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Foreigner Shot In Taipan By A Thai Man And A Gang Beating Of The Same Foreigner After He Drops To The Floor


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It happened some 3-4 weeks ago but I was told this story by my wife today. I haven't heard a word about it or seen any media coverage. I don't live with my wife so that's why she didn't tell me before now.

So this is what my wife told me. After splitting up with her friend around midnight and going each their ways my wife was shocked to meet her friend again at 6am when she arrived home. When my wife opened the door for her she met her friend with clothes all covered in blood.

Her friend then told what happened inside the club. Also worth mentioning is that my wifes friend was standing next to all of this like 1-2 metres away and saw everything close up from start to end.

Short story of what she told my wife. One of the waitresses working there comes over to this foreigner several times making herself attractive and sexy and also talks to him several times. Then after some time a Thai man who appears to be this waitress boyfriend suddenly comes in between them and smacks a baton in the waitress head. Then pulls out a gun and shot the foreigner. The foreigner falls down wounded and bleeding and about 6-8 Thai men jumps in hitting and kicking the guts out of him giving him the last punishment.

My wifes friend tried to stop the beating but almost got beaten up by the Thai men herself and in the end had to beg them not to hit her.

She and another foreigner then took the wounded foreigner to Patong hospital.

This is a nasty and shocking incident but really only another proof of how insane this place is becoming. Guns seems to be everywhere and with the alchohol consumption going on here and its not a good combination.

Anyone with some more info about this?

Edited by Thunderbird4ever
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Why are these crazy stupid foreigners allowed to post crab sh*t like this in this forum. You only follow their relationships to now at what level they live here,,, the gutter I suppose

I can't believe this! Who are you to say none of this is true? If only part of it is, then it's really bad.

what about some sympathy/ compassion? How can you possibly believe someone made this up?

Maybe not posting and just keeping quiet would be a good idea

Being shot is not justified and your comments indicate how low you are on the scale of human compassion

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Why are these crazy stupid foreigners allowed to post crab sh*t like this in this forum. You only follow their relationships to now at what level they live here,,, the gutter I suppose

Well my wife does not normally lie to me and I would say she has first hand information about this incident as her friend was covered in blood when she arrived home at 6am.

Her friend is not from Phuket and had only been here for 3 days. Why would she make up a story like that and my wife to me yesterday?

Why what happened in Patong 3-4 weeks ago came to my wifes mind yesterday is because I stopped the car outside of Say Yes in Chalong and told her that one man was shot to death in front of many people here just 3 days ago. I stopped the car there because we have had many talks about things getting out of control here in Phuket and I would like her to know about all these incidents as our lives involves raising kids here. As we are separated and our kid have to stay with her in Patong quite often and I dont like it very much as its not a good place to have kids.

Thais shooting Thais which these threads normally ends up in is just worthless discussions. The truth is that guns and tons of other weapons are everywhere here and many people are willing to use them, Phuket has a attracted hordes of bad people over the last years and the police are doing a lousy job in keeping law and order.

The whole place is so corrupt that you dont even get the police to do the job for you unless you pay them money directly.

Beach, You are most likely to use your no.2 or no.3 nick here on Thai visa as quite many of your total of 26 posts in 8 years time! where used to only critize forum members or to raise stupid questions about their posts.If you do work here or are a business owner it does not help Phuket in the longrun to cover up stories like this one if that's what you belive in. I find your post meaningless.

After ten years in Phuke tand as a business owner in various things and I know very well what was the media headlines and the feel of living here back then. In terms of crime, violence, drugs corruption and the lack of law and order and it has become closer to what Pattaya was 20 years ago. In many ways Phuket is heading downwords and it seems not likely to take a turn in the near future.

