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Red Shirts Vow To Rally Again In Bangkok

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Reds vow to rally again tomorrow

By The Nation


Red-shirt protesters vowed to converge again in front of Klong Prem Central Prison tomorrow after holding mass rallies at Ratchaprasong Intersection and Democracy Monument yesterday.

The red shirts campaigned for their supporters to write postcards to comrades held in prisons across the country. Postcards and the names and addresses of the detainees were distributed at the rally.

Pongthep Thepkanchana, a banned Thai Rak Thai Party executive, wrote some postcards and said national reconciliation would not be realised if the true number of people who died in the crackdown on red shirts was not revealed.

A parody was performed with actors portraying Chart Thai Pattana Party chief adviser Sanan Kachorn-prasart, Anand Panyarachun and Prawase Wasi holding up wineglasses of blood. Their efforts to bring about reconciliation would not bear fruit if they could not bring the "murderers" to justice, the red shirts claimed.

The procession started around noon at Ratchaprasong, where the protesters had camped out in April and May, and then moved to Democracy Monument.

Some demonstrators were in high spirits, singing songs and dancing while others handed out chalk to supporters to write messages on the road attacking the government and demanding that the people who ordered the crackdown on protesters be punished. It was not long before the roads around Democracy Monu-ment were full of messages.

Suriyasai Katasila, secretary-general of the New Politics Party, later referred to the spate of bomb blasts linked to the red shirts and warned the country could face serious threats of suicide bombs by people who believed in former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

He quoted Tharit Pengdit, head of the Department of Special Investi-gation, as saying groups were planning to use heavy weapons to strike terror among the people.

"This is a national crisis. The coalition government must stop playing politics and pay attention to this problem," he said.

Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva should not let the military work alone in protecting the country. "It's time that he sends a signal he's in charge of national security to restore public faith in the government."


-- The Nation 2010-10-11


Neither the red shirts nor the government are willing to admit to their mistakes and abuses and hence neither are ready for reconcilliation. Why expect your opponent to tell the truth wehn you sit around perpetuating your owlies and living in total denial.

The intra-elite power struggle continues and remains the central facet of the clashes. Until this is moved away from the country is going to see no reconcilliation. Sad really. Interesting to listen to more and more lies pounded out as facts and truths though. Right interesting propaganda game for anyone into studying manipulation and indoctrination and of course money politics (as if there were any other type)


From all the talk about there support dwindling does not look like it from the turnout, impressive numbers

This problem is not going away anytime soon.



Neither the red shirts nor the government are willing to admit to their mistakes and abuses and hence neither are ready for reconcilliation. Why expect your opponent to tell the truth wehn you sit around perpetuating your owlies and living in total denial.

Sorry - "perpetuating your owlies" ?


Neither the red shirts nor the government are willing to admit to their mistakes and abuses and hence neither are ready for reconcilliation. Why expect your opponent to tell the truth wehn you sit around perpetuating your owlies and living in total denial.

Sorry - "perpetuating your owlies" ?

Owlies are small knitted baby owl figures. I know because Google says so.

So either someone's busy trying to make small knitted baby owl figures live forever, or the words 'own lies' lay in tatters on someone's keyboard somewhere.


Neither the red shirts nor the government are willing to admit to their mistakes and abuses and hence neither are ready for reconcilliation. Why expect your opponent to tell the truth wehn you sit around perpetuating your owlies and living in total denial.

Sorry - "perpetuating your owlies" ?

Owlies are small knitted baby owl figures. I know because Google says so.

So either someone's busy trying to make small knitted baby owl figures live forever, or the words 'own lies' lay in tatters on someone's keyboard somewhere.

Thank you Monkey God - it is indeed so. I am glad to see that your keyboarding seems to be pretty meticulous.


I am so sick and tired about hearing about the red-shirts,

Are these people really so stupid that they do not understand that this bull-shit is KILLING Thailand?!?! This has gone on for too long and the only people suffering are the people trying to make an honest living here, this is life, this isn't pro-wrestling... Stop the royal rumble / king of the ring / survivor series crap.

