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Are You Feeling Bad About Your Tv Screen Name


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Right on, UG! I was thinking about the TV parties, too, where we had to wear nametags with our TV screen name.

Speaking of which -- we haven't had a TV party lately, or at least I haven't been invited to one!

My screen name is a thinly veiled reference to my real name. Most people who know me can figure it out! I have no reason to hide behind a screen name, but I can understand that there are people who would want to do that. It's up to them.

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So is your offer not going well, or people who say they are members simply won't give?

Anyway, who gives a fuc_k. Loads of people here know who I am, but I wouldn't come to your gaff and notify my screen name for a discount - not for fear of the one I upset knowing who I am, or similar - but for the fact that it's all a bit childish and pithy. Not unlike being in the Red Hand Gang, I suspect. I'd prefer to pay full price than have to indulge in an awkward moment and blight part of my day. :whistling:

Apparently you give a &%@#@# How mant people in loads? And do they know what your TV name is?

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does not make a different to me really if anyone intro himself as who he is or a fake name or what ever name he want me to address him , i do not judge any person base on just a few crazy words from online . i had been going to online meet up since bakc in the 1990s coming to 20 years soon so i had met tons of people from online and i myself had arrnage tons of party and movie outing , usually having betwwen 30 - 100+ turning out . i had even done dating meeting as well as pariing sevrice for fun business meet up and idea exchnage group to debate for fun and just bored at 3 am in the noring supper trip .

i will call suzy lindy ton dick harry if you wish to be address by that .

after all . what i do is when ever i meet anyone i alway give that person a 100pt is up to him if he can keep the respect i gave to him .

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Johnson O'Tool, Winnie?

All this time I thought you were Winthrop Gwendolyn Buffalo....

For the record, Senor Pun Pun, my name is Mark.

But I prefer McG, or some other secret name.

Sort of like The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty...decoder ring, etc. With a little Tom Mix factored into the equation.

I'll be by soon. I just can't chose which day. Shall it be chicken fried steak day, meatloaf (don't let your meat loaf) day or ?

Decisions are so difficult....:lol:

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I've posted so many photos, that just about anyone who follows thaivisa would know me on sight. Maybe that's the reason when people see me coming they race across the street. :lol:

Oh, and my forum name is my real name. Unfortunately, there is no financial connection with Forbes magazine. :(

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Right on, UG! I was thinking about the TV parties, too, where we had to wear nametags with our TV screen name.

Speaking of which -- we haven't had a TV party lately, or at least I haven't been invited to one!

My screen name is a thinly veiled reference to my real name. Most people who know me can figure it out! I have no reason to hide behind a screen name, but I can understand that there are people who would want to do that. It's up to them.

Nice to know you Mrs/Ms Cylinder. May I call you Nan?

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i did went down to the go kart where i met MM , BB , Austhaied , PB and a few other guys , and also once at tusker where i think i saw Thaipauly i think .

Yes we have met Ta Ta at Tuskers, So I know your real name as do many others :whistling:

But you don't have to divulge it :lol:

I was intending to make that track day, all was going well till one of my old mates Chuchok fell off his bike and i had to pick him up from hospital, heard it was a great day, probably 4 years ago now.

Don't need to divulge my real name, it's plain for all to see :D

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if someone is feeling bad or embarrassed about their TV persona then I doubt they are really going to level with you in here.

Why don't you offer a "code" word that if TV readers give then they get a discount. You could change the word every few weeks. Might be a nice promotion.

The non shy members might offer their Nicknames but the Code would shield those that don't want to mention their persona.

Good idea?

You make a good point.

A person does not necessarily have to feel bad, embarrassed or shy to retain anonymity. In fact most forums around the world insist that you don't sign up with a real name and I would suspect that they do that for a reason. I'm not going to look through the previous posts, but I would say that out of ALL the TV members (105,489) the number that have agreed with the OP is about 5, so the percentage is not even worth mentioning. Quite sensibly the majority are just leaving this topic alone.

