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Visited the Australian Embassy today (Consul Area) to renew my passport. There are several young Thai ladies working there and i must say the service I have received on previous visits has been good.

The young lady who served me and several other Australians today needs a lesson in diplomacy and to be made aware she is employed to provide a service.

Reason for the brickbats:

1. Self: applying for passport renewal all going well amount paid and then young lady advised she would keep my passport and naturally I asked what did she intend to give me so if asked by police/immigration for my "passport?visa? I could show them proof it was at the Embassy. A look of disbelief and :o I explained I certainly needed something, off she went and photocopies my passport details returned and pulled out the magic stamp and endorsed same. I requested she photocopy the page with my M/Immg Visa and the stamp saying I am legal until 25 August If looks could kill and responded with I may as well give you the passport?? muttering to her work mate "he didnt pay a satang for this photocopy"

Another disappointed Australian customer.

The other Australians I mentioned one down from Chaing Mai with wife and two children - wanted to change his wifes surname in her Australian passport was advised to obtain passport photos for his wife and have them endorsed by a guarantor that they were of his wife. he patiently explained he had called from Chaing Mai and asked about this and was advised not a requirement as wife was on Australian passport - young Thai lady was quite adament he needed to have someone who knew his wife for x period endorse photos - he explaine he would have to return to Chaing Mai - she advised thats the rules??

2nd Chap up from Phuket wanted to lodge application for an Australian passport for his daughter - Question where is your daughter she needs to be here Answer she is in Australia for medical reasons - well we need your wife to verify this, but she is in Phuket look she has signed the application - retort from young Thai lady- that form is no good its from Australia wrong bar codeAustralian from Phuket but it has all the same questions as the form you just gave me- Young Thai lady Look the best thing you can do is apply for your daughters passport in Australia then they will ring us we will ring your wife and verify most simple way.

I have summarised for brevity it actually took much longer than I have portrayed and not a heated word was passed from the Australians The young Thai lady did not need to get heated she had the "power" and the loud speaker so much for confidentially. Was this just a difficult day?? as I was of the understanding things had changed it was not evident today.

Anyone else care to comment on experiences good or bad??


Sorry to hear.......


My retort is ALWAYS read the instructions. But then again I have slightly lawyersitic tendencies when it comes dealing with bureaucracy and form filling. The guidance forms you get are always pretty good and everything else you need to know is usually on the website. Never rely on anyone else, especially the dumb girl behind the counter. :o


I have no complaints with the Aussie Embassy. Well,maybe parking... the old carpark has turned into some big construction sight. No doubt, when immigration shifted to CC Towers business went down the tube .

Picked up my daughter's pp today . Security only let me and my daughter in, leaving wifey at the gates . In and out in ten minutes with brand spanking new aussie passport . Have to say every dealing I have had with the staff they have been good .

On to CC Towers open the yellow parcel, look at wifey's passport. Pump the air, tourist visa granted... one year multiple ...stoked as <deleted>. Now...drunk as a skunk in celebration .

Sorry, I bit off topic , but on cloud nine and drunk :o

Sorry to hear.......


My retort is ALWAYS read the instructions. But then again I have slightly lawyersitic tendencies when it comes dealing with bureaucracy and form filling. The guidance forms you get are always pretty good and everything else you need to know is usually on the website. Never rely on anyone else, especially the dumb girl behind the counter.  :o

Samran so true but neither of these sites cover removal of ones passport and not issuing some type of replacement document in the interim. It would appear from this post that the girl in question who remember is the point of contact for many an Aussie is not aware that a Farang needs to carry ID.


I had same problem about 18 months ago renewing my passport, until I told the dumb bitch that this is MY emabassy not yours. Told her to get an Australian from back of office, he came out and sorted it in about 3 minutes. Most of this was because I wanted my Old passport back. No more problem after this guy came out to fix it all up. These bitches get a swollen head when they once they are given any type of authority. Some years ago it was even worse in Manila :o

I had same problem about 18 months ago renewing my passport, until I told the dumb bitch that this is MY  emabassy not yours. Told her to get an Australian from back of office, he came out and sorted it in about 3 minutes. Most of this was because I wanted my Old passport back. No more problem after this guy came out to fix it all up. These bitches get a swollen head when they once they are given any type of authority. Some years ago it was even worse in Manila :o

certainly true for the authority thing, I am noticing this more and more. It aint LOS (Land Of Service) thats for sure!

Sorry to hear.......


