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Know that serivce and reliablity for both will be bad, but which will be better in the long run?

Will mostly be downloading Torrents and streaming live sports feeds.

Saw that 3BB and True both offer 12mb for roughly the same price.



Downloading torrents is no problem.

Streaming live sports feeds isn't going to work reliably. For that you'd need to get one of the premium options so you get a guaranteed minimum speed. I have 3BB so I can definitely say 3BB 12Mbit can't do that, no way. I don't know about True. It used to be great but I hear it's now degraded...


Downloading torrents is no problem.

Streaming live sports feeds isn't going to work reliably. For that you'd need to get one of the premium options so you get a guaranteed minimum speed. I have 3BB so I can definitely say 3BB 12Mbit can't do that, no way. I don't know about True. It used to be great but I hear it's now degraded...

I have 3BB vanilla, 16Mb and have no problem streaming media online, even when routed through several nodes. In my experience, no need for the more expensive premium.


Perhaps people should say where they are, as location is often the biggest single factor determining the service you get - 'service' in terms of bandwidth, reliability, etc (not customer service).

I'm also considering moving from TOT to 3BB or True.

I'm in Phuket Town and my 8/1 TOT service has been working well since I complained last weekend and the guy fixed it on Monday. Fingers crossed it'll stay good (i.e 5.5 mbps downloads of torrents) all weekend.

But Speed tests to international destinations are crap - about 0.5 mbps down.

So the problem is leaving a service where I regularly get 5.5 mbps down on torrents and lousy international browsing for another service where they may restrict the torrents but give better international browsing.

I think I'll stay where I am for now.


When it comes to internet in Thailand, "location, location, location" makes a big difference. While ISP XYZ may appear to give reliable/good speed in one locale, in another locale their reliability/speed sucks on the same package. And this is when the different subscribers had a good physical DSL line. Seems the bandwidth/speed of each ISP can vary greatly from locale to locale, area to area, town to town, etc., due to the circuit capability they have installed in that locale/area/town.

Seems folks in central/highrise Bangkok and certain cities like Pattaya & Puket generally get better reliability/speed that other areas of the country (more profit/bang for the baht for the ISPs in Bangkok/Pattaya therefore the ISPs have installed better/higher capacity circuits). It can be a crap shoot in selecting a ISP.

<snip> It can be a crap shoot in selecting a ISP.

My Internet went down at 1:00 am this morning. The speeds were abysmal and occasionally the Billion modem showed a red "Internet" LED.

But I didn't bother to call ToT then and went to bed hoping it would correct itself by this morning.

It didn't so I called them at 12 and again at 3. On the second call they said they had found a fault and were working on it. I went out and came back and 7 pm to find it working again.

I'm now downloading at 650 - 700 kBps, so no complaints.


When I saw this thread I thought it was a joke.

3BB V True? there is no comparison

I have both.a nf if you are being offered the same package from both don't even think twice. In fact don't think just sign up with True..

Can't praise True enough totally different class

Staff are right on the ball and never let you down

3BB.yeah right be prepared to tear your hair out if you are in one of their problem areas.

Engineers are a class act, the duo I got didn't know what port forwarding was, but were very good at showing me how quick my connection was. Bangkok to Bangkok:rolleyes:

I brought up a proper speedtest and he said hmm! international mai dee just as I tossed him out the door LOL To be fair it was ok a few hours later but overall they aren't half the company True are.

I have to go and check how my True shares are performing but if I can help you further just let me know:lol:


Thanks for the repiles!!

Will be moving to Ngam Wonga Wan/Chang Wattana area next month, so will looking to get it set up soon.

Used to have True and to be honest the service was pretty bad, was on their 6mb plan but for mayb e 2 monthsthe longest time the fast I could get was 1mb maybe 2mb if I was lucky, and calls and emails to support were pretty useless.

My cousin switched from True to 3bb 12 mb and he seems pretty happy, and has been streaming live sports feeds with no problems. I also heard that 3bb blocks torrents during peak times?


Regardless of the ISP, location, location, location seems to make a big difference.

Even though ISP XYZ may have consistent good service in one area, they can have consistent bad service in another area...local DSL circuits/equipment has a lot to do with it how good or bad the service is. And one day when ISP XYZ does DSL circuit/equipment upgrades in that area which has consistent bad service, overnight the service in that area becomes good. But unfortunately, there is no shortage of areas in Thailand which badly need DSL upgrades, but the good news is the upgrades are slowly occuring. Example: in my moobaan here in western Bangkok TOT rules/owns the lines...two years ago the fastest speed to my moobaan was 2Mb and it was a bad 2Mb... then TOT did some upgrades to a max of 4Mb and it was a good 4Mb...and just last week they did another upgrade with the max being 6Mb--and so far it's been a good 6Mb.

DSL in Thailand is a crap shoot....location, location, location.


3BB is a middle man service. True owns its own hub and a lot of other equipment. There's no doubt True is better plus they have good promotions. The problem is there is no ISP that doesn't throttle or play with speed. At my office we have a business level 3BB connection and it's not all that impressive.


3BB is a middle man service. True owns its own hub and a lot of other equipment. There's no doubt True is better plus they have good promotions. The problem is there is no ISP that doesn't throttle or play with speed. At my office we have a business level 3BB connection and it's not all that impressive.

That's an interesting point - that True owns some of the equipment used by 3BB. I'd not heard that before.

My 8/1 mbps ToT connection has been doing OK for quite a while - several weeks - although there has been the occasional bad day. But even then, a call to their call centre gets it fixed within half a day typically.

A couple of days ago my door bell rang and 3 ToT men were there all wearing orange ToT coloured hard hats and looking up at the telephone wires. The senior man asked if my Internet connection was OK so I explained that it had been fixed a few days earlier. He said he knew that but was checking the whole area.

So that's a first - a bit of "after sales service", something that is almost as rare as rocking horse poo. :D


Location, location & location.

True with real estate and Tahi internet connections...

I have used True with poor results then 3BB with great results in the same area.

No doubt True is better in other locations.

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