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Why So Many Farangs Still Make The Mistake Of Not Signing A Prenuptial Agreement


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but am i right?:lol: :lol: :lol:

if you are advocate of finding a wife in the bar.......good for you!

On what do you base your opinion? Stickman? Some boys from a bar in the UK? Thai Visa?

I don't go into bars any more and have not for 3 years now.

I live in Thailand.

There are a few posters here, single, heterosexual with active sex lives that would not suffer if all the venues for prostitution in Thailand were closed tomorrow.

Would my sex life suffer? Heck no. I don't go with bar girls.

I am an old man. Could I get an 18 year old woman on five minutes notice anywhere in Thailand if all the P4P areas in Thailand were closed tomorrow? Sure, in one minute.

I think that's what people are trying to tell you and you don't have the experience to know if they are right or wrong.

Not all BG are bad. Not all women from Issan are bad. Not all good girls are good.

It would behoove you to read a bit more and perhaps experience a little more of Thailand before you make such rash statements.

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I didn't do a prenuptial because

1) I live in Thailand

2) I have no assets in Thailand and will never have any (not allowed to own property)

3) I have no intention to ever take my wife out of Thailand

4) Thai rak Thai (aka you can't trust a Thai court or solicitor)

Not sure how a prenuptial will help you fight child abduction?

Exactly. just keep your shit out of here and haul ass if you have to.

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Why so many farang make the mistake of getting married in the first place? Please list the advantages.

to understand this one must take a look look at the men marrying issan girls. genereally not of superior intteigence---come on:who goes looking for a wife in a bar? and then those they chose have many kids, 2nd grade education and poor families to boot,and look like roadkill.

to understand this one must take a look look at the men marrying Welsh girls. genereally not of superior intteigence---come on:who goes looking for a wife in a bar? and then those they chose have many kids, 2nd grade education and poor families to boot,and look like roadkill.

No wonder men move to Thailand

I once read a research report that made a conclusion regarding the number of attractive women in various countries. In this aspect, Great Britain was listed as one of the worst countries (least number of attractive women per capita).

The interesting thing was that this guy had a theory about the cause of the high number of "less attractive" women in GB compared to other countries. He blamed the Vikings. According to him, the Vikings who raided the British islands brought all the beautiful women with them, and kicked the "less attractive ones" out of the boat. This would explain the ridiculous high number of attractive women in the Nordic countries.

I don't know if anything of this is true, but I do know that if I wanted to find a woman, Wales certainly wouldn't be on my list where I'd start looking.

You could be right about the Vikings,they did Colonise England for 267 years,but then again we do have some of their genes,so their must be a trade off their somewhere,not all of the females got the ugly genes.

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.. took my dog on divorce ..

Jeez, are there no depths that your ex would stoop to?!!

When I divorced my Thai ex, I advised a 70 year old expat yank who used to hang around our hotel that my ex had confessed to me on many occasions that she had the hots'' for him and was 'gagging'for him to "climb on board".

I almost died of laughter every time he visited the hotel and directly (and obscenely) propositioned her!

(Sorry - promise to go to confession for this...)


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From a woman's point of view: I think a prenup is very romantic.

The money issue is out of the way and all there is left is luuuuuuuuuuv.

If I'd date a rich guy, the first thing I'd do would be signing a contract, so he never has to doubt about my intentions. Am I rich myself? No, absolutely not, I just don't like masquerades in any form of relationship ph34r.gif

Love is life and life is being realistic.

Edited by Soulwy
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Why so many farang make the mistake of getting married in the first place? Please list the advantages.

to understand this one must take a look look at the men marrying issan girls. genereally not of superior intteigence---come on:who goes looking for a wife in a bar? and then those they chose have many kids, 2nd grade education and poor families to boot,and look like roadkill.

to understand this one must take a look look at the men marrying Welsh girls. genereally not of superior intteigence---come on:who goes looking for a wife in a bar? and then those they chose have many kids, 2nd grade education and poor families to boot,and look like roadkill.

No wonder men move to Thailand

Perhaps hansfromwales has never met the valley commandoes.

The girls/women who come down from the valleys at night to have fun their way.

Bigger than pit ponies, tougher than nails, drink pints of Brains SA (Skull Attack), one in each hand and they tell you to dance.

I have met quite a few in my time in South Wales and they used to frighten me when I was young airman.

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For the most part, prenuptials are not worth the paper they are written on. Women will STILL get a lawyer to get a prenup over turned the moment she gets her panties in a twist. Once you get lawyers involved the whole shebang goes to hel_l in a handbasket. You are lucky to get out of it with a pot to piss in.

