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Philip 'Pip' 'P1P' Harris Has Passed Away

The Snark

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Last time I saw Phil he was hard at work helping out a stranded traveller who he didn't even know. Alway a generous, exceptionally decent man. A great loss to his family and the community. Rest in peace old friend. We will not soon forget you.


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OMG! What a sad news. Have met him a few times and he was such a kind man!

My sincere condolences to his wife, children, other family members and friends.

What a unbelievable sad loss. :(

Rest in Peace, P1P.

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I'd only met Philip a few times, mostly when picking our children up from school. I agree with ThaiPauly and BlinkyBill that he was a larger than life figure and a gentleman. He was a devoted father and seemed to live life on his own terms and I always admired that. RIP big guy.

Edited by lannarebirth
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Like many others, I only knew P1P through this forum....

He always seemed balanced and level headed in his posts and replies. Not knowing him, but reading of his having children of school age, this has to be a terrible blow to the wife and children. Its always rough when a loved leaves you so suddenly, but knowing first hand that the children have to be feeling almost unbearable pain. If they are beleiving people then they have that to somewhat ease the burden. I do hope so.

You the family will be remembered in my prayers and I am sure a good many on this forum share a little of your missing and pain. Rest in peace P1P.

To Mr. Snark, perhaps when you have the opportunity , as you seem to be a key person, write up a little bit of the times and background of Mr. Phil and post it in the "Page of Remberance" thread. I am sure many would appreciate knowing more of what happened so suddenly and also of the life and times of Phil. Only what better discretion would allow you to

...and P1P save us a seat in the Chiang Mai section, would you please.


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I am devastated. I counted Philip as one of my best friends, and even though I saw him less than I would have liked to, every single time was worth remembering. He was a man who had a way with words, a twinkle in his eye and a genuinely helpful and kind heart, for people and animals alike. He stood firmly by his principles and took the consequences for doing so.

I know there's no such thing as fairness in life, but I still can't help but feeling he deserved so many more good years.

Sad beyond belief.

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I am so sorry for this great loss to his family and friends. I only met him half a dozen times but he dropped off some of his marvellous pasta sauce at my office once after I told him I had tried it at Kasem's and enjoyed it! So kind and generous and always a gentleman as someone mentioned. Also very humble and kind. I am very sorry and hope that it was a peaceful passing. Pim

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even though I saw him less than I would have liked to, every single time was worth remembering. He was a man who had a way with words, a twinkle in his eye and a genuinely helpful and kind heart, for people and animals alike.

Yes. :(

So sad to hear this. My thoughts are with his wife and kids, a great bunch.

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Wow - my wife and I are in shock as we didn't even know he was struggling!

One of our favorite memories is of him and his visiting offspring giving us the grand tour of the air museum at the CM airport. An absolutely grand fellow who left a very positive lasting impression.

He was also a lot of help when we were setting up our VFW Post here in CM, assisting getting the word out to fellow American combat veterans.

Sincere condolences to his wife and family and those who were closest to him. His passing is a loss to us all...

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I just got off the phone with PeaceBlondie who asked me to send his condolences to the family as well, he was very upset to hear of his death in the accident and has been following the thread here.

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