for the public when they are really attempting to persuade the public).

The author of that article, and the editor who cleared it, should be made an example of.

The world will understand and respect that reaction; so long as it's effectively communicated. The media (no matter their bias - even CNN) will be forced to publicly support action taken to protect the integrity of the judiciary from violent threats or groundless allegations of misconduct. There is not a mainstream media corporation in the world who would dare defend anarchist attacks on democratic ideals. Effective communication of the message is hugely important, of course. Even if your product is Truth, you still have to sell it. And when selling a product, you must have the customer in mind. With apologies to the current brigade of Thai foreign affairs personnel (I'm yet to see a female PR spokesperson for the Thai government; which is dumb, dumb, dumb for so many reasons), sitting erect whilst delivering stilted and dignified curt proclamations (often delivered in very poor or stilted or staccato English); filled with ill-advised (unnecessary and counter-productive) declarations of nationalist / isolationist rhetoric....this is not how you sell your message to the billions of clueless idiots who are watching the already-slanted coverage. It's colossal PR-fail.

Or, you know, they can continue with their chosen strategy of pussy-footing around and blasting automatic rounds into their feet and that. Whilst the media defecates on democracy and flings faeces at high court judges and publishes terrorist threats made by sitting MPs - basically acting like spoiled, petulant children. Whilst they simultaneously publish outraged Op-Eds lamenting the worrying increasing nature of government censorship and waxing lyrical about freedoms of the press being a fundamental requirement for democracy.

Because that's a winning strategy. Idiots. jap.gif



Special Branch to guard judges after death threats claimed

Police from the Special Branch have been ordered by the National Police Chief to provide extra security for Constitution Court judges.

Royal Thai Police spokesman Major-General Prawut Thawornsiri said General Wichean Potephosree made the order after a judge said he had received threats on his life.

Prawut said Special Branch police would provide protection for all Constitution Court judges at their offices, in addition to officers from the Metropolitan Police Bureau who take care of their security at home and while on their way to and from work.

"We will contact all the judges to find out about their individual needs to ensure increased security," he said.

Constitution Court Judge Boonsong Kulbupar earlier said he and his colleagues had received death threats by telephone. He also complained that the court's judges were working under heavy pressure.

Prawut said Wichean had set up an investigative team headed by General Ek Angsananont to find out about people behind the recording and distribution of the controversial video clips accusing the ruling Democrat Party of lobbying the court in connection with the dissolution cases against the party.

The investigators would also try to determine whether the clips had been doctored, he said, adding that the probe was expected to be completed in 30 days.

Four video clips and a slideshow of stills were released through the YouTube video-sharing website. One of the clips shows Democrat MP and defence-team member Wiruch Romyen talking to Pasit Sakdanarong, secretary to the Constitution Court president, about the cases against the Democrat Party.

Three other clips are recordings of conversations among Constitution Court judges in their office.

Pasit was removed from the post on Tuesday, a few days after the videos were made publicly available.

The slideshow clip contains a few pictures of Privy Council President Prem Tinsulanonda meeting with the Constitution Court president, Chat Chonlaworn, and a number of senior judiciary figures, with a caption saying that Prem was seeking Chat's help to spare the Democrat Party from being dissolved. The photos were later found to have been taken during an award presentation to Thammasat University's outstanding law graduates two years ago.

Meanwhile, opposition Pheu Thai MP Jatuporn Prompan said yesterday that he wondered why Boonsong did not file a police complaint over the death threats he received.

Pheu Thai Party Spokesman Prompong Nopparit described the judge's claim as a tactic to deflect attention from the scandal involving the Constitution Court.

"The judges must tell society frankly if there was lobbying by the Democrat Party," he said.

Prompong also said that the opposition party "has no fears" about the threat from the Democrats of possible dissolution proceedings against Pheu Thai Party, regarding its involvement in "resorting to unlawful means".

In a related development, police investigators have been sent to The Foodie restaurant in the Prachachuen area, in which the Wiruch-Pasit video clip was suspected to have been recorded with a hidden camera, according to a source familiar with the investigation. The place was examined and witnesses were questioned, the source said.

Pol Maj-General Panya Mamen, who heads the investigation team, said the probe would involve two parts - criminal offences on security and judicial proceedings, and violations of computer and information laws.


-- The Nation 2010-10-23


Just when you think the dubious videotapes of Pasit couldn't be any more dubious... they are...

The slideshow clip contains a few pictures of Privy Council President Prem Tinsulanonda meeting with the Constitution Court president, Chat Chonlaworn, and a number of senior judiciary figures, with a caption saying that Prem was seeking Chat's help to spare the Democrat Party from being dissolved. The photos were later found to have been taken during an award presentation to Thammasat University's outstanding law graduates two years ago.

