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Abduction Of My Daughter, By My Thai Wife


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Thank you all for your comments. I know it will not be long now before the supreme court orders, i am sure they are doing their best. I.E. in the best interest of the child. But I still worry every day about my daughters well being. All your comments always lift me, and i will do as you have said about the time spent is the most important, as the father it is easy to forget that one, ha ha

so thanks again , i will post as soon as i now more.

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  • 1 month later...

i know this is quite an old article now but was wondering how it worked out? i am asking because a month ago my ex cleared my house and took my 15 month old daughter. i work in pattaya,my ex works in pattaya and my daughter has been packed off up country with her elderly grandmother. My daughter had everything in pattaya, love warmth , decent supermarkets and quality health care.now she has none of that. It is done to "punish" me as the relationship didn't work out.The collateral damage is immense. As we were not married that's not a dam_n thing i can do about it. she has been gone 1 very long month.I know it is unusual here but i really need my daughter back to offer the best of everything. she is not going to get any of that in the jungle

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i know this is quite an old article now but was wondering how it worked out? i am asking because a month ago my ex cleared my house and took my 15 month old daughter. i work in pattaya,my ex works in pattaya and my daughter has been packed off up country with her elderly grandmother. My daughter had everything in pattaya, love warmth , decent supermarkets and quality health care.now she has none of that. It is done to "punish" me as the relationship didn't work out.The collateral damage is immense. As we were not married that's not a dam_n thing i can do about it. she has been gone 1 very long month.I know it is unusual here but i really need my daughter back to offer the best of everything. she is not going to get any of that in the jungle

You can become the legal father, giving ou rights. It will take a few months but in the end you will become the legal father of the child and might get visitation rights. if the child is not living with the mother, a judge might even order the child to live with you as you are the father and the mother is not taking care of the child.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Nothing much to report, still waiting for the Supreme Court to act. Michael, has been to the court on my behalf now, some three times. But still no movement.

My ex-wife is still in England from the 20th of Feb last year, and showing no sign of coming back any time soon.

My Daughter is being integrated into my ex-wife’s ex-husbands new family now, the father of my Daughter’s half-sister, the half-sister that was charged with kidnapping when my Daughter was first taken, and now has my Daughters condo in her name. In violation of the court order dated 24th Jan last year.

My Daughter is doing OK confused, but OK I have bought a new car so I can get round to see her more now. Me and my girlfriend Bebe went to see Dnee at Christmas re the photos, and I have seen her twice since then. She is up and down when I go and see her, sometimes happy sometimes sad. Any child should not have to go through this heartache.

But I am somewhat power less till the Supreme Court rules. So till then this nightmare must continue for me. With sleepless nights and fears for my daughters well being.

A big thank you to all of the kind souls on Thai visa that have helped me get through this most difficult time in my life. I will now try to sleep again. Thanks again.

I will post good news I promise one day soon.

Great to see that all went well at Christmas. Once the Supreme Court rules, your life, and your daughter's life, will change for the better.

Look forward to the next "Good News" post.

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  • 3 weeks later...


I have read all of your story and I feel both angry and scared as I am too a father. The longevity of this (2 years+?) is incredible and I am not even considering the irrevocable damages to you and your daughter!

What I don't understand is, in the first pages it was made very clear that you have at least 50% custody over your child, and that if your child is not with your mother then you have all rights to take back your child. According to your latest posts the mother is not in Thailand, and your child is with some family relatives, therefor you have absolutely all the rights to take your daughter back immediately and I do not understand why you did not already do that months ago when you discovered where you daughter was and that she was not with her mother!!!

Anyway, I'm a new father since a few weeks and my feeling is that if anybody ever attempt to take away my child from me, I will not call the police but will go directly to my wife's family and will burn down her entire village and stay there until I get my child back! I have already told her very clearly that if she ever wanted to leave then she will have to leave my child with me, otherwise I will personally follow her and try everything I can in order to find her (including hiering private detectives) and will physically attempt a murder on her wai.gif krab

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I have read all of your story and I feel both angry and scared as I am too a father. The longevity of this (2 years+?) is incredible and I am not even considering the irrevocable damages to you and your daughter!