The idea of a code word won't work in this instance, because the OP wants the control of knowing who everyone is and I just couldn't imagine him giving a discount without the reward of knowing. Good heaven's it wasn't until Dukes ran with the 10% discount that the OP said something like "perhaps I haven't voiced it loud enough but we already give 10% discount to TV members".......I wonder what suddenly brought his voice back? wink.gif

This is ThaiVisa.com, it's not a family as some people seem to think, it's a public forum which anyone can sign up to, get advice and voice an opinion within the boundary of their rules,etc. Don't let these characters make you feel bad if you want to remain anonymous, it's your right and no-one else needs to know. If they insist on insulting you or trying to shame you in some way, remember it's their problem that's eating away at them, not yours. smile.gif

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I've posted so many photos, that just about anyone who follows thaivisa would know me on sight. Maybe that's the reason when people see me coming they race across the street. :lol:

Oh, and my forum name is my real name. Unfortunately, there is no financial connection with Forbes magazine. :(


You still have time Ian..... It is my understanding that next year , Forbes will be putting out an issue covering the worlds richest men, not in monetary terms, but in terms of girlfriends.:)

We [all of us out of the market ] are counting on you placing at least in the top 10.

Remember , You're our horse, even if you don't win the race.

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>>everyone has a screen name, but most arent unwilling to reveal their real name in a social setting.

I agree, When I meet people around, if and when the question of " do you know TV" or whatever, I immediately say who I am.

Another reason people don't use their real name is due to invasive nature of social networking networks, along with google and other search engines keeping a record of everything said about, or done by you at someone's fingertips. Probably most people have nothing to hide, but I'd say most everyone doesn't want some random nut that comes into your restaurant to do a quick online search and discover you come from wherever, are divorced with 4 kids and owe a lot of money back home etc..

In case you weren't aware, online privacy is a huge issue around the world.

Absolutely spot on

I give my real name when I meet a TVer; when I post I use my screen name - like 99% of posters, Pun Pun

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"Then why do a good number of these members not want to give their screen names?

Actually, more than a good number, virtually all

"Are they ashamed of their posts or ramblings.

I don't think so. Normal to have "pen names" on forums

"Are they flamethrowers and not want anyone to know who they are?

Posters with own names and pen names can both be flamethrowers.

TA22 how about you...... are you one of the mentioned type of member or uptheos, or caf.....

The reason I use a screen name is because that is the norm on forums like Thaivisa.

I have previously posted that I wish you well and that remains the case. It's not easy catering in Chiangmai and forum advertising like in this thread is a way forward

The reason I havent claimed my discount ( and given my name) is that I do not like your food. That is not a flame, it is just my view - food is a very subjective and personal choice. You have your loyal customers so be happy with that.

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There are good reasons not to put yoiur real name on the internet but few of these apply to letting people you meet know who you are. It makes for much richer communication if you know a little more about the person whose post you are reading.

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Other than SansaiSam it seems most are trying to avoid the issue.

The question was not why you use a screen name, but the question again is why when meeting in the outside world, due so many refuse to identify themselves or give up their screen names.

I cannot think of any reason other than maybe they wouldn't wish to be face to face with someone they may have offended with their writting. Whick would be the same as trying to hide and not face up to what some spew to be Mr. bigshot in their own minds.

Again the ? not why did you choose a screen name, but why are you leary of someone knowing that you are you.

It's cos there are just too many nutcases around ..... just look at some of Sillymans threats against other random posters.

Not worth the hassle of risking the attention of one of them.

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At this time I am feeling bad about my screen name, my real name, how I look, the state of my finances, haven`t had a decent shag for ages, worried about getting old and how my life has ended up.

Where is the resident Thai visa psychiatrist when you need him?

post-110219-063791400 1286946899_thumb.j

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i agree , food is very perosnal , i had my weird habbit of eating also .

if that place is too dark and i cannot see my food well i would not enjoy the meal , or if my own shadow block the vie wof my food cos of a backlight i will not eat my food , if the toilet is dirty i would not eat my food , if i see your ads all over chiangmai . i will not eat your food , if i don't see tissue on the table i would not feel is clean . if i cannot find tooth pick i will not re visit , if i find the table oil i would just order and drink and leave , if i see animal running around your shop . besid eteh fact i like pet i do not like pet fur in my food i will order a dirnk and leave .

i am a person if i order any food i will try my best to finish it cos i do not like finishing food . so it doe snot mean i like it till i said it . even if it taste bad i would finish it as much as i can that me .

discount wise . i really do not need it and if i do ask for it is just for the kick of it . cos sometime i tips more the discount . at time i do not tips depend on my mood really .

i am veyr picky when it come to food , i do not like too spicy and i knwo what is good and bad in food , cos i myself is a cook .

minor minor thing . being a cook is about the pride of making good food , but many places lack this cos for them is just a living . and doing so is a profit way .

anyway .

screen or no screen name i will still be the same .

anyone free for a a Moo kata :)

let meet up .. screen name or real name - no discount and all welcome .