And when you think the actions and egregious words of Jatuporn and Prompong couldn't be any more egregious... they are...

Meanwhile, opposition Pheu Thai MP Jatuporn Prompan said yesterday that he wondered why Boonsong did not file a police complaint over the death threats he received.

Pheu Thai Party Spokesman Prompong Nopparit described the judge's claim as a tactic to deflect attention from the scandal involving the Constitution Court.

which collectively strengthens the suspicions that Pasit and the PTP were in cahoots

Meanwhile, opposition Pheu Thai MP Jatuporn Prompan said yesterday that he wondered why Boonsong did not file a police complaint over the death threats he received.

Pheu Thai Party Spokesman Prompong Nopparit described the judge's claim as a tactic to deflect attention from the scandal involving the Constitution Court.

Why bother to file a police complaint with an anonymous threat, asking police protection is enough for now.

The judge claim emphasizes once more the tactics employed by the UDD a few years ago in publicising judges names, telno's and addresses.

A scandal for sure!

Meanwhile, opposition Pheu Thai MP Jatuporn Prompan said yesterday that he wondered why Boonsong did not file a police complaint over the death threats he received.

Pheu Thai Party Spokesman Prompong Nopparit described the judge's claim as a tactic to deflect attention from the scandal involving the Constitution Court.

Why bother to file a police complaint with an anonymous threat, asking police protection is enough for now.

The judge claim emphasizes once more the tactics employed by the UDD a few years ago in publicising judges names, telno's and addresses.

A scandal for sure!

which all returns to the origins of the case in the first place

Why were the charges filed in the first place when three different prior EC investigations found against party dissolution? What role did Red Shirt Terrorist Fugitive Arisaman breaking into the EC Headquarters and demanding party dissolution play with the decision of the EC to reverse itself? How is it then possible for the EC members to read 10,000 pages of evidence and come to a different conclusion, from the previous three, in less than an hour?


Police to Pursue Democrat Clip Case

Investigators are searching for evidence to identify suspects involved in the publicity of the video clips portraying an attempt to lobby Constitution Court judges to rule in favor of the Democrat Party.

Deputy commissioner of the Central Investigation Bureau, Police Major General Panya Mamen, said the release of the controversial VDO clips is a violation of the Criminal Code and other laws on national security and judicial system .

Panya is responsible for the investigation into the release of video clips of Constitution Court judges being lobbied on the dissolution case against the Democrat Party.

He believes the scam was a collaboration of several groups and admitted that investigators would need time to identify those involved.

Meanwhile, Democrat party leader's spokesperson Thepthai Senapong said the recent call by former Thai Rak Thai Party leader Chaturon Chaisaeng for the Constitution Court judges to resign proved that the disclosure of the clips was a deliberate attack against the Democrats.


-- Tan Network 2010-10-22



Thailand needs a law that protect whistleblowers and not the corrupt.

I agree. Whistleblowers who report wrongdoings should be protected. Guys who bait others into (almost) illegal actions should be prosecuted including those who set them up to it.

Out of the blue, how's k. Pasit doing in HongKong ? Still shopping ? Hasn't he maxed out his creditcards yet ?


Thailand needs a law that protect whistleblowers and not the corrupt.

I agree. Whistleblowers who report wrongdoings should be protected. Guys who bait others into (almost) illegal actions should be prosecuted including those who set them up to it.

Out of the blue, how's k. Pasit doing in HongKong ? Still shopping ? Hasn't he maxed out his creditcards yet ?

Pasit probably got a look at the penalties for the crimes he committed (the particulars are in the other paper this morning).

Pretty stiff and if he's found guilty on 5 counts of these crimes, it could mean a long prison stay. I hope he at least feels the money was worth it.

The other news is Red Shirt Leader Jatuporn is obfuscating, very weakly, by trying to build a connection between the company that installed CCTV in the courts with the Democrat Party, with the obvious problem in his conspiracy theory being that the videos aren't from CCTV, they are from Pasit's camera.

The alleged terrorist, out of prison by Parliamentary privilege, also reiterated his claim of having additional videos involving the judges that he would release "next week."


More next week

is intended to string out this news cycle as much as possible.

Two aims.

1 ) Distract from the investigation of

PTP MP committee leader and secretary/(maybe mistress's) money transfers to dead bomber's handlers. And all the dirt that stirs up

Quick, QUICK! Something big to take this off the news pages.

Distraction from something REALLY important.

2 ) Set up the Red Masses psychologically for the coming fall since it's pretty clear PTP's charges/case against the Dems is not going to be won.

