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Are We Viewed As The Scum Of Thailand


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There is a lot more to Pattaya than bar girls mate.

And Pattaya is not a true reflection of Thailand on the whole.

"I work for a large oil service company with professionals both men and women who address everybody with 'khun' before their name. These are the people who are 'real' Thai decent people who have an education and want to work for their money."

So the unfortunate people who have not had the chance to gain a decent education and job but have no choice but to make ends meet by whatever means they can are 'real' Thai indecent people?

Ok look this is being taken the wrong way, all i meant was who cares what people think about where you live, the chances are the people who judge you are the ones who don't matter.

Take that as you will, and sorry if i sounded harsh.

You didnt sound harsh whatsoever,you sounded as if you had never been to Thailand before,whether a tourist place or any other place.

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There is a lot more to Pattaya than bar girls mate.

And Pattaya is not a true reflection of Thailand on the whole.

"I work for a large oil service company with professionals both men and women who address everybody with 'khun' before their name. These are the people who are 'real' Thai decent people who have an education and want to work for their money."

So the unfortunate people who have not had the chance to gain a decent education and job but have no choice but to make ends meet by whatever means they can are 'real' Thai indecent people?

Ok look this is being taken the wrong way, all i meant was who cares what people think about where you live, the chances are the people who judge you are the ones who don't matter.

Take that as you will, and sorry if i sounded harsh.

You didnt sound harsh whatsoever,you sounded as if you had never been to Thailand before,whether a tourist place or any other place.

That's weird.....surely i am easy prey then if i am so naive? Or am i just completely fooled by these people?

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Listen guys who are getting so worked up over this. We Farangs just live here. Thailand is Thailand and will never change alot. Look how the country is run and look at the education system. Thailand is not a place to be taken seriously. Who cares what Thai people think of us. Just try not to start trouble with any of them. If you dont do that you have nothing to worry about. Just go about your life and other people will go about there life.

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A number of posts and quoted replies have been deleted. I would suggest reading the rules and in particular Thai Visa Rule Number 8.

8) Not to post extremely negative views of Thailand or derogatory comments directed towards all Thais.

If this trend continues I will close the thread

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A number of posts and quoted replies have been deleted. I would suggest reading the rules and in particular Thai Visa Rule Number 8.

8) Not to post extremely negative views of Thailand or derogatory comments directed towards all Thais.

If this trend continues I will close the thread

Probably better to do sooner rather than later going by the tone of some posts.

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my wife and i dress respectfully ,i treat people as i find them and seem to be liked by neigbours and strangers alike, why should they think me and my familly are scum? dress like a tramp ,act like a w-nker and you will be treated as scum

But the question posed was not "What do Thai people think of you?", It wasn't "Do Thai people care where you live?"

It is asking something broader. on the order is there a stereotype in the average Thai mind of Farang that live in Pattaya?

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my wife and i dress respectfully ,i treat people as i find them and seem to be liked by neigbours and strangers alike, why should they think me and my familly are scum? dress like a tramp ,act like a w-nker and you will be treated as scum

But the question posed was not "What do Thai people think of you?", It wasn't "Do Thai people care where you live?"

It is asking something broader. on the order is there a stereotype in the average Thai mind of Farang that live in Pattaya?

sorry? i did not even mention where i lived ,but answered the question , behave like a w-nker and you will be viewed as one ,act normally and decently and you will be thought of as decent ,by Thai or Any nation.

so your answer is ,you will be viewed individually on the way you behave.

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my wife and i dress respectfully ,i treat people as i find them and seem to be liked by neigbours and strangers alike, why should they think me and my familly are scum? dress like a tramp ,act like a w-nker and you will be treated as scum

But the question posed was not "What do Thai people think of you?", It wasn't "Do Thai people care where you live?"

It is asking something broader. on the order is there a stereotype in the average Thai mind of Farang that live in Pattaya?

Correct, that is the question.

I think there is a stereotype, the Carabow song 'Welcome to Thailand, Tom Tom where you go last night' comes to mind.

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my wife and i dress respectfully ,i treat people as i find them and seem to be liked by neigbours and strangers alike, why should they think me and my familly are scum? dress like a tramp ,act like a w-nker and you will be treated as scum

But the question posed was not "What do Thai people think of you?", It wasn't "Do Thai people care where you live?"

It is asking something broader. on the order is there a stereotype in the average Thai mind of Farang that live in Pattaya?

Correct, that is the question.

I think there is a stereotype, the Carabow song 'Welcome to Thailand, Tom Tom where you go last night' comes to mind.

Stereotype yes, but i believe only exists between expats.

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my wife and i dress respectfully ,i treat people as i find them and seem to be liked by neigbours and strangers alike, why should they think me and my familly are scum? dress like a tramp ,act like a w-nker and you will be treated as scum

But the question posed was not "What do Thai people think of you?", It wasn't "Do Thai people care where you live?"

It is asking something broader. on the order is there a stereotype in the average Thai mind of Farang that live in Pattaya?

Correct, that is the question.

I think there is a stereotype, the Carabow song 'Welcome to Thailand, Tom Tom where you go last night' comes to mind.

Stereotype yes, but i believe only exists between expats.

so you think Carabow is wrong in his song?