TAKSIN IS STILL RICH AND NOT IN PRISON, STOP IT, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let the other people who don't give a shit about this move on with their life and try to salvage what you dip-shits have already fuc_ked up.

Atleast do a peaceful protest if NOTHING else.. But no, Thai people don't know HOW to do a peaceful protest, lets just fuc_king kill everyone and burn our country to the ground. I KNOW lets make Thailand as fuc_ked up as Niger, Uganda & Somalia.... Thats the solution, lets just fuc_ken ruin Thailand....

Idiots, have no common sense about the long term affects of their actions.


have no common sense about the long term affects of their actions.

I must have missed it the day it came. When did you ever see common sense here?

It is my understand it is stripped from all falang while they sa-leep on the airplane on their way to Bangkok, and the Thais have it taken from them when they are born and given as an offering to Pii.


I am so sick and tired about hearing about the red-shirts,

Are these people really so stupid that they do not understand that this bull-shit is KILLING Thailand?!?! This has gone on for too long and the only people suffering are the people trying to make an honest living here, this is life, this isn't pro-wrestling... Stop the royal rumble / king of the ring / survivor series crap.

TAKSIN IS STILL RICH AND NOT IN PRISON, STOP IT, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let the other people who don't give a shit about this move on with their life and try to salvage what you dip-shits have already fuc_ked up.

Atleast do a peaceful protest if NOTHING else.. But no, Thai people don't know HOW to do a peaceful protest, lets just fuc_king kill everyone and burn our country to the ground. I KNOW lets make Thailand as fuc_ked up as Niger, Uganda & Somalia.... Thats the solution, lets just fuc_ken ruin Thailand....

Idiots, have no common sense about the long term affects of their actions.

har, har har.

Was the sun that strong today?


Neither the red shirts nor the government are willing to admit to their mistakes and abuses and hence neither are ready for reconcilliation. Why expect your opponent to tell the truth wehn you sit around perpetuating your owlies and living in total denial.

Sorry - "perpetuating your owlies" ?

Owlies are small knitted baby owl figures. I know because Google says so.

So either someone's busy trying to make small knitted baby owl figures live forever, or the words 'own lies' lay in tatters on someone's keyboard somewhere.

In context it is clearly

'perpetuating your own lies'

typo'd into submission.

Pongthep Thepkanchana, a banned Thai Rak Thai Party executive, wrote some postcards and said national reconciliation would not be realised if the true number of people who died in the crackdown on red shirts was not revealed.

Counting is a task most learn in school. After Songkhran 2009 it was suggested hundreds had died, never to be substantiated. After May 2010 lots of people missing, lots popped up again after weeks or months. Just into hiding for awhile, some maybe on educational trips to neighbouring countries. Upcountry maybe some wifes wonder if their good-for-nothing husband planned to come back anyway with some rallies too much fun.

All in all this means that our dear, banned TRT executive simply puts an impossible task in front of the government. Whatever number they will come up with will still not be believed as the 'true' number. Jason and his Argonauts had it easier searching for the golden fleece ;)

(PS for those who also wonder: in this case 42 doesn't apply)


Seems like short notice for all of these people to book time off work, doesn't it ?

Rice has been planted grown and transplanted.......fertilized...... now it has to grow before it is harvested lots of "time off" maybe a month or two. Only an opinion. :whistling:


Extremely well said and I couldn't agree more! Thank you saying it for us.

I am so sick and tired about hearing about the red-shirts,

Are these people really so stupid that they do not understand that this bull-shit is KILLING Thailand?!?! This has gone on for too long and the only people suffering are the people trying to make an honest living here, this is life, this isn't pro-wrestling... Stop the royal rumble / king of the ring / survivor series crap.

TAKSIN IS STILL RICH AND NOT IN PRISON, STOP IT, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let the other people who don't give a shit about this move on with their life and try to salvage what you dip-shits have already fuc_ked up.