Exactly. In Thailand a prenup would not be worth the paper it's printed on.

Want to swim with sharks? Hire a Thai lawyer. He & your ex will get it all.

In the event of a divorce the wife will revert to the Thai law & a piece of paper be damned.

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Why so many farang make the mistake of getting married in the first place? Please list the advantages.

to understand this one must take a look look at the men marrying issan girls. genereally not of superior intteigence---come on:who goes looking for a wife in a bar? and then those they chose have many kids, 2nd grade education and poor families to boot,and look like roadkill.

to understand this one must take a look look at the men marrying Welsh girls. genereally not of superior intteigence---come on:who goes looking for a wife in a bar? and then those they chose have many kids, 2nd grade education and poor families to boot,and look like roadkill.

No wonder men move to Thailand

Perhaps hansfromwales has never met the valley commandoes.

The girls/women who come down from the valleys at night to have fun their way.

Bigger than pit ponies, tougher than nails, drink pints of Brains SA (Skull Attack), one in each hand and they tell you to dance.

I have met quite a few in my time in South Wales and they used to frighten me when I was young airman.

Thats my neck of the woods south wales..and you are spot on..and when they tell you to dance you better start dancing pretty sharpish or you can look out.

these sort of girls can eat a large kebab with chips all to them selves when they walk home after a night on the tiles whistling.gif

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My ex wife after our divorce decided she wanted a millionaire. Being a good looking, intelligent woman she had no trouble finding many choices.

In the US older men have few viable alternatives. She went through millionaires like potato chips for a couple of years. She had one drug dealer who owned citrus orchards and marijuana farms, another whose grandfather invented something and the grandson had never worked a day in his life. She had a bunch of real winners. Her major stumbling block was the prenuptial. All of the millionaires insisted on a prenuptial regardless how dumb they were.

After three years of looking she finally found one who did not insist on a pre nup and they married post haste. She still has the guy. She may be waiting for the 10 year rule to kick in before she dumps him.

What impressed me with her search was the fact that all but one of her 20 plus potential suitors wanted a prenuptial.

She had her excuses down pat and I even helped her think of realistic reasons why prenuptial were not romantic or a sign that the marriage was doomed to failure because her intended did not love her.

Love is wonderful.

Dude, are you for real? What an interesting life you've lived and being able to laugh when most would whine is commendable. Good for you and funny posts.

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Love honor and Obay, mainly trust. if you have no trust in your future wife and have to sign a prenupt then why bother to marrie because you are starting of on the wrong foot ,because you have no trust., also a prenupt in the UK means very little because the wife is entitled to 50%.

Thai marriage vows

Man promises to trust, woman promises to serve.

Please note Thailand has a different culture to England.

I think you will find if a wife has children in the UK, wife entitled to almost everything, prenuptial cancelled.

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1) ... men marrying issan girls. generally not of superior indigence- I guess it doesn't take superior intelligence to wind up with all the money.

2) As per 45 with Dallas, I lived for many years in Oklahoma City: the State of Oklahoma has had 5 Miss Americas total and 2 in the last 10 years from about 1% of the USA population.

3) As he is writing a book, 45 may be using the TV gang as guinea pigs to see just how far his fish-stories can go without straining credulity.

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1) ... men marrying issan girls. generally not of superior indigence- I guess it doesn't take superior intelligence to wind up with all the money.

2) As per 45 with Dallas, I lived for many years in Oklahoma City: the State of Oklahoma has had 5 Miss Americas total and 2 in the last 10 years from about 1% of the USA population.

3) As he is writing a book, 45 may be using the TV gang as guinea pigs to see just how far his fish-stories can go without straining credulity.

I bought a franchise of a steak house restaurant chain. Part of the requirements was a lengthy period of training in all areas of the restaurant operation. I was living in Texas at the time and they assigned me to a restaurant in Ponca city OK. Ponca city OK sounds like a hick town. I was emotionally devastated. Here I had a few months without my wife and family to kick up my heels a bit and the darn company put me in Ponca city.

Boy howdy was I in for a surprise. The second night I was there I found a strip club where ladies danced completely naked and they danced so close I got razor burn. Not only that but they were friendly. Real friendly. Everybody was friendly. The waitresses were friendly, the strippers friendly, the motorcycle chicks with leather jackets and tattoos on their forehead were friendly. Even the old ladies that came from all over the Southwest to play bingo on the weekends were friendly.

It was with a heavy heart that after my training I left Ponca city. I had a lot more sex in Ponca city than I ever had in Pattaya and it was considerably less expensive. You are right Jazzbo. The women in OK are truly beautiful. They taste good too.