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There are good reasons not to put yoiur real name on the internet but few of these apply to letting people you meet know who you are. It makes for much richer communication if you know a little more about the person whose post you are reading.

Exactly; screen name on the internet, real name when you meet. I do precisely that at TV parties for example

This is an interesting thread regarding screen names though the op seems a bit paranoid about it ( mentioning me and three others in his opening post). It is a legitimate way of advertising his restaurant. Good luck to him

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Again the ? not why did you choose a screen name, but why are you leary of someone knowing that you are you.

It's cos there are just too many nutcases around ..... just look at some of Sillymans threats against other random posters.

Not worth the hassle of risking the attention of one of them.

Agreed, plus it's a personal choice and absolutely none of Pun Pun's business, let him get on with his daily cooking and washing up chores, instead of losing sleep about screen names. As I said before there are people who know me, they are trustworthy and important to me. Pun Pun and it's owner are of absolutely no consequence to me, even though his postings lead me to believe he's deluded into thinking he's some kind of big shot.

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At this time I am feeling bad about my screen name, my real name, how I look, the state of my finances, haven`t had a decent shag for ages, worried about getting old and how my life has ended up.

Where is the resident Thai visa psychiatrist when you need him?

Quoting Pun Pun : As we have posted , TV Members who come in and identify themselves with their TV Screen names will receive a 10% discount on their bill.

Bill? We get billed? Any wonder why we don't use our real names?

If you can't figure out who I am by my Tv name, then you haven't been to enough sports bars broadcasting the NFL.

At the moment I feel good about myself; it's my team that's making me feel bad.

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This is an interesting thread regarding screen names though the op seems a bit paranoid about it ( mentioning me and three others in his opening post). It is a legitimate way of advertising his restaurant Good luck to him

A BIT Paranoid about it ???

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Again the ? not why did you choose a screen name, but why are you leary of someone knowing that you are you.

It's cos there are just too many nutcases around ..... just look at some of Sillymans threats against other random posters.

Not worth the hassle of risking the attention of one of them.

Agreed, plus it's a personal choice and absolutely none of Pun Pun's business, let him get on with his daily cooking and washing up chores, instead of losing sleep about screen names. As I said before there are people who know me, they are trustworthy and important to me. Pun Pun and it's owner are of absolutely no consequence to me, even though his postings lead me to believe he's deluded into thinking he's some kind of big shot.

how do you manage to read so much into a simple post? john was merely curious about peoples secretive ways - a study into human nature he said. you interpret it as paranoia?, you think he's losing sleep over it and you reckon he has delusions of grandeur. last time i looked he had made 4 posts on this subject and you've made 20. nice one.

are you the anonymous browser? i dont see your name.

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Again the ? not why did you choose a screen name, but why are you leary of someone knowing that you are you.

It's cos there are just too many nutcases around ..... just look at some of Sillymans threats against other random posters.

Not worth the hassle of risking the attention of one of them.

Agreed, plus it's a personal choice and absolutely none of Pun Pun's business, let him get on with his daily cooking and washing up chores, instead of losing sleep about screen names. As I said before there are people who know me, they are trustworthy and important to me. Pun Pun and it's owner are of absolutely no consequence to me, even though his postings lead me to believe he's deluded into thinking he's some kind of big shot.

how do you manage to read so much into a simple post? john was merely curious about peoples secretive ways - a study into human nature he said. you interpret it as paranoia?, you think he's losing sleep over it and you reckon he has delusions of grandeur. last time i looked he had made 4 posts on this subject and you've made 20. nice one.

He doesn't need to post, he's got a spokesperson doing it for him (not sure if Nicky is M or F)

If I want to read about studies into human nature, I can think of more eminent people to read than Pun Pun. cheesy.gif

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