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I was wondering if anyone else out there had a problem with there wife or girlfriend gambeling.

We have a 2 year olds boy but she has become friends with a bunch of older thai women who I hate with a passion as they have driven her into playing cards up to 4 or 5 days a week.

I honestly do not know what to do I get angry and she switches off, I threaten her with going back to Thailand nothing seems to bother her.

If we did not have our son it would not be an issue as she would have gone along time ago but with my son I dont know what to do.

Anyone else have this problem and if they do any suggestions.

I am getting very frustrated

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Tough one mate.

I've seen this first hand with a good friend of mine. Looking back, he chose to ignore it and started to find his own hobbies that cost money. Its certainly not the answer to the problem but one that would make life easy on them all, child included. How there still together I don't know.

Why not try the nice guy first by spending more time with her and your kid, suggest going the parks, beach, zoo or a theme park.


Fortunately no one has a problem because it does not exist here, and neither does prostitution. ;)

i think they are outside thailand

I threaten her with going back to Thailand nothing seems to bother her

but as the as another poster mentioned, once a Thai's starts playing cards / domino's there is no going back, its an addiction, they will lose and keep playing thinking they will win the money back ....


you can't stop bargirls from "gambeling" or gambling

Next time choose better.

What a w*nker....where in the OP's post does he say his wife/GF is/was a bar girl ??

Let me guess your married to a hi-so, doctor with connections in the goverment/police/army (tick the appropriate) and her father owns a brewery..


Reverse psychology may be an option. If it makes her see sense then you may aswell try.

Its not nice to start playing games, I agree but if you want to make it work what choice do you have.


I am afraid ol' son, once the bug has hit there is little chance of turning back. In LOS l have witnessed POOR people lose there land through cards. A UK guy near me lost his new truck 3 times to his wife's card playing, he had to cough up 3 times to get it back but it didn't end there, she also lost money on some land they bought for their future, it's gone. They are now divorced. Only together a year and now she is pot less and probably working the bars again. Strangly the people l know who have lost bundles STILL play cards.

It doesn't end there, My pals mrs in LOS, he's in UK sending cash, she has claimed to spend £40 - £50 a week on the lottery and complains to my mrs he doesn't send enough cash to eat. The key here is they have a daughter, she knows he will not dump them cos of the daughter, bit like your situation, the young one, sadly a great tool. Be careful she's not losing your money with IOU's. Difficult one mate but you are not alone.

All true. It happens everywhere. I have two Canadian friends whose ex-wives have gambled small fortunes away and eventually caused their divorces. Prior to that they were loving couples that looked like ideal marriages. Gambling addiction can be worse than drug and alcohol addiction.

Sorry, but I know of no known cure. It's entirely up to the addict fo correct... if they even WANT to. I would get a court injunction to be soul custodian of the child and leave her to her own devices. Let the old biddies who got her addicted to take care of her. Get a court order to show you are not responsible for her gambling debts.


Your wife found a pack of wolves to play with. Try to find out if you can move to a new location where she won't be in contact with these wolves. However, she will probably find a new pack of wolves to play with - or even discover internet gambling.

I suspect that she is bored out of her wits. Maybe there is more you are not sharing with us. But that's not any of our business. Good luck and hope you resolve this problem quickly - for the sake of your child.


Your wife found a pack of wolves to play with. Try to find out if you can move to a new location where she won't be in contact with these wolves. However, she will probably find a new pack of wolves to play with - or even discover internet gambling.

I suspect that she is bored out of her wits. Maybe there is more you are not sharing with us. But that's not any of our business. Good luck and hope you resolve this problem quickly - for the sake of your child.

We live in an area ofd Australia where there is alot of Thais arounde unfortunately she has got involved with the wrong ones.

There is some lovely Thai ladies here and there is plenty to do but these old f!@#@!king women have dragged her into there web


Your wife found a pack of wolves to play with. Try to find out if you can move to a new location where she won't be in contact with these wolves. However, she will probably find a new pack of wolves to play with - or even discover internet gambling.

