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Are We Viewed As The Scum Of Thailand


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lol well to be honest, as a farang, the only reason I'd go to Pattaya is for girls. What else is there?

Presumably you never stray further than a short walk from the red light area. I suppose if the only reason you go out is to buy a prostitute why would you need anything else.

Actually, there are many things to do down there if you can force yourself away from the girlie bars.:rolleyes:

like what? Floating Market burp.gif

Bubba where are you from then, that is so much better than the likes of us scum who live in or around Pattaya?

People choose to live here for different reasons - none to do with anybody but themselves. If you don't liker the hookers and the bars, DON'T COME HERE. Every big city has a red-light district - LIVE WITH IT or DON"T COME HERE. What's the point in asking advice on a place then slagging it to pieces? You had motives i see when you started the topic.

The floating market's nice by the way, bawbag.

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I am clean shaved, short hair not fat and have worked in the Rayong area for three years. I went to the hospital in Sattahip for a stomach problem two years ago that required an operation. They messed up the operation and I had to stay there for 10 days. The nurses and doctors treated me poorly and said it was because I was scum and lived in Pattaya. They also collected my bill daily and made me walk to the ATM in the hospital hooked up to Iv's. No wheelchair available.

I told them I didn't live in Pattaya and had some teacher friends come to visit me to confirm the fact I did not live in Pattaya.

That experience and experiences with people in Ban Chang and Rayong have confirmed in my mind that Falang who live in Pattaya are thought of as very lo so people.

I really like Pattaya and do visit occasionally but I don't kid myself about how Thai people feel about it.

I just read this to my wife who is from Ban Chang and has family there still and she laughed, she then said that she didn't believe it for one minute.


I have no reason to lie to you. First time I went to the hospital 5 years ago everyone was nice.

BTW how would your wife know how they treat Falangs in the hospital.

In the waiting areas everyone was pleasant. Perhaps the people in the surgery waiting area when I started yelling I wanted to see a doctor right away bemuses my stomach was exploding (said this in Thai) would have sensed something was wrong.

I don't really think a Thai person who did not work at the hospital would know how they treat Falang.

Plus I may have been an exception. But I certainly am not lying.

I also had two Thai families try to rush me out of the hospital because they had relatives die there. However I needed surgery within hours or I was a goner.

Frankly I think it is recent change of attitude. I don't know why.

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Frankly I think it is recent change of attitude. I don't know why.

It could be related to the ongoing internal political turmoil here.

It could be. Sattahip is a very divided area. The mayor and civil authorities and Navy and Army are all on different sides.

I don't want to get into who is who but the hospital is red. Or it was when last I checked. Those things change quickly.

That may surprise some people but the army and navy are on different sides of the issue. But I don't want to change direction of the thread only thought it may have something to do with the people liking us or not.

BTW the barber who doesn't like me is also very verbal about his political leanings.

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I am clean shaved, short hair not fat and have worked in the Rayong area for three years. I went to the hospital in Sattahip for a stomach problem two years ago that required an operation. They messed up the operation and I had to stay there for 10 days. The nurses and doctors treated me poorly and said it was because I was scum and lived in Pattaya. They also collected my bill daily and made me walk to the ATM in the hospital hooked up to Iv's. No wheelchair available.

I told them I didn't live in Pattaya and had some teacher friends come to visit me to confirm the fact I did not live in Pattaya.

That experience and experiences with people in Ban Chang and Rayong have confirmed in my mind that Falang who live in Pattaya are thought of as very lo so people.

I really like Pattaya and do visit occasionally but I don't kid myself about how Thai people feel about it.

I just read this to my wife who is from Ban Chang and has family there still and she laughed, she then said that she didn't believe it for one minute.


I have no reason to lie to you. First time I went to the hospital 5 years ago everyone was nice.

BTW how would your wife know how they treat Falangs in the hospital.

In the waiting areas everyone was pleasant. Perhaps the people in the surgery waiting area when I started yelling I wanted to see a doctor right away bemuses my stomach was exploding (said this in Thai) would have sensed something was wrong.

I don't really think a Thai person who did not work at the hospital would know how they treat Falang.

