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Forgetful Drunk? Don't Forget To Pay The Bill!

Bel Mondo

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I was a witness to a really "pathetic" incident tonight—Sunday—July 31 (I document the date and time, because I expect other posts relative to the outcome of this incident)

"Pathetic" because I saw a fellow countryman drunk on his "ass", behave like an "animal", and do just about everything within the cultural context of Thailand that would (within a similar Western cultural context) land him either in a hospital or in a morgue

Here's what happened----

This guy (40+) goes into a very popular bar in South Pattaya around 7PM;

He orders drink after drink for himself. He buys several “Lady’s Drinks” and rounds of Tequila—around 7,000 Baht;

He “Rings-the-Bell” not once, but three times (Around 18,000 Baht);

He buys 2 Full Board of “Lucky Numbers” (6,000 Baht)--And throws all the numbers-each time- into the air for all the girls and the customers to catch!!

And then he bar fines several girls—Now 11:00PM—(Yes! He’s now VERY “Drunk”)

Now each and every bill is signed by him (this bar operates like Philippine bars—each bill is signed by the customer just in case “drunks” can’t remember what happened);

Now comes the bill—32,000 Baht—“Good Customer Discount” included—the customary practice of this bar;

He refuses to pay it; He says he’s been “defrauded”; He denies he ever “rang-the-bell”; He denies buying “Lucky Numbers”; But he does remember “bar-fining the girls”.

He just refuses to pay!

The management and staff try to negotiate with him; He becomes combatant—insulting and threatening (physically) everyone.

The Police are ultimately called and arrive.

The manager and this recalcitrant customer go to the police station; the customer refuses to negotiate, remains combative, and is ultimately charged under Thai law for “Defrauding an Innkeeper”. He is jailed overnight, has to retain a lawyer, and is forced to make bail the next day.

The case is a “slam-dunk” against him. He will have his day in court and be convicted. His conviction will lead to his deportation and his becoming “persona-non-grate” in Thailand—i.e., he will no longer be able to enter Thailand.

How Pathetic!

When will visitors remember that Western culture, rules and laws no longer apply here? This culture is unique—YOU have to adapt to it (go-with-the-flow) ---It doesn’t have to adapt to you!

So—Bye-Bye Drunk Fah-lang! You got what you deserved—as they say in Thai—“Som-nom-Nah”

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I was a witness to a really "pathetic" incident tonight—Sunday—July 31 (I document the date and time, because I expect other posts relative to the outcome of this incident)


Here's what happened----


When will visitors remember that Western culture, rules and laws no longer apply here? This culture is unique—YOU have to adapt to it (go-with-the-flow) ---It doesn’t have to adapt to you!

So—Bye-Bye Drunk Fah-lang!  You got what you deserved—as they say in Thai—“Som-nom-Nah”

yeah, good riddance to the d1ckhead.

However, referring to the part of your post I underlined above:

I didn't know that this behaviour was acceptable in the western culture now. Maybe I should visit europe sometime and try. :o


Edited by kayo
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If it was such a slam dunk, why would the bar owner try and negotiate if all his charges were all documented?

If you were there why are you mad? He rang the bell three times and you didn't have to pay. You should be asking where he'll be drinking later.

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Well unless the guy was a regular customer or friend of the bar owner, he should have been asked for payment after each major purchase. I don't think many veteran bar owners would allow a new face in there establishment ring up these charges.

If it was a unknown person and they allowed this to happen, well shame on them. Not very good management of the bar resources and I imagine they will not allow the unlimited check bin again.

Something doesn't sound right, especially if the bar was "very popular".

Does DaveThailand allow the never ending check bin in his establishment?

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Well unless the guy was a regular customer or friend of the bar owner, he should have been asked for payment after each major purchase. I don't think many veteran bar owners would allow a new face in there establishment ring up these charges.

If it was a unknown person and they allowed this to happen, well shame on them. Not very good management of the bar resources and I imagine they will not allow the unlimited check bin again.

Something doesn't sound right, especially if the bar was "very popular".

Does DaveThailand allow the never ending check bin in his establishment?

Whatever.... it doesn't excuse him for not paying... the guy is still a pr1ck :o

totster :D

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Well handled. Could expect at least the same in any part of the world, probably worse. Would advise bar owner to teach his staff not to hand that amount of credit to a drunk person, of any nationaly, though. In fact, if it was my business, I'd be highly pissed off at my staff for that.

What it has to do with culture is beyond me.... :o

Edited by OlRedEyes
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I have been in many, many bars in Pattaya but never one that would let a drunk farang get the better of them to the tune of 38,000b. I have seen bar girls chase down patrons for a 50b check bin, when all he was doing was going to the toilet.

Something smells fishy. As a matter of fact I don't believe the story.

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Under British Law, 'Leaving without paying' is also an offence. (I think that is the actual term they use.

If, say, you have a horrible meal, you can't just walk out without paying, the Police will be called and will arrest you.

What you have to do ( a barrister told me this!) is leave your name and address in writing, and tell them to send you a bill, which you will then not pay, and then they have to take you to court...

...which if you've had food poisoning, they obviously won't take you to court !

I don't know how Thai law works here though.

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...I didn't know that this behaviour was acceptable in the western culture...

