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What Is The Cause Of The Mid Life Crisis


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seems like many of these farang have a mid life crisis and end up in a shoebox and live a beer bar monster type life style for as long as their funds last. what factors cause this crisis? i ask because i am still young and wish to avoid this fate.

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Speaking from observation over the last 15 yrs, I think you must ask yourself what kind of existence they had back home before they came here? Maybe the fact that, they are away from family and friends, have no jobs or hobbies, no social network and too much free time, contributes to them seeking company in bar beers either with chit chat with fellow expats or local ladies.

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Hi Chunks

I am 35 so have a few years yet I hope before I get to that stage. but I do think people who have a mid life crisis are the ones who did fuc_k all in there first 40 years of life and feel they need to catch up. the guys sitting in beer bars all day are the ones who have given up on life already.

just my thoughts anyway.

so if I were you I would get out and do something with your life before you have the need to grow your hair long and put on the leather trousers and buy a big bike! :D

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I am 35 so have a few years yet I hope before I get to that stage. but I do think people who have a mid life crisis are the ones who did fuc_k all in there first 40 years of life and feel they need to catch up. the guys sitting in beer bars all day are the ones who have given up on life already.

Not so much fuc_k all as worked hard on a career that they've since found meaningless, going in lifetime debt to a bank for another lookalike suburban house, and maybe a marriage and kids to someone who's left them.

Suddenly that realisation kicks in, whatever happened to the youngster who was going to be a rock star / astronaut / footballer / whatever?

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I am 35 so have a few years yet I hope before I get to that stage. but I do think people who have a mid life crisis are the ones who did fuc_k all in there first 40 years of life and feel they need to catch up. the guys sitting in beer bars all day are the ones who have given up on life already.

Not so much fuc_k all as worked hard on a career that they've since found meaningless, going in lifetime debt to a bank for another lookalike suburban house, and maybe a marriage and kids to someone who's left them.

Suddenly that realisation kicks in, whatever happened to the youngster who was going to be a rock star / astronaut / footballer / whatever?

so thats 2 types of people who have a midlife then!

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You want an honest answer or a smart Alec answer?

It's when reality catches up with someone's life that didn't go quite as planned. The causes are many: Marriage break up, or no spouse at all, health problems, loss of job, change in career or spouse's career, etc, etc.

The person sees plans slipping away and tries desperately to catch up.

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I amnot sure if I had a midlife crises. I had a good life back home.Nice property ocean view. Good recreation sailing and fishing. Active with international athletes and yachtsman. Association with world class engineers and law makers. But I really got tired of political correctness , women lib. and peoples inability to take responsibility for their actions. There is more but that is the tip of the iceberg.

I can live here anonimously. Just another farang for them to tolerate. I can live here not make waves and on a day to day bases live quite happy. I like women the women here I like them a lot.I like being friends with them I like copulating with them.I enjoy their company.In Canada I am sorry but the women there just frustrate me. I willnot go into the reasons why.

I went back to Canada for a ski trip last year. I based myself out of Calgary. The oil capital of Canada.Relatives of mine all wealthy millionaires ( just about impossible to live in Canada now and not be a millionaire) were so stressed, by the end of the holiday some were angry at me for having a life that didnot show stress they felt everybody should be stressed like them. Thats how you stay on top. I donot need that sorry.

My reason for moving here is simple. No stress no pressure mobility can leave any time. The world is my oyster. Thailand isnot the end all for me if it doesnot work here there are many other places in the world to go. But as long as it worksout here I will stay.

One last thing. I respect people until they do some thing to loss that respect and in Thailand I find that philosophy has made me many good thai friends. I give lots of respect and I get respect back and life is fulfilling. Sorry cannot say the same for many foreigners I have met here.

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I thought the mid-life crisis was buying a Harley or a 'vette and getting a tattoo or a body piercing? Taking a belated interest in mountain biking or skateboarding... or surfing (not in Thailand of course). Wearing the latest Camel Active shirt with appliques and decals that allude to exploring or Africa. Surfing the 'net on a MacBook while sipping a double caramel machiato at Starbucks. Going regularly to Lucifer's or Excite or maybe 'discovering' katoeys.

Never thought of the typical beer bar owner and/or customer as being particularly in any identity crisis. Same goes for a foreigner that choses to rent a Thai-style 4x4 (meters that is) with a squatty shitter and a ceiling fan. That's just being frugal or cheap... or maybe broke. In my case, I was young, didn't know any better and choices were limited when chosing to move in with the gogo dancing gf in the '70s.

When I worked in Houston, the deck at Sam's Boat on Richmond on a Sunday afternoon was always heaving with mid-life crisis blokes. But we still managed to pull the birds (and they weren't all strippers from Rick's either).

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But mid life crisis even hits men (mainly) who are very successful i.e made a huge load of money, have property cars etc, but find out that more STUFF doesn't make you any more happier. I think I've had a couple of mid life crises, but have finally worked out that having good relationships at work , home or wherever, gives life its meaning. Sure good sex is great but even that becomes less important as you get older - even in Thailand. I'm never bored because there is always too much to do, or think about, or laugh at. My wife and I both think we're a bit crazy - to me thats a compliment.

Enough rave, mid life crisis is caused by boredom, loss of meaning, and never taking the time to ask yourself what's really important.

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You want an honest answer or a smart Alec answer?

It's when reality catches up with someone's life that didn't go quite as planned. The causes are many: Marriage break up, or no spouse at all, health problems, loss of job, change in career or spouse's career, etc, etc.

The person sees plans slipping away and tries desperately to catch up.

OK we've had the smart alec answer - what about the honest one?

Sorry Ian, couldna stop maself.:D

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Plans not working out? None of mine ever have.......and I'm sure I'm not the only one.

Perhaps it's because Thailand is the kind of place where you don't really need a plan..........just take life as it comes......visa extensions permitting of course.

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You want an honest answer or a smart Alec answer?

It's when reality catches up with someone's life that didn't go quite as planned. The causes are many: Marriage break up, or no spouse at all, health problems, loss of job, change in career or spouse's career, etc, etc.

The person sees plans slipping away and tries desperately to catch up.

OK we've had the smart alec answer - what about the honest one?

Sorry Ian, couldna stop maself.:D

Bit of a pratt post.

Thankfully, Ian, like most TV members has a sense of humour - is that what you came to Thailand in search of? Good luck with your search.:rolleyes:

Edited by WeeGB
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I believe the situation where one sees older males behaving foolishly is the result of a medical condition called andropause. It's sort of like a man's version of menopause. Basically, the male's level of testosterone falls off. Alot of the bravado and hijinks one sees is a psychological compensation for the lack of oomph the man has. A man with low testosterone levels isn't the same man he once was. (BTW, no smirking, since it isn't just about erectile dysfunction, it's about whether or not a man's testes and adrenals are functioning properly. Years of some sports or types of work can have a serious impact on the endocrine system.)

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geriatrickid is right, at least theoretically. It's simple the first real unconscious awareness of having left the best years of life behind and getting old without any possibility to reverse or halt that. That is not related to success or failure at all, actually.

Sooner or later the mind and body get used to that and that phase disappears.

What can be done? Difficult and absolutly depending of ones own personality. Maybe concentrating and meditation or swimming with sharks?

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I'm pretty sure the old bag at home saying she doesn't want to have sex with you ever again is the main cause.

Men get older but often still want sex, women mainly don't.

So you can't get any back home (well not from anyone young enough for you to actually fancy)

What you gonna do?

Come to Thailand ...... where you still 'very hansom man'

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