Plus I may have been an exception. But I certainly am not lying.

I also had two Thai families try to rush me out of the hospital because they had relatives die there. However I needed surgery within hours or I was a goner.

Frankly I think it is recent change of attitude. I don't know why.

Not saying your telling lies, my post was more towards you saying that people from Ban Chang and Rayong look at people from Pattaya being lo so.


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plenty of prostitution in Jomtien and Naklua. Same Same.

No, not the same. Huge difference. Sure, it exists, but not in the same scale.

What a stupid, generalising and ridiculous statement - all sorts living in Pattaya, both Thai and Farang, as there are in Bangkok, Chiang Mai and elsewhere in the kingdom. I think bubba needs to get out in the real world a bit. And no I am not a sexpat as he trolls it - farang wife, kids etc and everything that goes with being a family man in Pattaya or anywhere else for that manner !!!

Stupid people should maybe not be given access to the internet, it would make the world a much nicer place.


Must suck to be you with a farang wife in Pattaya?

That's a horrible remark. I'd be ashamed if I were you...plenty of great looking farang women here...just not in central Pattaya...


It's a personal taste maybe, but I feel not very enjoyed seeing farang women, neither here not at home.

How often must one repeat so that people understand: If you hate Beer Bars or Entertainment venues and do not like to tell other people that you are living or coming to Pattaya, then just stay far away and accept that there are people who enjoy the way it is or it was before. For beaches, quiet living, shall I tell that there are much better choices in Thailand and other countries?

Geez. :blink:

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What a load of old <deleted> is written here by people who know nothing of Pattaya and if they do come here and never leave soi6/7 or walking st.

we live on the darkside in Banglamung ,have a full and active life ,our son goes to a good private school . we rarely go to the bar areas ,but live a normal family life,shopping ,eating out ,going to the movies etc. Ok so some guys in Pattaya look like tramps and low lifes ,but there were people like that in my old home town in England, and I am sure my Thai neighbours ,who are mainly buisness people and office workers do not see us as low class,they certainly have never ever given that immpresion,but are friendly and respectfull.

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What a load of old <deleted> is written here by people who know nothing of Pattaya and if they do come here and never leave soi6/7 or walking st.

we live on the darkside in Banglamung ,have a full and active life ,our son goes to a good private school . we rarely go to the bar areas ,but live a normal family life,shopping ,eating out ,going to the movies etc. Ok so some guys in Pattaya look like tramps and low lifes ,but there were people like that in my old home town in England, and I am sure my Thai neighbours ,who are mainly buisness people and office workers do not see us as low class,they certainly have never ever given that immpresion,but are friendly and respectfull.

how do you know what your neighbors think about you? Thai's are polite and smile a lot. Does not mean a thing.

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I am clean shaved, short hair not fat and have worked in the Rayong area for three years. I went to the hospital in Sattahip for a stomach problem two years ago that required an operation. They messed up the operation and I had to stay there for 10 days. The nurses and doctors treated me poorly and said it was because I was scum and lived in Pattaya. They also collected my bill daily and made me walk to the ATM in the hospital hooked up to Iv's. No wheelchair available.

I told them I didn't live in Pattaya and had some teacher friends come to visit me to confirm the fact I did not live in Pattaya.

That experience and experiences with people in Ban Chang and Rayong have confirmed in my mind that Falang who live in Pattaya are thought of as very lo so people.

I really like Pattaya and do visit occasionally but I don't kid myself about how Thai people feel about it.

I just read this to my wife who is from Ban Chang and has family there still and she laughed, she then said that she didn't believe it for one minute.


I have no reason to lie to you. First time I went to the hospital 5 years ago everyone was nice.

BTW how would your wife know how they treat Falangs in the hospital.

In the waiting areas everyone was pleasant. Perhaps the people in the surgery waiting area when I started yelling I wanted to see a doctor right away bemuses my stomach was exploding (said this in Thai) would have sensed something was wrong.

I don't really think a Thai person who did not work at the hospital would know how they treat Falang.

Plus I may have been an exception. But I certainly am not lying.