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I am happy I do not live in Pattaya and be thought of like that...

Stupid comment, sorry.

There us no reason not to live in Pattaya, and if you observe the development, there are more an more THai's spending a weekend here.

As well as Pattaya has lost some kind of it's former image, the society developed as well.

If you care about image so much, why don't you stay home?

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I am happy I do not live in Pattaya and be thought of like that...

Stupid comment, sorry.

There us no reason not to live in Pattaya, and if you observe the development, there are more an more THai's spending a weekend here.

As well as Pattaya has lost some kind of it's former image, the society developed as well.

If you care about image so much, why don't you stay home?

lots of good points. Yes, the demographics of Pattaya are changing.

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I do not have any special negative story to tell about Thailand. One can get cheated as well as Thai folks are getting cheated.

Coming from an very developed area of the world, I just struggle with Thai administration, craftmanship and the usual issues. That's sometimes too much to swallow, but I think I am not alone.

At the end it's always one's sole decision whether to stay here or not. To me the advantages still outnumber the inconveniences. Thai people can be very nice, or in opposite scums, same like people in other countries.


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I do not have any special negative story to tell about Thailand. One can get cheated as well as Thai folks are getting cheated.

Coming from an very developed area of the world, I just struggle with Thai administration, craftmanship and the usual issues. That's sometimes too much to swallow, but I think I am not alone.

At the end it's always one's sole decision whether to stay here or not. To me the advantages still outnumber the inconveniences. Thai people can be very nice, or in opposite scums, same like people in other countries.


Good point. I was once told in Thailand to "trust everybody, but expect the unexpected" :jap:

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The OP's question:

what do you think Thai people think about the westerners living in Pattaya?

My answer:

Most Thais, but not all, seem to be unable to distinquish the decent westerners from the dross.

hard for me to distinguish as well

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Treat Thai people with the respect any sentient being deserves, and you'll usually be treated likewise. Don't assume that the girls who work in Pattaya have no self-respect. Family is important here, however the reverence for it manifests itself. The old adage about 'walking a mile in another's shoes' is always relevant when we travel to places not of our own culture. Don't judge or show rudeness. Don't assume all that is western is good, and all that is Asian is second best. Ethnocentricity never made friends. Most of the negative comments I hear coming from westerners are made in ignorance. And many who would berate Asian people for keeping separate from locals in their home countries, do the same themselves here. So when I read a question such as the OP posted, I ask myself 'if he doesn't know, or suspects the answer is negative, perhaps making friends with and listening to the views of Thai people would give him better insight into the reality, or at least help to alleviate the fear behind the question'. Ultimately, I hope the question was posed with good intent. If it was ... worry less, mix more :)



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Treat Thai people with the respect any sentient being deserves, and you'll usually be treated likewise. Don't assume that the girls who work in Pattaya have no self-respect. Family is important here, however the reverence for it manifests itself. The old adage about 'walking a mile in another's shoes' is always relevant when we travel to places not of our own culture. Don't judge or show rudeness. Don't assume all that is western is good, and all that is Asian is second best. Ethnocentricity never made friends. Most of the negative comments I hear coming from westerners are made in ignorance. And many who would berate Asian people for keeping separate from locals in their home countries, do the same themselves here. So when I read a question such as the OP posted, I ask myself 'if he doesn't know, or suspects the answer is negative, perhaps making friends with and listening to the views of Thai people would give him better insight into the reality, or at least help to alleviate the fear behind the question'. Ultimately, I hope the question was posed with good intent. If it was ... worry less, mix more :)



your comments are way off topic

Pattaya dwellers, both Farang and Thai, are generally viewed as scum by Thais.

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If you're so sure of the answer, why are you even bothering to post the question in here?? It's when I read answers like yours I begin to suspect there was more to the original post than an innocent question.


i like to hear different view, that is one of the points of this forum. But your comments are off topic, you need to read the thread.

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If you're so sure of the answer, why are you even bothering to post the question in here?? It's when I read answers like yours I begin to suspect there was more to the original post than an innocent question.


i like to hear different view, that is one of the points of this forum. But your comments are off topic, you need to read the thread.

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I dont think the Thai people give it much of a thought, unlike a lot of the bitter resentment towards us posted by other foriegners on here!


Actually, Thai's love Pattaya. Ask a Thai in Bangkok where they would like to go for the weekend and it will be Pattaya. It's the foreigners that have the bad views....most of which don't even live here.

If you avoid the main beach area, the rest of the town is pretty much like every other Thai town. Visit Jomtien beach over the weekend and you will see how crowded it is with Thai's here for the day or weekend....packed...

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I dont think the Thai people give it much of a thought, unlike a lot of the bitter resentment towards us posted by other foriegners on here!


Actually, Thai's love Pattaya. Ask a Thai in Bangkok where they would like to go for the weekend and it will be Pattaya. It's the foreigners that have the bad views....most of which don't even live here.

If you avoid the main beach area, the rest of the town is pretty much like every other Thai town. Visit Jomtien beach over the weekend and you will see how crowded it is with Thai's here for the day or weekend....packed...

Post #58 is the only post that needs to be read on this thread.

I would add that only a fool would generalise by referring to all foreign residents as scum. Why would anyone take a fool like that seriously anyway?

Edited by carmine
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