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Former Thai Actor Methee Accuses Jatuporn Of Making Threat On His Life

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Methee accuses Jatuporn of making threat on his life

Methee Amornwuttikul, a red-shirt leader, Tuesday alleged that Jatuporn Promphan, another red-shirt leader, had made a threat on his life.

Methee alleged that Jatuporn asked him to keep his mouth shut after he agreed to testify against red shirt leaders.

In an interview Tuesday, Methee talked about "missing" red funds as well as a red leader's juicy "sex on a beach".

Methee also challenged Jatuporn to a fist fightsaying: "If you want, let's fight like a man. Don't resort to biting me in the back."

Methee said Jatuporn has never helped reds in trouble.


-- The Nation 2010-10-12


Interesting news, but in a way also so predictable. Mind you with Thai draconian defamation laws, you may wonder if k. Jatuporn will sue again.

As for missing funds check again this thread on "RED MONEY

Donors unhappy about money not reaching victims"

( )



Methee accuses Chatuporn of threatening him

By The Nation


A former red shirt security chief on Tuesday accused red shirt leader Chatuporn Prompan of threatening him to stop being state witness against the red shirts.

Methee Amornwuttikun alleged that Chatuporn, a Pheu Thai MP, telephoned and called him a traitor to the red shirts movement as he agreed to be witness.

Methee, arrested for illegally possessing weapons, has been under police protection after he agreed to testify against the pro-Thaksin movement. He was speaking after filing a complaint with Department of Special Investigation's chief Tharit Pengdit.

"He (Chatuporn) threatened me and called me a traitor. He wanted me to stop being a state witness against the red shirts movement. I want the DSI to seek a court order to revoke Chatuporn's bail as he violated the bail condition by threatening me," he told reporters.

Chatuporn has granted a bail after surrendering to face a charge of instigating chaos in the country during April and May crisis.


-- The Nation 2010-10-12


Isn't that dude the one who became famous for some fist fights about missing funds in some by-election campaign or just a because of bad mod after bad election result?

Now he talks about juicy sex life on the beach of others. hahaha. No surprise that someone tells him to shut up.


Isn't that dude the one who became famous for some fist fights about missing funds in some by-election campaign or just a because of bad mod after bad election result?

Now he talks about juicy sex life on the beach of others. hahaha. No surprise that someone tells him to shut up.

Sssst, not so loudly. There are still people who want to think the UDD leaders are nice and lovable guys. Let them sleep and dream on :)


Isn't that dude the one who became famous for some fist fights about missing funds in some by-election campaign or just a because of bad mod after bad election result?

Now he talks about juicy sex life on the beach of others. hahaha. No surprise that someone tells him to shut up.

Sssst, not so loudly. There are still people who want to think the UDD leaders are nice and lovable guys. Let them sleep and dream on :)

You get idiots everywhere.

Isn't he also one of the main witnesses for the DSI/CRES, turned to a whistleblower against the REDs. Now he talks sex gossip stories and give invites for public fist fights. That will good for his reputation and credibility.

I guess that some in the DSI also wish he would shut up.


Isn't that dude the one who became famous for some fist fights about missing funds in some by-election campaign or just a because of bad mod after bad election result?

Now he talks about juicy sex life on the beach of others. hahaha. No surprise that someone tells him to shut up.

Sssst, not so loudly. There are still people who want to think the UDD leaders are nice and lovable guys. Let them sleep and dream on :)

You get idiots everywhere.

Isn't he also one of the main witnesses for the DSI/CRES, turned to a whistleblower against the REDs. Now he talks sex gossip stories and give invites for public fist fights. That will good for his reputation and credibility.

I guess that some in the DSI also wish he would shut up.

He was a red 'leader'. Really, what credibility does he have to lose?


He should have stuck to "C" grade acting. Or is he acting? Or isn't he?

As pitiful as the political class of Thailand largely is, I bet this guy is hoping beyond hope that the reds don't prevail. This guy has to be the biggest douchebag in the history of Thai politics, and now beyond that, he believes that by somehow dropping his terrorist comrades in the poop with his stories he will save his ass? When we despair of principles in politicians, what hope is there for a principled Thai media star anyway?

