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US Donates Bt1.55m Flood Help To Thai Red Cross

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US donates $50,000 to Thai Red Cross


The United States government has offered condolences to Thailand over the widespread flooding.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said in her statement that, "On behalf of President [barack] Obama and the people of the United States, I offer our condolences for the loss of life and damage caused by severe flooding throughout Thailand."

She also said the US had offered assistance for the disaster relief efforts.

"The US Embassy in Bangkok has offered immediate disaster relief assistance, and we are working closely with the Royal Thai Government to provide additional help if needed. Our thoughts and prayers are with the people of the Kingdom of Thailand, our long-time friend and ally," Clinton's statement said.

A copy of the letter, made available by the US Embassy, was obtained by The Nation on Sunday.

Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya yesterday confirmed the US Secretary of State's letter had been received. He said the US donated $50,000 (about Bt1.55 million) through the Thai Red Cross.

He said other countries, including neighbouring Laos, had also written notes of condolence to Thailand.

Foreign Ministry officials had donated Bt100,000 to the heavily flooded Maharaj Hospital in Nakhon Ratchasima, Kasit said. He said a memo had been sent to Thai embassies overseas asking for additional donations for relief.


-- The Nation 2010-10-24


Amen Stan

These God dam_n Americans. Evertime there is a natural disaster they donate money and offer any kind of help vicitims need.

I recall when they stuck there nose in the aftermath of the tsunami that devistated thailand. Those bastards, bringing in aircraft carriers and hospital ships, and all those god dam_n marines to search for survivors, And giving over 5 billion dollars to help the people of Thailand.

You would think from all the ungreatfull responce they get from all over the world, they would quit sticking there noses into every disaster that happens. I really am surprised that ASEAN countries dont condemn the U.S. for these acts. For that fact all of Asia and the world should quit exporting there goods to those criminals.



God damm it....those pesky interfering Americans are at it again....what a field day the US knockers are going to have....

Hay Stan, come on the word knockers gives you away. a Brit!!! What, no help from your country??????? Cheep carleys HaHa.I am from the USA. I think the US gave cumpchange. $50,000 buck. PLEASE!! Yes that will help. It is not enough. It just kills me to see the US dump money into the sand, rather then put it in the rice bowl of southeast Asia. How about 50 million to start????????


The same will happen to this money , just like the tsunamy donations. It's incredible how stupid the people are who decide this stuff. Take care of your own in the USA and don't worry about any one else.


I believe that somewhere I read that the PM said that Thailand doesn't need foreign aid for this disaster.

It's a little interesting that the money was given to the Thai Red Cross rather than directly to the gov't.


I believe that somewhere I read that the PM said that Thailand doesn't need foreign aid for this disaster.

It's a little interesting that the money was given to the Thai Red Cross rather than directly to the gov't.

I think that is common practice.

It's a little interesting that the topic title is somewhat different from the actual headline of the Nation article.


I believe that somewhere I read that the PM said that Thailand doesn't need foreign aid for this disaster.  

It's a little interesting that the money was given to the Thai Red Cross rather than directly to the gov't.

I'd say more than interesting. Pertinent may be nearer the mark. Once bitten, twice shy? 

P.S. The only US knockers that get my attention are firmly attached to Dolly Parton.


God damm it....those pesky interfering Americans are at it again....what a field day the US knockers are going to have....

Hay Stan, come on the word knockers gives you away. a Brit!!! What, no help from your country??????? Cheep carleys HaHa.I am from the USA. I think the US gave cumpchange. $50,000 buck. PLEASE!! Yes that will help. It is not enough. It just kills me to see the US dump money into the sand, rather then put it in the rice bowl of southeast Asia. How about 50 million to start????????

Nope....am not from UK....just appreciate the point that when there is strife in the world the US is usually there with first with help....I could go on forever...BTW I am not American either


God damm it....those pesky interfering Americans are at it again....what a field day the US knockers are going to have....

Hay Stan, come on the word knockers gives you away. a Brit!!! What, no help from your country??????? Cheep carleys HaHa.I am from the USA. I think the US gave cumpchange. $50,000 buck. PLEASE!! Yes that will help. It is not enough. It just kills me to see the US dump money into the sand, rather then put it in the rice bowl of southeast Asia. How about 50 million to start????????

Nope....am not from UK....just appreciate the point that when there is strife in the world the US is usually there with first with help....I could go on forever...BTW I am not American either

Well, i heard a Montenegrin citizen gave at least 5 million Baht and that was few days ago. :whistling:


God damm it....those pesky interfering Americans are at it again....what a field day the US knockers are going to have....

Hay Stan, come on the word knockers gives you away. a Brit!!! What, no help from your country??????? Cheep carleys HaHa.I am from the USA. I think the US gave cumpchange. $50,000 buck. PLEASE!! Yes that will help. It is not enough. It just kills me to see the US dump money into the sand, rather then put it in the rice bowl of southeast Asia. How about 50 million to start????????

Nope....am not from UK....just appreciate the point that when there is strife in the world the US is usually there with first with help....I could go on forever...BTW I am not American either

Well, i heard a Montenegrin citizen gave at least 5 million Baht and that was few days ago. :whistling:

A minute fraction of what he stole from Thailand :whistling:


The same will happen to this money , just like the tsunamy donations. It's incredible how stupid the people are who decide this stuff. Take care of your own in the USA and don't worry about any one else.

And your taking the position that the red cross is useless.


I believe that somewhere I read that the PM said that Thailand doesn't need foreign aid for this disaster.

It's a little interesting that the money was given to the Thai Red Cross rather than directly to the gov't.

I think that is common practice.

It's a little interesting that the topic title is somewhat different from the actual headline of the Nation article.

Topic title

US Donates Bt1.55m Flood Help To Thai Red Cross

Nation headline

US donates $50,000 to Thai Red Cross

US$ = 30.xx baht

And your problem is????


How do you get that "US$ = 30.xx baht" exchange rate?

btw. that is not my point

I'm sorry. $US = 29.93 baht (xe.com)

What is your point?


How do you get that "US$ = 30.xx baht" exchange rate?

btw. that is not my point

I'm sorry. $US = 29.93 baht (xe.com)

What is your point?

You were quoting:

Bt1.55m ./. $50,000. did you do here some mathematics?

its still not my point. it is: It's a little interesting that the topic title is somewhat different from the actual headline of the Nation article.

and that was a reply to another comment...

anyway, i like small little details and differences. you don't bother to even notice them, so you probably would not understand what could my point be...


How do you get that "US$ = 30.xx baht" exchange rate?

btw. that is not my point

I'm sorry. $US = 29.93 baht (xe.com)

What is your point?

You were quoting:

Bt1.55m ./. $50,000. did you do here some mathematics?

its still not my point. it is: It's a little interesting that the topic title is somewhat different from the actual headline of the Nation article.

and that was a reply to another comment...

anyway, i like small little details and differences. you don't bother to even notice them, so you probably would not understand what could my point be...

So they used a rate of 31. So what? There are lots of different rates around, and they are just rounding up. Which is why I originally used 30.xx.

And what does the title difference (which basically isn't) have to do with the Scott's comment?


I think no countries should donate to Thailand.

Let the people experience first hand how hopeless their government is in providing for its people in a time of need.

Let evolution take its course.

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