Add to that smearing the court beforehand so that the verdict if/when lost can be seen as conspiracy against the poor.

And threatening the judges with violence, anonymously of course,

while simultaneously accusing the Dems of interference via spoken words when both legal council and judges staffs regularly speak during the course of the day.

The desperation for leverage goes way beyond rational actions. With prawn boy leading the charge, the human personification of honesty in government!

I think a real fear of Abhisit raising expectations in the populace of

even a HINT of greater honesty and diminished corruption in the future

scares that panties off many pols. Someday they are clawed back to the trough, but public eyes remain focused on their actions, and their prosecutions actually grow teeth and bite out chunks; of years and profits.

Oh the horror they must feel at this prospect!

Desperation enough for civil war, they seem to be setting the stage,

guess this should not be considered beyond the pale.


Pheu Thai spokesman Prompong Nopparit said the party's executive board resolved in a unanimous vote to select Worawuth, who was nominated by southern region chief Chavalit Yongchyiyudh, as its candidate.


Will Red Shirt Leader Worawuth (right) be taking electioneering tips from his fellow Red Shirt Leader, and failed Bangkok election candidate, Korkaew Pikulthong (left)?

If the early returns in the Surat Thani by-election today remain consistent, it looks like Red Shirt Leader Worawuth has failed in his election bid, the same as his fellow Red Shirt Leader Korkaew.

It appears the Reds are set to have lost with a ratio of votes being 7 to 1.


Is my math correct? It seems incredibly high.

87% of the vote went to the Democrat candidate.

148,608 votes out of a total of 170,445 votes cast went to the Democrat thus far.


If the early returns in the Surat Thani by-election today remain consistent, it looks like Red Shirt Leader Worawuth has failed in his election bid, the same as his fellow Red Shirt Leader Korkaew.

It appears the Reds are set to have lost with a ratio of votes being 7 to 1.

I don't think you can compare the elections the two PTP members where involved in. The district k. Korkaew was made to stand is known to have large red-shirt sympathy groups, Surat Thani is a Dem's stronghold.

K. Worawuth already goes on record with something like 'I know I have no chance of winning, but want to prove or use the democratic right to stand'. No problem with that. Now for a by-election somewhere in deep Isan to see if both sides can tolerate the others in their 'territory'.


If the early returns in the Surat Thani by-election today remain consistent, it looks like Red Shirt Leader Worawuth has failed in his election bid, the same as his fellow Red Shirt Leader Korkaew.

It appears the Reds are set to have lost with a ratio of votes being 7 to 1.


Not that he had any chance in Surat, but gee .... there are a lot of poor rural people in Surat that (if they believe the red shirt lie) should have voted PTP!


If the early returns in the Surat Thani by-election today remain consistent, it looks like Red Shirt Leader Worawuth has failed in his election bid, the same as his fellow Red Shirt Leader Korkaew.

It appears the Reds are set to have lost with a ratio of votes being 7 to 1.

I don't think you can compare the elections the two PTP members where involved in. The district k. Korkaew was made to stand is known to have large red-shirt sympathy groups, Surat Thani is a Dem's stronghold.

K. Worawuth already goes on record with something like 'I know I have no chance of winning, but want to prove or use the democratic right to stand'. No problem with that. Now for a by-election somewhere in deep Isan to see if both sides can tolerate the others in their 'territory'.

Surat Thani is Jatuporn's hometown.... errr, at least it was until he disowned his mother.


If the early returns in the Surat Thani by-election today remain consistent, it looks like Red Shirt Leader Worawuth has failed in his election bid, the same as his fellow Red Shirt Leader Korkaew.

It appears the Reds are set to have lost with a ratio of votes being 7 to 1.

I don't think you can compare the elections the two PTP members where involved in. The district k. Korkaew was made to stand is known to have large red-shirt sympathy groups, Surat Thani is a Dem's stronghold.

K. Worawuth already goes on record with something like 'I know I have no chance of winning, but want to prove or use the democratic right to stand'. No problem with that. Now for a by-election somewhere in deep Isan to see if both sides can tolerate the others in their 'territory'.

Surat Thani is Jatuporn's hometown.... errr, at least it was until he disowned his mother.

Isn't DPM Suthep from there as well ;)


Is my math correct? It seems incredibly high.

87% of the vote went to the Democrat candidate.

148,608 votes out of a total of 170,445 votes cast went to the Democrat thus far.

Slightly off topic, don't you think? whistling.gif


If the early returns in the Surat Thani by-election today remain consistent, it looks like Red Shirt Leader Worawuth has failed in his election bid, the same as his fellow Red Shirt Leader Korkaew.

It appears the Reds are set to have lost with a ratio of votes being 7 to 1.

