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Why So Many Farangs Still Make The Mistake Of Not Signing A Prenuptial Agreement


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We here so many bad stories here on TV and threw other people outside of TV about farangs marrying a Thai lady they have known for a matter of weeks then they are surprised when the thai lady takes them for everything they have got. Now i know not all Thai - Farang relationships end in a bad way. Some are very successful and dont end at all. But quite a few do end up messy. So why dont Farang guys do the simple thing and protect themselfs with a prenuptial agreement. Alot ( not all ) of Farang - Thai relationships have two people where the differences in wealth are big. So it would make sense for the person with alot more wealth before marriage to protect themselfs. Now i am not talking about all relationships, there are alot of normal Thai -Farang relationships where the couple have been together months / years before marriage is even talked about. I am talking about the ( growing ) number of guys who meet girls in Bars and over the internet . Alot of these guys tend to end up marrying a girl after talking to her on the internet for a couple of months then maybe coming to thailand for a few weeks to see her. At the end of the few weeks in Thailand they are applying marriage visa so the girl can go back with the guy to his country. Its crazy !

Guys have got to remember if they meet a girl in a bar she is coming from a dirt poor back gound, where she is used to having no money at all. Suddenly she see's a chance for a wealthy life for her dirty poor family out in the sticks she is going to take it no matter who she hurts in the process.

Maybe if some of these guys thought it threw a little bit before getting taken hook, line and sinker they would not end up with all these big promblems, instead just a broken heart. Not a empty bank to go with it !

Also we would here so alot less stories on TV with people moaning about when there wife runs off with there children or when there wife is gambling all there money away.

It also makes even more sense if you have children because you dont want your wife in control of the finances for your childrens future education.

Come on guys protect yourselfs with a simply prenuptial agreement . That way if anything funny or strange starts happening with the mrs you can kick her out of your life with no financial worrys.

By the way this isnt just about Thai women i would say this goes anytime where there is a big weathly gap between 2 people going into marriage.

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Guys don't do prenupts here for the same reason they don't do them back at home. A prenupt seemingly indicates a lack of a firm belief that the marriage will last. It shows a less than 100% commitment. It is not romantic.

Is this a smart choice? Absolutely not, in my opinion. We all should make them as a matter of course. Did I have a prenupt with my first wife? No, for the reasons I wrote above. Do I wish now that I had done so? Absolutely!!!

Edited by luckizuchinni
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There are several aspects of this, but the most important one being Thai law which clearly regulates legal rights to wealth generated prior to marriage, i.e. anything you happen to have in a bank account before you married is yours.

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I didn't do a prenuptial because

1) I live in Thailand

2) I have no assets in Thailand and will never have any (not allowed to own property)

3) I have no intention to ever take my wife out of Thailand

4) Thai rak Thai (aka you can't trust a Thai court or solicitor)

Not sure how a prenuptial will help you fight child abduction?

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"Pre nuptial agreements" which had their origin on the US may well be non enforcable where they conflict with the legislation on marriage and divorce laws of a country. The Civil and Commercial code is very clear on the distribution of assets and property on a divorce, much better than in many Western (common law) countries.

Edited by electau
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Why so many farang make the mistake of getting married in the first place? Please list the advantages.

If you do not know the advantages/benefits/reasons for a marriage then no one can tell you, spend your life wondering.

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Why so many farang make the mistake of getting married in the first place? Please list the advantages.

Extension of stay based on marriage only 400,000 in bank.

Wife may be teacher and have a good pension and health insurance.

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Why so many farang make the mistake of getting married in the first place? Please list the advantages.

If you do not know the advantages/benefits/reasons for a marriage then no one can tell you, spend your life wondering.

I used to be a long distance runner. At the beginning of the race it was exhilarating. People cheered and my body was full of adrenalin. The mid part of the race I looked at the scenery and concentrated on a steady pace. The end of the race it hurt, it hurt bad and the only reason I kept going was I knew eventually it would be over. It really felt good when it was over.

Kind of the same with marriage. It really feels good when it is over. I was on a high for the first three years after my last one ended. I would get up in the morning in a great mood. Not that I had money, she had it all. Not that I had a house, she had that. She even got my red truck that I really liked. But I would get up alone. She wasn't there anymore. I would look around to make sure she had not taken a plane and sneaked in my tiny room in Bangkok to harass me. When I assured myself she wasn't there I jumped in the air and clicked my heels together, yippee!!

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Why so many farang make the mistake of getting married in the first place? Please list the advantages.

to understand this one must take a look look at the men marrying issan girls. genereally not of superior intteigence---come on:who goes looking for a wife in a bar? and then those they chose have many kids, 2nd grade education and poor families to boot,and look like roadkill.

