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Swedish National Kim Roger Eriksson To Face Death Penalty In Thailand

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Being banged-up in Klong Prem prison...surely not as nice as an apartment in Oslo...tough way to learn the world is not all like Sweden. Only 29 and wanted to live the life...should have come for holidays only and done any dealing (if any) in Sweden to finance them.

Dude, OSLO is the capital of Norway, the country west of Sweden, his apartment could be in Stockholm...

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Thailand is just the kind of place that your fellow foreign colleague, who himself engages in illegal activity, will turn around and report you to police to score points, cash, to evade his own arrest, or just to get rid of you. There are plenty of psycho farangs here in Thailand, in part as can be evidenced by all the "hang him high" and "hope he rots in hel_l" responses that fill this Thai Visa forum -- the kind of foreigners that always side with a very corrupt police and judicial system just because they have the power.



1. If you associate with criminals, and engage in illegal activities, (such as dealing in drugs) you need to expect that anyone who helps you...when they get caught...will turn on you and do almost anything to avoid going to jail themselves. That's just as true in the U.K., the U.S., Sweden, or Thailand as anywhere. So "don't do the crime if yu can't do the time" is what I say.

2. I'm not a "psycho farang". I know the police are corrupt in Thailand.

3. Entrapment is a common way to catch drug crooks...in Thailand and other countries also. It's usually their greed that gets them trapped. The Thai police use it all the time to get small fry to rat on the people above them, so they can catch those who supply drugs. No I'm not stupid, I'm fully aware they also use entrapment to catch farangs who get greedy (Jeez, If I could just get xxx grams of xxxxx back in my suitcase....I would be rich then).

4. I have absolutely no mercy or sympathy for drug dealers who peddle misery and pain...and that's what drugs are to the user who gets hooked. Drug dealers sell pain and degradation to their clients. If they want sympathy from me, they can look it up in the dictionary between s_it and syphilis.


Agreed...especially when many drugs are sold to minors....they have been known to ruin many peoples lives. No sympathy from me. But I do agree the death penalty is a bit to harsh. Life in prison would be much worse...

Swallowing Government propaganda like a good citizen. I commend you.

Alcohol is a bigger problem and represents a greater danger than drugs to our children.

Back to the OP, and death seems harsh for such small weight. Then again, he did produce it, wanted to teach others how to and in my opinion is guilty of a greater crime than simply possession.

Even life could still be judged to be excessive and in my opinion would not serve any purpose. Better to take the best years of a man's life and then release him into the community an old man.


I don't feel sorry for him. Let him rot where he is.

" I would not produce anything, just learn how it works. The knowledge I would just re-sell, he claims" to me translates as "I want to teach others how to break the law."

Just as guilty :angry:

I hope you never do something you later regret sir.



Seems like that (entrapment) and 53 grams is not even 2 ounces in weight That is the sort of amount any one could easily carry in and plant! If there 'was' a lab which he admits to, and he hired a 'chemist' to explain how it worked - that is pretty damning evidence but he said it never manufactured. So if there was nothing in the process of being manufactured ... there is no concrete evidence he is guilty but... when 'evidence' is found in his possession there are two sides to the story and I would not say it is an open and shut case just yet.

Breaking Bad the TV series comes to mind.

I doubt he will get a death penalty for this amount when kg's of the product have been found on others and they got life. Let the story pan out ...


Agreed...especially when many drugs are sold to minors....they have been known to ruin many peoples lives. No sympathy from me. But I do agree the death penalty is a bit to harsh. Life in prison would be much worse...

Swallowing Government propaganda like a good citizen. I commend you.

Alcohol is a bigger problem and represents a greater danger than drugs to our children.

So drugs being used by minors is government propaganda? What planet are you from? It's a major problem. Obviously you don't have any children, or you would understand.