:o It's not, and you know it! Good riddance to the prat. Pity they can't confiscate something he owns to the value of the bar bill.

I would think that if this is not resolved before it goes to court he will stay in the slammer until the outstanding bill is paid and then be deported.

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Well unless the guy was a regular customer or friend of the bar owner, he should have been asked for payment after each major purchase. I don't think many veteran bar owners would allow a new face in there establishment ring up these charges.

If it was a unknown person and they allowed this to happen, well shame on them. Not very good management of the bar resources and I imagine they will not allow the unlimited check bin again.

Something doesn't sound right, especially if the bar was "very popular".

Does DaveThailand allow the never ending check bin in his establishment?

Yes. :D

I don't have a bell to ring and if a customer does'nt pay, he does'nt leave until he agree's to go to the ATM (under escort of course) :D

If its a customer i know or he's been seen in the bar alot then for a small amount I'll let them pay the next say or if they leave a passport, credit card then again they can pay when they comeback.

I've had a few before refusing to pay and refusing to go to the bank, if its peanuts then I'll let the manager deal with him :D:o , If its alot then he goes over to the boys in brown.

All in all we don't have alot of trouble with non payers as if customers are too pissed then they ain't coming in. :D

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Funny, I was in one of my regular drinking holes the other night and I had a 6500 bar bill and 2000 in the pocket. The bar owner let me go unescorted to the atm.

The manager probably sees you as a sad alcoholic who would be incapable of staying away from his bar for even a couple of nights let alone a lifetime to avoid paying a B4,500 bill.

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Under British Law, 'Leaving without paying'  is also an offence. (I think that is the actual term they use.

If, say, you have a horrible meal, you can't just walk out without paying, the Police will be called and will arrest you.

What you have to do ( a barrister told me this!) is leave your name and address in writing, and tell them to send you a bill, which you will then not pay, and then they have to take you to court...

...which if you've had food poisoning, they obviously won't take you to court !

I don't know how Thai law works here though.

The offence is obtaining either property or a service by deception and is commonly known as bilking. You are correct in that leaving your name and address with the owner, will usually ensure that you do not face any criminal charges. It then becomes a contractual dispute and is covered under civil law. Usually the owner will not be bothered to go to all the expense and time of taking you to court.

Note though that it is really only something you can do a couple of times. You will be visited by a police officer who will log intelligence that you have done this. Any more than a couple of times and you will have established a pattern and would likely face charges.

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Funny, I was in one of my regular drinking holes the other night and I had a 6500 bar bill and 2000 in the pocket. The bar owner let me go unescorted to the atm.

The manager probably sees you as a sad alcoholic who would be incapable of staying away from his bar for even a couple of nights let alone a lifetime to avoid paying a B4,500 bill.

Thanks for that constructive comment, were you the guy at the next table throwing up on the floor by any chance of the imagination ?

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I used to frequent "Tina's" in Suk-Soi 30-something in Bangkok, well a sub-soi really.

They sometimes pad the bills of the naif and drunk, but the girls are all very good performers, so it's worth taking a chance.

I sign all my bills there, and have always had a good relationship with the owner. But one night I was landed with a 12k bill, which I checked, double-checked and checked again. It was correct, but I only had about 5k on me. So I offered to drop the rest by the next day.

The owner was not absolutely sure of me, so he sent a couple of girls to stay with me until I showed up next evening with the money.

I still enjoy Tina's :o

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Funny, I was in one of my regular drinking holes the other night and I had a 6500 bar bill and 2000 in the pocket. The bar owner let me go unescorted to the atm.

The manager probably sees you as a sad alcoholic who would be incapable of staying away from his bar for even a couple of nights let alone a lifetime to avoid paying a B4,500 bill.

Whats your problem? :D

Can't think of a sensible post? :o

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I'm a little suspect of this post also... the part where he barfines several girls. I've always understood that on agreement there will be a tiny outstreched palm wanting the cash immediately, and the girl will take it to be sure that it is entered in the book on her behalf and she is free to stop dancing / working, get changed, etc.

Whether the above is true or not... IMO the guy deserves to sit in the can until the balance is paid.

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I used to frequent "Tina's" in Suk-Soi 30-something in Bangkok, well a sub-soi really.

They sometimes pad the bills of the naif and drunk, but the girls are all very good performers, so it's worth taking a chance.

I sign all my bills there, and have always had a good relationship with the owner. But one night I was landed with a 12k bill, which I checked, double-checked and checked again. It was correct, but I only had about 5k on me. So I offered to drop the rest by the next day.

The owner was not absolutely sure of me, so he sent a couple of girls to stay with me until I showed up next evening with the money.

I still enjoy Tina's  :o

Good one Humphrey.

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Funny, I was in one of my regular drinking holes the other night and I had a 6500 bar bill and 2000 in the pocket. The bar owner let me go unescorted to the atm.

The manager probably sees you as a sad alcoholic who would be incapable of staying away from his bar for even a couple of nights let alone a lifetime to avoid paying a B4,500 bill.

Thanks for that constructive comment, were you the guy at the next table throwing up on the floor by any chance of the imagination ?

You guys really seem to hang out in some colourful establishments.... :o

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