I don't think you can compare the elections the two PTP members where involved in. The district k. Korkaew was made to stand is known to have large red-shirt sympathy groups, Surat Thani is a Dem's stronghold.

K. Worawuth already goes on record with something like 'I know I have no chance of winning, but want to prove or use the democratic right to stand'. No problem with that. Now for a by-election somewhere in deep Isan to see if both sides can tolerate the others in their 'territory'.

Surat Thani is Jatuporn's hometown.... errr, at least it was until he disowned his mother.

Maybe MP Jatuporn should have given his PTP colleague more of a helping hand and have toured the district with him ;)


If the early returns in the Surat Thani by-election today remain consistent, it looks like Red Shirt Leader Worawuth has failed in his election bid, the same as his fellow Red Shirt Leader Korkaew.

It appears the Reds are set to have lost with a ratio of votes being 7 to 1.

I don't think you can compare the elections the two PTP members where involved in. The district k. Korkaew was made to stand is known to have large red-shirt sympathy groups, Surat Thani is a Dem's stronghold.

K. Worawuth already goes on record with something like 'I know I have no chance of winning, but want to prove or use the democratic right to stand'. No problem with that. Now for a by-election somewhere in deep Isan to see if both sides can tolerate the others in their 'territory'.

Surat Thani is Jatuporn's hometown.... errr, at least it was until he disowned his mother.

Isn't DPM Suthep from there as well ;)

Yes, he is. It could have turned into a real battle of two of the top heavyweights in their respective camps, but it didn't, as it seems Jatuporn doesn't go there any more to avoid his family and an alleged criminal past history there.


I just hope the Surat Thani campaigning doesn't become too stressful for the nephew as he's prone to swooning during difficult times.

Red Shirt Leader Wichaidit Worawuth after passing out while delivering a speech on the Red Stage on April 16 (the tumultuous day when Arisaman was doing his Mission Impossible escape from TRT hotel balcony):


Khao Sod newspaper


In the Koh Samui district it seems Worawuth got 14% of the eligible vote. I hope he doesn't take it too hard.


Is my math correct? It seems incredibly high.

87% of the vote went to the Democrat candidate.

148,608 votes out of a total of 170,445 votes cast went to the Democrat thus far.

Not surprising at all.

Regardless of other corners feelings about Suthep, he takes care of his Province.

Secondly a lot of work has been lost because of the 'red business plan' up north,

there is little love to be found for Red Shirts here, even amongst many migrant

construction people. They know whey they have less work here, because of the red riots.

So obviously the people voted for the one that takes care of them,

and not the 3rd string kid who backs the team messing with their job security.


More clips posted on Net

A new series of video clips re-lated to the Constitution Court was posted on YouTube late on Friday night and early yesterday.

The three clips show some judges allegedly discussing what to do if video clips are released about them being involved in helping people get jobs at the court.

The clips show two court judges and the sound of their conversation with Pasit Sakdanarong, the former secretary of the Constitution Court president. The discussion seems to suggest that the Pheu Thai Party would reveal clips about some judges helping people seeking to become officers at the court in an examination.

In the conversation, one of the judges said exam papers were given to people close to many of the judges. They also discuss the motivation of the person releasing the video clips and giving them to Pheu Thai Party.


  • 3 weeks later...

Two Face Arrest in Court Clips Cases

Investigators in charge of the VDO clip scandal involving Constitution Court judges have sought arrest warrants against two suspects believed to be involved in the case.

Meanwhile, some of those wanted in connection with the crime are believed to be living outside Thailand.

Police legal adviser Police General Ek Angsananont and deputy commissioner of the Central Investigation Bureau, Police Major General Panya Mamen, today held a meeting with investigators in charge of the controversial VDO clips involving Constitution Court judges.

Panya revealed three main resolutions were made during the meeting.

At the meeting, it was concluded that the case will be forwarded to the National Anti corruption Commission, or NACC.

The case needed to be forwarded to the NACC after it was discovered that two court officials were involved in the release of the VDO clips.

The case would be forwarded to the graft-busting panel before November 20.

Meanwhile, the Crime Suppression Division police have sought the court's approval of arrest warrants against two suspects, one male and one female.

The two will be charged with violations of the Computer Crime Act.

During the course of the investigation, it was discovered that individuals living outside Thailand were involved in the VDO clip scandal.

The police will forward the case to the Attorney General Office, which will help oversee the investigation.


-- Tan Network 2010-11-15



The two suspects issued arrest warrants are Pasit, the secretary to the Court, who fled Thailand a month ago and appeared responsible for illegally filming the judges and a female, Chutima Saensinrangsi.

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