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Any Advice On Buying An 'Anti-Loitering' Alarm?


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Hi everyone!

I'm getting annoyed with groups of kids gathering outside where I live until the early-hours, mostly skateboarding and being stupid. The police haven't been helpful. In my search for solutions, I found a British company called 'compoundsecurity' who sell a 'Mosquito' alarm specifically to deal with the type of problem I'm having. It seems to be nothing more than an 100+dB alarm which emitts a high-pitched beep which deters people from loitering.

As it would cost around GBP600, (about THB30,000) to ship one over, I find it hard to believe that the Chinese haven't yet cloned something with such a high mark-up - has anyone seen or heard of such a device for sale in Thailand?

Secondly, has anyone any advice on making something similar by modifying the pitch of a comercially avaliable alarm for a fraction of the price? In anyone with electronics knowledge has any thoughts on this, I'd be interested: My thinking is that it may be possible to modify the pitch of a 100+dB alarm on a THB400 smoke detector to replicate the effect of this Mosquite alarm.

Any advice appreciated,

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A friend had this problem with a group of kids loitering in a Sala across the street from his house (drinking beer, smoking, congregating late, the type of shit a young-en would do away from the parents)

Any way his Thai neighbors put a solution the the problem before he did.

they ran an electrical wire out to the Sala and installed a light. Suddenly they were not so incognito anymore and chose to move on to some where else.

Maybe this will work for you??

good luck.

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Why go to the extream to solve this problem of yours? As one poster suggested, why don't you talk to the kids or maybe unable to do so due to language problem? Sorry can't think of a better way to suggest except talking nicely to them and explain you have a baby that need to sleep etc. Get someone that can speak Thai will help. This way will cost you nothing and no need for repair if the electronic system you want to install breaks down.:rolleyes:

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A friend had this problem with a group of kids loitering in a Sala across the street from his house (drinking beer, smoking, congregating late, the type of shit a young-en would do away from the parents)

Any way his Thai neighbors put a solution the the problem before he did.

they ran an electrical wire out to the Sala and installed a light. Suddenly they were not so incognito anymore and chose to move on to some where else.

Maybe this will work for you??

good luck.

Thats the best and cheapest solution

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A friend had this problem with a group of kids loitering in a Sala across the street from his house (drinking beer, smoking, congregating late, the type of shit a young-en would do away from the parents)

Any way his Thai neighbors put a solution the the problem before he did.

they ran an electrical wire out to the Sala and installed a light. Suddenly they were not so incognito anymore and chose to move on to some where else.

Maybe this will work for you??

good luck.

Put in a some very bright lights with infra red sensors that come on when they are in the area.

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Why don't you go out and talk to the kids?

LOL I find that a novel suggestion. Talk rationally to a typical Thai? Humn, does this place encourage honest/candid dialogue? And then there's the "face" bs.

A light might the best idea however.

I'd like to find a dog (silent to humans) whistle to drive away the packs of dogs that roam the streets here in our village in Isaan, but don't know if they exist here.

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The Mosquito is certainly controversial and in some countries could land you a charge of assault! Also, all studies into the unit's safety have been conducted on adults, not children, so fears still remain surrounding its safety.

I would not recommend a DIY botch job, especially as you are not an electrical engineer, or you could be facing a world of litigation.

As others have suggested, IR triggered floods are probably a good bet. But, you could well annoy your neighbours so could be creating a new problem for yourself.

Have you spoken to your neighbours about the problem? Do they share your views?

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The mosquito has been used by some convenience stores in Canada to stop the problem of loiterers discouraging genuine customers.

It pushes out an ultrasound beam at a low rate so that it's not harmful, but definitely uncomfortable for anyone under 25 years of age. Apparently after that age, our hearing changes so we cannot be affected by that high frequency and it's not bothersome to older people at all.

I do believe, though, that it's quite expensive, so perhaps high intensity lights, perhaps connected to a motion sensor, would be more effective in a soi here.

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The kids annoy you but a 100db alarm won't? I reckon you should just put up with them and maybe get to know them. At least their presence will keep other kinds of scum away. Otherwise get a rent a cop for a while.

Try putting an extension speaker/Cd player near the wall and playing some classical music to them preferably something like Bach cello music - reckon that that will get them moved on pretty quickly.

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In theory it should be fairly simple to construct one yourself.

Its simple an oscilator at the right frequency attached to a speaker.

Home made electronics kits for kids show how to make the same sort of thing with a variable dial for the frequency.

Then wire in a motion detector and job done.

Might also annoy the neighbours babies and dogs so don't know how good any idea it would be.

Would probably be better off with a switch rather than motion sensor so you can just use it for a short blast when their around.

The iphone can get ringtones which do the same, although it's known for burning out the speaker and has limited range.

Now thinking about it, find the exact frequency, get a digital loop sampled onto cd, chuck it in the stereo and blast up the volume. Should work.

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Thanks for all of the replies everyone - as no-one has seen such a device for sale in Thailand I think that's the end of the thread but thanks for the ideas of alternatives.

I appreciate the advice about trying to diffuse the situation verbally, actually I have spoken to my neighbours and they aren't bothered by it; I guess that's the price I pay for not being Thai, eh?

Peace y'all.:jap:

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