What I don't understand is, in the first pages it was made very clear that you have at least 50% custody over your child, and that if your child is not with your mother then you have all rights to take back your child. According to your latest posts the mother is not in Thailand, and your child is with some family relatives, therefor you have absolutely all the rights to take your daughter back immediately and I do not understand why you did not already do that months ago when you discovered where you daughter was and that she was not with her mother!!!

Anyway, I'm a new father since a few weeks and my feeling is that if anybody ever attempt to take away my child from me, I will not call the police but will go directly to my wife's family and will burn down her entire village and stay there until I get my child back! I have already told her very clearly that if she ever wanted to leave then she will have to leave my child with me, otherwise I will personally follow her and try everything I can in order to find her (including hiering private detectives) and will physically attempt a murder on her wai.gif krab

i am afraid you are goner learn the hard way.t.i.t.

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I have read all of your story and I feel both angry and scared as I am too a father. The longevity of this (2 years+?) is incredible and I am not even considering the irrevocable damages to you and your daughter!

What I don't understand is, in the first pages it was made very clear that you have at least 50% custody over your child, and that if your child is not with your mother then you have all rights to take back your child. According to your latest posts the mother is not in Thailand, and your child is with some family relatives, therefor you have absolutely all the rights to take your daughter back immediately and I do not understand why you did not already do that months ago when you discovered where you daughter was and that she was not with her mother!!!

Anyway, I'm a new father since a few weeks and my feeling is that if anybody ever attempt to take away my child from me, I will not call the police but will go directly to my wife's family and will burn down her entire village and stay there until I get my child back! I have already told her very clearly that if she ever wanted to leave then she will have to leave my child with me, otherwise I will personally follow her and try everything I can in order to find her (including hiering private detectives) and will physically attempt a murder on her wai.gif krab

i am afraid you are goner learn the hard way.t.i.t.

Any step I can take right now to help avoid a similar situation in the future? get divorced now? get full custody (the mother agrees as of today)? stay in thailand? go live in europe?

I'm gonna open a new thread about this to have more feedback as for this one (keeping my child with me) I really don't wanna learn the hard way as I did for the money (been in thailand a few years and had a few girls with a few bad experiences, but nothing that can be compared with child kidnapping! and I'm not afraid of this term even thought we cannot speak of kidnapping of it's the mother taking away the child, for me it doesn't matter who)

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I have read all of your story and I feel both angry and scared as I am too a father. The longevity of this (2 years+?) is incredible and I am not even considering the irrevocable damages to you and your daughter!

What I don't understand is, in the first pages it was made very clear that you have at least 50% custody over your child, and that if your child is not with your mother then you have all rights to take back your child. According to your latest posts the mother is not in Thailand, and your child is with some family relatives, therefor you have absolutely all the rights to take your daughter back immediately and I do not understand why you did not already do that months ago when you discovered where you daughter was and that she was not with her mother!!!

Anyway, I'm a new father since a few weeks and my feeling is that if anybody ever attempt to take away my child from me, I will not call the police but will go directly to my wife's family and will burn down her entire village and stay there until I get my child back! I have already told her very clearly that if she ever wanted to leave then she will have to leave my child with me, otherwise I will personally follow her and try everything I can in order to find her (including hiering private detectives) and will physically attempt a murder on her wai.gif krab

Wow...your child is just a few weeks old and you are saying that shit to the mother.....I wonder if this child of yours was well planned....or an accident.
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I have read all of your story and I feel both angry and scared as I am too a father. The longevity of this (2 years+?) is incredible and I am not even considering the irrevocable damages to you and your daughter!

What I don't understand is, in the first pages it was made very clear that you have at least 50% custody over your child, and that if your child is not with your mother then you have all rights to take back your child. According to your latest posts the mother is not in Thailand, and your child is with some family relatives, therefor you have absolutely all the rights to take your daughter back immediately and I do not understand why you did not already do that months ago when you discovered where you daughter was and that she was not with her mother!!!