What odds, if the reds get back in, he claims that the army beat these statements out of him?

"He threatened me and called me a traitor". When people have been shot and died in what they believe is their cause, what other name should he be given? This is like the suicide bomber who grew a conscience after he threw the bomb into the room and stood outside. Can anyone reconcile the idea that the "soap star actor grew a conscience and dropped his militant friends in it" idea. Thailand, the country where soap stars support acts of terrorism and then grow a conscience and expect the issue to go away.

As political opportunists go, this guy probably won the gold medal of all time. If one government TV channel gives him an interview and he is paid for it, I actually wouldn't mind if someone did blow up the station on principle. At least it would be in some kind of good faith.


As more pieces begin to fall in place we will see more and more Red Shirts start to squeal and spill the beans.

I'm sure that when that coward Arisaman is caught and facing up to a death sentence on terrorism charges he will sing like a canary.


Isn't that dude the one who became famous for some fist fights about missing funds in some by-election campaign or just a because of bad mod after bad election result?

Now he talks about juicy sex life on the beach of others. hahaha. No surprise that someone tells him to shut up.

Sssst, not so loudly. There are still people who want to think the UDD leaders are nice and lovable guys. Let them sleep and dream on :)

You get idiots everywhere.

Isn't he also one of the main witnesses for the DSI/CRES, turned to a whistleblower against the REDs. Now he talks sex gossip stories and give invites for public fist fights. That will good for his reputation and credibility.

I guess that some in the DSI also wish he would shut up.

He was a red 'leader'. Really, what credibility does he have to lose?

Not 'leader', "red shirt security chief" it says.

What role plays his "credibility"?

Well, he surrendered. He confessed to the police and DSI, told them all about the wrongdoings of the red shirt, and is a source of information about the terrorists in the red shirt movement, about the black shirts, assassinations plots, training camps abroad, all information gathered from Methee. A key witness for the prosecution against the red shirts.

But he is probably just a nut case.

And you might be right - "no credibility to lose". Problem - how reliable will be his confessions as a state witness?


What pathetic gutter journalism. Can we at least get something of note in print rather than "he says, she says?"

Are you new? ;-)

Your observations are right and so is your criticism. But unfortunately it is always this style. And we don't even know if the 'journalist' picked up and selected the most important lines of what he/she said. And we don't know if we really got the gist.

On this story i really want to know more:

- I didn't watch TV today, but did he make his statement in front of a TV camera? I would like to see how he said ""If you want, let's fight like a man." ready to fist fight. Maybe sporting a Muhammad Ali move.

- and this - talked about ... a red leader's juicy "sex on a beach". Is there more to come? Do we know more details already? Buchholz? Webfact? Did i miss the story? Sound soooo juicy. And good for a laugh. hahhahha

- most important - are the threat on his life for real or did just make it up? He act believable as soap opera stars play convincing their role.

If someone really take him out or blow him up - there will be a lot of theories 'who did it'. As i said before, some in the DSI will wish too that he keep his mouth shut and don't add his own lines to the script.


When this guy Methee was originally arrested - I believe it was months ago - he was scum. The lowest of the low, a Red lieutenant (he's miraculously turned in to a 'leader' since his arrest, but never mind) who had a role in violent actions and obviously a person who's morals were justifiably questionable.

Now we're expected to take his word as gospel truth.

I don't know who's worse - the people responsible for creating this story, or the people who are disseminating it. Both obviously think we are all complete idiots and treat us with the contempt only few of us really deserve.Those who use newspaper articles to back up their opinions should definitely beware on this one.


When this guy Methee was originally arrested - I believe it was months ago - he was scum. The lowest of the low, a Red lieutenant (he's miraculously turned in to a 'leader' since his arrest, but never mind) who had a role in violent actions and obviously a person who's morals were justifiably questionable.

Now we're expected to take his word as gospel truth.