You are absolutely correct about alcohol being a bigger problem...but that's not what this post is about. Start another and we can discuss this as well...but you are right on for sure!!!!! :(


Ah, the wonders of Thaivisa forum. Any drug story and all the mindless punishers jump in. Even a drug story that is so badly written that no reader can actually tell what the real story is.

Some notes:

1) Drugs should be decriminalised worldwide and their supply closely regulated.

2) Scandasia should employ somebody who can actually write in English.


First of all, Thailand's prisons might be uncomfortable, dirty and full of sick people, it is at least saver and more human than let's say a prison in the USA, where guards are abusive and the private sector does it utmost to keep model prisoners behind bars because they make money out of human misery.Secondly it is highly unlikely that he will get the Death penalty because Thailand dare not to risk a problem with the EU with a possible trade boycott and a bad name with tourists. Thirdly this article says a lot about the Thai justice system and courts. Nothing has to be proven, an "assumption" is obviously enough.


Ah, the wonders of Thaivisa forum. Any drug story and all the mindless punishers jump in. Even a drug story that is so badly written that no reader can actually tell what the real story is.

Some notes:

1) Drugs should be decriminalised worldwide and their supply closely regulated.

2) Scandasia should employ somebody who can actually write in English.

Sorry, but pls specify "drugs", do you include alcohol, nicotine and caffeine too here?

This would be half as fun as it is now...



Nevertheless, I don't feel sorry for him, but death penalty is not correct. Nobody has the right to kill, even not goverments...

Fatfather :realangry:

And it is a mystery to me that a Buddhist state uses the death penalty.


All you death penalty and thrown away the key advocates are naive fools. It is only illegal because Big Biz and the Governments cant get their piece of the action. More people die of alcohol and smoking.

Far more evils in the world.

You are all lemmings.

And no, I have never taken an illegal drug in my life. I can just think outside the box.


Ah, the wonders of Thaivisa forum. Any drug story and all the mindless punishers jump in. Even a drug story that is so badly written that no reader can actually tell what the real story is.

Some notes:

1) Drugs should be decriminalised worldwide and their supply closely regulated.

2) Scandasia should employ somebody who can actually write in English.

Totally agree with you on both counts.


First of all, Thailand's prisons might be uncomfortable, dirty and full of sick people, it is at least saver and more human than let's say a prison in the USA, where guards are abusive and the private sector does it utmost to keep model prisoners behind bars because they make money out of human misery.

No idea, and neither do I want to find out myself.

Secondly it is highly unlikely that he will get the Death penalty because Thailand dare not to risk a problem with the EU with a possible trade boycott and a bad name with tourists.

Agree with you he probably won't get the death penalty, but doubt it has anything to do with the reasons you gave. Probably more with the amount and a guilty plea (if that comes).

Thirdly this article says a lot about the Thai justice system and courts. Nothing has to be proven, an "assumption" is obviously enough.

Enough for what? he is not yet convicted. So I don't see how this says anything about the Thai justice system.



Seems like that (entrapment) and 53 grams is not even 2 ounces in weight That is the sort of amount any one could easily carry in and plant! If there 'was' a lab which he admits to, and he hired a 'chemist' to explain how it worked - that is pretty damning evidence but he said it never manufactured. So if there was nothing in the process of being manufactured ... there is no concrete evidence he is guilty but... when 'evidence' is found in his possession there are two sides to the story and I would not say it is an open and shut case just yet.

Breaking Bad the TV series comes to mind.

I doubt he will get a death penalty for this amount when kg's of the product have been found on others and they got life. Let the story pan out ...

to how many farangs have been caught in thailand with many kilo,s of drugs + thousands of ecstasy of pills over the last 10 years i do not think there has been my executions if any,not sure if they execute farangs anymore,excuse me if i am wrong.if he is found guilty he will get 50-life(same thing)yet if he has the chance to pay a couple of million his sentence will be heavily reduced,if guilty he deserves whats coming to him. .