Edited by Thunderbird4ever
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it is similar to the Horror stories that happen in Hollywood Nightclub ... i have also been first hand witness to some horrible beatings in Tiger Tiger that are quickly covered up....

if you are referring to Hollywood and the farang body builders attacking the security guards after beeing adviced to leave the premises, I have seen a vid of it taken from across the street. farang attacking guards protecting private property. Facts

as for Tai Pan, something more than 3rd party hear say and a date of incident would possibly make it to a story. Presently its a fairytale

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it is similar to the Horror stories that happen in Hollywood Nightclub ... i have also been first hand witness to some horrible beatings in Tiger Tiger that are quickly covered up....

if you are referring to Hollywood and the farang body builders attacking the security guards after beeing adviced to leave the premises, I have seen a vid of it taken from across the street. farang attacking guards protecting private property. Facts

as for Tai Pan, something more than 3rd party hear say and a date of incident would possibly make it to a story. Presently its a fairytale

i wasnt refering to a particlur incident, but i did hear about that one .

Tai Pan is more of an oldies establishment with worn out / past their expiry Brass, and on the od occasion i have been in there, it didnt seem the place for violance.....

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I used to live in Phuket and saw two ladyboys bottle this Arab many times in the middle of Bangla!!

I never really liked it in Phuket, always felt a bit uncomfortable, as for shootings there seems to be thme all the time, especially on that hill out of Patong towards Phuket town, and whats up with the state of that hill, have they filled in those crater sized holes yet that seem to cause so many accidents..?

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it is similar to the Horror stories that happen in Hollywood Nightclub ... i have also been first hand witness to some horrible beatings in Tiger Tiger that are quickly covered up....

if you are referring to Hollywood and the farang body builders attacking the security guards after beeing adviced to leave the premises, I have seen a vid of it taken from across the street. farang attacking guards protecting private property. Facts

as for Tai Pan, something more than 3rd party hear say and a date of incident would possibly make it to a story. Presently its a fairytale

So its just a fairytale because its told through two persons. Thats great. I guess most things in the world are fairytales then. If you saw what another poster posted, The case has surfaced other forums before. Why..............? Because the same fairytale just pops up in different peoples head at night or what. For sure it happened but remember that 80 % of the males in there are tourists maybe not active in this forum. Many probably not active in forums. Its not that many people in there that would have seen it and knew all details. The thai girls in there and i doubt many of them post in english written forums.

This is what my wife told me, She met her friend at 6am covered in blood after she had took the victim to Patong hospital. If Taipan is already signed up with a deal with the police like all big venues in Patong are and are good friends with the police its easy to cover up a case like this inside of a venue. They victim went quickly to the hospital so the scene in terms of time is over quite fast. One telephone to the police along with some money and they will not release any info of what happened.

Here you either pay the police to do their work or pay them not to.

About restoring order in a club after some fights and I understand is in everybodys interest. But batons on girls and shooting inside of a club is a bit more serious stuff and should be handled by, police and the courts. And for sure there are nasty farangs here .That we all know. The problem here is that here is no one to really keep law and order. Venue owners as much as they love the police they fear the police. Incidents like this can mean anything from paying large sums of money to police or victim, close down of the venue itself for not keeping the place safe or just negative publicity.

Just look at what happened at Kata some days ago. A police officer smashed up a girlie bar. And the owner of the bar who was that, yes that was another police officer. Just another police officer that owns a girlie bar where we all know what is going on. When this is the direction here and the future is not great.

I know many stories that was not publiced and even had one myself with our old staff in the restaurant. One night that staff a chef attacked her thai boyfriend in front of many in an open food restaurant market in Patong. Her boyfriend was on the phone with another girl and where as she suddenly smashed a beer bottle in her boyfriends face wounding him seriously all around one of his eyes. Deep big wounds and blood all over. She didnt stop there. One more time she smashed the bottle in the direction of his face and where as her boyfriend managed to get his arm up covering his face. He ended up with deep cuts in his lower arm too.

Then they both went to Patong hospital and told the doctors he had an motorbike accident so she could claim insurrance money to cover for the cost of fixing him up. The doctors there didnt belive her and refused to file that in their report. Her solution was to two days later then steal money from the purses of our other staff.