I don't know who's worse - the people responsible for creating this story, or the people who are disseminating it. Both obviously think we are all complete idiots and treat us with the contempt only few of us really deserve.Those who use newspaper articles to back up their opinions should definitely beware on this one.

Now that was the 1st post on this thread that is offering an astute observation, i wonder if those who bizarrely have cast in stone political persuasions agree.


- most important - are the threat on his life for real or did just make it up?

I tend to believe they are probably real. For the simple reason that Jutaporn has now gone on record saying he "never called Methi."

Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on your perspective), this statement can be easily proven or disproven, and even the most inept idiot knows how easy it is for the police to pull phone records. And supposedly, Methi has already shown the DSI the log on his cell phone. So now we have Jutaporn almost certainly making a bald faced lie about his relationship and contact with this individual. I just don't see the impetus to lie if you aren't guilty.

What was said we don't know. But there is a high degree of probability that Jutaporn is lying in order to cover up whatever was said. That means, whatever was said was almost certainly something Jutaporn would rather not admit to.

Nobody ever said the red terrorist leaders were good liars.

I would wait to see the logs from the phone company before making a final judgement, but if it turns out the Jutaporn did in fact call him, that basically burns Jutaporn, and strongly argues for the veracity of what Methi is saying.


- most important - are the threat on his life for real or did just make it up?

I tend to believe they are probably real. For the simple reason that Jutaporn has now gone on record saying he "never called Methi."

Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on your perspective), this statement can be easily proven or disproven, and even the most inept idiot knows how easy it is for the police to pull phone records. And supposedly, Methi has already shown the DSI the log on his cell phone. So now we have Jutaporn almost certainly making a bald faced lie about his relationship and contact with this individual. I just don't see the impetus to lie if you aren't guilty.

What was said we don't know. But there is a high degree of probability that Jutaporn is lying in order to cover up whatever was said. That means, whatever was said was almost certainly something Jutaporn would rather not admit to.

Nobody ever said the red terrorist leaders were good liars.

I would wait to see the logs from the phone company before making a final judgement, but if it turns out the Jutaporn did in fact call him, that basically burns Jutaporn, and strongly argues for the veracity of what Methi is saying.

Common ! your not suppose to reveal the plot yet!!!

This is better than Thai drama and we all know the baddies get found out in the END



Methee accuses Chatuporn of threatening him

By The Nation


A former red shirt security chief on Tuesday accused red shirt leader Chatuporn Prompan of threatening him to stop being state witness against the red shirts.

Methee Amornwuttikun alleged that Chatuporn, a Pheu Thai MP, telephoned and called him a traitor to the red shirts movement as he agreed to be witness.

Methee, arrested for illegally possessing weapons, has been under police protection after he agreed to testify against the pro-Thaksin movement. He was speaking after filing a complaint with Department of Special Investigation's chief Tharit Pengdit.

"He (Chatuporn) threatened me and called me a traitor. He wanted me to stop being a state witness against the red shirts movement. I want the DSI to seek a court order to revoke Chatuporn's bail as he violated the bail condition by threatening me," he told reporters.

Chatuporn has granted a bail after surrendering to face a charge of instigating chaos in the country during April and May crisis.


-- The Nation 2010-10-12

LoL He is biting his lip and the guy in the back ground has both hands on his head. The guy in the window has his head in hands. Looks like a scene out of blips and bloopers, what did he do drop his lines? :cheesy: Every picture tells story don't it.:guitar:



LoL He is biting his lip and the guy in the back ground has both hands on his head. The guy in the window has his head in hands. Looks like a scene out of blips and bloopers, what did he do drop his lines? :cheesy: Every picture tells story don't it.:guitar:

Hehe. I saw that too.


Red-shirt witness says he was threatened by Jatuporn

By The Nation

A red-shirt protester who is now a state witness claimed yesterday that he had been threatened by prominent red-shirt leader Jatuporn Promphan, who he said was aware of the alleged skimming of Bt68-million donations from protesters.