I suspect that she is bored out of her wits. Maybe there is more you are not sharing with us. But that's not any of our business. Good luck and hope you resolve this problem quickly - for the sake of your child.

We live in an area ofd Australia where there is alot of Thais arounde unfortunately she has got involved with the wrong ones.

There is some lovely Thai ladies here and there is plenty to do but these old f!@#@!king women have dragged her into there web

Its simple you sit her down and tell her she stops or u go.


Its simple you sit her down and tell her she stops or u go.

I don't know the right answer to the OP problem but violence is not. Even mild use of force could spell trouble.

A friend of us had similar problem. One night, his wife was ready to go out, as usual. He stopped her, she tried to force her way, he pushed her back, maybe a bit too strongly. She called the police, then her lawyer. He lost everything.The wife, the son, the house ... everything!


Your wife found a pack of wolves to play with. Try to find out if you can move to a new location where she won't be in contact with these wolves. However, she will probably find a new pack of wolves to play with - or even discover internet gambling.

I suspect that she is bored out of her wits. Maybe there is more you are not sharing with us. But that's not any of our business. Good luck and hope you resolve this problem quickly - for the sake of your child.

We live in an area ofd Australia where there is alot of Thais arounde unfortunately she has got involved with the wrong ones.

There is some lovely Thai ladies here and there is plenty to do but these old f!@#@!king women have dragged her into there web

Gambling may well be the least of her problems, and yours.

Coming next will be, if it hasnt started already,

jewellery sold at a fraction of its value to pay a debt, a 2 baht gold chain value 40,000 baht will be sold for 10,000 baht because thats whats needed right now to pay the debt.

Loans at extortionate rates, borrow 10,000 baht pay back 20,000 baht.

Of course once the gold has been sold and the debts are being run up the only thing left to sell is her body.

These old hags, the girls refer to them as pa or aunt, mama san would be more apt are driven by greed and money.

Houses rented out to be used for gambling, the house owner taking a cut of every winning hand, the kind aunt offering to loan money,

The house being used as a knocking shop, s/t for £50 or £80 in the UK are not uncommon.

Have known cases where the wife has gambled away £50,000 in cash, proceeds of a house sale, restaurants being gambled away, not once but twice.

These bitches will lie and provide cover stories for each other, the gullible husband clueless to whats going on.

Heard it all before, the wife promises never to do it again, she has been to the temple and told the monk.

Another sucker told me it was his wifes hobby, where I come from they call it an addiction.

Your wife may already have earned a reputation that the other Thai women you mention are aware of, and therefore will want nothing to do with her.

Ask yourself would a Thai man put up with this shit?

Dont know the rules in Australia, if I was you get her back to Thailand and dump her, have no contact with her.

Heard about a guy who did that just recently, had been married for 7 years and didnt have shit, his wife was pissing it away, he woke up one day and realised he was being played, brought the mrs to Thailand then dumped her.

Only you can answer how much you want to stay married, if may well depend on how deep your pockets are.

You wont be the first guy to catch a dose from his mrs, even then the sucker was in denial.

Good luck. Cover your ass, because some of these bitches know how to play the system and will bleed you dry, claiming to be the victim of domestic violence in the Uk with these bitches all lieing are not uncommon.


Book yourself a flight to Vegas. That will get her back up.

If you can see the situation getting ugly, then start to get your things in order. I don't know the laws in OZ when it comes to divorce but there's no harm being one step ahead.


have you considered getting her a coach? teach her how to win! where does the money come from? stop it at the source if possible. finally, familiarize your self with a new term: STEP MOM!


Your wife found a pack of wolves to play with. Try to find out if you can move to a new location where she won't be in contact with these wolves. However, she will probably find a new pack of wolves to play with - or even discover internet gambling.

I suspect that she is bored out of her wits. Maybe there is more you are not sharing with us. But that's not any of our business. Good luck and hope you resolve this problem quickly - for the sake of your child.