I then staged a scenario and had my wife tell all of them that she is taking the purses involved over to the police station for finger prints. My wife then returend telling them that police found good finger prints and that the next morning everyone had to meet up one hour before work and to go over to the police station to to give finger prints. The chef was the only one that didnt turn up. Neither did she answer her phone.

We then deceided to do some more digging about her and took out the the inter view papers going through them again. We then called up the number we got through on when checking her references and who was suppose to be her former boss. And belive it or not that was actually the phone number to another staff of ours that had recently been employed! So at the time the chef was employed and wife checking out her reference my wife was actually talking to one that was a waitress with us now. That new waitress stayed only 5 minutes more. We then checked a telephone number on the backside of a meny card that the chef brought with her at the time of being employed. There we got some answers. The chef had been working there for much less time than she told us and actually owed almost everyone in there money she had borrowed. I was really happy that we got them two out of our business. She made excelent food though!

Cases like this almost never makes it to the media so for the posters that really dont know details or whats going on here and how nasty some of the people that are here is, dont post! Where I am from the police would have been informed by the doctors, then arrived and done the investigation and also prosecuted our chef. The problem here is that things are not dealt with in the way they should.

Edited by Thunderbird4ever
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Rumours, rumours.

This doesn't even 'prove' the OP's wife was home by midnight.

She was never home by midnight. She split up with her friend at midnight and went to other clubs than her friend who went to Taipan. She arrived home before her friend at about 01:30. Her friend came in at 6am.

Where could you go wrong about my wife was home at midnight.

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So its just a fairytale because its told through two persons. Thats great. I guess most things in the world are fairytales then. If you saw what another poster posted, The case has surfaced other forums before. Why..............? Because the same fairytale just pops up in different peoples head at night or what. For sure it happened but remember that 80 % of the males in there are tourists maybe not active in this forum. Many probably not active in forums. Its not that many people in there that would have seen it and knew all details. The thai girls in there and i doubt many of them post in english written forums.

This is what my wife told me, She met her friend at 6am covered in blood after she had took the victim to Patong hospital. If Taipan is already signed up with a deal with the police like all big venues in Patong are and are good friends with the police its easy to cover up a case like this inside of a venue. They victim went quickly to the hospital so the scene in terms of time is over quite fast. One telephone to the police along with some money and they will not release any info of what happened.

Here you either pay the police to do their work or pay them not to.

About restoring order in a club after some fights and I understand is in everybodys interest. But batons on girls and shooting inside of a club is a bit more serious stuff and should be handled by, police and the courts. And for sure there are nasty farangs here .That we all know. The problem here is that here is no one to really keep law and order. Venue owners as much as they love the police they fear the police. Incidents like this can mean anything from paying large sums of money to police or victim, close down of the venue itself for not keeping the place safe or just negative publicity.

Just look at what happened at Kata some days ago. A police officer smashed up a girlie bar. And the owner of the bar who was that, yes that was another police officer. Just another police officer that owns a girlie bar where we all know what is going on. When this is the direction here and the future is not great.

I know many stories that was not publiced and even had one myself with our old staff in the restaurant. One night that staff a chef attacked her thai boyfriend in front of many in an open food restaurant market in Patong. Her boyfriend was on the phone with another girl and where as she suddenly smashed a beer bottle in her boyfriends face wounding him seriously all around one of his eyes. Deep big wounds and blood all over. She didnt stop there. One more time she smashed the bottle in the direction of his face and where as her boyfriend managed to get his arm up covering his face. He ended up with deep cuts in his lower arm too.

Then they both went to Patong hospital and told the doctors he had an motorbike accident so she could claim insurrance money to cover for the cost of fixing him up. The doctors there didnt belive her and refused to file that in their report. Her solution was to two days later then steal money from the purses of our other staff.

I then staged a scenario and had my wife tell all of them that she is taking the purses involved over to the police station for finger prints. My wife then returend telling them that police found good finger prints and that the next morning everyone had to meet up one hour before work and to go over to the police station to to give finger prints. The chef was the only one that didnt turn up. Neither did she answer her phone.

