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Where I Can Find Physical Thai Massage Therapist,In Pattay And Koh Samui?


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during my journey,i need some adress and location in pattaya and samui,where i can find thai massage ,that are also using the physical elements work with there legs and ellbows!

in chiang may,the massage,was diffrent,from the south!

there was more streetching of each muscle,and more steps,then a normal thai massage !

a massage teacher told me,that only traditional thai massage contains around 200 h of course ,instead of 80h aproximently of a normal thai massage!

in watt pho i visit last year,i ask the woman,how long she have to learn,to work in a so world famous palced,the aswer surprice me,she only learn 3 month,the rest she says learning from daily work!

many massage woman,i think there course cousin told me,about his coleaguage,was in thailand,a massage woman,broke him a bone in the neck,so,after going,ever week maybe to 4-5 thai massage,i know now the diffrence,but i think every massage in thailand is better,then i have here in europe!

but intresting to know,where i cand find the real phycal,for a good resonable price!

also i look for tcm tradionlal chineese medicine doctors,that speek english,i was in china town,but without knowing i did not find them!

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