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Is There Some Strange Gas Leaking In Cm


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It seems that the University of Common Sense is letting us down lately.

Have we been getting some less than thought out posts , here in the last week of two???

I lost my motorcycle key, what do I do?

Where can I find a roll on deoderant?

Where can I find Iubprofen?

...and I sure you can remember more.....

Now I fully appreciate the power of the TV Forum, but come on people. You have to have a little bit between the ears and be able to do some thinking for yourselves.

There are times when this forum can be and is a great help in finding certain things, but not the everyday things that should be thought our and done for yourself.

Oh shucks......

I just fell down what should I do.?????


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The Book of What Where and How helps, it even has maps, yes maps. Essential is going around and seeing what is available, not just looking but seeing. Central Kaat Suan Kaew, Robinsons Airport Plaza, a large drug store, and Home Pro plus the 4 blocks around where you live for starts.

And Gonzo, do not get up too quickly, the floor is a cool place to be.

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Twasn't ME......

To me its Franks and Beans......... but strangely most of the eaters are the Brits, as ordering Baked Beans......

By the way, for the record, as I have told some of you,,,, the record is held by a young " BRIT " guy...... 15 days in a row ! ! ..... even I was getting sick of seeing the bean thing.......

but he eventually disappeared.......... though back by the river : Bubbles on the Water "

Sorry downwinders


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Maybe they are new here, and are trying to make some contact with folks here.

If you don't like their questions, fine, but why make nasty comments about them or their questions?

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Maybe they are new here, and are trying to make some contact with folks here.

If you don't like their questions, fine, but why make nasty comments about them or their questions?

Maybe, just maybe, it wasn't meant nasty,,,,,,,,, and maybe only people with normally nasty dispositions take it as nasty.

It was posted to bring out a point....... how new would someone have to be to go to a drug store and not expect to find a roll on deoderant or Ibuprofen tablets. So to me your normal type reply would just seem to be someone trying to stir up a nasty pot.

But thanks for the reply anyhow....

Edited by ThePunPun
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Maybe they are new here, and are trying to make some contact with folks here.

If you don't like their questions, fine, but why make nasty comments about them or their questions?

Maybe, just maybe, it wasn't meant nasty,,,,,,,,, and maybe only people with normally nasty dispositions take it as nasty.

It was posted to bring out a point....... how new would someone have to be to go to a drug store and not expect to find a roll on deoderant or Ibuprofen tablets. So to me your normal type reply would just seem to be someone trying to stir up a nasty pot.

But thanks for the reply anyhow....

I don't know if was meant nasty - only the OP really knows.

However, I can't understand why these posts would bother anyone, or why they would bother to open them, as the question is already known.

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MAN ,,,, you must really want big BUBBLES


Just spoke with my boy in Canada he called to complain his mother would not tell him what to put in Chili. she has a secrete recipe. Maybe you could post your recipe and I could e-mail it to him.


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Maybe they are new here, and are trying to make some contact with folks here.

If you don't like their questions, fine, but why make nasty comments about them or their questions?

Maybe, just maybe, it wasn't meant nasty,,,,,,,,, and maybe only people with normally nasty dispositions take it as nasty.

It was posted to bring out a point....... how new would someone have to be to go to a drug store and not expect to find a roll on deoderant or Ibuprofen tablets. So to me your normal type reply would just seem to be someone trying to stir up a nasty pot.

But thanks for the reply anyhow....

Accusing me of being nasty,

and maybe only people with normally nasty dispositions take it as nasty.

And being someone trying to be a Troll,

would just seem to be someone trying to stir up a nasty pot

Surprises me, but it certainly proves my point about you..

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It wasn't being nasty, but it most definitely implied that certain posters lacked common sense, so at best it was rude.

Some posters have previously stated that Pun Pun's posts are nothing but advertising ploys and I can see where they are coming from, for it doesn't take long for a mate of two bring up food, which has absolutely no bearing on the topic. However, I don't really think it can be an advertising ploy, because anyone wanting to 'sell' their services, certainly wouldn't want to make people feel bad about their posts and I would have thought that someone who so often mentions 'human behaviour' in the same breath as 'study', would be quite aware of that.

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It wasn't being nasty, but it most definitely implied that certain posters lacked common sense, so at best it was rude.

Some posters have previously stated that Pun Pun's posts are nothing but advertising ploys and I can see where they are coming from, for it doesn't take long for a mate of two bring up food, which has absolutely no bearing on the topic. However, I don't really think it can be an advertising ploy, because anyone wanting to 'sell' their services, certainly wouldn't want to make people feel bad about their posts and I would have thought that someone who so often mentions 'human behaviour' in the same breath as 'study', would be quite aware of that.

you really take the biscuit! Were you bullied at school? Are you abnormally short? What is it with your constant chiseling away at sponsors??? I've never met Gonzo but I've built my own picture up of him through his writing and I would say there is not a bad bone in him, might be a bit of a plonker but a harmless happy go lucky one.. You seem a very bitter, twisted and unhappy person that gets a thrill out of being cheap!! :)

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It wasn't being nasty, but it most definitely implied that certain posters lacked common sense, so at best it was rude.