We then deceided to do some more digging about her and took out the the inter view papers going through them again. We then called up the number we got through on when checking her references and who was suppose to be her former boss. And belive it or not that was actually the phone number to another staff of ours that had recently been employed! So at the time the chef was employed and wife checking out her refference my wife was actually talking to one that was a waitress with us. That waitress stayed only 5 miutes more. We then checked a telephone number on the backside of a meny card that the chef brought with her at the time of being employed. There we got some answers. The chef had been working there for much less time than she told us and actually owed almost everyone in there money she had borrowed. I was really happy that we got them two out of our business. She made excelent food though!

Cases like this almost never makes it to the media so for the posters that really dont know details or whats going on here and how nasty some of the people that are here is, dont post! Where I am from the police would have been informed by the doctors, then arrived and done the investigation and also prosecuted our chef. The problem here is that things are not dealt with the way they should.

still no facts

date and time of incident would change the picture

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Why are these crazy stupid foreigners allowed to post crab sh*t like this in this forum. You only follow their relationships to now at what level they live here,,, the gutter I suppose

I can't believe this! Who are you to say none of this is true? If only part of it is, then it's really bad.

what about some sympathy/ compassion? How can you possibly believe someone made this up?

Maybe not posting and just keeping quiet would be a good idea

Being shot is not justified and your comments indicate how low you are on the scale of human compassion

You given beaches post some vague credibility by even bothering to respond to it. He mentions the gutter btw, which is where his post belongs. ;)

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Tai Pan is more of an oldies establishment with worn out / past their expiry Brass, and on the od occasion i have been in there, it didnt seem the place for violance.....

I agree with you and i dont think its anymore dangerous to go to Taipan or any other venue here that is packed with people. Its nothing wrong wit this place or its music or drinks.

But the amount of lowlifes that has come to live live here over the last years and the hordes of drunk tourists all the time and If you think about this and put it into a context where there are big differences in terms of money and wealth and culture, the corruption and the big scale prostitution and top it off with the lack of law and order, one dont need to be a rocket scientist to understand it will go wrong.

Thats why Patong is a sheithole. Yes you can have some good fun there but as a place other than that and it is a sheithole that is only getting bigger and bigger.

After having said that and i think episodes like this can happen all over this island. Propably more likely to happen in the south part from Patong and to Rawai including Chalong and Phuket city. In my opinion the police have to take a great deal of the responsability for whats going wrong here, still they cant be blamed for one man's insane actions.

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Just look at what happened at Kata some days ago. A police officer smashed up a girlie bar. And the owner of the bar who was that, yes that was another police officer. Just another police officer that owns a girlie bar where we all know what is going on. When this is the direction here and the future is not great.

AFAIK and as far as was reported the owner of that bar was not a police officer.

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Ive seen foreigners get badly beaten here by thais and every single time it was the foreigner running his mouth or physical assaulting someone first, and to the point where if they didn't get a beat down id be surprised, in any country.

One time, drunk guy pushed the lady owner of the bar and she cut her head open on a table. Guy was beaten unconscious by thais, left in the road. Police came, had a laugh, took some pictures while waiting for the ambulance which came about 45 minutes later. Never saw that guy again.

Another time, foreigner harassing thai girl right in front of thai girls thai boyfriend. Thai Boyfriend repeatedly and calmly asked the guy to relax and leave them alone. He didn't. Beer bottle over the head, blood everywhere. Guy unconscious, dragged and dumped outside. Never saw that guy again either.

Edited by BillR
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Just look at what happened at Kata some days ago. A police officer smashed up a girlie bar. And the owner of the bar who was that, yes that was another police officer. Just another police officer that owns a girlie bar where we all know what is going on. When this is the direction here and the future is not great.

AFAIK and as far as was reported the owner of that bar was not a police officer.

Yes you re right that was my mistake. Sorry about that. I mixed Boonlert the owner of the bar up with Lt. Col. Boonlert at Chalong police station. Anyway there are several police officers owning bars and karaokes like this that all over the island.I know of several.