We live in an area ofd Australia where there is alot of Thais arounde unfortunately she has got involved with the wrong ones.

There is some lovely Thai ladies here and there is plenty to do but these old f!@#@!king women have dragged her into there web

Where does she get the money to gamble? If you're giving it to her, well......need I say more? It seems the obvious solution is to cut off her supply to the family funds and mete out the cash in very small amounts that would only enough to cover any immediate purchase she needs to make.

Added later: I guess Loz and I were typing the same question/suggestion at the same time.


Its simple you sit her down and tell her she stops or u go.

I don't know the right answer to the OP problem but violence is not. Even mild use of force could spell trouble.

A friend of us had similar problem. One night, his wife was ready to go out, as usual. He stopped her, she tried to force her way, he pushed her back, maybe a bit too strongly. She called the police, then her lawyer. He lost everything.The wife, the son, the house ... everything!

No he had a lucky escape as in a few years she would have lost the lot anyway.


The problem is if you take the girls out of Thailand and they get into the Thai network in your own country the influence of the other Thai's will easily over ride any you once had.Basically your now pissing in the wind.I,ve had

experience of most of the shit that can happen including a court trial on a false accusation of DV.But that's another story.


Your wife found a pack of wolves to play with. Try to find out if you can move to a new location where she won't be in contact with these wolves. However, she will probably find a new pack of wolves to play with - or even discover internet gambling.

I suspect that she is bored out of her wits. Maybe there is more you are not sharing with us. But that's not any of our business. Good luck and hope you resolve this problem quickly - for the sake of your child.

We live in an area ofd Australia where there is alot of Thais arounde unfortunately she has got involved with the wrong ones.

There is some lovely Thai ladies here and there is plenty to do but these old f!@#@!king women have dragged her into there web

Its simple you sit her down and tell her she stops or u go.

Good answer. Another friend in the UK with his Thai wife of 3 years, he did exactly that and she walked out and now lives with other Thais, her UK marriage visa is up in November, she doesn't care, thinks she can renew it.

While l am on the subject, can she renew it if he doesn't want to sign any forms. He's told her to go back cos of the house being full of drunk Thai women when he gets home and NEVER a dinner on the table. Perhaps another topic there. She brought her Thai son over to learn English, perhaps a problem for him getting her out of his hair. Anyone got an answer. :huh:

Not sure i might be wrong..

1.when they come to the end of there 2 year visa then they have to apply for a definite stay to remain visa.

2.and seeing as your mate is her sponsor surely he has to sign paper work to guarantee she is still living at the address given and all her details are present and correct ETC

3.Not to sure .dont they have to take some sort of exam nowa days also ??

When i had to go though all this a few yeas ago the amount of paper work was in creditable it was like applying for the visa for the her to come to live in the uk.

And if i knew then what i know now,,i would have took my lovely beautiful X wife to Thailand for a nice little holiday then i would have fuc_ked her off in BKK airport and ripped her passport up and then it would have been problem solved..whistling.gif


you can't stop bargirls from "gambeling" or gambling

Next time choose better.

What a w*nker....where in the OP's post does he say his wife/GF is/was a bar girl ??

Let me guess your married to a hi-so, doctor with connections in the goverment/police/army (tick the appropriate) and her father owns a brewery..

It dont say BG in the op post..But come on open up your eyes..how many cases have you seen or heard of where BG girl loses house and car gambling etc.

And dont quote me on this as i have been there i have seen it time and time again and its the same old story.

Now i have a hi so lady if you want to call her one of them she as a good job good education and is far to busy working so she not has to much time for sitting around all day doing <deleted> all where she as a opportunity to gamble ..

Why do stupid farangs give so much money to there woman in the first place so they dont have to work. then they have plenty of time for gambling .<deleted>


you can't stop bargirls from "gambeling" or gambling

Next time choose better.

OH, An other expert on Thai matters here :whistling:

In the village in many houses each day gambling occurs.

Had neighbours where they would play cards all night.

