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Finally, there was a picture in the Motoring section of today's issue of a local English language newspaper, which is not The Nation. Claimed to be the second world bike of Honda, after the PCX, to be manufactured in Thailand.

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I was in the large Mityon dealer on Pattaya Sukumvit recently. I saw three CBR 150s but no 250s...

Cause its not officially released yet neither there is a confirmed date of its release !


I was in the large Mityon dealer on Pattaya Sukumvit recently. I saw three CBR 150s but no 250s...

Just finished seeing one each representing all three colors of the new CBR 150 at the Honda dealership on 3rd Road and North Pattaya Road. This new CBR 150 appearance wise is substantially larger than the old model I rented in Krabi a few months ago. Tires are significantly larger for one thing. There's a more pronounced hump caused by the fuel tank, which is now 13 liters (I think the old one was around 10). Being only a 150, now being fuel injected and with this size of tank, I'd think this bike will go a long way before fuel stops. In a smaller way, this new CBR 150, especially the black one, reminds me of that black R-65 BMW 650 I bought many years ago, which was a pretty compact bike with a low center of gravity due to the horizontally opposed cylinders. Was great in town and great on the highway. I don't need one of these or the upcoming 250, but I want one. The red color looked stunning. I don't like the tri-color, but that's just me. I'm attracted to the black. I don't know but I would think the red colored one would be more noticeable on the road which is good because there might be less of a chance of someone not noticing the bike and hitting it. But I also think it might be a traffic ticket attractor. What does everyone else think? As to the upcoming 250 versus this 150, I think the 250 would handle all roads short of the expressways with aplomb. But I think the 150 would have enough performance to handle highway driving provided the driver was driving moderately. And once again, it's not the gas mileage per se but the range between fillups and I'd give the 150 a big edge here.


. But I think the 150 would have enough performance to handle highway driving provided the driver was driving moderately. And once again, it's not the gas mileage per se but the range between fillups and I'd give the 150 a big edge here.

I get about 275 to 300km per brimming full tank to empty on my 2009 150 on open road riding depending on terrain and traffic density. The new 150 will get maybe over 400km per 13l tank?

Guessing..... but the 250 range will be close to 300km.

Can cruise the 150 at 100 to 115KPH all day without problems. Some will say they cruise faster.


One said probably next month or next year and 140,000 baht.

The other one had no idea but told me the 250 was made in Japan


That's classic, thanks. Why people listen to Thai dealers about such things is beyond me.

There can be but hope....

And who else would you ask about a new car or motorbike other than a dealer?


One said probably next month or next year and 140,000 baht.

The other one had no idea but told me the 250 was made in Japan


That's classic, thanks. Why people listen to Thai dealers about such things is beyond me.

There can be but hope....

And who else would you ask about a new car or motorbike other than a dealer?

I think you missed the irony in the comment.

Anyway, my local Honda dealer is still insisting that the 250 WILL NOT be available in Thailand but then what does he know?


A couple of things.

1) I've found the new one to be absolutely great on the highways. It feels much more stable than the old one, with great handling and response.

Also, not that much difference in city traffic between the old and new, despite the new being a little wider and heavier.

2) Someone, I think it was T-Dog, was wondering the other day which is faster, old or new. I think I pretty well answered that question in a definitive way earlier today. Wife and I were going into town to check on some things, like a new REAL helmet for me. We live on Ring Road (121), and took that north to 1001. At the 2nd stop light I pulled up beside a guy (Brit or Aussie) who was on a red older model. He took a GOOD look at mine. I really wasn't expecting to race him, but when the light turned green he popped the clutch and took off. CHALLENGE ON! He got me off the line because, as I said, I really wasn't expecting to race, but in about 200 yards I had caught and passed him, and at the next light, which just turned red. stopped and waited for him. He shook his head, grinned and said: "So that's the new one." and then asked me how much. I told him. I think he's probably on his way to Honda to do a trade in.

So, is the new one faster? If today was any indication at all, the answer is hel_l YES!!!

Oh, and the wife was on her new Scoopy, not on the CBR with me.



. But I think the 150 would have enough performance to handle highway driving provided the driver was driving moderately. And once again, it's not the gas mileage per se but the range between fillups and I'd give the 150 a big edge here.

I get about 275 to 300km per brimming full tank to empty on my 2009 150 on open road riding depending on terrain and traffic density. The new 150 will get maybe over 400km per 13l tank?