Anyway, I'm a new father since a few weeks and my feeling is that if anybody ever attempt to take away my child from me, I will not call the police but will go directly to my wife's family and will burn down her entire village and stay there until I get my child back! I have already told her very clearly that if she ever wanted to leave then she will have to leave my child with me, otherwise I will personally follow her and try everything I can in order to find her (including hiering private detectives) and will physically attempt a murder on her wai.gif krab

Wow...your child is just a few weeks old and you are saying that shit to the mother.....I wonder if this child of yours was well planned....or an accident.

Why does it matter if planned or not? I love my child more than anyone I could ever love, more than my wife (which I do love, otherwise why would I marry her?). It's just that I have been reading horror stories on ThaiVisa for the last couple of days (hours of reading!) and I am truly horrified of what a woman can do, and am therefor forcing myself to envisage that the worse can potentially also happen to me. When reading this thread I felt sad for the poor dad and eventually felt angry at the mother's family, and if I would have to ever face such situation I'd rather be well prepared!

Why didn't you take your daughter back ?

Sorry if I missed it elsewhere.

Same question wai2.gif

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update , please moderators , can you keep an eye on my thread as i am sure the mothers side have started trolling . ie Dnee came with me on the 22nd and on the 23rd there are troll like posts .

and a big thank you to all of you on Thai visa

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Really a great news Scott, but as said above I would really avoid taking her to that school again, and I would make sure the mother's family could not reach her anymore: change phone numbers, move to another place, etc. After 2 years and half of pain, this is the least I would do, even if the court/police are with you, the mother's family seems to be really stubborn and they can always try to get to your daughter again and convince her to go with them in a way or another. After what happened and the time it took to recover from it, I would take this treat very seriously, perhaps you should even move to another country now that you're divorced and have full custody. You can't take any chance of that happening again.

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Congratulations Scott, it must be wonderful to spend so much time with your daughter.

it is an unbelievable feeling. kids are so strong, she just said come on lets go on holiday. She has not stopped laughing,

Thank you again for all your support , it did help me so much through the darkest of times. I will report more later.

As for taking my Daughter back to her old school, at this moment in time i feel i must take her back, i need to win her heart, by doing what i said i would do. ie take her back, to finish her exams. she needs to know i will never stop her seeing her mothers family. then if they carry on trying to stop her seeing her father. I think they will be the losers in this sad and sorry tale. its a big big gamble i know.

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This is not the end,

but it's a bloody good start.

I have to remember that the mother will come back to Thailand and will snatch her again. So i must be cool calm and clever, ha ha , anyway try and do whats best for my Daughter, she has be to hell and back. She probably is the most grown up , out of all of us so called adults.


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This is not the end,

but it's a bloody good start.

I have to remember that the mother will come back to Thailand and will snatch her again. So i must be cool calm and clever, ha ha , anyway try and do whats best for my Daughter, she has be to hell and back. She probably is the most grown up , out of all of us so called adults.
She looks like you.

Whatever happens, make sure you gain legal custody prior to mothers return whenever that may be....think abandonment. Also your daughter is old enough to speak for herslef in court or Amphur.

As for school exams...if you must, but I would be sitting outside the classroom door waiting for the exams to finish and taking her away.

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This is not the end,

but it's a bloody good start.

I have to remember that the mother will come back to Thailand and will snatch her again. So i must be cool calm and clever, ha ha , anyway try and do whats best for my Daughter, she has be to hell and back. She probably is the most grown up , out of all of us so called adults.
She looks like you.

Whatever happens, make sure you gain legal custody prior to mothers return whenever that may be....think abandonment. Also your daughter is old enough to speak for herslef in court or Amphur.

As for school exams...if you must, but I would be sitting outside the classroom door waiting for the exams to finish and taking her away.