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So its just a fairytale because its told through two persons. Thats great. I guess most things in the world are fairytales then. If you saw what another poster posted, The case has surfaced other forums before. Why..............? Because the same fairytale just pops up in different peoples head at night or what. For sure it happened but remember that 80 % of the males in there are tourists maybe not active in this forum. Many probably not active in forums. Its not that many people in there that would have seen it and knew all details. The thai girls in there and i doubt many of them post in english written forums.

This is what my wife told me, She met her friend at 6am covered in blood after she had took the victim to Patong hospital. If Taipan is already signed up with a deal with the police like all big venues in Patong are and are good friends with the police its easy to cover up a case like this inside of a venue. They victim went quickly to the hospital so the scene in terms of time is over quite fast. One telephone to the police along with some money and they will not release any info of what happened.

Here you either pay the police to do their work or pay them not to.

About restoring order in a club after some fights and I understand is in everybodys interest. But batons on girls and shooting inside of a club is a bit more serious stuff and should be handled by, police and the courts. And for sure there are nasty farangs here .That we all know. The problem here is that here is no one to really keep law and order. Venue owners as much as they love the police they fear the police. Incidents like this can mean anything from paying large sums of money to police or victim, close down of the venue itself for not keeping the place safe or just negative publicity.

Just look at what happened at Kata some days ago. A police officer smashed up a girlie bar. And the owner of the bar who was that, yes that was another police officer. Just another police officer that owns a girlie bar where we all know what is going on. When this is the direction here and the future is not great.

I know many stories that was not publiced and even had one myself with our old staff in the restaurant. One night that staff a chef attacked her thai boyfriend in front of many in an open food restaurant market in Patong. Her boyfriend was on the phone with another girl and where as she suddenly smashed a beer bottle in her boyfriends face wounding him seriously all around one of his eyes. Deep big wounds and blood all over. She didnt stop there. One more time she smashed the bottle in the direction of his face and where as her boyfriend managed to get his arm up covering his face. He ended up with deep cuts in his lower arm too.

Then they both went to Patong hospital and told the doctors he had an motorbike accident so she could claim insurrance money to cover for the cost of fixing him up. The doctors there didnt belive her and refused to file that in their report. Her solution was to two days later then steal money from the purses of our other staff.

I then staged a scenario and had my wife tell all of them that she is taking the purses involved over to the police station for finger prints. My wife then returend telling them that police found good finger prints and that the next morning everyone had to meet up one hour before work and to go over to the police station to to give finger prints. The chef was the only one that didnt turn up. Neither did she answer her phone.

We then deceided to do some more digging about her and took out the the inter view papers going through them again. We then called up the number we got through on when checking her references and who was suppose to be her former boss. And belive it or not that was actually the phone number to another staff of ours that had recently been employed! So at the time the chef was employed and wife checking out her refference my wife was actually talking to one that was a waitress with us. That waitress stayed only 5 miutes more. We then checked a telephone number on the backside of a meny card that the chef brought with her at the time of being employed. There we got some answers. The chef had been working there for much less time than she told us and actually owed almost everyone in there money she had borrowed. I was really happy that we got them two out of our business. She made excelent food though!

Cases like this almost never makes it to the media so for the posters that really dont know details or whats going on here and how nasty some of the people that are here is, dont post! Where I am from the police would have been informed by the doctors, then arrived and done the investigation and also prosecuted our chef. The problem here is that things are not dealt with the way they should.

still no facts

date and time of incident would change the picture

The longer I live here and the more I find out about things like this. I just want to leave. Been here 5 years and never really had any problems, but it is just a matter of time I guess!


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Ive seen foreigners get badly beaten here by thais and every single time it was the foreigner running his mouth or physical assaulting someone first, and to the point where if they didn't get a beat down id be surprised, in any country.

One time, drunk guy pushed the lady owner of the bar and she cut her head open on a table. Guy was beaten unconscious by thais, left in the road. Police came, had a laugh, took some pictures while waiting for the ambulance which came about 45 minutes later. Never saw that guy again.

