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Animal Protection,Not Regulated By Law In Thailand?

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traveling in thailand,always makes me a little bid sad,when i look,how people take care of there animals,the birds in the cage,that some budists want to sale,living in direct sunlight,many apes,have a very short chain around there neck!

last year i visit the samui monkey theather,and i was comolitly disapointed,how the apes and other animals,living in small dirty cages,in there own dirt!

on the net,i read now,many reports to not support this money show no more,when the cannot take care,of there own animals!

the owner was vey friendly,but i think,we must think diffrent,when this theather,have not enough money,to take care of animals,i think is better,all that read my topic,about this,to help him,to make there animals a better live!

there are some animal rescue i think,but i dont know how the operate,i think,its the best way,maybe to put this hear on the board,mabe some visitor,can help a little bit,to make the animals a better live,the reason i read on the net,some very negative response about this show,was also the reason that i start this topic!

hope we all together,can make the animals a better life!

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