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Black Man At Home Pro


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Goes right along with my idea to sell toothpaste to the British:

Yes, because adult teeth are meant to be naturally 'brilliant shiny reflective white' aren't they ?

I don't know what they should look like but they shouldn't look like this :lol: :

sorry forgot to attach

What teeth?? :huh:

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OK I'm not black, but TBH I don't see a lot wrong with it, the old Darkie (now Darlie) brand was more likely to cause offence.

Would anyone take offence at the Dutch Boy logo (a definite stereotype), it's been around in various forms since 1907.


Dutch Boy colours http://dutchboy.com/about/

Perhaps some of our black / coloured / of colour (one has to be PC) or Dutch members would like to comment.

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I think the Black Man logo is rather cute. What's the problem?

It always appears cute when it`s another race or religion and not your own.

Anyone who fails to see that this image is deprecating and derogatory is either blind or stupid.

The image cannot in anyway be compared to that Dutch person logo or the Jewish guy picture. The blackman logo is a putdown and most people know it.

Thank you dear lord that I am not black and have to put up with that sort of crap.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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I think the Black Man logo is rather cute. What's the problem?

It always appears cute when it`s another race or religion and not your own.

Anyone who fails to see that this image is deprecating and derogatory is either blind or stupid.

The image cannot in anyway be compared to that Dutch person logo or the Jewish guy picture. The blackman logo is a putdown and most people know it.

Thank you dear lord that I am not black and have to put up with that sort of crap.

Thank You. I mean I have seen this topic come up like 6 or 8 times and I'm tired of saying the same shit over and over again. To everyone who thinks it's cool, no MF's it's not. It's not cute, it's offensive, but without teeth, not like how it would be in America where there is a history of Lynching Blacks because of the colour of our skin. This racism here (amongst Thais) is light and more ignorance based than Hate based. You can see how many haters are here by the complaints about being considerate or PC. PC at is foundation is just about respecting your fellow man. Racists try to blow it out of proportion and make it out to be something ridiculous.

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Thank You. I mean I have seen this topic come up like 6 or 8 times and I'm tired of saying the same shit over and over again. To everyone who thinks it's cool, no MF's it's not. It's not cute, it's offensive, but without teeth, not like how it would be in America where there is a history of Lynching Blacks because of the colour of our skin. This racism here (amongst Thais) is light and more ignorance based than Hate based. You can see how many haters are here by the complaints about being considerate or PC. PC at is foundation is just about respecting your fellow man. Racists try to blow it out of proportion and make it out to be something ridiculous.

At some point, most people with a sense of humour, eventually start to see the ridiculous side of Political correctness. It is the same with black humour. And, black humour is NOT about race. It's taking something to the extreme, to point out the stupidity of the situation.

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Thank You. I mean I have seen this topic come up like 6 or 8 times and I'm tired of saying the same shit over and over again. To everyone who thinks it's cool, no MF's it's not. It's not cute, it's offensive, but without teeth, not like how it would be in America where there is a history of Lynching Blacks because of the colour of our skin. This racism here (amongst Thais) is light and more ignorance based than Hate based. You can see how many haters are here by the complaints about being considerate or PC. PC at is foundation is just about respecting your fellow man. Racists try to blow it out of proportion and make it out to be something ridiculous.

At some point, most people with a sense of humour, eventually start to see the ridiculous side of Political correctness. It is the same with black humour. And, black humour is NOT about race. It's taking something to the extreme, to point out the stupidity of the situation.

Dear Ian,

I'm sure you are far too polite to say something like 'how many people here are a sandwich short of a picnic'?

But nonetheless, I get your drift. :lol:

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I think the Black Man logo is rather cute. What's the problem?

It always appears cute when it`s another race or religion and not your own.

Anyone who fails to see that this image is deprecating and derogatory is either blind or stupid.

The image cannot in anyway be compared to that Dutch person logo or the Jewish guy picture. The blackman logo is a putdown and most people know it.

Thank you dear lord that I am not black and have to put up with that sort of crap.

Geeeezzzzze! PC overload! Wait, I'm offended that your offeneded and I'm sure you will be offended by my offense but perhaps the combined "offenseses" will be treated as offseting offenses but of course that will be offensive to some which will truly be offensive to others.:bah:

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You can see how many haters are here by the complaints about being considerate or PC. PC at is foundation is just about respecting your fellow man. Racists try to blow it out of proportion and make it out to be something ridiculous.

Calling people "haters" and "racists" because they think that political correctness is often silly and oppresive is also pretty "ridiculous". :whistling:

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You can see how many haters are here by the complaints about being considerate or PC. PC at is foundation is just about respecting your fellow man. Racists try to blow it out of proportion and make it out to be something ridiculous.

Calling people "haters" and "racists" because they think that political correctness is often silly and oppresive is also pretty "ridiculous". :whistling:

PC has gone overboard. Huey has a point, but in the US, too many lawyers are just making money off this. I'm part American Indian. I'm proud of my heritage. My father was born on the res and my brother works there now. Indian jokes don't bother me. Being overboard on PC does. My father use to put his headdress on dance at parties. It was great fun. He had a master's degree and retired as a colonel in the USAF. It's just fun...relax.

If you want to see racists, visit...say...an Apache res and tell them you are Navajo. Right about then you'd better start running...

But I do agree more people need to respect their fellow man. It would solve a lot of the world's problems for sure...

I use to have lunch at the 21 club in New York City. All the statues of horse grooms out front use to be black and are now painted black. The first time I saw those statues painted black here in Thailand, I took a step back...and then said, what the heck. It's not racist. And has nothing to do with being PC. It would be like us indian's saying to remove all cowboy and western movies off the TV because we always lost...ridiculous...

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I think the Black Man logo is rather cute. What's the problem?

looks like Garry Coleman

No mate this looks like Garry Coleman

No, sorry to disagree with the resident bright spot, but Coleman's remains were cremated on June 17, 2010 so he looks like this;

:lol: Give me a chance mate!

GK at a comedy show

Comedian: So this duck walks into a pub and says to the barman...

GK: Excuse me. I hate to interrupt but I believe a duck does not possess the necessary faculties to produce the 3 processes of spoken language, to whit the first is the processes of conceptualization in which the intention to create speech links a desired concept to a particular spoken word to be expressed. Here the preverbal intended messages are formulated that specify the concepts to be verbally expressed. This is a competitive process in which an appropriate word is selected among a cohort of candidates.

The second stage is formulation in which the linguistic form required for that word's expression is created. This process involves such processes as the generation of a syntactic frame, and phonological encoding which specifies the phonetic form of the intended utterance. At this stage a lemma is picked that is the abstract form of a word that lacks any information about the sounds in it (and thus before the word can be pronounced). It contains information concerning only meaning and the relation of this word to others in the sentence.

The third stage is articulation which involves the retrieval of the particular motor phonetics of a word and the motor coordination of appropriate phonation and articulation by the lungs, glottis, larynx, tongue, lips, jaw, and other parts of the vocal apparatus.

Comedian: Err....O.K. So, Jesus, Buddha and Allah are on a bus.....

GK: Once again if I may be permitted to....


Edited by mca
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