Another time, foreigner harassing thai girl right in front of thai girls thai boyfriend. Thai Boyfriend repeatedly and calmly asked the guy to relax and leave them alone. He didn't. Beer bottle over the head, blood everywhere. Guy unconscious, dragged and dumped outside. Never saw that guy again either.

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Just look at what happened at Kata some days ago. A police officer smashed up a girlie bar. And the owner of the bar who was that, yes that was another police officer. Just another police officer that owns a girlie bar where we all know what is going on. When this is the direction here and the future is not great.

AFAIK and as far as was reported the owner of that bar was not a police officer.

But no ones disputing that a cop bought the ground cheap and tore down the bar to try and get the leaseholder off..

Fine public servant.

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Rumours, rumours.

This doesn't even 'prove' the OP's wife was home by midnight.

She was never home by midnight. She split up with her friend at midnight and went to other clubs than her friend who went to Taipan. She arrived home before her friend at about 01:30. Her friend came in at 6am.

Where could you go wrong about my wife was home at midnight.

EXACTLY! It was an illustrative example of thai / expat whispers, honey.

(As to anyone's wife in Patong after dark (or at all) I'll sidestep that issue entirely).

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I would say Chalong is taking up the fight with Patong pretty well about where its going to get worst. One should think Patong would win hands down but Chalong looks to take the lead when it comes to murders and burgleries.


Maybe ytou nmean Rawai / Nai Harn.

Edited by KarenBravo
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I would say Chalong is taking up the fight with Patong pretty well about where its going to get worst. One should think Patong would win hands down but Chalong looks to take the lead when it comes to murders and burgleries.


Maybe ytou nmean Rawai / Nai Harn.

We were talking about Chalong and Patong KarenBravo as one poster suggested and as I live here. Its really a bit meaningless to divide up these small areas over here about where its worst though. If a criminal or a murderer stay in Chalong, Rawai or Nai Harn and it doesnt make much difference. The potential threats to you from that person will be the same. I have always looked at Chalong, Rawai and Nai Harn as one area and being the the south part of Phuket.

Karon and Kata area to be something different and Patong another place. But if you really want know what has been going on in Chalong only in a years time have a look here.


7th october , man shot dead outside of Say Yes night club Patak road Chalong

3rd october, man shot dead in soi Nakok in Chalong

4th july, man stabbed to death outside of karaoke bar in Chao Fa East rd. in Chalong

June, killing of karaoke bar hostess from kata in Chalong

2nd june, killing slashing a mans throat on soi San Chao Kuan Oo in Chalong

27th january foreigner stabbed to death outside 7 eleven in Chalong

15th january killing of an infant in soi Banklang in Chalong

Attempted murder

30th may, man shot in karaoke bar on chao fa west road in Chalong

End of 2009

3rd december man shot dead Chao Fa West rd soi 55 in Chalong

6th november man shot dead in flower shop on Chao Fa East rd in Chalong

And then you have the two murderers that were hiding out in Chalong and finally caught who had killed a man in Phuket city in 2010

And the two brothers wanted for armed robbery and murder that were also hiding out in Chalong and finally caught at the end of 2009

And the Japanese corpse that was set on fire here in Chalong after the murderer killed him in Phuket city the day before

This pretty much sums up what one can expect from bad people around this area.

In Chalong you also have the big gambling place behind the big minimart between Salapleng club and the new Say Yes club. And who is inside there gambling do you think? Thats many from the Chalong police force in a good mix up with other locals. That place is full of police officers from here and sums are often 100.000 - 300.000 on the table.

The two thai clubs mentioned above and other ones popping up here like flowers and not closing doors before 5am. Thats only 3 hours to late with loud music and hordes of drunken Thais every night in cars and bikes. I guess its going a little downhill here yeah.

From one of the cases above and the suspect poses in a group photo with arresting officers together with a small arsenal of weapons seized as evidence in the case


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IMO Patong should be demolished and bulldozed, then start again. I can't think of anywhere in this world that I have been to that is worse than this place, except maybe for Pattaya!!!


There are all sorts of problems involved when you try to build on top of a toxic waste dumpsite.

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