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Advice On Refundable Tickets


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I'll be flying into Thailand on a one-way ticket with no visa. I get 30 days landing permission as an American. I plan on doing a visa run when my 30 days are nearly up. I know the airline will probably hassle me about not having a ticket out of Thailand so I have been looking into refundable tickets. The problem is that I've also read about the hassles of getting that refund. What airlines have simple clear cut refund policies?

I may be able to get a visa also, but I'm now in Japan and from reading the consulates website here they seem to also require proof that I'm leaving Thailand.

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It might be easier to look for the cheapest one way ticket on Air Asia to wherever out of the country.

It doesn't matter where to or when, you could probably get a ticket for about $60, and you could possibly get the tax back if you didn't fly - not easy but I have done it.

Your problem probably wouldn't with Thai Immigration but with the airline who may not allow you to board with no ticket out of Thailand

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