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Car Scam?


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About six months ago my GF sold her Yaris and the buyer agreed to take over the monthly payments to Toyota.

Now I´m told that the car have been sold again, is still in my GFs name and no payments have been made.

According to my GF, Toyota is demanding money for the months not paid from my GF and threathens with the police.

The man now in possession of the car offers to sell it back to her for 130,000 B and has no intentions to do the monthly payments.

My GF, the police and Toyota all know were the car is now, but neither Toyota or the police seem to take any action.

In my farang world, Toyota or the police would take possession of the car until the matter was solved. But this is Thailand!

I see these options:

1. Pay the 130,000 B. Get the car back and continue pay the monthly payments.

2. Not pay the 130,000. What can happen to my GF? What will happen to the car? Does she have to pay monthly for a car she doesn´t have?

Is my GF scamming me or is she the victim of a scam?

Any suggestions or advice is welcome!

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If the car was not paid for yet by your GF then surely it is still in the name of the finance company or the original dealer?

Edit: it would only be put in the name of your GF when she has completed the payments.

Oh dear, looks like the OP's No.3 should be considered No.1. :unsure:

Ask to see the blue book and see whose name is on it.

Scam written all over it, Toyota dont wait 6 months for payment.

If this story were true your g/f would have been visited at home by a repo man and the car taken away.

Wonder who this mystery man offering to sell the car back to her really is.

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This story/con/scam comes up on a fairly regular basis. I have heard of this situation at least 5 times(different individuals) over the past 20 years. As mentioned its tough to sell a mortgaged vehicle (once, much less twice) and easy to repossess if location is known. Sure wish a new edition of "Scamming Foreigners" would come out, with some new/innovative ideas.

Just a note of humor (maybe). Once heard a young Thai lady tell her bf that she needed money for the forthcoming baby. When he asked if she was pregnant, she said no, her grandmother was. We finally concluded that she meant mother, as her English was not so good. I have only heard of this proposal that one time, so probably not a real success story.

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If the car is still on HP, let the bank repocess it.....

From a legal stand point, your GF is liable for this, irrespective of who "owns" the car now, it obvioulsy wasn't transferred properly when "sold"

This is not a Police matter either here or in Farang world...its a civil matter

Where you with your GF 6 months ago when she "sold" the car or is this the story she is telling you ?

My advice DO NOT hand over the130k

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ok, the car would still be in the name of the finance company, and if your girl sold it then the payments would have been taken from the buyer after the finance company were happy he could make the payments. unless the buyer paid it off in one go and now has the blue book!

so did your girl do a private deal with a guy and let him take the car as long as he pays the HP every month? if so she was very stupid and deserve the problem now and will also be liable to pay what is owed or will lose her credit and have problems in he future.

if she sold the car and did it through the finance company then they should be looking for the guy who bought it?

so how did she sell the car?

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Why would "Toyota" be coming after you for payments? Surely the financing was handled through a bank (ie "SCB" or "Krung Thai" etc.. would be coming after you for the money?)

Or does Toyota actually offer their own financing with no bank involved?

When we bought our car the dealership handled all the loan application etc... for us, but when our bill comes each month it comes from Thanachart Bank.

Edited by dave111223
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buyer took over for just monthly paymenst and is now willing to sell back car for 130.000 and you people think its not a scam. in essence the girl would be paying twice for the same car.:lol: :lol:

gotta love thaigirls.

the girl must think this farang is the lowest iqd one in los shes prolly thinking she found herself a live one...........:lol: :lol:

Edited by capKnuckle
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Thanks to all, for your replies.

I now understand better how the financing works.

I have seen the car, it exists.

I was not in Thailand when the car was "sold" and I´m not in Thailand now.

Though I´m positive the car was actually "sold", I frankly think she was stupid and naive enough to do a private deal without involving the finance company.

If this is what she did, I suppose the car would still pe repossessed by the finance company.

What implications could this have for her, besides loss of credit.

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My GF, the police and Toyota all know were the car is now, but neither Toyota or the police seem to take any action.

In my farang world, Toyota or the police would take possession of the car until the matter was solved. But this is Thailand!

You are completely wrong.

The burden to make payments to the finance company is the person who’s name is on the credit agreement. This goes whatever country you are in, not only Thailand.

Changing the name and responsibility of payments on a credit agreement has to be approved with the finance company. If your girlfriend failed to do this then it is now down to her to take a private civil action against the person who now has the car in his possession which has nothing to do with the finance company or the police unless the car was stolen or lent and not returned.

Whether you are being scammed by your girlfriend is up to your judgment. After all, you know her, we don`t. How would anyone on here know? Stupid question.

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Firstly, there is every chance the blue book will be in her name but will be retained by the dealer/FINANCE company until the car payments are concluded.

Secondly, You can't sell a car you don't own. The car is registered to her but has a loan secured against it to the finance company. IT CAN NOT BE SOLD LEGALLY

Thirdly, If the finance is with Toyota direct, THIS IS NOT ENGLAND, they CAN have the police apply pressure. And SHE is still liable to make good on the payments.

