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Foreigners that use the word farang.

Foreigners that bang on constantly about other foreigners that moan about Thailand. If you don't like reading Thaivisa - go somewhere else.

People that don't wear helmets.


People that complain about others, even though their perceived problem/behaviour has nothing to do at all with them.

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>>Who cares, are you another spelling expert on this forum i an not

Is there anything wrong with using proper grammar and spelling correctly?

Absolutely not imo. And especially from native English speakers I would expect that, but unfortunately quite often don't get it.

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Foreigners that use the word farang.

Foreigners that bang on constantly about other foreigners that moan about Thailand. If you don't like reading Thaivisa - go somewhere else.

People that don't wear helmets.


Its a word used in Thailand and other country's, started in the Arab country's, that describes white skinned people.

i have no problem using it if i do not know where a person comes from, its a word all Thai people understand.

If i am trying to find someone and i ask a Thai i use the word farang, if i used the word foreigner most would not

know what i am talking about.

I have no problem being called a farang by people, once they know me they call me an Australian when other

people ask

I cannot understand how some people get upset over being called a farang, to sensitive in my opinion.

I assume you mean persian word ??

Ferengi etc Persian and into sanscrit and Hindu.. Only to Malay and further.. Tho the origins seem debated..

Others would lay blame on the Farangset french traders in the Kings court.

Edited by LivinLOS
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>>Tell me another word that means the same as farang and I'll gladly use it.

Until then I'm afraid it's farang.

Are you French? If so then farang is the right word.

Foreigner, alien, non citizen, et al. all express the fact that you're not Thai, even though you might be living here.

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>>Tell me another word that means the same as farang and I'll gladly use it.

Until then I'm afraid it's farang.

Are you French? If so then farang is the right word.

Foreigner, alien, non citizen, et al. all express the fact that you're not Thai, even though you might be living here.

And they all have a different meaning from farang.

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>>Tell me another word that means the same as farang and I'll gladly use it.

Until then I'm afraid it's farang.

Are you French? If so then farang is the right word.

Foreigner, alien, non citizen, et al. all express the fact that you're not Thai, even though you might be living here.

And they all have a different meaning from farang.


Edited by macahoom
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>>Tell me another word that means the same as farang and I'll gladly use it.

Until then I'm afraid it's farang.

Are you French? If so then farang is the right word.

Foreigner, alien, non citizen, et al. all express the fact that you're not Thai, even though you might be living here.

And they all have a different meaning from farang.


And so whats wrong with Caucasian ??

Why does that not 'cut it' ?? Seems the exact term no ?? Of course they will also have farang dam etc..

Farang the word may not have connotations.. Its all in the delivery.. But theres definitely times when its used in a negative sense. Defending it too much starts to sound very much like someone defending the use of other slurs as 'not always being derogatory' most civilized places try not to bandy around paki / nigger / etc. EG Its quite possible to use 'colored gentleman' without a hint of racist intent (especially from the UK where as a child I remember that being 'polite' address) but because of shameful history most civilized people take care to not offend and avoid it altogether just in case.

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And so whats wrong with Caucasian ??

Why does that not 'cut it' ?? Seems the exact term no ??

I don't think we need to get into a discussion about the respective definitions of caucasian and farang; both seem to be a little vague, as far as I can see.

I'm thinking more of using the word caucasian in place of farang in every day speech, here in Thailand.

For example: "That restaurant is caucasian owned" doesn't sound right to me, whereas, "That restaurant is farang owned" does.

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What do you say if the restaurant is owned by someone from sub sahara? Sri Lanka? Egypt? Iran? Kazakstan? Are they still farang? Not in the Thai definition. That's why I prefer the use of " Foreigner" as it covers all bases, isn't biased or racist, and connotates it's not a Thai.

Edited by steelepulse
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just for the record:

no I am not Thai, in some ways wish I was.

I have been here a bit longer than 6 months, I came here in 1989 and returned year after year until i moved permanently 2005.

I have gone home to Australia once for 4 long weeks in the past 5 year, but if you meet me i sound like a Canadian as i spent most of my childhood in Canada.

As far as my views on Phuket, it can not really be compared to the rest of Thailand.

I do have many experiences i whinge about at times but I have found that it is often brought on by the ex-pat patrons of my bar, not the tourist.

Phuket has changed a lot in the past 5 years, and I am moving soon as my business is sold.


When you move here from the UK there really is nothing to complain about, my last 10 yrs in the UK were not very happy 14 months here and I can honestly say I have never been unhappy so hope to stay here for many yrs

Nice one Kenny,i retired here at 50 and 7 years this Jnauary.Best decision i have ever made and cant wish for a better life.My only gripe is the backbiting on this forum of expats who work against the retirees.The expats workers have got this hi-so attitude and condescending talk,and thats one of the reasons i left uk,too mnay wannabees,now we are getting more here.

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Back to the OP, I think alot of us can say, we get annoyed by the endless debate on the use of the word farang. Get over it and move on to something far more important.

Like why they never put enough peanuts in my noodle soup :D

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