Some posters have previously stated that Pun Pun's posts are nothing but advertising ploys and I can see where they are coming from, for it doesn't take long for a mate of two bring up food, which has absolutely no bearing on the topic. However, I don't really think it can be an advertising ploy, because anyone wanting to 'sell' their services, certainly wouldn't want to make people feel bad about their posts and I would have thought that someone who so often mentions 'human behaviour' in the same breath as 'study', would be quite aware of that.

you really take the biscuit! Were you bullied at school? Are you abnormally short? What is it with your constant chiseling away at sponsors??? I've never met Gonzo but I've built my own picture up of him through his writing and I would say there is not a bad bone in him, might be a bit of a plonker but a harmless happy go lucky one.. You seem a very bitter, twisted and unhappy person that gets a thrill out of being cheap!! :)

Erm....read the OP again mate and see who is chiseling away.

I couldn't give a <deleted> if he's a (little) sponsor or not, that doesn't give him licence to start posts that make people feel small.

What EXACTLY is bitter and twisted about not wanting to see people identified and shamed for writing an innocent post inquiring about something?

You're the one with a serious problem old son. smile.gif

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Erm....read the OP again mate and see who is chiseling away.

I couldn't give a <deleted> if he's a (little) sponsor or not, that doesn't give him licence to start posts that make people feel small.

What EXACTLY is bitter and twisted about not wanting to see people identified and shamed for writing an innocent post inquiring about something?

You're the one with a serious problem old son. smile.gif

well I took your advice and read the OP again, I didn't see anything belittling about it.. He's just saying use some common sense! roll on deodorant, come on- please!!

praise the lord we are not related old bean :)

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I hope people continue to post requests for information without worrying if they are going to get a smart arsed response from those with too much time on there hands.

At first I thought the ''lost my motorcyle keys'' a bit silly to ask that but when I read it and thought about it and saw the responses it was in fact an interesting and useful thread. and the next time I lose mine i will be better prepared.. The other quoted posts I did'nt read as I dont use or think likely to use roll on deoderant and in case I would just ask the g/f as she is the font of information about the stock situation of Boots, Watsons, et al . I could have asked her but she would have thought that i was thinking that she had a body odour problem and instantly felt offended. The other post...............................oh well nevermind

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It wasn't being nasty, but it most definitely implied that certain posters lacked common sense, so at best it was rude.

Some posters have previously stated that Pun Pun's posts are nothing but advertising ploys and I can see where they are coming from, for it doesn't take long for a mate of two bring up food, which has absolutely no bearing on the topic. However, I don't really think it can be an advertising ploy, because anyone wanting to 'sell' their services, certainly wouldn't want to make people feel bad about their posts and I would have thought that someone who so often mentions 'human behaviour' in the same breath as 'study', would be quite aware of that.

you really take the biscuit! Were you bullied at school? Are you abnormally short? What is it with your constant chiseling away at sponsors??? I've never met Gonzo but I've built my own picture up of him through his writing and I would say there is not a bad bone in him, might be a bit of a plonker but a harmless happy go lucky one.. You seem a very bitter, twisted and unhappy person that gets a thrill out of being cheap!! :)

Bah Humbug......Are there not a few on board that remind you of Mr. Scrooge in Dickens, Christmas Carol :annoyed:

Must have gotten a few lumps of coal or switches in their Christmas Stocking last year.... :(

On review of its simplicity of statement , I would probably not have included the " lost key " poster :jap: ...... but stick by the laziness of the other two.

PS Whats a plonker? Is it another Aussie term like dag ????

Edited by ThePunPun
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I hope people continue to post requests for information without worrying if they are going to get a smart arsed response from those with too much time on there hands.

At first I thought the ''lost my motorcyle keys'' a bit silly to ask that but when I read it and thought about it and saw the responses it was in fact an interesting and useful thread. and the next time I lose mine i will be better prepared.. The other quoted posts I did'nt read as I dont use or think likely to use roll on deoderant and in case I would just ask the g/f as she is the font of information about the stock situation of Boots, Watsons, et al . I could have asked her but she would have thought that i was thinking that she had a body odour problem and instantly felt offended. The other post...............................oh well nevermind

Quite right thumbsup.gif

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It wasn't being nasty, but it most definitely implied that certain posters lacked common sense, so at best it was rude.

Some posters have previously stated that Pun Pun's posts are nothing but advertising ploys and I can see where they are coming from, for it doesn't take long for a mate of two bring up food, which has absolutely no bearing on the topic. However, I don't really think it can be an advertising ploy, because anyone wanting to 'sell' their services, certainly wouldn't want to make people feel bad about their posts and I would have thought that someone who so often mentions 'human behaviour' in the same breath as 'study', would be quite aware of that.

you really take the biscuit! Were you bullied at school? Are you abnormally short? What is it with your constant chiseling away at sponsors??? I've never met Gonzo but I've built my own picture up of him through his writing and I would say there is not a bad bone in him, might be a bit of a plonker but a harmless happy go lucky one.. You seem a very bitter, twisted and unhappy person that gets a thrill out of being cheap!! :)

Bah Humbug......Are there not a few on board that remind you of Mr. Scrooge in Dickens, Christmas Carol :annoyed:

Must have gotten a few lumps of coal or switches in their Christmas Stocking last year.... :(

On review of its simplicity of statement , I would probably not have included the " lost key " poster :jap: ...... but stick by the laziness of the other two.

PS Whats a plonker? Is it another Aussie term like dag ????



  • British origin. Popularised by U.K. sitcom 'Only Fools and Horses'. Means penis, used as a derogatory term or an idiot, but also often used affectionately.

    You're an idiot, such a plonker.

  • an absent-minded, or naive person.

A person prone to making mistakes

An accident prone or stupid person

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