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Poll: Obama's popularity faces record low with only 37 percent having a positive opinion

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According to that wikipedia entry and CBS... ???


The end of the cold world just spoiled a business opportunity for the USA.

Thanks your god you have the Islam and Osama so you can keep the war games rolling.



You can look for yourself, remember, Google is your friend. Do your own homework instead of making frivolous posts! :boring:

The other dudes stopped and lost interests to fight the cold war, so the cold war was over. However the American cold warriors declared victory and claimed the end as their achievement. Never spoil a chance for patriotic flag waving.

And not a problem for the USA they found a new enemy. More heroes to celebrate.

We're going :offtopic: here.

This thread is about Obama's popularity (or lack of), back to the topic.

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We're going :offtopic: here.

This thread is about Obama's popularity (or lack of), back to the topic.

In the rest of the world Obama is so popular as Reagan or any other president of the USA. All same same and no one could care less or more.

In mid-times of a government the popularity of that government will be in most cases down compared to the day they govt/President won the election. Not only in the USA also in other democracy of the world.


Except that in past struggling presidencies at this point, though the numbers were down the indicators of successful policies were beginning to show improvement and those also mostly had opposing congresses but in Obama's case there is no such light at the end of the tunnel and he has it all his way with a friendly congress with nothing of merit so far to show for it..

And no the obama-nation that is his health policy does not qualify as it's taking effect too late, has too many holes and still may even be repealed..


Posters here don't appear to know very much about the gory details of US politics. The democrats will lose the house. Bad for the democrats. Good for Obama, he can then BLAME the republicans in congress. He will be very strong for 2012. Also consider, the teabaggers for all their irrational noise represent only 20 percent of Americans, and they have already peaked. They have already been absorbed into the party of the Bushes and will only serve to drive that party even farther down the path of the radical right wing, way too far right for the mainstream American middle. They will be forced to run an extreme right wing candidate, and except for Palin, who is a mean spirited sarcastic horror show (Americans do not elect nasty people since Nixon) and will be a cinch to beat, they don't have any charismatic candidates like that. The smart money is on a TWO TERM Obama.

Also, please get real. Obama is not a left wing Reagan. He is not Carter. He is not Clinton. He is Obama, a very specific and unique political figure, and his work is not yet done. He inherited a historically difficult situation and he still has plenty of time to correct his course and become the great president that he was elected to be. The comparison to Reagan is political only; he was also in the doghouse at this stage of his two term presidency.

Asked whether they would like to see Obama run for a second term, 47 percent said they would while 42 percent said they would prefer he not.


Broadly, history suggests that a Republican sweep in a week's time won't directly correlate to whether or not President Obama wins a second term in 2012



Posters here don't appear to know very much about the gory details of US politics.

Karl Rove must be shaking in his boots at your political fortune telling capabilities.



and his work is not yet done.

Still has to form the department responsible for hunting down and fining anyone who doesn't buy health insurance, the lawsuit against Arizona for checking IDs is still in progress and the value of the USD has not yet been completely destroyed.


37% huh? So he's just down to the government employees now.

It's not that serious. He will still be able to beat the pants off Palin or any other right wing Beckian nutcase the teabag party puts up.

I hope you are right. Palin is a joke. Why anybody would give her the time of day is beyond me. She started out her career in Wasilla, Alaska. Not much of a town. And then quit as Governor of Alaska to campaign for the upcoming Republican nomination. Unreal...where's the beef?

^Post #17 Yes he did!!! But isn't Obama a Nobel peace prize winner?? :rolleyes::whistling:

Good to see the rest of the world and the U.S. finally catching up to what I was saying 6 months before he was elected..

I said all along he was promising everything but the reality would be he couldn't deliver on those promises and his view was naive at best and deceptive at worse but all anyone wanted to hear was that he was the Messiah...

Obama has had pretty much the toughest job of any president in modern times. The worst recession since the great one, 2 wars, etc. I'm no fan, but give the guy a break. He made some good decisions and the US, and the rest of the world, didn't fall into an even greater recession. He made some very unpopular decisions. Time will tell if they work out. But so far, he's doing OK.

As far as approval ratings, GW Bush had the highest ever. Followed by his dad and then Truman. Clinton's lowest was also 37, Carter's was 28. So I wouldn't read too much into these numbers...at least not yet! :rolleyes:


Obama clearly won't get elected again unless he makes changes similar to what Clinton did. I think BO is too arrogant to do so, and he will pay for it. People still like BO as a person, just hate him because he is as a very bad yank president.


The end of the cold world just spoiled a business opportunity for the USA.

Thanks your god you have the Islam and Osama so you can keep the war games rolling.

Short memory you have there comrade, the war in Afghanistan is justifiable its the war in Iraq that Obama has marketed as something else thats ballsed it all up.

As for Iran, Clinton seems desperate to get something started there, itd certainly pull in a few votes for Obama in 2012.


The end of the cold world just spoiled a business opportunity for the USA.

Thanks your god you have the Islam and Osama so you can keep the war games rolling.

Short memory you have there comrade, the war in Afghanistan is justifiable its the war in Iraq that Obama has marketed as something else thats ballsed it all up.

As for Iran, Clinton seems desperate to get something started there, itd certainly pull in a few votes for Obama in 2012.

Whats your point again?

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