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Broadband And Cable Tv In Phuket


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I'm coming back to Phuket this week and having got rid of UBC in April am keen to know people's views on Phuket's alternative cable TV service. At 350 baht a month it's a fraction of the cost of UBC but is there anything worth watching? What's the sport like in particular?

Having had enough of dial-up, I am also considering the TOT broadband service.There are a couple of mentions of it on this forum but not too much. Is there anything better at a similar price?

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I'm coming back to Phuket this week and having got rid of UBC in April am keen to know people's views on Phuket's alternative cable TV service. At 350 baht a month it's a fraction of the cost of UBC but is there anything worth watching? What's the sport like in particular?

Having had enough of dial-up, I am also considering the TOT broadband service.There are a couple of mentions of it on this forum but not too much. Is there anything better at a similar price?


I use a company called Phuket Cable. Around 1,000 baht for installation, then 350/month. There are about 40 channels including Thai ones. The beauty is that you don't use a decoder like UBC, each channel is preset into your TV. This allows you to hook up to 4 TVs in your house without paying any extra monthly. (They charge a small fee for each additional point during installation, something like 100 Baht for each).

Most of the channels aren't terribly exciting. I get by with Star World, CNN, Discovery Science, A1, 2 movie channels and 2 sports channels.

The sports channels are great if you like football, cricket and rugby. You get two channels from Supersports South Africa. Its quite odd watching a South African sports channel in Phuket but its actually very good. All the English Premiership you can watch and lots of football from all over. The football pundits are much better than the monkeys they have on ESPN Asia. They also have Skysports News on for a few hours a day. (Gotta love Georgie Thompson). :o

One of the movie channels i assume is just the cable company playing pirated VCDs and DVDs. Quite often the films are suspiciously new and quality can be quite poor. The real giveaway is when they have to change discs half way through the film. Its actually not bad though, and i have watched some decent films.

There are a few other cable companies here, one of the main ones is called KPP. I have checked it out at a friends house and i would avoid it if you want sports.

Regarding broadband, I am currently using TOT's Gold Cyber package for which i pay 1,000 baht/month. I am supposed to get 1024/256. In reality i get just over half that on a good day.

However, its fine for me and i've only been without a connection on two occasions. As far as i know, there's nothing similar for the same price. Loxinfo charges 1,250 Baht for 256/128. I think TOT works out much better. Technical support has been OK, though i haven't had any real problems. Not sure what they are like if you don't speak Thai though.

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I use a company called Phuket Cable. Around 1,000 baht for installation, then 350/month. There are about 40 channels including Thai ones. The beauty is that you don't use a decoder like UBC, each channel is preset into your TV. This allows you to hook up to 4 TVs in your house without paying any extra monthly. (They charge a small fee for each additional point during installation, something like 100 Baht for each).

Regarding broadband, I am currently using TOT's Gold Cyber package for which i pay 1,000 baht/month. I am supposed to get 1024/256. In reality i get just over half that on a good day.

Thanks very much. I am interested in sports. I also have a small guesthouse so I am sure from what you sat about the tuning in of each TV, this could be ideal. I am sure they will have commercial rates but it must be better than what I had with UBC: whatever I had on in the bar was on on all the rooms. I will definitely be getting in touch.

Also thanks for the broadband info.

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No worries

About the commercial rates for a guesthouse, i'm sure Phuket Cable do this kind of thing as i used to live in an apartment building and the cable was included in the rent.

I asked around for info on broadband and found out that TOT also do a package with 1024/512, called something like Gold Cyber Biz, supposedly for business use for about 2,500/month. I'm not 100% sure but apart from the higher upstream bandwidth, i've heard that the contention ratio is lower for the business package.

Compared with Loxinfo's top package, 512/256 for 7,500/month, its still a bargain.

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About the commercial rates for a guesthouse, i'm sure Phuket Cable do this kind of thing as i used to live in an apartment building and the cable was included in the rent.

Can someone let me have the phone number for Phuket Cable. I can't find it anywhere!


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