Atleast do a peaceful protest if NOTHING else.. But no, Thai people don't know HOW to do a peaceful protest, lets just fuc_king kill everyone and burn our country to the ground. I KNOW lets make Thailand as fuc_ked up as Niger, Uganda & Somalia.... Thats the solution, lets just fuc_ken ruin Thailand....

Idiots, have no common sense about the long term affects of their actions.


Extremely well said and I couldn't agree more! Thank you saying it for us.

I am so sick and tired about hearing about the red-shirts,

Are these people really so stupid that they do not understand that this bull-shit is KILLING Thailand?!?! This has gone on for too long and the only people suffering are the people trying to make an honest living here, this is life, this isn't pro-wrestling... Stop the royal rumble / king of the ring / survivor series crap.

TAKSIN IS STILL RICH AND NOT IN PRISON, STOP IT, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let the other people who don't give a shit about this move on with their life and try to salvage what you dip-shits have already fuc_ked up.

Atleast do a peaceful protest if NOTHING else.. But no, Thai people don't know HOW to do a peaceful protest, lets just fuc_king kill everyone and burn our country to the ground. I KNOW lets make Thailand as fuc_ked up as Niger, Uganda & Somalia.... Thats the solution, lets just fuc_ken ruin Thailand....

Idiots, have no common sense about the long term affects of their actions.


Extremely well said and I couldn't agree more! Thank you saying it for us.

I am so sick and tired about hearing about the red-shirts,

Are these people really so stupid that they do not understand that this bull-shit is KILLING Thailand?!?! This has gone on for too long and the only people suffering are the people trying to make an honest living here, this is life, this isn't pro-wrestling... Stop the royal rumble / king of the ring / survivor series crap.

TAKSIN IS STILL RICH AND NOT IN PRISON, STOP IT, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let the other people who don't give a shit about this move on with their life and try to salvage what you dip-shits have already fuc_ked up.

Atleast do a peaceful protest if NOTHING else.. But no, Thai people don't know HOW to do a peaceful protest, lets just fuc_king kill everyone and burn our country to the ground. I KNOW lets make Thailand as fuc_ked up as Niger, Uganda & Somalia.... Thats the solution, lets just fuc_ken ruin Thailand....

Idiots, have no common sense about the long term affects of their actions.

I agree 100% forget all the BS and get on with your lives dont like it there will be an election and voice your opinion then instead of killing what is left of your tourism


Owlies are small knitted baby owl figures. I know because Google says so.

In context it is clearly

'perpetuating your own lies'

typo'd into submission.


I don't known about red but there seems to be a lot of green about.

Their efforts to bring about reconciliation would not bear fruit if they could not bring the "murderers" to justice, the red shirts claimed.

Jesus H, if it weren't for these goons there wouldn't be any "murderers", and if they look more closely they'll find the "murderers" are wholly on their side. The typical ugly trait of non-accountability / it wasn't me / I'm alright, Jack rearing it's ugly head.


When did in Thailand was ever talked the truth? The Reds should be ashamed for what they did, but when ever did a Thai feel ashamed? For what they did? Never ever, Kids just play games and no matter how dirthy they play it it is always the other part who does it wrong.

Stealing, Lying, Burning it is just part of the culture for the masses. The smile? its just a lie to get easier on the money from the Falangs. As long as the single Thai does not change nothing will change, and to change means look at what you are doing yourself, but that would mean to get rid of the Face gohook.

We still remember the hatred and lies your Leaders talked day in day out and you want credit for the dead ones? In any other Country that would have been cleaned up within a couple of hours instead letting you go on with your garbage pile you have build up. If you get your dirthy goals made reality Your leaders will be as worst as Pol Pot and North Korea.

I am for all now happy living at Ghana and Malaysia and leave you dealing in your own mess. What once was a great Country has become a S...hole and you yourself did it and nobody else.


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