Have a friend who divorced at last after his wife lost 500K baht.

Tell her to stop or dump her.


you can't stop bargirls from "gambeling" or gambling

Next time choose better.

OH, An other expert on Thai matters here :whistling:

In the village in many houses each day gambling occurs.

Had neighbours where they would play cards all night.

Have a friend who divorced at last after his wife lost 500K baht.

Tell her to stop or dump her.

Tell her to stop........they will only stop for a little while then the minute your back is turned they will be back at it


Only way to lose too much money gambling is if you're uneducated and poor

Only way for a foreigner to meet an uneducated poor gambling girl is at the bars

1+1 = 2

As a gambler, even if you're half brain dead you never lose more than you can afford in a bad odds game. I have gone to gambler anonymous meetings as a volunteer to help before and no 1 in there could of had an iq above 70


I have gone to gambler anonymous meetings as a volunteer to help before and no 1 in there could of had an iq above 70

So you're a gambling addict, if not, how could you be of help ?

Your advice in this thread is totally ridiculous, I assume you only helped at Gamblers Anonymous by serving tea and putting the chairs away after the meeting.


you can't stop bargirls from "gambeling" or gambling

Next time choose better.

OH, An other expert on Thai matters here :whistling:

In the village in many houses each day gambling occurs.

Had neighbours where they would play cards all night.

Have a friend who divorced at last after his wife lost 500K baht.

Tell her to stop or dump her.

Tell her to stop........they will only stop for a little while then the minute your back is turned they will be back at it

And that leave option "2" the best IMO:lol:


Only way to lose too much money gambling is if you're uneducated and poor

Only way for a foreigner to meet an uneducated poor gambling girl is at the bars

1+1 = 2

As a gambler, even if you're half brain dead you never lose more than you can afford in a bad odds game. I have gone to gambler anonymous meetings as a volunteer to help before and no 1 in there could of had an iq above 70

Well we no how high your IQ is has your quite good at mathematics.


Give her a revolver with 5 of the chambers FULL and tell her she can either give up or win the lot if he gun doesnt go off in her mouth and then walk away. That should be ideal for a gambler:whistling:


I have gone to gambler anonymous meetings as a volunteer to help before and no 1 in there could of had an iq above 70

So you're a gambling addict, if not, how could you be of help ?

Your advice in this thread is totally ridiculous, I assume you only helped at Gamblers Anonymous by serving tea and putting the chairs away after the meeting.

Unless some one as first hand experience in a subject in gambling . alcohol , drugs ...then they will be as much use as a ashtray on a motor bike.as far as offering advice or counsellor .


Robbo1, I have been through a similar experience and come off much poorer, but also much wiser.

Are you legally married? I assume so. Therefore, what is yours - is hers (and vice-versa). It's the law of common assets in a marriage. That sharing of what you have also includes what you do not have ==> your debts and her debts.

If your wife borrows money to fund her gambling, then you could well find yourself being legally required to meet the debts of your wife.

Here are a few practical suggestions:

- Consult a lawyer immediately, and obtain the very best advice to protect your assets and savings

- Organise a nice holiday for you both back in Thailand

- When you reach the sunny shores of Thailand, and your wife's back is turned, run like hel_l!

- Return to Australia and arrange a divorce

I very much doubt that any 'soft' treatment will be successful, such as forbidding your wife to gamble with these women.

Some on this forum will maybe consider my advice too harsh. I suspect they have not been in a similar situation as you or I.

Good luck



you can't stop bargirls from "gambeling" or gambling

Next time choose better.

Firsly, I'm not saying your wife is an 'ex bar woman'.

Sadly, this is true - gambling or alcohol/drugs. Bar girl goes to a foreign country with 'customer' - is unhappy and needs an escape.

GA - Gamblers Annonymous is the answer. If you're in Oz, there are many mettings.

YOU call them and ask them advice.

Gambling is a strange thing - I lost 7 million baht in a casino in Poi Pet not so long ago and am going to Las Vegas in a couple of weeks.

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