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Study Reveals Risky Sex Behavior Among Teens


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Study Reveals Risky Sex Behavior among NYC Teens

(AP) Nearly one-tenth of sexually active New York City high school students say they have had at least one same-sex partner, and teens who say they've had sexual contact with both sexes report higher-than-average rates of dating violence, forced sex and risky sexual behavior, a new study says.

Full story: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2010/10/25/health/main6989246.shtml?tag=cbsnewsSectionContent.2

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A few particularly interesting points, although its difficult to know how significant low condom use is for males with same-sex partners without knowing if a condom was actually necessary for safe-sex in those cases:

Among the sexually active males, 93.1 percent said they had had sexual contact only with female partners, 3.2 percent said they'd had contact only with other males, and 3.7 percent said they'd had both male and female partners.

Among the sexually active females, 88.1 percent said they'd had sex only with males, 3.2 percent said they'd had only female partners and 8.7 percent said they'd had partners of both sexes.

Of all the sexually active teens, 9.3 percent reported at least one same-sex partner.

Students also were asked whether they considered themselves straight, gay or lesbian, bisexual, or "not sure." Of the teens with at least one same-sex partner, 38.9 percent answered "heterosexual or straight."

The study found that teens who reported partners of both sexes also reported higher-than-average rates of risky sexual practices, such as not using a condom during intercourse, as well as higher rates of partner violence and forced sex.

Far lower percentages of teens with only male or only female partners answered yes to the question about dating violence.

Of the males who reported both male and female partners, just 44.1 percent said they'd used a condom during their last sexual encounter.

The percentages for condom use during their last sex were 79.8 for males with only female partners and 62.3 for males with only same-sex partners.

Edited by SweatiePie
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Unfortunately, the material in the article doesn't support its headlines- but that's the sensationalistic slant one would expect.

Teens who are WILLING to *say* they are having sex with both sexes would certainly not be an average group- even on a supposedly 'anonymous' survey, there's too much self-censorship, self-hatred, and denial in the group of teens who *do* have sex with both sexes for the numbers presented to represent the full group. I would reckon that since they are willing to be so outspoken, they probably represent an unusually public group which would be at risk from homophobes, repressed types, and dysfunctional partners which they have not learned to avoid (because how are these teens going to get advice about their same-sex partners or safe sexual behaviour in same-sex activities)? Just because there is a correlation it doesn't prove causation.

It's surveys like these (or at least their summaries) which draw quantitative analysis into disrepute.

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Students also were asked whether they considered themselves straight, gay or lesbian, bisexual, or "not sure." Of the teens with at least one same-sex partner, 38.9 percent answered "heterosexual or straight."

I think this is quite normal. In my teens and twens (i.e. some time ago, ahem), I had sexual encounters with many guys who later identified themselves as straight. People are trying themselves out in that stage of life, and they should.

In Asia, several men (I don't have the percentage) who identify themselves as straight continue to have sex with men even after they get married - thus the term MSM (men having sex with men) came up quite a few years ago.

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In Asia, several men (I don't have the percentage) who identify themselves as straight continue to have sex with men even after they get married - thus the term MSM (men having sex with men) came up quite a few years ago.

MSM is an all-encompassing term first used in a medical paper by the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine, Philadelphia, in 1994 in research into HIV/Aids; it was (and is) used by epidemiologists to categorise sexual activity for analytical and research purposes. Nothing to do with men in Asia still having sex with other men after they get married, although they are MSM (as are gays and bisexuals who are sexually active, men who are straight but "gay for pay", and quite a few other groups); it doesn't have anything to do with sexual identity, which is a totally different concept.

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In Asia, several men (I don't have the percentage) who identify themselves as straight continue to have sex with men even after they get married - thus the term MSM (men having sex with men) came up quite a few years ago.

MSM is an all-encompassing term first used in a medical paper by the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine, Philadelphia, in 1994 in research into HIV/Aids; it was (and is) used by epidemiologists to categorise sexual activity for analytical and research purposes. Nothing to do with men in Asia still having sex with other men after they get married, although they are MSM (as are gays and bisexuals who are sexually active, men who are straight but "gay for pay", and quite a few other groups); it doesn't have anything to do with sexual identity, which is a totally different concept.

I didn't know about the history of the term MSM, thanks. I only heard it first in Asia and never anywhere else. I do know that it characterises behaviour and not identity, I thought that was clear from my posting.

However, I said what I said in the context:

" Of the teens with at least one same-sex partner, 38.9 percent answered "heterosexual or straight."

I hope it makes sense now.

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As a farang who has had a few Thai boyfriends - 3 from Issan, 1 from Bangkok (not all at once, mind you!) - I speak with a little bit of experience on this matter. Bangkok boys seem far more prudish than their country cousins. While most Thai boys (and girls for that matter) are fairly shy (at first, at least), coming out of the shower with two or three towels on, after a while - with trust built up on both sides - they mellow out - especially after a few beers of whiskies.

While we Westerners have been brought up and had hammered into us the dangers of AIDS and other diseases and told If It's Not on, It's Not On (No Condom, No Sex), bar owners are reluctantly putting through the message to their workers. In schools the Safe Sex message seems to be lacking - I could be wrong, but no Issan student knows anything about it - at least about it being taught in school. They get their Sex Ed from their fellow students.

In the villages I have visited and lived in - it's easy to have fun with the locals (18yrs plus). Hand out a few beers, get some ice and some music and you have an instant party. Add some food and anything goes - and do I mean anything! I didn't join in the ensuing orgies - but the offer was there.

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In schools the Safe Sex message seems to be lacking - I could be wrong, but no Issan student knows anything about it - at least about it being taught in school. They get their Sex Ed from their fellow students.

Sadly you're right. The PDA does the best it can, and has been doing so for 35 years, but they're virtually on their own as government sponsored sex-education at school level is virtually non-existent and successive governments have spent less and less on continuing to get the safe-sex message across. Unfortunately teenagers were probably more aware of Aids and HIV 10 years ago than they are now.

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In schools the Safe Sex message seems to be lacking - I could be wrong, but no Issan student knows anything about it - at least about it being taught in school. They get their Sex Ed from their fellow students.

Sadly you're right. The PDA does the best it can,

What's the PDA please?

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What is less well known are his pioneering work in rural micro-finance and micro-credit through the TBIRD (Thailand Business Initiative in Rural Development) side of the PDA and his trly courageous establishment of one of Thailand's first family planning clinics next to his first Cabbages and Condoms restaurant, where abortions can be legally performed for poor rural Thai women under Section 305 of the Thai Penal Code (which he was also partially responsible for getting passed).

To me, and a lot of Thais, he and Anand Panyarachun are the only Thais who have held any political office who have deserved to do so and who are truly respected by all levels of Thai society regardless of their political beliefs.

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