Guessing..... but the 250 range will be close to 300km.

Can cruise the 150 at 100 to 115KPH all day without problems. Some will say they cruise faster.

I was thinking there would be around forty miles difference in range between the 150 and the 250 and that would be about 70 kilometers in favor of the 150. So I just played with the number 35 kilometers per liter and came up with 455 kilometers per tank which is around 280 miles. And I called this figure my "somewhat optimistic" number based on what I might get with my Nouvo Elegance, which is automatic, 135 c c's, and only 11.2 hp compared to a figure on an Indian web site of 19.5 for the new CBR. The CBR has only 15 more cc's, it has fuel injection, and it has a six speed manual transmission. But it does weigh more and its tires are quite a bit thicker. Anyway, I then used the more pessimistic figure of 30 kilometers per liter and that works out to 241.80 miles per tankful which is probably pretty close to your way of thinking. Either number works out to excellent range for cruising around playing Kit Carson. On one web site I saw "might get between 20 and 30 kilometers per liter) referring to the 250. But such numbers do not refer to historical data that I can draw from. The lower number yields just 160 miles to the tank for the 250. The higher number around 240 miles with the midpoint number of 25 kilometers to the liter producing a range of about 200 miles to the tank.

After looking at the three new CBR 150's this morning I called a German fellow condo owner friend. The guy's very analytical and he likes bikes having just moved up from his 3rd Honda Phantom to the new Kawasaki 650. Er6n. He said at best his Er6n will only get 16 kilometers per liter and that it was overkill for driving in this area. When I told him I didn't really need either the CBR 250 or the Honda CBR 250 R but that I was like him, simply enjoyed bikes and was very attracted to both even though my Nouvo Elegance is better suited to my needs, Mike simply said, "Don't wait a year. Get one. Five or ten years from now you might not be able to drive one due to vision problems, lack of coordination or whatever (I'm 15 years older than Mike). I had spoken to Mike about six months ago when it appeared that Honda was about to introduce a 250 twin producing around 30 horsepower, and Mike exclaimed "That could be my next bike,' upon seeing its pictures. It didn't come out, he felt compelled to go get a replacement bike for his Phantom which was starting to have problems, so he wound up with the Kawasaki. Right now his mouth is watering over the prospect of that 250 Honda single which he definitely seems to prefer over his 650. HIs suggestion was to wait until the 250 came out provided it comes out in the next couple of months and then pick whichever of the two I liked the best. When I asked him about the ABS he said, "up to you. you won't know whether it was worth it until after you have died in an accident and you could have asked yourself, if I had not been so cheap and spent that extra 15,000 baht, maybe it might have saved me."


I was thinking there would be around forty miles difference in range between the 150 and the 250 and that would be about 70 kilometers in favor of the 150. So I just played with the number 35 kilometers per liter and came up with 455 kilometers per tank which is around 280 miles. And I called this figure my "somewhat optimistic" number based on what I might get with my Nouvo Elegance, which is automatic, 135 c c's, and only 11.2 hp compared to a figure on an Indian web site of 19.5 for the new CBR. The CBR has only 15 more cc's, it has fuel injection, and it has a six speed manual transmission. But it does weigh more and its tires are quite a bit thicker. Anyway, I then used the more pessimistic figure of 30 kilometers per liter and that works out to 241.80 miles per tankful which is probably pretty close to your way of thinking. Either number works out to excellent range for cruising around playing Kit Carson. On one web site I saw "might get between 20 and 30 kilometers per liter) referring to the 250. But such numbers do not refer to historical data that I can draw from. The lower number yields just 160 miles to the tank for the 250. The higher number around 240 miles with the midpoint number of 25 kilometers to the liter producing a range of about 200 miles to the tank.

