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Help - I'Ve Fallen Off The Pink Cloud


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I think a lendthy stay abroad might be the answer - has anyone else fallen of the Thailand Pink Cloud?

I find a brief period of introspection, and a comparison with pots and kettles, does wonders.

The pink cloud is in your head only - its really just off-white cotton wool, in fact.

So because its all in your head, maybe you don't need to actually go somewhere else - you could just fantasise about being somewhere else.

'Fantasise' always sounds - positive - I wonder what the negative equivalent is? You could dismalise about being in Bridlington or Barrow...


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I think a lendthy stay abroad might be the answer - has anyone else fallen of the Thailand Pink Cloud?

being in thailand for a very long period of time does get to you, i went back to the uk for 6 months last xmas, and loved it for the first 3 months, then missed Thailand, so i came back, ........ grass is always greener on the other side, but a break away from the norm is recommended

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yeah i know how you feel . this time i,m just not feeling it in thailand . so i have decided to go back home early . my girlfreind in thailand wont be happy but i just cant stay here on my budget . i thought i could but no also i,m just so bored all the time here .

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Ahh, the scenario the Pattaya swingers call having one in the pink and 2 in the stink.

He's still in LOS, so he's still in the pink, but he's misplaced his desire, hence the stink.

I have read about this on a German caviar website. B)

(You'll need to consult your urban dictionary for the translation.)

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You fell off your cloud shortly after birth as many have witnessed by your topics. :rolleyes:

Judging by all your recent topics.... "Don't do this, don't do that." what other response would you expect?

Boredom is a major cause for most people's problems. That, and the lack of enough money to do anything about it.

However, it's the same old story of not taking responsibility for your own actions. As many have pointed out... wisdom is wasted on the youth. They don't listen to their elders and believe they have life all figured out. Then, when life eventually bites them in the bum, they complain about it not being fair.

It is easy to let all the delights of Thailand carry you away in a hazy bliss, but eventually, you wake up and realize you have to deal with life. A little forethought would have gone a long way BEFORE you got wrapped up in the maternal blanket.

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I think many of us who break ties with home are destined to a life on the road, another country, culture, climate, another cloud, there are plenty out there, far more and less adventurouse than Thailand, i like it here because i'm older now, and it has developed so bloody quickly in the last 25 years, i'll take up golf soon, well maybe not too soon. haha, actually i am looking forward to golf and chess, moaning about things i seem to remember, i think, viagra, being allowed to wear sox with sandles and speedos, having a beer gut, oh yeah and a combover, bring it on..

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"Never tell other people you fell down from the pink cloud, or you will sound like......Saraburioz?" :lol: .....well, just get a RedBull and go back there, according to Khun Yoovidhya it give you "wings".....

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