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Why so many farang make the mistake of getting married in the first place? Please list the advantages.

to understand this one must take a look look at the men marrying issan girls. genereally not of superior intteigence---come on:who goes looking for a wife in a bar? and then those they chose have many kids, 2nd grade education and poor families to boot,and look like roadkill.

to understand this one must take a look look at the men marrying Welsh girls. genereally not of superior intteigence---come on:who goes looking for a wife in a bar? and then those they chose have many kids, 2nd grade education and poor families to boot,and look like roadkill.

No wonder men move to Thailand

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Why so many farang make the mistake of getting married in the first place? Please list the advantages.

to understand this one must take a look look at the men marrying issan girls. generally not of superior intelligence---come on:who goes looking for a wife in a bar? and then those they chose have many kids, 2nd grade education and poor families to boot,and look like roadkill.

1) My first wife, factory workers daughter, white skin, looked like an old boot, my age, finished education age 22, no language skills, didn't work, met her in a bar, never fun in bed ..... but gave it a go a couple of times a month if I really had to.

2) My second wife, farmers daughter, tanned skin, very pretty, half my age, finished school age 12, learned English in 6 months, doesn't work, met her in a bar, much fun in bed ..... twice a night if I would let her.

Advantages/disadvantage of marriage

1) took my 4 children, my house, half my pension, my dog on divorce, I had to do 'my share' of household chores after I finished work

2) gives me Marriage VISA extension, 50/50 custody of children on divorce.

Which one would you rather have?

Edited by sarahsbloke
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Why so many farang make the mistake of getting married in the first place? Please list the advantages.

to understand this one must take a look look at the men marrying issan girls. generally not of superior intelligence---come on:who goes looking for a wife in a bar? and then those they chose have many kids, 2nd grade education and poor families to boot,and look like roadkill.

1) My first wife, factory workers daughter, white skin, looked like an old boot, my age, finished education age 22, no language skille, didn't work, met her in a bar, never fun in bed ..... but gave it a go a couple of times a month if I really had to.

2) My second wife, farmers daughter, tanned skin, very pretty, half my age, finished school age 12, learned English in 6 months, doesn't work, met her in a bar, much fun in bed ..... twice a night if I would let her.

Advantages/disadvantage of marriage

1) took my 4 children, my house, half my pension, my dog on divorce, I had to do 'my share' of household chores after I finished work

2) gives me Marriage VISA extension, 50/50 custody of children on divorce.

Which one would you rather have?

YOU REALLY THINK bargirls is the way to go????????????:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Why so many farang make the mistake of getting married in the first place? Please list the advantages.

to understand this one must take a look look at the men marrying issan girls. genereally not of superior intteigence---come on:who goes looking for a wife in a bar? and then those they chose have many kids, 2nd grade education and poor families to boot,and look like roadkill.

to understand this one must take a look look at the men marrying Welsh girls. genereally not of superior intteigence---come on:who goes looking for a wife in a bar? and then those they chose have many kids, 2nd grade education and poor families to boot,and look like roadkill.

No wonder men move to Thailand

I once read a research report that made a conclusion regarding the number of attractive women in various countries. In this aspect, Great Britain was listed as one of the worst countries (least number of attractive women per capita).

The interesting thing was that this guy had a theory about the cause of the high number of "less attractive" women in GB compared to other countries. He blamed the Vikings. According to him, the Vikings who raided the British islands brought all the beautiful women with them, and kicked the "less attractive ones" out of the boat. This would explain the ridiculous high number of attractive women in the Nordic countries.

I don’t know if anything of this is true, but I do know that if I wanted to find a woman, Wales certainly wouldn't be on my list where I'd start looking.

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I didn't do a prenuptial because

1) I live in Thailand

2) I have no assets in Thailand and will never have any (not allowed to own property)

3) I have no intention to ever take my wife out of Thailand

4) Thai rak Thai (aka you can't trust a Thai court or solicitor)

Not sure how a prenuptial will help you fight child abduction?

Hear hear!! or Here here!!

What's the point? You're in a lose lose situation if it goes pear shaped anyway.

Never commit what you can't walk away from.

Some people are stupid, many are in fact. If you marry a bar girl after 2 weeks and it goes pear then som nam naaaa!!