After looking at the three new CBR 150's this morning I called a German fellow condo owner friend. The guy's very analytical and he likes bikes having just moved up from his 3rd Honda Phantom to the new Kawasaki 650. Er6n. He said at best his Er6n will only get 16 kilometers per liter and that it was overkill for driving in this area. When I told him I didn't really need either the CBR 250 or the Honda CBR 250 R but that I was like him, simply enjoyed bikes and was very attracted to both even though my Nouvo Elegance is better suited to my needs, Mike simply said, "Don't wait a year. Get one. Five or ten years from now you might not be able to drive one due to vision problems, lack of coordination or whatever (I'm 15 years older than Mike). I had spoken to Mike about six months ago when it appeared that Honda was about to introduce a 250 twin producing around 30 horsepower, and Mike exclaimed "That could be my next bike,' upon seeing its pictures. It didn't come out, he felt compelled to go get a replacement bike for his Phantom which was starting to have problems, so he wound up with the Kawasaki. Right now his mouth is watering over the prospect of that 250 Honda single which he definitely seems to prefer over his 650. HIs suggestion was to wait until the 250 came out provided it comes out in the next couple of months and then pick whichever of the two I liked the best. When I asked him about the ABS he said, "up to you. you won't know whether it was worth it until after you have died in an accident and you could have asked yourself, if I had not been so cheap and spent that extra 15,000 baht, maybe it might have saved me."

FWIW, you get some 320 km per fill up of the Ninjette's tank; and that's riding it pretty much all the time in the upper RPM range. I'd be really surprised if the CBR is less economical than that due to the lower revving engine.


So, is the new one faster? If today was any indication at all, the answer is hel_l YES!!!

Or perhaps it would be more accurate to call the new one "less slow" than the old one? :whistling:;):lol:


Can cruise the 150 at 100 to 115KPH all day without problems. Some will say they cruise faster.

I was about the same on the stock model. Put on an aftermarket exhaust and airfilter, and when out of the city keep it at 140 (pretty much pinned) with it feeling like it could do it all day... and does, really comfortable.

I don't know the science behind it, but the simple change in breathing system has stabilized it up in the higher speeds. (presumably the easier breathing system causes it less vibrations due to the better flow.)

Cheers chaps.



Anyway, my local Honda dealer is still insisting that the 250 WILL NOT be available in Thailand

Actually a quite a number of them say this.

Surprising when another one supposedly had them on their delivery sheets for 2 weeks ago.

But hey, some of them think they're made in Japan. :cheesy:


I don't know the science behind it, but the simple change in breathing system has stabilized it up in the higher speeds. (presumably the easier breathing system causes it less vibrations due to the better flow.)<br /> <br />Cheers chaps.<br /><br />Dominic.<br /><br /><br /><br />

I've rarely heard such complete and utter &lt;deleted&gt;.


Can cruise the 150 at 100 to 115KPH all day without problems. Some will say they cruise faster.

I was about the same on the stock model. Put on an aftermarket exhaust and airfilter, and when out of the city keep it at 140 (pretty much pinned) with it feeling like it could do it all day... and does, really comfortable.

I don't know the science behind it, but the simple change in breathing system has stabilized it up in the higher speeds. (presumably the easier breathing system causes it less vibrations due to the better flow.)

Cheers chaps.


Dominic, you rock...


I just come back from Bang Seang Motorweek and there is a big stand of Honda and they have the new CBR150r and the new CBR250r in all 3 colours and with and without ABS.

The 150 and 250 are really different bikes, different frame (both in size and in type).

They will be for sale in December.

Today there were no sales people but tomrow there will be, so might be possible for testing.

BTW the MotorWeek was also nice .... all the big shops from BKK at one place.



I've been following this thread for a while and will be very interested to see the CBR 250 when it arrives. I spotted the new CBR 150 in my local Honda dealer whilst driving past the other day and had to stop and take a look. It's an extremely attractive bike (the red, white & blue variant is particularly striking to my eyes) with it's 'mini VFR' styling.

I'm not in the market for buying one as I recently took delivery of a Kawasaki Versys - which I love to bits - but I wish those of you who buy the Honda many safe and reliable miles. Given it's a Honda, the reliability is pretty much 'a given'.

My day-to-day ride has been a Phantom for the last 4 years and she's still going strong but temptation is an evil mistress. So, you never know..


Best Regards


I don't know the science behind it, but the simple change in breathing system has stabilized it up in the higher speeds. (presumably the easier breathing system causes it less vibrations due to the better flow.)

Cheers chaps.


I've rarely heard such complete and utter &lt;deleted&gt;.

If you say so.

BTW, tidied up your quoting for you, as you obviously don't know how to use the most basic of functions.

I don't know the science behind it, but the simple change in breathing system has stabilized it up in the higher speeds. (presumably the easier breathing system causes it less vibrations due to the better flow.)

Cheers chaps.


I've rarely heard such complete and utter &lt;deleted&gt;.

If you say so.

BTW, tidied up your quoting for you, as you obviously don't know how to use the most basic of functions.