Me too. smile.png

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As for taking my Daughter back to her old school, at this moment in time i feel i must take her back, i need to win her heart, by doing what i said i would do. ie take her back, to finish her exams. she needs to know i will never stop her seeing her mothers family. then if they carry on trying to stop her seeing her father. I think they will be the losers in this sad and sorry tale. its a big big gamble i know.

I have to remember that the mother will come back to Thailand and will snatch her again.

I really don't understand why you're so nice to the mother's family, after what they have done to you and your daughter.

They didn't let you see your own daughter for 2 years and a half!!! and now you're saying, and I quote, "i will never stop her seeing her mothers family", I remain speechless reading this...

If I were you, I would fly to another country tonight or eventually tomorrow and would raise your beautiful daughter with all the love and attention she deserves, and would not allow nor facilitate any contact whatsoever with the mother's family. According to your previous posts you have earned full custody as the mother abandoned her so this is only an application of the law court that she remains with you, you're responsible for her!

I strongly suggest you to read your own posts back to 2010 starting from page 1 in order to remember what you and your daughter have been through, as you seem to have forgot all of it. It is NOT OK for YOUR daughter to stay with family relatives while she can stay with her own direct parent that love and care for her. This is NOT OK and you should not accept it, not tolerate it, you should be angry and use your right as her parent to raise her yourself! You weren't with her for more than 2 years, against your will, so I suggest that she will not be with the mother for at least 2 years, this seems only fair to me, and I'm not even talking about being raised by the mother's family (without the mother around) as this should be strictly forbidden by your own instructions as her father! legally speaking YOU are the ONLY ONE to have the rights to raise your daughter!

Be strong, make use of your father rights, it is the law and you have (apparently?) full custody so YOU decide for her now, nobody else! Don't let anybody intimidate you. Go away with your daughter, right now.

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Anger leads to the dark side of the force. Anger is a mighty energy, but It is allso very consuming.

A few weeks back I saw the wife of a man who was murdered on tv, talking with the lawyer of her husbands murderer 20 years after the case. She was an incredible strong woman, having learned to let things go and not keep on hating.

I also know cases where people keep on hating in an all consuming way. They are not a happy lot.

But as Scott explained, running now would be the worse decision to make now the end is so near and the mother is only making the case for the father stronger.

As for taking my Daughter back to her old school, at this moment in time i feel i must take her back, i need to win her heart, by doing what i said i would do. ie take her back, to finish her exams. she needs to know i will never stop her seeing her mothers family. then if they carry on trying to stop her seeing her father. I think they will be the losers in this sad and sorry tale. its a big big gamble i know.

>>I have to remember that the mother will come back to Thailand and will snatch her again.

I really don't understand why you're so nice to the mother's family, after what they have done to you and your daughter.

They didn't let you see your own daughter for 2 years and a half!!! and now you're saying, and I quote, "i will never stop her seeing her mothers family", I remain speechless reading this...

If I were you, I would fly to another country tonight or eventually tomorrow and would raise your beautiful daughter with all the love and attention she deserves, and would not allow nor facilitate any contact whatsoever with the mother's family. According to your previous posts you have earned full custody as the mother abandoned her so this is only an application of the law court that she remains with you, you're responsible for her!

I strongly suggest you to read your own posts back to 2010 starting from page 1 in order to remember what you and your daughter have been through, as you seem to have forgot all of it. It is NOT OK for YOUR daughter to stay with family relatives while she can stay with her own direct parent that love and care for her. This is NOT OK and you should not accept it, not tolerate it, you should be angry and use your right as her parent to raise her yourself! You weren't with her for more than 2 years, against your will, so I suggest that she will not be with the mother for at least 2 years, this seems only fair to me, and I'm not even talking about being raised by the mother's family (without the mother around) as this should be strictly forbidden by your own instructions as her father! legally speaking YOU are the ONLY ONE to have the rights to raise your daughter!

Be strong, make use of your father rights, it is the law and you have (apparently?) full custody so YOU decide for her now, nobody else! Don't let anybody intimidate you. Go away with your daughter, right now.

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