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Why so many farang make the mistake of getting married in the first place? Please list the advantages.

to understand this one must take a look look at the men marrying issan girls. genereally not of superior intteigence---come on:who goes looking for a wife in a bar? and then those they chose have many kids, 2nd grade education and poor families to boot,and look like roadkill.

to understand this one must take a look look at the men marrying Welsh girls. genereally not of superior intteigence---come on:who goes looking for a wife in a bar? and then those they chose have many kids, 2nd grade education and poor families to boot,and look like roadkill.

No wonder men move to Thailand

I once read a research report that made a conclusion regarding the number of attractive women in various countries. In this aspect, Great Britain was listed as one of the worst countries (least number of attractive women per capita).

The interesting thing was that this guy had a theory about the cause of the high number of "less attractive" women in GB compared to other countries. He blamed the Vikings. According to him, the Vikings who raided the British islands brought all the beautiful women with them, and kicked the "less attractive ones" out of the boat. This would explain the ridiculous high number of attractive women in the Nordic countries.

I don’t know if anything of this is true, but I do know that if I wanted to find a woman, Wales certainly wouldn't be on my list where I'd start looking.

There must have been Vikings living in Dallas. I used to live in Texas and flew out of either Dallas or Houston almost daily.

Dallas is where the deals are made and Houston is where the people work to make the money to deposit in banks in Dallas so the deals can be made.

The women at the two airports are amazingly different. Dallas are all beauty queens.

If you are going to the States and want a good looking woman the choice of many experienced people is Arkansas. One of the largest industries if not the largest is chicken. The largest job category is chicken evisceration. The women are available at two ages only. 18 before the first marriage and 25 after the first marriage. Age is no problem old guys and young women are normal there. Of course you have to support the family but that is farm communities anywhere.

Don't make the same mistake I did and take them off of the farm. City fellers get a look at those Arkansas farm girls and go crazy and the ladies realize their actual market value.

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The best defence is not a prenup, it's not marrying the first girl who smiles at you whom you can barely communicate with. These guys who show up and simply must get married right away, and are willing to ignore warning signs to make it happen are the problem, not the legalities.

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My ex wife after our divorce decided she wanted a millionaire. Being a good looking, intelligent woman she had no trouble finding many choices.

In the US older men have few viable alternatives. She went through millionaires like potato chips for a couple of years. She had one drug dealer who owned citrus orchards and marijuana farms, another whose grandfather invented something and the grandson had never worked a day in his life. She had a bunch of real winners. Her major stumbling block was the prenuptial. All of the millionaires insisted on a prenuptial regardless how dumb they were.

After three years of looking she finally found one who did not insist on a pre nup and they married post haste. She still has the guy. She may be waiting for the 10 year rule to kick in before she dumps him.

What impressed me with her search was the fact that all but one of her 20 plus potential suitors wanted a prenuptial.

She had her excuses down pat and I even helped her think of realistic reasons why prenuptial were not romantic or a sign that the marriage was doomed to failure because her intended did not love her.

Love is wonderful.

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Why so many farang make the mistake of getting married in the first place? Please list the advantages.

:lol: :lol: :lol:


But, everyone to their own poison. :D

However, the only REAL reason I can see to gt married is to have children of your own.

For the most part, prenuptials are not worth the paper they are written on. Women will STILL get a lawyer to get a prenup over turned the moment she gets her panties in a twist. Once you get lawyers involved the whole shebang goes to hel_l in a handbasket. You are lucky to get out of it with a pot to piss in.

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Extension of stay based on marriage only 400,000 in bank.

Wife may be teacher and have a good pension and health insurance.


On a more serious note do we both have a document best translated as separate property and

I personally had not married without, romantic or not.

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"marrying a Thai lady they have known for a matter of weeks"

Herein lies the problem.

How long can a Thai woman fake it? In my experience more than a couple of years. How long would you suggest knowing a woman before marriage?

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Why so many farang make the mistake of getting married in the first place? Please list the advantages.

to understand this one must take a look look at the men marrying issan girls. genereally not of superior intteigence---come on:who goes looking for a wife in a bar? and then those they chose have many kids, 2nd grade education and poor families to boot,and look like roadkill.

to understand this one must take a look look at the men marrying Welsh girls. genereally not of superior intteigence---come on:who goes looking for a wife in a bar? and then those they chose have many kids, 2nd grade education and poor families to boot,and look like roadkill.

No wonder men move to Thailand

Heyyyyyyyyyyy out of order ...but oh so true a bout the welsh girls rolleyes.gif

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Love honor and Obay, mainly trust. if you have no trust in your future wife and have to sign a prenupt then why bother to marrie because you are starting of on the wrong foot ,because you have no trust., also a prenupt in the UK means very little because the wife is entitled to 50%.

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