Yes, thank you for that, I did screw up a bit there. And I can't tell you how annoyed I was when I realised I didn't know how to edit it! But it doesn't change my opinion.


I just want to ask all you guys that claim the new CBR250 will NOT be launched in Thailand...

1. Why does all the dealers I talk to say early next year? (Pee Mai)

2. Why would honda train their Thai staff on the mechanichs of the bike if they are not going to sell it?

3. How come I could drive down to the local hotel, walk in the lobby, enter their training session and sit on one, while they were talking service intervals, how to demonstrate the ABS, and stuff like that?

I am just curious, why do you still not think it will be sold here in LOS? Do you take some pride in being negative? Is it in your blood to try to spoil for the rest of us?

I think it will come, too many signals telling me that it will be here soon...

If it is not here by late January, I will start to think that you were correct...



I don't think anyone is saying outright that it will not be available merely that some dealers are saying that.

My own dealer in Kanchanaburi has told me that the 250 will not be for sale in Thailand.

Now either he is lying, he is wrong(misinformed) or he is correct.

Maybe, if the 250 is a few months away, he would rather I buy the 150 now than wait a few months to get his hands on my cash.


I don't think anyone is saying outright that it will not be available merely that some dealers are saying that.

My own dealer in Kanchanaburi has told me that the 250 will not be for sale in Thailand.

Now either he is lying, he is wrong(misinformed) or he is correct.

Maybe, if the 250 is a few months away, he would rather I buy the 150 now than wait a few months to get his hands on my cash.

Could Honda AP be going the "Selected dealers" route, as Yamaha did whith their "big" bikes?


One said probably next month or next year and 140,000 baht.

The other one had no idea but told me the 250 was made in Japan


That's classic, thanks. Why people listen to Thai dealers about such things is beyond me.

There can be but hope....

And who else would you ask about a new car or motorbike other than a dealer?

I think you missed the irony in the comment.

Anyway, my local Honda dealer is still insisting that the 250 WILL NOT be available in Thailand but then what does he know?

Sorry. You are right about missing the irony but Friday was not one of my better days.


I was getting my oil changed in my Yamaha Nouvo Elegance last week at the local Honda dealer near Soi 18 on Naklua Road, Naklua and started talking to a relatively new sales girl about the CBR 150 R 2011 and the upcoming CB 250. She didn't yet have any CBR 150's in yet but she was fully prepared for placing my order and gave me a price. She told me she was not completely sure when the new 250 would be out but that it would definitely be 100,000 baht so she was spot on about the money. Then, several days later I checked another dealership at 3rd Road and Pattaya Nua where I was able to look at the new CBR 150 R in all three colors. The first sales girl was pretty sharp. I'm thinking she's gotten definite instructions she will soon have the new 250 to sell, and someone higher up in the Honda food chain gave her the authority to give out the price.


today i went to my local Honda dealer Theparak area, they still have 3 150 on sale. 250 they told me mid of next month, which several ppl got same information so could be possible. They said will get non ABS first, ABS will follow new year, but not 100% sure maybe also will come in same time. Anyway left my number and they will call me as soon something arrived....


I just come back from Bang Seang Motorweek and there is a big stand of Honda and they have the new CBR150r and the new CBR250r in all 3 colours and with and without ABS.

The 150 and 250 are really different bikes, different frame (both in size and in type).

They will be for sale in December.

Today there were no sales people but tomrow there will be, so might be possible for testing.

BTW the MotorWeek was also nice .... all the big shops from BKK at one place.


Well, 30th Nov is Press Day at the Thailand Int Motor Expo...

Shall we hold our breath?

Honda has given over a bit of their stand (A13) to AP Honda (A13-1)...

Who knows... maybe in this little corner they will display and discuss (?) a certain new bike...

Is it worth dropping 100bt to visit the show I wonder?


Well, 30th Nov is Press Day at the Thailand Int Motor Expo...

Shall we hold our breath?

Honda has given over a bit of their stand (A13) to AP Honda (A13-1)...

Who knows... maybe in this little corner they will display and discuss (?) a certain new bike...

Is it worth dropping 100bt to visit the show I wonder?

YES.....The missus called APe today. She was told no-abs 2nd week December and abs 2nd week January.

AND they will be on display at the MOTO EXPO. Might be worth seeing if they have solid info at the show....unlikely i think! whistling.gif

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