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"marrying a Thai lady they have known for a matter of weeks"

Herein lies the problem.

How long can a Thai woman fake it? In my experience more than a couple of years. How long would you suggest knowing a woman before marriage?

How long can a Thai-Woman fake it if that's her intention? For a very long time if necessary. It depends how long it takes to achieve her goals. There are certain pivot-points. For example:

- As soon as she get's a "Western-Passport". If that's her goal, the marriage with the Farang could end soon.

- The children of her first marriage have now their University-Degree and need not be supported financially in Thailand anymore.

- A house (better: a mansion, fit for a king) was built on family land somewhere in the Isaan.

- Or the time game: Stay married with the Farang long enough, that in case of a divorce she get's 50 % of everything, no matter what.

The point is: The trusting Farang may have to wait for a long time to find out wheater he married "a gem among the rough", or just married something "rough". = With the rough times to follow afterwards !

The same scenario can of course also apply to a Farang/Farang marriage. But the likelyhood of a "Goal-Oriented" marriage between a Farang and a Thai-Lady is far higher than a Farang/Farang marriage. Especially if the age difference is something like 90 years. HeHe !

Nevermind, according to James Bond we live only twice. Still plenty of time to live and learn. Cheers.

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"marrying a Thai lady they have known for a matter of weeks"

Herein lies the problem.

How long can a Thai woman fake it? In my experience more than a couple of years. How long would you suggest knowing a woman before marriage?

How long can a Thai-Woman fake it if that's her intention? For a very long time if necessary. It depends how long it takes to achieve her goals. There are certain pivot-points. For example:

- As soon as she get's a "Western-Passport". If that's her goal, the marriage with the Farang could end soon.

- The children of her first marriage have now their University-Degree and need not be supported financially in Thailand anymore.

- A house (better: a mansion, fit for a king) was built on family land somewhere in the Isaan.

- Or the time game: Stay married with the Farang long enough, that in case of a divorce she get's 50 % of everything, no matter what.

The point is: The trusting Farang may have to wait for a long time to find out wheater he married "a gem among the rough", or just married something "rough". = With the rough times to follow afterwards !

The same scenario can of course also apply to a Farang/Farang marriage. But the likelyhood of a "Goal-Oriented" marriage between a Farang and a Thai-Lady is far higher than a Farang/Farang marriage. Especially if the age difference is something like 90 years. HeHe !

Nevermind, according to James Bond we live only twice. Still plenty of time to live and learn. Cheers.

That’s why all the lonely old men with 18 year olds on their laps in the pub have a smile on their faces. They have figured that out.

Sure it gets lonely some times. Sure I long for the days when I had a devoted wife and family.

Sure, I miss the family outings and picnics and the eccentric relatives.

Sure, at Christmas when I hear old familiar carols being played in even the Thai grocery stores a tear forms in my eye.

Ya, sure! 555

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I lived the lifestyle those old men are now living for 30 years Mark. Excepting I probably drank much more and partied much more. I'm pleased now to step out of the fast lane in my mature years, the fast lane, where the older you get, the more irreversible any damage inflicted regarding health or finance. However I can well understand why they enjoy their 'new' lifestyle.

As for prenuptuals I work on one simple basis. If the relationship fails I walk with whatever is in my bank account......and start afresh......clean slate, thanks for a pleasant experience, no regrets.

Life can be so easy......:D

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I lived the lifestyle those old men are now living for 30 years Mark. Excepting I probably drank much more and partied much more. I'm pleased now to step out of the fast lane in my mature years, the fast lane, where the older you get, the more irreversible any damage inflicted regarding health or finance. However I can well understand why they enjoy their 'new' lifestyle.

As for prenuptuals I work on one simple basis. If the relationship fails I walk with whatever is in my bank account......and start afresh......clean slate, thanks for a pleasant experience, no regrets.

Life can be so easy......:D

Completely agree. I maintain a 20 minute rule. I can scramble and be gone in 20 minutes no serious harm done. A couple of flash drives in my pocket and a bank account in Singapore. I little inconvenience but no serious harm done. Never hurts to be prepared.

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From the screenplay of HEAT (McCauley - Robert DeNiro / Hanna - Al Pacino )

Vincent Hanna:

My life's a disaster zone. I got a stepdaughter so f-cked up because her

real father's this large-type a--hole. I got a wife, we're passing each

other on the down-slope of a marriage - my third - because I spend all

my time chasing guys like you around the block. That's my life.

Neil McCauley:

A guy told me one time, "Don't let yourself get attached to anything you

are not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat

around the corner." Now, if you're on me and you gotta move when I move,

how do you expect to keep a... a marriage?

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