My retort is ALWAYS read the instructions. But then again I have slightly lawyersitic tendencies when it comes dealing with bureaucracy and form filling. The guidance forms you get are always pretty good and everything else you need to know is usually on the website. Never rely on anyone else, especially the dumb girl behind the counter.  :o

Samran I think a lot of us are wary when dealing with bureaucracy and forms but i also believe it is fair to expect correct advice and good service when dealing with our overseas missions.

Passport application forms provided to the public before 1 July 2005 are no longer valid. You will need to obtain and complete a new passport application form instead. You can obtain these application forms from this website or from a post office. Personalised passport renewal forms provided to the public before 1 July 2005 will be accepted until the use-by date printed on the form, or 30 June 2006, whichever is sooner.

Does the above taken from the official DFAT web site entitle the gent from Phuket to claim for wasted trip because he received the incorrect advice from the DFAT representative?

What puzzles me about the other Australian (changing wifes surname) is that his wife had an Australian passport already with her photo - and off she went and obtained new photos which is correct I had to do the same -but that is where the similar/equal treatment stopped.

Self Accepted application along with 4800 baht and two passport photos ( I was instructed to print my full name on the back of one photo) Receipt issued (after ID question settled) see you on the 15/8 05 as we are closed on the 12thPH.

B]Thai wife with Aust passort[/b] Told she needed to have someone who had known her for the required stat period (X) years endorse her photograph certifying she was the person in that photo??? -off to Chaing Mai no compassion or I will call the AUSTRALIAN who was obviously out in a back office and clarify the situation for you. Especially considering the Aust guy stated he had phoned and spoken to an Australian about the requirement.

Worth noting he had received the same direction I had received over the phone "It is better to have your photos done at the building just near the embassy as they know our requirements (size,clarity & background colours"

Normally I accept things in my stride but as a previous poster said the attitude in Manila used to be bad and I have experienced that first hand too, along with the bad attidude that used to be prevalent here in 1982 at which time i was required to visit the embassy each week for a debrief and the task of extracting $ for consumables but that is another story in its own right.


These complaints would be far more effective addressed to the Bangkok Post. Western embassies can be fairly sensitive to public complaints, as we saw with the British Embassy a few years ago.

I can't even get a human on the phone whenever I call the Australian Embassy. It always seems to be an answering machine moaning about limited resources and promising to call me back. I've had much better luck with the British Embassy.


camerata yes for sure and maybe it is time some of the Expat staff started earning the big bickies they are paid whilst in these jobs.

I actually sent an email to the embassy but depends upon who has first access will be directly proportionate to the response.

I have also posed some questions to DFAT in Australia who have responded in part and my respondimg email indicates this.

Dear Name removed for confidentiality

Thank you for the quick response but you have not answered questions No1 and only partialy answered by referral question No2.

This question was not addressed in your response!

Question 1: On lodging an application for a renewal of passport should the outgoing passport be retained by the applicant for identity purposes until the new one is issued?

You have given me half an answer to question 2, if I had any faith in the information or level of service offered by the local overseas mission in Bangkok I would not have resorted to emailing DFAT direct.

2.On receipt of the new passport do you also retain your old passport

which contains current visas and exit by date for the country you are in?

# If the answer to the second question is no please advise what needs

to be done about transferring the current visa and the exit by date.

I resubmit my request with the added request, if you can not provide full and comprehensive advice please refer it to a supervisor.

Yours sincerely

name removed to protect the poster

These complaints would be far more effective addressed to the Bangkok Post. Western embassies can be fairly sensitive to public complaints, as we saw with the British Embassy a few years ago.

I can't even get a human on the phone whenever I call the Australian Embassy. It always seems to be an answering machine moaning about limited resources and promising to call me back. I've had much better luck with the British Embassy.

Exactly! No human on phone no call back no answer to emails :o




These complaints would be far more effective addressed to the Bangkok Post. Western embassies can be fairly sensitive to public complaints, as we saw with the British Embassy a few years ago.

I can't even get a human on the phone whenever I call the Australian Embassy. It always seems to be an answering machine moaning about limited resources and promising to call me back. I've had much better luck with the British Embassy.

Exactly! No human on phone no call back no answer to emails :o


you are speaking to brick wall there, Gemma Jackson is still gonna reply to me, have been waiting 2 years now, maybe the Post is the way.

Fatso slobstone is very conscious of her department and has embarrased little jonnie for sure, so hit now while the iron is hot.

you are speaking to brick wall there, Gemma Jackson is still gonna reply to me, have been waiting 2 years now, maybe the Post is the way.