Being banged-up in Klong Prem prison...surely not as nice as an apartment in Oslo...tough way to learn the world is not all like Sweden. Only 29 and wanted to live the life...should have come for holidays only and done any dealing (if any) in Sweden to finance them.

Geography wasn't your strong point at school was it?


Are we supposed to feel sorry for him?<_<

Absolutely not. Even if he did not produce any ice, he was making a lab so he could sell a "how to" book to others so they could. He's guilty of something and deserves his jail time.

I think we should feel sorry for people that are going to be sentenced to death, sorry that they were not able to prevent the activity they got involved in, sorry that they did not realise the potential danger of what they were doing, sorry that they have to depart from being alive at such an early age.


Being banged-up in Klong Prem prison...surely not as nice as an apartment in Oslo...tough way to learn the world is not all like Sweden. Only 29 and wanted to live the life...should have come for holidays only and done any dealing (if any) in Sweden to finance them.

Geography wasn't your strong point at school was it?



Almost forgot that in comparison with this guy my days here hardworking since 10+ years feel like perfect holidays and I'm looking forward for the next x-years to come, enjoying every minute, that's for sure :partytime2:


Well, considering that we have these good christian folk who think that forgive and forget is the "right thing to do". Allow me to shed some light on this subject.

Q. Does anyone here, NOT know that Thailand is one of the strictest countries in the WORLD on drugs?

Q. Does anyone here NOT know that "ICE", "CRYSTAL METH", "ETC" is a drug?

To quote the ever so famous Forrest Gump, I will now say "Stupid is, as stupid does."

Point blank, 53 grams of ice is not something you cook up out of "hobby" or for educational purposes. You made your bed, now sleep in it. I am 100% sorry that this has caused this young man his entire life, but he knew better when he was doing it. This is not a "crime of passion", I don't have to be understanding. The &lt;deleted&gt; was in real estate..... He deserves what he gets just for being a "moronic idiot".

Don't cry now, you thought the shit was funny before you got caught.


Being banged-up in Klong Prem prison...surely not as nice as an apartment in Oslo...tough way to learn the world is not all like Sweden. Only 29 and wanted to live the life...should have come for holidays only and done any dealing (if any) in Sweden to finance them.

Geography wasn't your strong point at school was it?


For what it's worth; It's the Nobel Peace Prize that messes with people’s heads.



Entrapment? He's admitted to owning the lab to learn production and sell on his knowledge so others can create meth labs. Where's the entrapment? He was probably producing Meth to sell as he had 50 odd grammes but who knows how much he's sold before that? I doubt they'll execute him but he'll likely spend 20 years in prison so you have to have some pity for the man as 20 years in a Thai prison is more than enough to realize the errors of your ways. Being a humanitarian I hope they transfer him to a prison that's a bit easier to bare so he can serve out his term without the fear of being rapped or killed.

To any "string em high" supporters out there, you shouldn't be living in the land of Buddha!


Selling drugs is murder so it is worst than raping so if they rape him in prisson or kill him he deserves it


Entrapment? He's admitted to owning the lab to learn production and sell on his knowledge so others can create meth labs. Where's the entrapment? He was probably producing Meth to sell as he had 50 odd grammes but who knows how much he's sold before that? I doubt they'll execute him but he'll likely spend 20 years in prison so you have to have some pity for the man as 20 years in a Thai prison is more than enough to realize the errors of your ways. Being a humanitarian I hope they transfer him to a prison that's a bit easier to bare so he can serve out his term without the fear of being rapped or killed.

To any "string em high" supporters out there, you shouldn't be living in the land of Buddha!

1) Drugs should be decriminalised worldwide and their supply closely regulated.

Yeah, 'cos they're easy to regulate when they're legal. Huh?


I doubt they'll execute him but he'll likely spend 20 years in prison so you have to have some pity for the man as 20 years in a Thai prison is more than enough to realize the errors of your ways.

With the Thai extradiction treeties in mind I say he would serve a maximum of ten years even if it was murder. In this case I'd guess less than five years in Thai prison.

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