I also had two Thai families try to rush me out of the hospital because they had relatives die there. However I needed surgery within hours or I was a goner.

Frankly I think it is recent change of attitude. I don't know why.

Not saying your telling lies, my post was more towards you saying that people from Ban Chang and Rayong look at people from Pattaya being lo so.


Perhaps the Sattahip experience made me paranoid. I know now I never mention Pattaya when I speak to Thai people.

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Perhaps the Sattahip experience made me paranoid. I know now I never mention Pattaya when I speak to Thai people.

Saying that i've played golf in Sattahip a few times and some of the Thai golf players there looked at us like we were dirt.


Edited by davethailand
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It must be a great life sitting in a bar all day speaking pigeon English to a girl young enough to be your daughter. :lol:

It sounds a lot better than sitting in a room by yourself watching TV back in the old country. :unsure:

Edited by Ulysses G.
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how do you know what your neighbors think about you? Thai's are polite and smile a lot. Does not mean a thing.

Yeah but... when they get drunk, the truths come out. Both the good and bad! :blink:

Just like the political strife in Thailand, there are some on both sides of the fence. I would venture to say there are a lot of Thais that lean either way, with the majority on the fence. Just like any issue, there are pluses and minuses. Otherwise it would not be an issue. :whistling:

It appears as some folks are just a little too paranoid or judgmental, which is fueled by gossip. Not much different than any other locality. You make of it whatever comforts you. B)

This is such a useless thread! I hope you trollers make your quota! :rolleyes:

Edited by BB1950
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What a load of old <deleted> is written here by people who know nothing of Pattaya and if they do come here and never leave soi6/7 or walking st.

we live on the darkside in Banglamung ,have a full and active life ,our son goes to a good private school . we rarely go to the bar areas ,but live a normal family life,shopping ,eating out ,going to the movies etc. Ok so some guys in Pattaya look like tramps and low lifes ,but there were people like that in my old home town in England, and I am sure my Thai neighbours ,who are mainly buisness people and office workers do not see us as low class,they certainly have never ever given that immpresion,but are friendly and respectfull.

how do you know what your neighbors think about you? Thai's are polite and smile a lot. Does not mean a thing.

Mainly because when any of them go on holiday or away for a few days they bring us gifts of the local produce,on my Birthday i recieved three b/day cakes ,my wife is friendly and chats with the other wives daily ,our children go to the same schools and are picked up by the school bus ,we do the same for our neighbours and bring gifts for them ,as i said my neighbours are i suppose what you would class as educated Thais,they speak english and i speak a little Thai ,its not just a matter of them or us being polite ,we like each other ,is that suprising? ? i think not.

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What a load of old <deleted> is written here by people who know nothing of Pattaya and if they do come here and never leave soi6/7 or walking st.

we live on the darkside in Banglamung ,have a full and active life ,our son goes to a good private school . we rarely go to the bar areas ,but live a normal family life,shopping ,eating out ,going to the movies etc. Ok so some guys in Pattaya look like tramps and low lifes ,but there were people like that in my old home town in England, and I am sure my Thai neighbours ,who are mainly buisness people and office workers do not see us as low class,they certainly have never ever given that immpresion,but are friendly and respectfull.

how do you know what your neighbors think about you? Thai's are polite and smile a lot. Does not mean a thing.

Mainly because when any of them go on holiday or away for a few days they bring us gifts of the local produce,on my Birthday i recieved three b/day cakes ,my wife is friendly and chats with the other wives daily ,our children go to the same schools and are picked up by the school bus ,we do the same for our neighbours and bring gifts for them ,as i said my neighbours are i suppose what you would class as educated Thais,they speak english and i speak a little Thai ,its not just a matter of them or us being polite ,we like each other ,is that suprising? ? i think not.

they could be setting you up, will be asking for a loan soon or some other shenanigans. just be careful

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they could be setting you up, will be asking for a loan soon or some other shenanigans. just be careful

For all our sakes, someone please close the thread. IMO, it was born with ill-intent, has lived its short life trying to hide its true identity, and is in desperate need of a sniper with a silver bullet and a penchant for happy endings.



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