The claim by Methee Amornwuthikul triggered a furious counterattack from Jatuporn, also an opposition Pheu Thai MP, who dismissed as "stupid" the allegations by "a man who has betrayed red-shirt fighters and the dead".

Methee yesterday met Department of Special Investigation (DSI) director-general Tharit Pengdit at the agency's office to file a complaint against Jatuporn. After a 15-minute meeting, Methee told reporters that Jatuporn had phoned him and threatened to assault him unless he stopped acting as a state witness in the terrorism cases against red-shirt leaders.

"He called me a traitor," Methee told the press conference.

Methee also said he had requested the DSI to cancel any privileges Jatuporn might have.

Jatuporn, who led the red-shirt rally in Bangkok earlier this year, is charged with terrorism and inciting unrest in connection with the ensuing riots and arson. However, immunity as MP is keeping him out of jail.

Methee also said Jatuporn was one of the three red-shirt leaders managing the Bt68-million donations collected during the recent political rally. He said the money had been embezzled and the culprit had escaped to Malaysia.

"If there is no cheating, evidence should be produced to prove that," Methee said.

At the Pheu Thai headquarters yesterday, Jatuporn dismissed Methee's claim, saying he had never phoned him.

"I saw him at the protest site and he asked to appear on stage. But I have never talked to him once," Jatuporn said.

He also denied alleged involvement in skimming the donations. He said the amount was not Bt68 million as claimed, but it was actually "just Bt37 million". The red-shirt leader said the money was used to cover the cost of holding the rally for 68 days.

Jatuporn said that contrary to general perception that some red-shirt leaders had made a lot of money from the protest, "in fact it's the betrayers abandoning the party and deceiving the red shirts who got rich".

The opposition MP also rejected Methee's thinly-veiled allegation that the MP had an extramarital affair "on the beach". Appearing angry, Jatuporn said: "I won't do that sordid thing."

He also said, "I wonder how Methee will be able to walk on the street" after testifying against the red shirts.

DSI chief Tharit said Methee had insisted about getting a threatening call from Jatuporn. He said DSI officials would further investigate to determine whether the claim was true.

Methee joined the red-shirt protest during Songkran 2009 when he made a threat against Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva's life. He made headlines again later that year when he punched a Pheu Thai official from Surat Thani who sought payment from the party at its headquarters.

Methee was arrested in April at the height of the red-shirt rally. His vehicle was found to be carrying weapons, some of which including a Tavor assault rifle seized from soldiers overpowered by red-shirt protesters.


-- The Nation 2010-10-13


You arent Thai you cant vote and they couldn t care less about your political views.

I'd be fascinated to know where you were during your last holidays you received that impression. In the meantime I best visit the quacks to get these regular, vivid hallucinations about discussing political topics with other Thais seen to.

Follow your own advice: Stop posting and save yourself.

He also said, "I wonder how Methee will be able to walk on the street" after testifying against the red shirts.

Maybe k. Jatuporn is not threatening k. Melee, but this doesn't sound too nice.


The claim by Methee Amornwuthikul triggered a furious counterattack from Jatuporn, also an opposition Pheu Thai MP, who dismissed as "stupid" the allegations by "a man who has betrayed red-shirt fighters and the dead".

He also said, "I wonder how Methee will be able to walk on the street" after testifying against the red shirts.


-- The Nation 2010-10-13

So now the peaceful protesters are "red-shirt fighters". Open mouth...

And a very mafia-like threat in there. Insert foot.


The claim by Methee Amornwuthikul triggered a furious counterattack from Jatuporn, also an opposition Pheu Thai MP, who dismissed as "stupid" the allegations by "a man who has betrayed red-shirt fighters and the dead".

He also said, "I wonder how Methee will be able to walk on the street" after testifying against the red shirts.


-- The Nation 2010-10-13

So now the peaceful protesters are "red-shirt fighters". Open mouth...

And a very mafia-like threat in there. Insert foot.

No the red shirt fighters weren't real red shirts.

And Jatuporn doesn't promote the use of violence, so he must have been referring to the shame that Methee is most probably feeling...

Actually, naw, I can't buy any of that.

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