Now the help:

Check the agreements. I recall in the UK a when a car was more than half paid for, you had the option to hand it back to the company and walk away with no liability. I'd check to see if such a provision exists in this contract. Then "Recover" the car. Change the Locks and replace the broken window if required and return it to the finance company. IT IS HER CAR. ALL AGREEMENTS ARE NULL AND VOID.

Absolve yourself of any fiduciary responsibilities quickly. Sit back and watch. IF you are a fast learner, you'll sit back from a really safe distance. and maybe start backing another horse...

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My GF, the police and Toyota all know were the car is now, but neither Toyota or the police seem to take any action.

In my farang world, Toyota or the police would take possession of the car until the matter was solved. But this is Thailand!

You are completely wrong.

The burden to make payments to the finance company is the person who's name is on the credit agreement. This goes whatever country you are in, not only Thailand.

Changing the name and responsibility of payments on a credit agreement has to be approved with the finance company. If your girlfriend failed to do this then it is now down to her to take a private civil action against the person who now has the car in his possession which has nothing to do with the finance company or the police unless the car was stolen or lent and not returned.

Whether you are being scammed by your girlfriend is up to your judgment. After all, you know her, we don`t. How would anyone on here know? Stupid question.

Thank you for your helpful reply.

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If the finance company are chasing up your girlfriend for the money then she is still the owner of the car. The finance company has the book and if they say that they don't know this other 'owner' then simply go and take the car back. Nobody will have been able to transfer the ownership of the car whilst the finance company has the book so it will still be in her name.

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There is also a problem with the road tax, no one can get road tax without the blue book.. Car on HP the finance Company send out the bill about 5 weeks before the due date, after the bill is paid they [Finance Company] send the Road tax car window sticker.

Well that is how it works on my pickup. 3rd pickup over the past 7 years...... 2nd car over 7 years but always paid outright, renewed my insurance and Tax yesterday myself as I have the Blue book.

Wonder if there is still a current Tax for said Toyota ? with the amount of police road checks it will not go UN-noticed for long...

It appears odd, if said GF wanted money instead of the car she could have sold it to lots of places, a deal would have been made, the Finance Company paid off and she would have received cash/cheque for the rest.. Saying that there are always adverts saying Car For Sale cash xxxx baht + take over remaining payments.

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If the finance company are chasing up your girlfriend for the money then she is still the owner of the car. The finance company has the book and if they say that they don't know this other 'owner' then simply go and take the car back. Nobody will have been able to transfer the ownership of the car whilst the finance company has the book so it will still be in her name.

Agreed, but I would suggest letting the finance company repossess the car and once it is in their possession pay the outstanding monthly payments to regain 'ownership' of the car.

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No need to worry about the tax. you can do it with a photocopy of the blue book, which she will have had and doubtless forwarded on to the person she let drive the car away. And doubtless that person forwarded a copy to the person they let drive the car away.

I think Rick has the right idea about getting the car back. Mine was a bit crude. let the cops recover the car and then let her make an arrangement about the outstanding payments. If you are going to get involved I suggest you do so on the understanding that you will settle all outstanding finance on CONDITION FROM THE FINANCE COMPANY that they will release the car only after the blue book is transfered into YOUR name or your legal proxy here in thailand. Then have the car sold and recover your "loan" amount and shower your g/f with the left over monies. If she pays back the people she "sold" the car to, thats up to her. But the matter is resolved.

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No need to worry about the tax. you can do it with a photocopy of the blue book, which she will have had and doubtless forwarded on to the person she let drive the car away. And doubtless that person forwarded a copy to the person they let drive the car away.

I think Rick has the right idea about getting the car back. Mine was a bit crude. let the cops recover the car and then let her make an arrangement about the outstanding payments. If you are going to get involved I suggest you do so on the understanding that you will settle all outstanding finance on CONDITION FROM THE FINANCE COMPANY that they will release the car only after the blue book is transfered into YOUR name or your legal proxy here in thailand. Then have the car sold and recover your "loan" amount and shower your g/f with the left over monies. If she pays back the people she "sold" the car to, thats up to her. But the matter is resolved.

If my wife/gf had done all that she wouldnt be my wife /gf dunno why folks stand for this crap

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If my wife/gf had done all that she wouldnt be my wife /gf dunno why folks stand for this crap

The OP is not in the country. but if his bird did do what we think she did I am sure the OP is going to give her a good spanking when he gets back! ;)

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The OP is not in the country. but if his bird did do what we think she did I am sure the OP is going to give her a good spanking when he gets back! ;)

I love the spanking (p)art. But as i see it after this, I would kick her to wherever. Start to believe what you are reading on TV. A lot of it is experience first hand. :blink:

Edit to ADD: And this cost most of us a lot of money. But we share it for free. B)

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When a vehicle is bought with a finance agreement the blue book is in the name of the finance company until such time as the final payment is made. I have hust paid the last installment on a Izuzu pick-up truck. The finance company rep even went along with the family to make the name change at the government office. I have also had several secondhand vehicles here and I have noted the first name in the blue book was a finance company.

So the Yaris was never hers to sell. Also it usual to have garuntors on a finance deal, if she dosn't pay they will have the burden..

Her best option is to face the finance company and sort it out as it is their vehicle. better she pays them any monies rather than a scam artist.

However as already pointed out she is probably part of the scam

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