Fatso slobstone is very conscious of her department and has embarrased little jonnie for sure, so hit now while the iron is hot.

You don't mean Amanda? can I please have her email address?

Samran I think a lot of us are wary when dealing with bureaucracy and forms but i also believe it is fair to expect correct advice and good service when dealing with our overseas missions.


A very fair point and one that I totally agree with. But, we have to live in the real world on this one, so its every man for himself. At the moment, the department of immigration is a joke in terms of management, so much so, that the department recently stripped a leading Australian of his citizenship due to an adminstration C0ck up. See here

Also, I have to say, the poor people who work in the consular section do have a tough job. They have to deal day in day out with absloute tossers who should never have been allowed out of the country in the first place. Always make a point of being nice to them....if at all possible :o

On another point. Where has Khun Sumon gone. She was the older Thai lady with the behive hairdo who worked on the passports desk for years. She was as tough as nails and occasionally grouchy (though she was easy to butter up to.....) but she did know her stuff and was very proffessional and would have saved you people the run around.

Samran I think a lot of us are wary when dealing with bureaucracy and forms but i also believe it is fair to expect correct advice and good service when dealing with our overseas missions.


A very fair point and one that I totally agree with. But, we have to live in the real world on this one, so its every man for himself. At the moment, the department of immigration is a joke in terms of management, so much so, that the department recently stripped a leading Australian of his citizenship due to an adminstration C0ck up. See here

Also, I have to say, the poor people who work in the consular section do have a tough job. They have to deal day in day out with absloute tossers who should never have been allowed out of the country in the first place. Always make a point of being nice to them....if at all possible :D

On another point. Where has Khun Sumon gone. She was the older Thai lady with the behive hairdo who worked on the passports desk for years. She was as tough as nails and occasionally grouchy (though she was easy to butter up to.....) but she did know her stuff and was very proffessional and would have saved you people the run around.


Tossers some of us may well be but I think the 80/20 rule applies and these not so poor [in terms of Aust Allowances (perks)] Public Servants need to put ina fair days work for more than afair days pay and that includes supervising their staff. If you dont think they are on a good screw lets ask them to post their Aust Wage + additions/allowances for the stress and trauma of working at an overseas station. ( Remember we have DFAT consul & DIEA Immigration & never the twain shall meet)

Khun Sumone "The older Thai lady with the beehive hairdo" was the one I was referring to when I said in my initial post " previously I had received Good Service"

To the best of my knowledge she is still there but the younger brigade seem to run and flit and of course the "F" in the Consular Section are smitten by Khun "F" you are a wonderful wonderful man.

You have described her perfectly and "No brickbats for Khun Sumone only flowers"

She was as tough as nails and occasionally grouchy (though she was easy to butter up to.....) but she did know her stuff and was very proffessional and would have saved you people the run around.

:o:DYES YES to everything you have said about Khun Sumone.

Tossers some of us may well be but I think the 80/20 rule applies and these not so poor

Unless you are one of these people who turn up to the embassy drunk/drugged out of their head, with no documentation and no money to pay the taxi fare that go you there and demanding that get a taxpayer flight home, then you don't fall into my definition of tosser.

I have no complaints with the Aussie Embassy. Well,maybe parking... the old carpark has turned into some big construction sight. No doubt, when immigration shifted  to CC Towers business went down the tube .

  Picked up my daughter's pp today . Security only let me and my daughter in, leaving wifey at the gates . In and out in ten minutes with brand spanking new aussie passport . Have to say every dealing I have had with the staff they have been good .

  On to CC Towers open the yellow parcel, look at wifey's passport. Pump the air, tourist visa granted... one year multiple ...stoked as <deleted>. Now...drunk as a skunk in celebration .

  Sorry, I bit off topic , but on cloud nine and drunk  :o

Hi 350 torana, I have a Thai wife, she went to Aust. on a 3 mths visa in 2003, then she went to Aust. on a 6 mths visa in 2004. We applied for a 3 or 6 mths visa last month and she was refused, I was told she's had to many visas and she must apply for a migration visa, fees, medical and extras around 50,000 baht and no refund if she is refused. We pass all accomodation, financial and medical criteria and she has never breached any Aust. Immigration laws. Ive sent emails, phone calls and letters and even 2 visits to CC Towers but at this stage no replies, all I need to know is whats the problem and I will rectify it immediately. Im not going to chase good money after bad. Where can you go to if you cant even get a one minute response from your countrys Embassy?

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